Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Words to live by...

Most people today do not even know what right and wrong are....

Date:   2/4/2009 3:55:00 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1993 times



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  Here is something to consider on your walk in life: 

 Two parts;   
 the first is something we all should try and do in this life,    
 the second is the exact creed of the Templars Order,  which  has some merit and offers some guidance...
  1) A Knight's Creed

Your out look and conditions of conduct will always decide your interaction with others in life!!

Date:   12/16/2007 14:43:58 

A knight was to be a Champion of all in need:  Women, Children, plus most of all to the helpless and the poor...   Thus they were to live by this simple yet powerful creed;

A Knight should:

Protect the innocent, the defenseless and the helpless poor.

Learn to Trust in God's Will for all things !

Always be truthful in all things; even if it means your death to do so!

It is so sad that we can not even try to live by anything like this today!!

If we did live by these: Powerful and meaningful words!!

 Just maybe some of the lives of those around us would be improved!! 

   2)  I have happily accepted the honor of being a Kind Knight and will gladly go forth sending prayers, wishes, hopes, dreams, friendship, and kindness to children in need.

On my heart's honor I pledge that I will do all I can to forward the cries of children in need, there is a duty to be done and I say "aye". There is a reason here for a

reason above, my honor is to try and my duty is to love. I have tucked away a wish and a prayer or two along with a few hopes and some dreams and I generously will

spread them to all in need. My fight is for Kindness, compassion, and caring and with the Sword of Truth, sharpened by Gods Holy hands, and tempered with faith,

I shale prevail. My hands shall be out stretched to all children, not to take but to offer all I have to give. I commit myself to this creed as if it was the will of God the

Father and will act up on it daily. I shall be a friend, and if you need a friend then I will come and there`s many more from where I hale.
A Knight is loyal to his King. His word is pure gold. He helps the poor and defends the weak. A Knights heart knows only kindness. He is Loyal to his God. Behavior in battle exemplifies his bravery. His mind is pure with truth.

1. Thou shall follow the dictates of moral conscience.

2. Thou shall be willing to defend your values.

3. Thou shall have respect and pity for all weakness and steadfastness in defending them.

4. Thou shall love thy country.

5. Thou shall refuse to retreat before the enemy.

6. Thou shall wage unceasing and merciless war against the infidel.

7. Thou shall obey the orders of those appointed above you, as long as those orders do not conflict with what you know to be just.

8. Thou shall show loyalty to truth and to your pledged word.

9. Thou shall be generous and giving of ones self.

10.Thou shall be champion of the right and good at all times, and at all times oppose the forces of evil.
Willing and Valiant.

Inclina aurem cordis tui
Listen with the ear of your heart

  " Just maybe we all could learn something from these fine words of moral standing..."  a True-ism




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