Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 324 of 731

Shaking the Trees   15 y  
A day to get committment for Trees
This song from Chanukah resonates with the need of the trees. The saving of the Trees was my Chanukah Wish. ”Light One Candle for the Maccabee children With thank that their light didn’t go out.” Light one Cano for the Trees with thanks that their lgiht didn’t go out. CHORUS: ’Don’t let the light go out! It’s lastest so many years.” 9:05 AM December 21, 09 This is the day of the Winter Solstice 09. This is a day to shake trees in behalf of the 1000’s of trees at the EXOTICA Rare Fruit Nursery. I have numbers of followups to make. $2600.00 ...   read more

Jamal and the Generosity of the Farmers   15 y  
JAMAL DEAN, the Clicker, needs money for medical emergency. The vendors at the HILLCREST FARMERS; MARKET received notice. They were generous. I need to give Jamal a call and encourage him through this time of severe medical emegency.
My friend JAMAL needs our Prayers. I need to give him a call. A note went out to the Vendors at the HIILLCREST FARMERS’ MARKET regarding his health. There was a box placed at the spot where market manager David and his son collected the tally for the day. I was standing there. I saw many of the vendors give money to help Jamal. The farmers were asked to be generous and they were. It was a lovely sight.   visit the page

Gospel of Matthew by Steiner   15 y  
Gospel of Matthew by Steiner
6:06 AM December 21, 09 I received this email from CHEF JEM, my housemate at the ENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY. On Dec 21, 2009, at 2:04 AM, Chef Jem wrote: Steiner’s ”Gospel of St. Mark” is the study book for the local Anthroposophical Holy Nights. I found it at Google books. I thought of you while I was reading it. I highly recommend reading the last 11 pages (pg 24 to 34): It presents a wonderful bridge from the Old Testament to the N ...   read more

Pit Stop--Whoa!   15 y  
I need some down time.
6:16 PM December 20, 09 I was up till past 2 AM last night puting things back in order in the foyer from the CELEBRATE SOLSTICE RAIN DANCE. Then I worked this morning on uploading the digital images. I know there were other things I did this monring, but in my tiredness right now, They escape me. Some new inspirations at the FM today, one a next step for KEEP THE BEET’s Column on the FM--A Farmers’ Market Column. I thought to go out tonight to a lovely Winter Solstice gathering. I started out, but I was tired and so I came home. I started to get a glimse of ...   read more

"We know not the hour of his Coming!' Keep The Beet   15 y  
Spiritula quotes from KEEP The BEET are bountiful this time of year.
11 AM December 20, 09 Quotes that sound Biblical are coming from the mouth of KEEP The BEET MEdia Star These days. It just be the Xmas influences, she is a bit Christ-like this time of year. ””We know not the hour of his coming!” that was her message to me yesterday morning. I go to bed the night before without a clue what I will be doing the next day. I hardly have time to summon the support I need. I have to bank on previous organization. What does this quote mean???? We are entering a time of earth shifts. We need to develop being flexible and be ...   read more

Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener Bio and Testimonials   15 y  
Deeping into the archives. Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener, Bio and Testimonials
6:35 AM December 19, 09 KEEP The BEET Media Star THe World’s First Talking Beet Plant was all raves for JESSICA KRAMER, of YUM. Jessica’s delightful local foods, mostly organic, were featured at the recent CELEBRATE SOLSTICE RAIN DANCE. The World’s Most Famous Beet had me up this early morning insisting that I update my BIO and TESTIMONIALS so I can keep pace with the new generation upstart ceremonialists, and music makers. She missed hearing me read a poem. She was disappointed that I did not play a bigger role in the programming of the event that had inc ...   read more

Favorite Quotes from Our Food Czar for 2009   15 y  
Favorite Quotes from Our Food Czar for 2009
December 20, 09 7:55 AM With 2010 less than 11 days away, KEEP The BEET Media Star, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant, has issued her list of the most powerful and telling quotes of the year. An avid reader with her finger on the pulse of the nation as well as the vegetable field, Keep The Beet, the U.S. Czarina of Foods loves this quote by the FDA’s MICHAEL R. TAYLOR, The official U.S. Czar of Foods She considers Michael R. Taylor one of the most influencial guiding lights of U.S. Policy. Keep The Beet, a root vegetable, as well as Mr. Taylor, a human, both ...   read more

Wishing Well Art for tonight   15 y  
Wishing Well Art for tonight
Uploaded, 2:35 AM December 20, 09 BARRY LOGAN OF LA MILPA ORGANIC FARM holds up a Beet. CELEBRATE SOLSTICE RAIN DANCE Saturday night is here to help raise funds for a well. ”Well Done!” is one Seed Dream we will be planting between 8-9 PM December 19. Be sure to arrive early to plant your Seed Dream too. Barry Logan and his wonderful team of farmers sell food each week at the HILLCREST FARMERS’ Market, 9 AM- 2 PM. Be sure to support this wonderful community oriented farm and their well project. ROOT YOUR DREAM 8 PM- 9 PM in the FOYER OF THE ...   read more

Reestablishing Sacred Space   15 y  
Deciphering a Dream. Finding what it takes to reestablish Sacred Space, including summoning up forgiveness.
8:40 AM December 19, 09 This is one of those days that are long awaited and marked in time. This is not the official Winter Solstice, and yet, we will be celebrating the Winter Solstice tonight with an event called CELEBRATE SOLSTICE RAIN DANCE I just lit a candle on my desk, a leftover from the eight days of Chanukah. Chanukah is about the cleansings of the Temple. The Temple, esoterically, refers to cleansing of the body from those things that have defiled it. Dark is neutral and yet dark is associated with ignorance, or not being aware of something. I freq ...   read more

Go back to bed   15 y  
Let Winter be winter... Well Done for La Milpa...
h2 5:31 AM December 19, 09 This is a special day. I have an opportunity to create Sacred Space this evening. My mind is brimming with ideas. I did not get the full measure of the invitation until after 10 AM last night at the DANCEJAM. I want to create a simple sacred space that reflects Winter. I want to make sure I have what I need. The Walnuts in Winter... Two of them... People walk between them. It is Winter.... Let People experience Winter. Clear my Space. Do My laundry. My Seminole Dancing Shirt. Can I get some helpers for to ...   read more

Celebrate Solstice Rain Dance--Jennifer wants to go, but is in London   15 y  
JENNIFER DAVIS would be at the CELEBRATE SOLSTICE RAIN DANCE 8 PM- minnight, but she is in London. Will you be there? One on One activity begins with 12 guests Rooting their Deepest Dreams in the Foyer.from 8-9 PM. Group Activity begins at 9 PM- Midnight.
& BARRY LOGAN OF LA MILPA ORGANIC FARM holds up a Beet. CELEBRATE SOLSTICE RAIN DANCE Saturday night is here to help raise funds for a well. ”Well Done!” is one Seed Dream we will be planting between 8-9 PM December 19. Be sure to arrive early to plant your Seed Dream too. Barry Logan and his wonderful team of farmers sell food each week at the HILLCREST FARMERS’ Market, 9 AM- 2 PM. Be sure to support this wonderful community oriented farm and their well project. Just received an email from a very dissapointed JENNIFER DAVIS. She wants to come to t ...   read more

"Now Hear This!" New Art for Keep the Beet   15 y  
New KEEP THE BEET ART inspired Wealth and Richness inside me.
VERSION #2 4:07 PM Uploaded 11:25 AM December 18, 09 KEEP The BEET MEDIA STAR The World’s First Talking Beet Plant star of Stage, screen, and TV in the years to come, had me relentlessly working during the night, breaking once again my 8-8-8 balanced living program, eight hours of work, eight hours of rest, eight hours of recreation. ”Siempre Mejor!” was a slogan of the late PROFESSOR EDMOND BORDEAUX SZEKELY, the Essene Renaissance Prophet. The idea of raising food in containers came to me from studying THE ECOLOGICAL HEALTH GARDEN, one of ...   read more

Art work for ROOT YOUR DREAM SATURDAY   15 y  
11:18 AM December 18, 09 Farmers may walk their fields on these nights, imagining the crops that will grow in the season ahead; writers, painters and musicians may hear the muses sing more engagingly; every person has the opportunity to capture the living vision anew – to gaze outward at the stars, and to be filled with their burgeoning light.   visit the page

Helping 1000's of Plants. Take Action today!   15 y  
Now is the time to order a rare fruit tree & plant from around the world. Please help raise $2600.00 in rent that is due the first of each month between now and August 1.
MEL LYONS, a founder of the ROOT SUSTAINABLE FOOD PROJECT gave a check for $300.00 in November to help the EXOTICA RARE FRUIT NURSERY pay its rent. NEWS RELEASE-- DECEMBER 18, 09 So, how do we raise another $2600.00 to pay the January 1-- and subsequent rents-- to save the lives of 1000’s of Rare fruit Trees and Plants from around the world from being evicted? Follow the example of the ROOTS SUSTAINABLE FOOD PROJECT. STEVEN SPANGLER, founder of the EXOTICA RARE FRUIT NURSERY, came to the Roots meeting November 16 with request for help. Roots wrote a ch ...   read more

Locations where Exotica Plants can be bought now   15 y  
Locations where Exotica Plants can be bought now
PLANTS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THESE LOCATIONS The HILLCREST FARMERS’ MARKET A tree for sale is located at MOREA’s Massage station East of the DMV building. Leslie can be reached at the Hillcrest Farmers Market on his Cell phone, 619.384.2631. He has more trees in his vehicle. PLANT INVENTORY also at THE ENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY Please make an appointment to see plants at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community. Call Leslie at 619.582.9669 INVENTORY AT THE ENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY Inventory on hand at Enchanted ...   read more

Reprimand from 1000's of Exotica Rare Fruit Trees!   15 y  
Reprimand from 1000's of Exotica Rare Fruit Trees! Ouch, I just got a late night harangue from the Trees! Enter Plant Parenthood today, and the same may be happening to you!
RECENT UPDATE This includes an UPDATE AND HISTORY OF THE PROJECT TO RESPOND TO THE NEED OF 1000’s of POTENTIALLY ENDANGERED RARE FRUIT TREES and PLANTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD December 17, 09 3:37 AM Hey, Mr. Enchanted Gardener! Please do not forget all of us 1000’s of rare fruit trees and plants from around the world who are patiently waiting for 100’s of San Diego Residents to adopt and purchase us to help save three of the five acres of the EXOTICA RARE FRUIT NURSERY. Us Trees and plants appeciate that you have been working on the HEALING GARDEN ...   read more

Root Your Dream+ Ritual 4-7 PM & 7 PM-9 PM Sun 12/ 27   15 y  
COME ROOT YOUR DREAM GATHERING. The Last Sunday of each momth, 4-7 PM + The ENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY San Diego. VIsit our 1/3 acre oasis in the city of San Diego located within walking distance of San Diego State University. Garden together, and help with the GREAT EARTH CLEANUP; 5-6 PM, ROOT YOUR DREAM, sit in a sacred circle with 12 others. Speak out and root your public dreams. Focus on your private dreams that will grow as your beet seeds and roots grow. 6-7 PM, Polluck on lemon grass grown here and foods from local, organic Beet Keeper beet growers from the HILLCREST FARMERS' MARKET. Make food together. Remember on to eat in a balanced sacred manner. RSVP Only.
NOTE THIS BLOG IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, 4:41 PM December 17, 09 entering the Seventh eve of Chanukah All marerials, © 2009, Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener COME ROOT YOUR DREAM GATHERING. The Last Sunday of each momth, 4-7 PM WHERE The ENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY San Diego. VIsit our 1/3 acre oasis in the city of San Diego located within walking distance of San Diego State University. For Directions email Leslie here. or reply to this invite that circulated through the Gra ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 61 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 61 d ago

viewed 54,818,648 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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