Blog: Plant Parenthood Activity
by YourEnchantedGardener

Enchanted Delicacies

written in 1999 or so for CARLA KUFNER

Date:   10/6/2009 11:03:39 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 2275 times

9:02 AM
October 6, 09

Leslie Goldman

Enchanted Delicacies
for Kings and
A Living Food Celebration
All Materials, copryright.
Be in touch if you are interested in using
any of these writings. email above under
Your Enchanted Gardener

© 2009, Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener

Appears to be some poems at the end...


In a world deeply out of step with the natural rhythms of the earth, and the natural rhythms of our own body "Green Food Celebration" is an
important book for these times. In this book, Carla tells her own story.
She describes herself as an addictive personality who has fallen back over and over into old ways of eating and into an excessive lifestyle associated with good times, the sharing of family love. In her homeland of Germany at
holiday timeŃthis means "beer, dumplings,
and pork roast; wine, and goose,and maybe a little salad as an 'excuse!'" Despite her excesses, time and again, she has shown herself that "living foods" have improved her , and brought her back to life, even from a condition as devastating as asthma and bleeding ulcers. Clearly, she communicates that our popular eating habits are giving us disease and need to be changed. We need to experience new ways of enjoying Mother' Nature's delicacies.

In this book, Carla relates her own pain she has felt watching beloved friends and close relatives die prematurely through eating too much "dead" food, as she calls it. The wonderful message of her book is that the more we give our body living green foodsŃand add 10%, 20%, or 50%
more "living foods" each day of every kindŃthe more we will feel alive, and the more we can come back to life!

"Live foods!" she enthusiastically expounds, "are the key to the re-
greening of the planet, and the best fuel in the world for rejuvenating the
cells of our body. 'Live foods' are the original foods for humans. "

What is "Living Food?" What is "Dead" Food?

By "living foods" she means food so alive/ and so garden fresh, it is
still growing on your plate! Freshly-picked fruits and vegetables as fresh as
possible; fresh-growing sprouts of seeds; seeds, grains, and nuts that are
soaked and brought back to life to a state where they begin germinationŃall
these she calls "living foods." "Living foods" for her also include what she
calls, "green power foods." These are fresh grass juices such as wheat grass
juice, and juices of other cereal grasses, and the single cell algae of spirulina
and chlore
lla. She keeps her skin youthful with various green clay masks
made of all these "living" supplements.

These are the foods intended to not only give us life, but bring us back
from feeling like we are half-dead.

What does she mean by "dead" food? She means food that can be
eaten raw but is cooked; flesh foodsŃnon-vegetarian foods; foods that are
alteredŃprocessed, refined, fried, baked in the oven, or foods in other ways
tampered with by modem commercial processes.

To her "dead" food lacks the enzymes that give energy to help us digest
our food. Most people feel dead-tired after eating 'dead' foods because
tremendous energy has to be used to digest any food other than 'living

As she sees it, any food, other than "live food," is foreign matter in the
body. Cooked food is foreign to the body, she explains. This is why many
people feel bloated and tired after eating cooked food. (not to mentio
n, all the
problems that arise from bad food combining).

"The opposite happens when you eat live food." she says. "I feel
unbelievable energy when I eat live foods. I feel strength immediately."

Carla's Way

If Carla has HER way, don't be surprised if beautifully arranged, eye-
appealing fruit salads and raw vegetable food creations increasingly gain
center stage at your favorite local luncheon spot, or served to you by
candlelight at home by the love in your life.

Carla, a trend-setting, high energy live wire at 52, attributes her ageless
beauty and vitality to these foods she loves so much.

A popular European model since the age of 15 when she began touring
the Scandinavian countries- at 21 she was a model in Paris and had 36
seamstresses working for her, carrying out her own designs. After settling
down to start a family at 23, she opened "The Beautiful Lady of Munich"
during the Munich Olympics in 1972. It is
aan exclusive custom design house
that carries on the Bavarian tradition of beautiful Cinderella dresses. The
name of her store was inspired by a painting by the Bavarian King Ludwig.
He was called mad by his people because of his intense love of beauty. King
Ludwig spent the country's assets on art rather than on war.

A bit of the mad king rubs off on Carla, who loves to bring art and
beauty into the lives of people through the foods she prepares and calls
enchanted delicacies.

At the forefront of the international movement to introduce gourmet
raw foods and other powerful greens we can sprout ourselves/ she became an
evangelical spokesperson for wheat grass juice as a health building tonic after
her own bout with asthma, and recovery from asthma in 1981. Since the
early 80's, she has introduced wheat grass, other green foods, and green food
ements to many health food stores throughout Germany.

She first began turning her attention from outer beauty to inner beauty
and good health in 1976, following the death of her mother. Carla left her
marriage to begin a new life for herself in San Diego while still maintaining a
home in Germany.

Her own serious health condition turned around when she met
Viktoras Kulvinskas, a health researcher and proponent of wheat grass juice
therapy, live foods, and bowel cleansing. "He asked me for 21 days to change
my life, and I gave it to him. My asthma completely disappeared, although I
know I could get it back if I returned to my old ways of eating unhealthy
foods." Asthma disappeared in less than three weeks as he promised. It was
like a miracle for her. She had taken cortizone, codine, and countless
variations of medication sprays.

Eat Lots of Food and Still Lose Weight

Anyone, who gazes at some o
f her Enchanted Delicacies will certainly
delight in these magical designs from nature's kitchen, prepared in the
simplest, yet most delightful fashion!

Carla does not believe that better health is a question of doing without
satisfying the palate. Motivated by a deep health conviction, she believes that
losing weight and building the immune system can be done by simply
avoiding the foods that are not healthy and eating more healthy foods that
can feed the eye as well as the tummy. "I'm definitely not into limits, "she
says, "or restrictions when it comes to how much you can eat of good healthy
living foods. "

How is her Green Mission Going?

How is her green mission going? Carla is featured in a book by
Ingeborg Munzing-Rueff, a famous German medical writer, who came to
Carla with skepticism and rejuvenated her own serious liver condition
within 17 days. Munzing-Rueff/ participated in one of Carla's "New You"
Health Vacations, a 14
t day rejuvenation health retreat that she has been
conducting worldwide since 1984.

In September 1990, Carla made a major splash in German papers when
for a week her trend setting "Spa Food" was featured for daily luncheons at
the Hotel Bayerischer Hof, one of the most exclusive five-star hotels in

She also plans to further expose her work in the marketplace through
this new book about her love of live foods and what we can do with these
foods to enhance our love life. She also feels that live foods, tastefully
prepared for kids, can be a wonderful antidote to the "cookie monster."

Dr. Bernard Jensen, the noted author, says "The mission you are on is
very important. You are needed very much. By doing thisŃin working with
this green peaceful, plant life that grows- you will transform mankind. Bless
you on your way."

To maintain her own high energy during he
yr frequent marathon
travels, Carla visited the finest companies that produced green grass juices
and algae supplements in pill and powder form. It was her solution to
solving the problem of airplane food, which she considers the greatest hazard
of flying. She put together her own green powder formulation to maintain
skin youthfulness, and a green combination tablet that she calls "the pot of
gold at the end of the rainbow" because it keeps her own energy high.

This Book Can Help Many People

In this simple book, you will find a gift for yourself, and a gift that
belongs in the hands of all the people you love and respect. Ministers, people
in the helping profession, and anyone longing to free themselves from
addictions will find in these pages a way to break old habits and patterns
through taking a health break, or as she calls it, a "Health Vacation."

In a world th
at now longs to get in touch with the inner child within
us, what better way that to feed the inner child in a way that allows the soul
to fully come alive!

What better way to stay connected to the earth than partaking of the
green angel chlorophyll. Chlorophyll runs through the veins of every plant.,
Its health-building influences belong in our body. Chlorophyll is like the
blood of the plant. Hemoglobin gives human blood the color red through its
iron content. The plant blood has the color green because of the magnesium.

There is little middle ground to the way Carla sees food. Food is either
"living" or "dead" in her eyes. She is living in a world that no longer wishes
to compromise optimal health. She-has a goal of no more than 20% cooked
food for her own body, and for those times she indulges in other foods, she
remembers and celebrates the "living foods" as much as possible, and hopes
you will too. She urges that peo
ple take what they can of the bounty of truths
she presents, and her experience, and the experience of others, that the body
can rejuvenate through following natural methods. Her wish is that
everyone moves as best they can, toward more and more life for themselves,
and an understanding of how these natural methods can be a part of your life.

The World Needs a Green Splash!

As a poet who has spent the majority of my adult life encumbered by
arthritis, but who has felt improvement from the natural path for more than
20 years, I, in behalf of many people who have felt limited and crippled, urge
Carla on in her green mission! In a world where vast budgets are targeted
toward selling and promoting foods that aren't good for people,
refreshing to have Carla standing up for the chlorophyll-rich grasses of the
field, and other untampered foods.

As a visionary, I write about the Enchanted Garden-a name for a new
healthy earth that we can grow ourselves, an earth that once again resembles
Eden. The Enchanted Garden can only begin close to home, extending beauty
one plant at a time. Very much we need to have a conscious relationship to
the plants we grow, and the foods we eat. The more original foodsŃGarden of
Eden foodsŃwe include in our daily life, the more we can bring a
harmonious life into life now.

For Carla her next excitement will be preparing a beautiful meal for her
ever-expanding family of friends. Eating more "live foods" all
ows us to
more fully celebrate God's creation, and nature's design for usŃa happier,
heathier life filled with vitality.

"It shouldn't be a fad or a fashion to eat living foods. This is the way
to eat that God has created for us. He knows best. He knows what is necessary
for the body. Whatever we alter can only take away life. Death begets death,
and life begets life. As soon as we kill the foods with fireŃthe fire of cooking
and heatingŃ then we kill the life force and the enzymes, the real force in
food that gives us life." For Carla, "living foods" will always be in.

Leslie Goldman

Enchanted Delicacies
for Kings and Vagabonds

copywrite: Ō99
Sensuous FOODS RIPE Women
A Celebration
cof LIFE through Eating
Carla Kufner and Leslie Goldman

Sensuaous Foods RIPE WOMEN

Intentions and 22

Chapter #: Mood altering substances..
life today.. Page #

What I Did for

Oh Mother Earth
hold me like my Lover holds me.
Surround me with unthinking
presence and softness.
Allow me to honor the love she has shared,
through fully receiving
back from her who I gave out.
Let me again wed you this new season
as I would a woman.
Let me couple with you, oh divine mother.
Let me find in your soft soil the same loving
frequency of presence
I have found in human touch.
Welcome me home. Thank you for this warm
day and nap in your sunshine.

2:38 PM
February 18, 1999


(Force of Nature, Wm Aura and 3rd Force, Track 11

Thanks for coming home,
I nea
r burned out three lightbulbs in my brain
yesterday not knowing where you were
and where I was in relationship to you.
CouldnÕt you just take a moment to clue me in
before you make EXITS like this
that START kicking out all these feelings stuck
in the body of my past that are letting go,
or is THIS your SOUL plan for renewing me?

I was starting to go nuts.
Whose suppose to eat all the foods I bought for you
at the FarmerÕs Market?
I just couldnÕt help myself. I had to buy them.
Whose suppose to eat the Empress dates fresh picked,
soft and gooey, or the honey dates I bought for your breakfast
before you ever get out of bed before noon?

What am I suppose to do with these guavas
especially the ones from Thailand?
A whole tree grew just to make love to you
in a way no one every did before;
WhatÕs to become of these pear- like fruits
that are so delicous?
When you cut them open they reveal
g rich seeds in a bed surrounded by a light round yellow cluster.
Then there's pinkish tissue with a tinge of lavender
-like turn on,
it is so beautiful! A birth canal leads from the core
to the upper rim, and out of this is the stem .

And when you turn in upside down,
it looks like the shape of a heart. Get the picture?
What fragrance. It is filling my bedroom.
Whose suppose to enhale it, and moan?
These fruits are yours. IÕm canÕt eat them.
IÕll let it rot first, and put it in the pile.
Can you feel me and nature crying, because I AM.

What of these MacadamiaÕs--
I got a little snack PAK, California grown, just a buck,
I bought them from a nice lady who gives samples.
Have you bit into a fresh Macadamia lately?
They're real cruchy, local grown, the only
food fit for a lover, my FARMERÕs DAUGHTER in training.

And what of these baby tan
two of them, hanging from a stem,
two balls with a little leaf in the middle;
OR this blood orange, magestic hues
of soft orange melting into reds
that remind me of your passion?

And what of the dragon food Steve gave me,
the affordable CheramoyaÕs that were too ripe
to sell. They are sweet pudding--white and creamy--
with black seeds inset. Simple Divine!
This has got to be a master artist's creation
who knew what HE was doing.
Just cut one open to peak at its female essence.
The smell just knocked me over, itÕs out of this world,
and somehow in the world.
Barry sells them at $2.59 a lb. They are dragon food to me.

I donÕt know what to do with myself, damn it.
My mind is totally planted with feeding you.
All kinds of seeds are growing in the delight of my head
that you planted in me through your love.
The garden outside is fallow,
waiting for you to smile on it, as I stick something in the ground.

While you were away, I was starting to get scared.
I wondered toward the end, did I trust wro
ng in loving you so much? AND what in life can still excite me as much as you?

I donÕt mind eating if IÕm preparing for you.
When you arenÕt here, I eat on the run--
just like you do. And how do I learn again how to feed myself
when feeding you opens my heart so wide
and brings out the love inside I am compelled to feel?

And what of this avocado? Its very hard
and will be for ten days or more
if I hold it right. Are you coming to feed,
am I coming UP to FEED you?

February 16, 1999
6:30 AM--8:55 AM

In a message dated 2/16/99
6:54:19 PM, MoriYAH wrote:

leslie, i read your poem.
Buy food for yourself.
Feed yourself.
You can't expect others to treat you
better than you treat yourself.
I know you are crazy about this woman.
I totally understand the obsession
and I feel your pain.
Know this is a reflection
of what you need to do for

Thank you beloved,
Don't you THINK I KNOW this?
Don't you kno
w I'm a writer,
and GOD always comes
through in the end?
Isn't that the punchline,

I had a reading with Kevin Ryerson,
my old friend who was written up
in Shirley Maclaine's BOOK
"Out on a Limb"

HE said Leslie,
I could have taken all the teachings
of the Essenes that we did years ago
and made them into a book, but who needs another BIBLE or KORAN?
It's the personal story.
It's in the storytelling.
What cares to preach to the choir?
It's about finding God in New Places.

or MoriYAH, YES it does hurt,
but is it all for ME?

And I am about to Finally speak to HER
in about 15 minutes after
not getting through for six days,
and she will probably chew my ass off
for all the emails I wrote
when she was out of town.

I imagine any change
that is coming is already something
I have written about while she was gone,
and damn it, I am writer,
and probably the only thing
I will get out of this are Best Sellers,
and a new body,
and a new life,
and a
best friend I will have forever,
and a family member
I can love forever,
and a lover from time to time,
and who knows what else
can come of this LOVE
between me and Braingems,
AND Bottomline ...She is an inspiration...
helping me bridge to a new level of success
through coming out....
She consistency returns
to hold my hand and say loving
things no matter what...
and she continues to capture
my imagination and has me
bringingthe best out of me
as I cross over to the unknown place...

..and maybe someday
there might be a different pattern--
a SOUL pattern--
forever expressing through me
-- but for now--Gee, MoriYAH--
this is what is and
I am making the MOST of it,
and it's o.k. if you feel my pain,
because you also felt my pleasure...
and its o.k if you don't take it in,
I deeply appreciate your friendship,
and of course,
I'll be lighting a candle for you tonight
when you take on your new NAME
in ceremony, because you
asked this of me.
When all is said and d
is there anything besides LOVE?



wow!!! What a culinary poem!
DonÕt despair They learn
whatÕs right--
then, they come home.

Bianca Molinari, February 16, 1999

Every woman deserves to be loved by you,
and have poetry written to them like that!

--Judy Levy,
founder, Pleasure Parties,
and the Love Boutique, Los Angeles
February 18, 1999

YOUR Awesome, what can I say.
Your say of expressing is so exquisitely poetic.
and expressive, and I love the descriptions with the food.
They make me feel so erotic. ItÕs wonderful.
So tell me the story? Is she gone or is she back?

Leslie: It really doesnÕt matter, if she is gone,
or she is back. She is my creative partner.
Where is she going to go?
ItÕs all part of the game.
On the Soul leve, she knows what she is doing.
The latest thing is,
whose back in the picture is this friend of mine,
Carla Kufner...
whose been pressing me to finish this book
for about four or five years.
ŅSensuous FOODS Ripe
contains some of the poetry
from When I TOuch YOU,
My book with Braingems at the leading edge
of relationship work,
and some philosophy from Plant Your Dream,
all about the power and passion
that comes from helping mother earth thrive
through living out deepest SEED DREAMS.
This book is intended to be filled
with sensual photos of women
and food, combined with ecstatic and erotic
poems and the fire of feelings coming
into emotional intelligence.

This book is a collaborative achievement
aimed at GROWING the ENCHANTED GARDEN in our lives.

This BOOK invites
each of us to live our our deepest SOUL pattern,
and fill our life with pleasure, and passion.
Pain is always with us, so we might as well enjoy the RIDE.


February 18, 1999
started writing: 8:03 PM February 18, 1999

Hey bitch, were outta here.
Throw your black bras and some panties
in a traveling bag. Get your credit card,
the one with GodÕ
s name on it and mine.
Grab your makeup. LetÕs get going.
Thanks for knowing the rules of the game.

Thanks for making sure you donÕt give up your
breasts to the surgeons table because
you know when YES means YES
and NO, NO. Thanks for all the YESÕs and the NOÕs.
Thanks for telling me where to go,
and when you need time alone before
you have to scream. Thanks for always returning
to Love. IT matters.

Thanks for caring about you.
Thanks for eating good, and knowing how.
Thanks for knowing your head
from a hole in the ground, and knowing when to use both.

Thanks for knowing how to eat when you bleed.
What to eat when you want to dance all night
and not mess with your YEAST.
Thanks for learning how to mood alter
with the FOOD mother made for you,
and what foods make you DREAM.
,ks for taking a bath before IÕm heading over
Thanks for sometimes not taking a bath
so you smell like you.

Thanks for knowing what is wheat
and what is chaff, what is meant
to be composted released in tears, or just let go.
Thanks for not buying into all my garbage.
Thanks for knowing what in your own mind
is garbage and what tp take in
to clear up your divine madness.
Thanks for coming for the ride.

ŅLeslie Goldman is definitely
NOT preaching to the choir!Ó
Bernard Jensen,
natural healing
arts movement


I sense the entire universe conspires to slow you down.
GOD and High tech are getting together
to crash every computer that counts in the world just to get you to take pause
and give you time to self reflect when the lights go

It is high tech arrogance to imagine you can keep up your human race
night and day without being STOPPED.
Living in the moment has got to mean letting some moments go,
and allowing answering machines to function.
You canÕt LIVE every moment, even if you came from New York.
LIFE simply loves you too much, to let you work the way you do,
and so do I.

The entire fate of humanity is in your hands.
Take a break. Self Reflect. Clean up a couple messes.
Go through a few of the BOXES you keep threatening to approach
in your office. If you stop and breathe and rest,
if you go to sleep before midnight, just once in your life
and wake up to discover that fog at dawn,
IF you stop plowing through life with Coffee,
and making sweets the sweetness of life fully lived,
if you KEEP supporting that it is natural to rest naked in the garden
and eat the fresh greens that turn yo
ru on so much,
a WHOLE LOT lot of PEOPLE in the world are going to experience
Business as USUAL when the clock strikes at midnight of the year 2000.

Please keep moaning.
Keep giving yourself strokes and taking pleasure.
Keep taking long womanly baths, and looking at your body in the mirror.
Take a couple more naps once in a while. Relax.
The FATE of the GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT is at your fingertips.


Joe the Farmer needs you. He wants you.
He asks you to create a run on the market
for the potato growers of the world.
The entire economy of farmers depends on you.
Sensuous pleasure. The word came to life through your lips.
Moans? You invented the meaning of the word for all women and men.
Teaching woman how to touch themselves?
Touch your self more and thanks for teaching your sisters
about the natural TOYS nature had in mind.

Leslie Goldman

© Leslie Goldman, '93,
C/0 Enchanted Garden-USA, 6008 Arosa St.,
San Diego, CA 92115- 619-5


ItÕs a pleasure for me to write of these thin
3gs because
I never knew them until I met you, not like this.
The thought of you asking me to withdraw physical touch
around you, from us--it is possible, and it is madness.
Remember me? IÕm your moan man.
What kind of dance steps are you asking of me,
and why? What are you trying on NOW,
and I wonder if it isnÕt me making this all up
out of my own co-creative insanity, running with a few
words out of your capacity to be in the moment.

I wonder if I will ever live in anything but self-inflicted drama
simple to find a way back to GOD when all is said and done.
Lucky I am a writer. At least my life is a good story.
I will certainly sell a lot of BOOKS.
Right now, IÕd settle for the touch of skin, the smell of your hair
and body. IÕd give up words to feel your hands AND heart on me.
I want my body back.
I want to feel your body.
I canÕt say where we are going with this.
I make too much of what you say and do.
ThatÕs is why I am a fool in love. Life is short. Eternity is long.
Truly I have got to make the most of NOW.
You teach me to release and take on new patterns,
passion, pleasure. I am up for this kind of dance.
There simple has to be more of you in my life,
and what you do to me.
I have to accept I created you, and can create more of you,
even if that means creating what I created in you in other women.
I dislike the idea of not touching you.
I hope you really, really get that.
pLease donÕt make me go shopping for a new spring lover.
we have only touched skin--scratched the surface of this passion.
There are more worlds to be discovered between us.
6:14-6:58 AM
February 14, 1999

Spring Lover:
A ValentineÕs Day Offering


Take Respite, my love.
Enter the pass through the river of
your being. Take respite
as we share these Valentine thoughts.
This is my loving message to you.

I am beginning my spiritual preparation
for the next woman I will touch.
Her body may be yours. I would like that.
I cannot say. I ask if we will be touching again.
You say, leave it to fate. I leave it to fate.
When I Touch YOU,
I need to let you know what it is for me,
what it is for me to touch a woman
as deeply as I touch you.
Words like ŅattachedÓ and Ņbe unattachedÓ
donÕt compute When I Touch YOU.

They belong to some other world,
maybe a Buddhist place.
Buddhists donÕt even speak of GOD as GOD.
For me, GOD is LOVE. You
are THAT.

When I Touch You I completely touch you.
I take you in.
My fingers donÕt stop at the surface.
I go through the veils, through the folds.
I touch you as I touch my self
had I no limits, no boundaries, no restrictions.

When I Touch YOU, I am fully in my touch.
You are my female essence.
When I love you free, I hold it that
wherever you turn is an expression
of my pleasure. I can love you free
because in doing so, I am loving my self free.
I free my soul as I accept you as you are.

When I Touch You,
I KNOW your pleasure and pain.
Your moan is my own.
your release, my releasing.

I validate, receive, feel
in your moan. I affirm,
and I consummate.
I share whole being and we both share in this.

In the exquisite moment of the morning hour,
you are sti
ll sleeping. You are merely half awake,
and awake to other worlds.
I know the pleasure of touching you.
The heat of your body takes me to other worlds
and you are there.
My hands do not stop in your body.
The comfort is enough to take me to my soul.
I cannot write fast enough. My fingers fly.
Together we are seeking and finding
GOD in new places.


ŅOh how beautiful you are, my love,
behold you are beautiful!Ó
Be with your self. Be with me
as I speak these words.
Once on a Holy Shabbat night,
the night I wept to free myself of my father
wound in deep presence, and you to free yourself
of mothering you had given so lovingly,
but had not fully been seen,
on that night we both released our tears.
That night we rested in each other eyes,
and hearts, and recei
and the entire world shifted.
I heard a Rebbe speak of this,
the hour by hour entry into the holiest of
altered spaces. I had never experienced
it before with a Shabbat bride.

And so this Shabbat,
you will be with another,
and this too will be my joy as well as my
sadness. You are so in the moment
nothing else will exist for you.
He will be your Valentine prayer
Thoughts of me will not enter your mind
and your space. It is the greatness of you
that you can be so present. It is this very
gift that allows me room to live
in your heart
if you but desire it.


I relish the idea of my happy woman
fulfilling her dreams.
I love the dream of love long lost fulfilled.
I relish the thought that in loving you,
you have regained what you truly wanted.
yet I, too, if I am to be in your life
are here to be esteemed,
regarded, and uplifted. I know you do this.
For me this also includes being TOUCHED,
and deep eye contact.
The intensity of the affection I feel for you,
my inspiration, asks to be met with the
expression of a womanÕs affection. It is not a question of how much, or when, but merely a continued joyous willingness to express the same.
I am not here for unrequited love.

I have second thoughts
about your picture on my desk.
It represents too many rich
and endearing feelings
I cannot allow them to be lessened.
I refuse to feel less.
I would not, nor could I hurt you
for anything in the world;
and yet I am not sure how it serves
the world for this Enchanted Gardener
to have a platonic relationship
with his pr
imary inspiration.
My feelings have not all surfaced,
nor yours around this.
it is not clear the role I am being asked
to play in my own mind, nor yours.
For certain God never intended
me to be a second class participant
in the life of a married man
simply courting his renewed bride,
or a renewed bride who has reawakened
love for a husband near lost.

I do not know if withdrawing
your affection from me is our fate,
or what is to be between us.
I merely know my own feelings now.
Quality companionship with you without
touch may be more than I want to endure.
Perhaps my assignment here is over
Perhaps the purpose has been served.
Perhaps, I have one more time
expressed my enchantment.
Perhaps you have been given back
what you always wanted.


Who AM I I wonder.
I wonder abo
%ut my spaciousness
and my limits.
Romance, I am the meaning
of the word itself.
I invented the word.
My life defines its meaning.
I am an enchanted gardener
in the world.

My foreplay includes the common scents
of the earth. I awaken you
to the primeval forces within you.
I am here to take you back to EDEN.
I am here to take you into
the Enchanted Garden
where your dreams
are fully wet and alive.

I intend there be more peace
in the world when I touch you.
Every time I touch you
there is more peace in the world.
When I Touch you,
when I touch a woman,
I intend that streams flow.
I intent that mountains move.
I intend the sky opens to water the earth
as you open. I intend to release a full
woman into the world in all her diamond glory.
I cannot love for less.
I will not love for l
The joy in your face I breathe in and it
stands in my life for this. it is this I touch.


I am preparing for Spring at home now,
at home where I sleep and breathe.
I am in the midst
of restoring a great order
in the world beginning where I am.
I am creating a nesting place in my bedroom
a simpler place,
with freshly painted walls,
and simple sensuous meaning.
I am cleaning the windows of perception
with a little alcohol and newspaper.
There will be much green seen
felt, and touched, and warm sun
and daylight to melt bodies.
I have set the bed frame.
A womanÕs body is going
to rest here and be nurtured here.
I invite her to use the Bath tub, and
prepare her self to be touched by
taking time here
for her self first.


Oh December Lover,
you have merely seen
the winter of me.
I am a spring bud,
and you
a a spring flower.
Do you imagine you have known
the fullness of our lovemaking?
Do you imagine the new found
extended pleasure we discovered
together is merely the end of what
can be between us?
Do you imagine you have seen the end or limits
of sensitive touch between us?
You have merely touched
an enchanted gardener
in his off-season.

The garden has not yet begun to melt in green.
My sap is yet underground for I am yet in winter,
as the trees. Winter is ready making time,
foreplay in a world that desperately
invites more pleasure than we have known as
possible. Few take up the offering.
Few have time to fully feel,
or own what we feel.
I, and my lover, must be that.
You and I are that.
We have set the stage for a new openness.

Oh that the world might be sustained
in such openness, whenever lovers
choose to love.
The earth
hcannot continue
to bury what
people feel underground.
Do we imagine our earth
can continue to contain the feelings
we will not own as our own?

For what purpose was love created
but to penetrate the depths of each of us,
to release what lies buried.
The earth asks for more pleasure from us.
She asks we unearth our limits
for what is possible.


And so I find myself
composing an application

The position calls for a woman to enjoy
my touch as I lie beside her body. Capacity
to moan a prerequisite for mutual satisfaction.
Please, direct my touch. Feel free to enjoy
your own touch in my presence.
Bring a hungry heart. Let me fill it with love.
Teach me to touch you as you like to touch your self.

Be surprised at the results of letting go.
THE POSITION calls for a woman
`o RISE above my body and her body.

The position asks taking time to see
through each otherÕs eyes.
The position calls for a woman to come out
and play and laugh, and delight, and look at me,
and realize she is truly being seen.

The position calls out for a woman to explore
her feelings deep enough to find comfort,
and know when to say yes and no.
Woman, you have it in you to
direct me through your zones of comfort
with elegance.
All positions are welcome.
I am open to explore, and learn.

I do not desire a full time lover,
I desire to be that for me.
I am not asking that
I be her only lover.
She is that for her.
I am not asking that I be
the only expression of her
love in the world. I am asking merely
that she allow me to hold
her seed dream as my own
as she comes out, and as I come out.
I am asking for a woman
to say YES, YES,
Xd appreciate to the DEPTH
of her Being what is being offered.
The position calls for a woman who will travel,
if need be around the world
to receive what is being offered.
Please, come and be present
and be HERE.
Co-create the necessary and vital
space and time to REACH the
HEIGHTS and DEPTHS that owning

Come and be a WOMAN,
for LIFE has imagined YOU
to do the dance that is LIFE.


My Spring Lover.
I do not see your face.
I do not know your name.
I feel your presence.
I love you as I love a flower.
I caress the finished rose
though its lips be merely half awake.
I am out to see the petals fully open.
I am rose food.
come and feed.
Bring your tears,
cry until there are no more tears.
Be heard. Be here.
Turn down the warm sheets for this.
Let me be with you.
Turn your dreams t
Mo oceans of joy.
I feel you coming. I am here for you.

February 12. 1999; all day to 2:54 PM

What I did for Love

IÕm in the middle of finances,
or finishing it up,
and all of a sudden in the silence of no music
I feeling a shock I never realized--
oh what I have done for love.

To imagine I have turned myself into a pretzel
and adapted to philosophies I thought fit
only to find myself in torment.

I still havenÕt got that night out of my system,
when I sleep in the other room, and he was with you
and you never came to touch me or see how I was.

I understand, we were there for you.
and you had both of us,
but it hurts, and it doesnÕt seem fair.

He said I should listen to him,
because he was the husband,
and you have him priority because he was,
but to me you are, were the love of my life
and I do not remember being trea
Ated so well.

I came because you needed me--
and for a moment I was your main man,
but that weekend I wasnÕt.

I helped birth your dream--
and on the Saturday of the workshop
I was empty--totally unfed
and then you asked me to leave and he stayed
for the weekend.

How did I do that to me?
It hurts and I;m weeping from out of nowhere.
I had no idea is was still in me,
so much hurt.

And now, youÕre really too busy to talk to.
My most attentive friend, my lover, my sweetheart,
where are you?

We cried together. We laughted together.
We bonded so close. I heard your every word.
You thanked me for helping to bring you two closer,
and now I have lost my touch.
and I am afraid to even ask--if youÕll hold me again.
And could you please say, ŅTap, step, Tap step,
walk, walk,Ó because I miss my friend.
8:55 PM
February 18, 1999


There is something you need to know about me.
I was born for this moment.
My strength, beyond anything, I have seen, is showing up now.
I was born to go through chaos.
The tougher times get,
the more my SOUL pours through.
At times I feel overcome.
I have known myself to say ŅWhat For?Ó
I have succumbed to my fears.
I know what is it to feel desperate.
I know what it is to be overwhelmed.
I know what it is to make serious errors in judgement,
and to CRAM so much experience into LIFE
that LIFE rebels and gives me a TAB that asks I slow down
and self Reflect.

AND, with all this SAID, you need to KNOW I am a FRIEND,
and I DO NOT WORK alone, and I always RISE.
I am not in the WORLD for any of MY FRIENDS to FALL.
AND NO one I care about is every going hungry.

2ND you can YELL at ME. YOU can be ANGRY at me,
YOU can set BOUNDARIES around me,

I am a FAMILY MAN. YOU are in my FAMILY.
At the 12th HOUR, when all is said and DONE
you will be O.K. GOD is with you
and at your side, and you have HIS ENCHANTED GARDENER
in your LIFE.


(Force of Nature Track # 7:05 AM
February 17, 1999

I am not sure you realize I OWE you.
I am not sure you know what you have GIVEN ME.
I do not take you for granted.
I wish I could buy you for a month for you to just do your life
as you would if you had leisure. What if you you accepted that way
now, even while you go into ACTION.

IF I had $2000.00 bucks IÕd right you a check right now,
just so you knew that being YOU, the PLEASURABLE you,
is one of the greatest gifts you bring to life and to me.

SURE, you have things to do, be, and learn,
who doesnÕt? I am infinite trust you will learn
what is in front of your face. You are smart.

Everything you need to know about ŅWHATÕs NEXT?Ó
is right in front of you, as you find the courage,
stamina, and will power to DEAL with it.
I trust you ARE.

A day is coming when I will be able to write you the check
I owe you now.

Keep trusting. Keep doing your best. Take a breathe
and realize you are a dancer.

The cost is too great to lose that.
Being RESPONSIBLE means being YOU.

You are surrounded with LOVE right now.
I know that for a FACT, because I for ONE,
am sending it your WAY.

And could you please say, ŅTap, step, Tap step,
walk, walk,Ó because I miss my friend.

your poem here...


Oh LIFE, show we now something
youÕve got as good as the pleasure of
being in m
y LoverÕs arms.
Oh LIFE, oh my!

Show me truth, not fantasy.
Show me something that helps me go
beyond Ņwhat for?Ó back to
ŅwhatÕs NEXT?Ó

Comfort me with filling my mind with
something GOOD, really, really GOOD.


Calls and promotional ideas:




LETTERS and emails related to
this book

February 16,
7:19 AM

To: Carla Kufner, Green Angel PRODUCTIONS
Co-author of LIVE FOOD CELEBRATION with yours TRULY


CC. MS Braingems
Ms DALYJOY, co-creators of Sensuality workshops for women

(954) 735-4398 fax
(954) 735-4398, home

Here is a poem that is going into my book WHEN I TOUCH YOU that can also go in the BOOK we are writing, LIVE FOOD CELEBRATION. You can thank, of course, the DIAMOND MIND, who jerks the finest work out of me. She really KNOWS what the HELL she is DOING in all the crazy making I get into that are part of this outrageous moneymaking, ŅSoap OperaÓ saga, as another wise one calls it. Personally, I donÕt give a damn what you call it, as long as it
promotes growth, and can get us across into receiving the NATURAL WEALTH that is COMING TO US.
Jwe are going to put out a new book on LIVE FOOD, it MUST be NEW, Carla. I am not going to put out the same old scientific shit about why people ought to eat well, or get excited about wheat grass up the butt.
Your talent Carla is preparing food that is a TURN ON, that fills the plate and excites the eyeballs with delight. We are a TEAM, your FOOD PREP and my WORDS.

This is a SAMPLE of the kind of words I see in the BOOK...lots of photos, very sensual, and your food pictures. This book demographically, to borrow a phrase from my INSPIRATION, MS Braingems, is for the WOMANÕs market, the women who are into sensual pleasures and staying young. This book is for the LOVER who wants to turn his turn on, on. This book is filled with TANTRA, excitement, the fullness of the garden in all its AROUSAL. This is a book to help JOE th
te Farmer, and is a personification of my teaching that NOT KNOWING WHOSE GROWING YOUR FOOD IS LIKE BEING INTIMATE WITH A STRANGER.

I THINK we have a winner here, a book filled with sparks, and fire, and passion, and pleasure, and soul patterns of what nature is asking from us now. If you want to write this book, I am open.

I will go to Jamaica with you to eat the wild coconuts ONLY if we-- MS Braingem consents to be the MODEL in the JUNGLE of DELIGHTS, stay in the penthouse-- and eat the NONI fruit from the BUSH. REMEMBER those photos who took of the woman with green masks and clay over her body, CARLA? That is the kind of photos I want in this book.
MS. BRAINGEMS is a total turn on. She is my candidate as the poster girl for JOE the FARMER. There is REAL POWER HERE. I AM not going backward. The world does not need one more book where we copy someoneÕs
elseÕs DATA on green foods, or live foods. I got my own data that will sell this book. MS. BRAINGEM is sucking it out.

I need a new camera, and I want a laptop MAC with the
kind of program that you can speak into the computer and it types.

I went to the National Health Federation annual convention about a month ago, Carla. I got sick and bored in less than 30 minutes looking at all the pill sellers. I ran to the phone and called sweatheart, who gave me a half hour of good communication that puts the whole food industry to shame. Health is not here anymore in the pills. Sure we need to know what supplements we need to balance out all the coffee and staying up all night, but the cutting edge of health is in releasing the stuck feelings in the body, and creating more living room through movement, and passion, and pleasure. Pain is always going to be with us, so we might as well enjoy the RIDE.
The body
pores are stuck with withheld feelings. The pills and stuff and all the natural things are good to get things moving out,
but, it is deep communication, openness, and honesty, and self
expression that provide the motivation for doing the WORK that is needed. When the pores are spiritually clean, the SOUL shines through. That is my teaching. I have been learning this through getting my masterÕs degree in female relations, as I COPE with LIFE in West HOLLYWOOD and BEYOND. MS Braingems can turn the whole dance movement on to better eating because she is part of it. She has a concern for staying young, and being vain. I think a woman needs to be VAIN. She needs GOD foods to support her VANITY, and this is what we are going to give their bodies as they look in the mirror naked at their lives and how they love.

I raised $300.00 toward the Natural WHOLE FOODS EXPO Tab from one of my sponsors in Canada, yesterday. The room is booked from
the ninth of March a TUESDAY THROUGH THE 14th. We have it until MONDAY morning. There are two rooms. I NEED you there to help prep the foods and pick up sponsors. There is an outrageous party on Saturday night. I am inviting MS. Braingems to be with us for part of the conference, as her busy schedule allows. She is out to promote a couple things herself, including an electronic networking program that some of these companies can use.

GET the HOTEL in Jamaica to pick up the tab. We can sell your first SPA CUISINE retreat out of the business we pick up...ALL the organic farmers are at this outing. I need you, Carla, to make sure you know how to use all the organic culinary herbs that my sponsors the Rodriguez family grows. I am ignorant how to use them, except sticking them in front of MS BRAINGEMS to elicit moans. And I would like you to TURN me on to some new ideas for turning her on...she really is OPEN to the good food.

When you come out in Marc
h, Carla, we can schedule a meeting with Dalyjoy and Braingems. I would like their input on this book, and how they see it being an adjunct to their delightful leading edge work with women.


february 25, 1999
call with Carla...

Carla Kufner
Green Food Celebration
Leslie Goldman

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