Bad things do happen to good people!
We can not control much of anything in this world, so it is better to learn to make certain mental adjustments!
Date: 11/25/2008 7:35:34 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2420 times
From my web site...
Dear friend:
We all have things in our life that cause us pain and memories that come back to haunt us... Any number of traumatic events in your life can leave you holding on to a lot of emotional baggage! Depending on what happened or the circumstances of the traumatic event; certain things will trigger or bring up anger, hatred, fear or even righteous indignation... These responses are a reflection of emotional wounds from your past!! We call the residual effects of your past traumas, the Primary Emotions! The exact intensity of your primary emotions is directly connected to the events of your past.. The more traumatic the events the more intense your primary emotions!
" Many primary emotions lie dormant within your mind With little effect on your everyday life until something triggers them!" a True-ism
The problem is that you can not just isolate yourself from everything that may set off a negative emotional response! Mainly because most times some things in your past are unresolved! Then present day events can trigger what would be classified as Primary Emotions...
We all have some hurtful, traumatic experiences in our past, which have left scars emotionally... Many times the emotional trigger is there just waiting to be set off... It can be a word, sound, name or even a smell, that reminds you of some long ago traumatic event that brings the primary emotion forward! The best way to control this out break is Mental Management...
Many people try to avoid any primary emotions by ignoring or not addressing any root causes for the triggered reactions... Since you have no control over the your past; it does not help to feel guilty, about something you can not control! Here is where mental evaluation comes in to produce a Secondary Emotion; which is a combination of both the past and present! Now we are getting some where! HUH!
Mental Management is not developing a system of denial or using other messages that just cover your past! See your past in light of who you really are! Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all the Truth! Because this is how GOD intends for you to resolve past experiences; in two ways.
First, you need to understand that you were never just a product of your past, no one ever is... Many people tend to become bogged down in their past and never get to the point where GOD intended them to be! Remember your primary emotions are rooted in the lies that we believe that we are not free from any past occurances... The intensity of the primary emotion was established by how you perceived it when it occurred! Seek the Holy Spirit in your life to set you free through the revelation of the Truth...
Even thought many believers think that they are not effected by these emotions; they are! No one is immune from their past; so we must learn Mind Management!
The second step is to resolve past emotional events; through forgiveness! What is forgiveness you may ask, and why should you need it? This is the key to mental management; learning to clear you past!
Here are some things forgiveness is not: It is not forgetting, it is not revenge or getting even, it does not mean that you should tolerate sin, lies or any destructive manipulation! Plus it does not absolve others who have caused injury or any crime from the justice due them!
Twelve steps toward forgiveness: Because forgiveness is required by GOD and is necessary to avoid entrapment by the world systems; including those of Satan! From: "Victory over the Darkness" by Dr. Neil Anderson; Regal Books, Ventura, CA
1) As The Holy Spirit to reveal to your mind those people you need to forgive!
2) Acknowledge the hurt and hate. This is necessary for you to move forward!
3) Come to understand the great forgiveness of Christ on the cross. ( He took upon himself all the sins of the entire existence of mankind) Remember all forgiveness is a substitution as was Christ's forgiveness for us all!
4) Decide that you will not retaliate in the future against those who have caused you emotional pain. It may not be fair; because it is forgiveness!
5) Decide to forgive; then there be a freeing of yourself from the past events.
6) Make a list of those who have offended you in the past, now take this list name by name to God in prayer... Seek to resolve your feeling about each person to the point that you can truthfully forgive their trespasses!
7) Now destroy the list; so that you may be made free! Then you can step forward out of the darkness that has held you captive with these emotions!
8) Do not expect the people that you have forgiven to change over night. Instead pray for them that they may come to a point of forgiveness in their lives also.
9) Try to understand the people you have forgiven; but don't rationalize their behavior. They may well continue to give you grief!
10) Expect positive results of your forgiveness. In time you will be able to think about the people you have forgiven with out triggering any primary emotions!
11) Thank GOD for the lesson you have learned along with the maturity you have gained in this process.
12) Be sure to accept any part you may have had in the blame or causes of the offenses you suffered. Because few if any of us are spotless!
Confess your failures to GOD and to any others who may hold something against you for past grievances or pain!
Here is where you have to just let go and accept the will of GOD in your life! You may well get a second touch from GOD to then resolve that you should now not willfully tolerate sin; and begin to take a valid stand for all that you come to know is wrong! So that you may no longer respond in bitterness!
"Remember you do not forgive others for their sake; you forgive for your sake!" a True-ism
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