Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 316 of 731

how the court work--   15 y  
how to court works
Please take immediate action to save thousands of exotic rare fruit tree biodiversity. Read this Plant Your Dream Blog. Circulate the story, and links. court case unlawful detainer 2009-00039614 Commissioner department 11 Donald Armento allowing-- Tina--business office--1 5 0 unlawful detainer desk clerk--esperazo courtroom clerk--sherry-- documents--website---forms--requesting media-- public inforamtion karen dalton, 619-450.5353 exhibit--court trial--baliff--stipulate--fill out a form-- advance--partyies go out--stipulation--open ...   read more

Fate of Rare Fruit Tree Legacy to be Determined 11-19 at Vista Court House    15 y  
The fate of thousands of exotic rare fruit trees will be determined in the Vista CA Court house at 8:10 AM, 325 S Melrose Dr, #100, Vista, CA 92081, November 19. A gathering of supporters, willing tree buyers, and press outside the court is in order. What is needed now are firm commitments to buy trees, sales, and ”Angels” who will step forward and lend money. $50,000 in needed to pay back rent and lawyer fees that would create a ”stay of execution” for the priceless heritage of genetic biodiversity. The estimated value of the trees are 1.3 million. Spanglers’ court strategy is to show the judge he can raise $150.000 in the weeks or months ahead with a plan of action. STEVEN SPANGLER, lease holder of the property is asking the court is to allow for extra time to raise money to pay off back rent owed, and give time for an emerging support network of community individuals, groups, and FACEBOOK members time to organize a campaign to raise funds to purchase the five acres of the Exotica Rare Fruit Nursery. His phone (760) 724.9093 FAX (760) 940-0914. He has no email.
Please make comments at the FACEBOOK FRIENDS of EXOTIC RARE FRUIT NURSERY, and/or send letters of intent to buy trees, or “adopt” specific trees. Please reproduce this story and circulate. Be at the Vista Court house, at 8:10 AM, Thursday, November 19, 2009. Some of the information here has updated. The fate will not be determined, November 19. An agreement will be signed Wed. Read the new agreement as of now here ALSO READ OTHER BLOGS written today ...   read more

Toxic Free Carpet Cleaning in San Diego   15 y  
RICK and BETSY BERRI are a happily married couple. Their family run business is surviving the economy through doing a lot of the work themselves. For the health of their family and those they serve, they use toxic free chemical processes. They can now not only clean carpets, but cement, hardwork floors, and tile with grout. I am going to have Betsy call me back November 30.
2:04 PM November 16, 09 Rick Berri Magic Carpet 619-469-2644 (M) 619-602-8776 This is my mother’s birthday. She was a wonderful mother who kept a lovely home. Many came to visit us and eat at our table. It was an intense health shock when she developed Cancer. Cancer settled in her breasts, and then her hips. I was very close to her. I would say that I believe much of the chemicals we use today can harm at woman’s health. The breast tissue is highly sensitive not only to chemicals, but toxins. It is also sensitive to emotions and receives impulses fr ...   read more

Nuva Yeetah Ayurvedic Healer: I can be 36 years in youth!   15 y  
in process...NUVA YEETAH will advise on 62-42 years old Rejuvenation program, Nuva is s ending me a simple formula to regenerate my body. He says I can regenerate to the age of 36. How funny!
8:21 AM nov 16, 09 CONTACT FOR NUVA YEETAH Ayurvedic healer work 1-800-968-7964 work mail@, home page work 2370 W. Hyw 89A Szte 11 #103 Sedona Az 86336-4386 Raw notes... This is the birthday of my mother who left the body when I was 12. Happy Birthday, mom! I love you! Wow! I am on a roll! It feels good to help others. Have you discovered that? The EXOTICA RARE FRUIT NURSERY Needs some Angels. STEVEN SPANGLER informs me this morning he can delay going to court, if he can get some ba ...   read more

Natural Anti-inflammatory inplicated in reversal of aging   15 y  
STAYACIV anti pain natural antiinflammatory really has we dancing and moving around in spite of near lifelong arthritis. It is part of my going from 62 to 42 Youthening Project I am going on myself. People are saying I am moving quicker than they have seen me move in the last ten years.
6:19 AM November 16, 09 I went dancing Friday night at DANCEJAM our barefoot boogie blast that takes place at the EVOKOKE DANCE STUDIO, a couple blocks from Claire De Lune, right on University in San Diego. The event is generally after the hours I like to be out in Fall and Winter. It starts at 9 PM and runs thorugh midnight. I had a ball. I have not danced like that in years. CARA HUGGINS CADAWALLER is my new dance and movement coach. She is the sparkplug on the floor of Dancejam. CARA and I connected at the WHOLE BEING WEEKEND. She attended the COME ROOT ...   read more

My Schedule for the week   15 y  
My schedule for the week first draft, November 16 through November 27, 09
On Nov 16, 2009, at 3:28 AM, Leslie Goldman wrote: I will be writing a blog Re: the First week of Enchanted Gardener Birthday Month, that may already be on my blog by the time you read this. There is the Saturday event at JR Organic, beginning at 4 PM I want to be there by 3 PM. MATT SABLOVE is the coordinator for that. This is an evite that is circulating. My schedule for Saturday is OB People’s from 11 AM to 1:30 PM for a craft fair. I will likely do the kid project with the BIOSMART Bagasse Sugar cane pots and Foxfarm with a Root Your Dream ritual and certiicate ...   read more

How to start a cause on Facebook   15 y  
4:45 AM November 16, 09 HOW TO START A CAUSE ON FACEBOOK   visit the page

Exotica Rare Fruit Nursery Endangered-action needed b/4 11-19-09   15 y  
EXOTIC RARE FRUIT NURSERY needs immediate attention to avoid the eviction of STEVEN SPANGLER from the property he has leased for 20 years. This is a major botanical preserve. The idea of its loss is unspeakable.
RELATED LINKS about the EXOTICA RARE FRUIT NURSERY CAUSE ON FACEBOOK FRIENDS OF EXOTIC RARE FRUIT NURSERY STEVEN SPANGLER, the Caretaker of this precious botanical preserve and thriving business will update with us, and designate how funds can be accounted for. He will inform us of his ideas here on the PLANT YOUR DREAM BLOG. Steven does not have an email, as far as I understand. Categories: Nurseries & Gardening, Fruits & Veggies [Edit] 2508 E V ...   read more

monthly Green Speaker Series SDSU 1-2:30 PM Wed. Nov 18   15 y  
1-2:30 PM, Wed, November 18 Your Enchanted Gardener and KEEP The Beet will attend: his Wednesday Nov. 18th from 1-2:30pm in Scripps Cottage AS Green Love will be hosting its monthly Green Speaker Series.
Uploaded 3:34 AM November 16, 09 Grant Austin Mack November 14 at 10:00pm Reply SDSU Students, This Wednesday Nov. 18th from 1-2:30pm in Scripps Cottage AS Green Love will be hosting its monthly Green Speaker Series. The speakers for Nov. 18th are: Sarah Elkind, Sustainability and Environmental Science Major/Minor Adviser and History Professor Heather Hoene, Associate Professor of Marketing and the Enviro-Business Society Adviser Lynn Simons, LEED Consultant for the AS Student Union LEED Platinum Project All three of these are great speakers and I highly e ...   read more

Come Root Your Dream Sunday 4-7 Nov 29, 09   15 y  
Come Root Your Dream Sunday 4-7 Nov 29, 09
8:02 PM November 15, 09 8-9 PM Wednesday--Appointment wiith ARIELLLA SHIRA to create a CURZONE BLOG FOR the CRYSTAL CRADLE and update her Web site. This is her Seed Dream that she planted. Here beet that we planted is growing great and the beet seeds. She suggested calling Gabriel Counsens about the need of STEVEN SPANKLER for $350,000 to buy the three acres of his botanical preserve in Vista, CS. Gabriel Cousens for EXOTIC RARE FRUIT NURSERY project. Call DAVD CARMOS. Essene gathering here? $30.00, refundable if they come. No show forfeit? TOM McPerson ...   read more

Acupuncturist for 62-42 Project   15 y  
Acupuncturist for my 62-42 project
7:37 pm November 15, 09 Just off the phone with STEVE STERLING, a PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE graduate. I have known Steve for numbers of years. He ahd his wife DESIREE and I connected years ago at the PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM, and then I came to known them as students. In the last week, the three of us have connected at the DANCE OF THE HASEEDS event at Pacific Symposium. DESIREE more to soon....   read more

96% Success Rating at FM Today   15 y  
The HILLCREST FARMERS' MARKET worked like clockwork today. Had a powerful truth telling meeting with PHIL NOBLE, connected with JOE THE FARMER, and BARRY. JOSIE OF LIGHTWAVE came down, and DIANNA HARBIN. Then STEVE STERLING and DESIREE who I saw both a the PAC SYM and at DANCEJAM came to visit. Many, many quality interactions and bullseye networking. It was near perfect step by step. I had a 96% rating.
4:02 PM November 15, 09 Life is a dance sings KARL ANTHONY. Today’s FM was a dance, and I had about a 96% rating doing the dance. That is high marks. I am pleased. FM= Farmers’ Market. Its the place where those who want Real Food and authentic Food Safety go each and every week. The HILLCREST FARMERS’ MARKET, 9 AM- 2 PM Sundays at the DMV. That’s the place I dance whenever I am in town. If you want a tour, meet me across from the music at the JR ORGANICS Stall. Look for the flowers. Look for the Certified Organic sign. FM= It’s Community in Action. It’s ...   read more

Doing What I said I would do--Dance of the Haseeds at Pac Sym '09   15 y  
The DANCe OF the HASEEDS showed up Friday night at the PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM '09 in spite of myself. It turnd out great. It shows that if you hang in there and stay open to the creation, all things are possible.
8:07 PM November 14, 09 I said we would have the DANCE OF THE HASEEDS at the PACIFIC SYMPOISUM ’09. I was feeling lost Friday night. I needed to tell to the feelings and emotions of one of my allies at the movement I wanted to meet a potential sponsor I was seeded. I lost sight of the vision-- We were going to have THE DANCE OF THE HASEEDS at the PAC SYM ’09. I envisoned CARA H CADAWALLER playing a role in this. That was my original inspiration. Cara was under the weather during the timing of the event. There was a great band at the Friday night party. ...   read more

Going the Extra Mile for My Beet Keeper Beet Growing Farmers   15 y  
Working into the 7 O'clock hour to record the work that was done at the PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM '09 to plant and advance the seed of more members for our local BEET KEEPER CSA's + promote more awareness that we are each asked now to shop our local Farmers' Market. I specifically see more Pacific College students and alums who live locally coming to see me at the HILCREST FARMERS' MARKET, Shop the Hillcrest Farmers' Market and join a beet keeper beet growers CSA there. The HILLCREST FM is a pickup spot both for JR ORGANICS and INLAND EMPIRE CSA. BARRY LOGAN of LA MILPA ORGANIC also offers up his beyond organic Real Foods here.
FACEBOOK GALLERY OF BEET KEEPER FARMER BEET GROWER ALLIES at the PACIFIC SYJPOSIUM ;09 7:22 PM November 14, 09 I thought I would be relaxing by now. I ate at the computer. I am not sure this is the way to reverse age and go from 62 to 42. My birthday is November 19. I am feeling a recommittment to life and my balanced life practices. This is saying a lot a time when there is a lot of cleanup and grounding to do from recent opportunities that emerged at the PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ’09. I want to make good ...   read more

You are invited to JR Organic's Community Wide Potluck 4-eve Nov 21 09   15 y  
You are invited to the Community Wide Potluck and Music kickoff of FOODSTOCK 2010, this upcoming Saturday, November 21. Get your name on the evite now by emailing MATT SABLOVE, coordinator and other local groups in support of this event
4:11 PM November 14, 09 THE POTLUCK is Saturday NOVEMBER 21, 09 HERE IS THE EVITE, including the directions. Please RSVP so we have a plate for you!!!! Bagasse Sugar Cane deposable eating ware will be donated to this event by BIOSTART, a project of the END OF STYROFOAM CAMPAIGN EMILY ROCCHI, of LA MILPA ORGANIC FARM invites the community out to the JR ORGANIC THanksgiving vibe kickoff for FOODSTOCK 2010. ...   read more

Support our Local CSA's. Tour the Hillcrest Farmers' Market starts 11 AM 11-15-09   15 y  
Support for local organic CSA's and pattern of shopping at the Farmers Market is now increasing. PACIFIC COLLEGE of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) will are asked to step up their support of the local BEET KEEPER Beet growing Farmers and their allies. IF you are a health practitioner in San Diego, now is the time to shop the Farmers' Market and join a local organic CSA. In this YOUTUBE, JULIA SUTTON President of the Student Council at PCOM expresses her support of CSA movement.
3:21 PM November 14, 09 FOODSTOCK KICKOFF!!! Join with your local sustainable farming family at a Community Wide potluck and music November 20 at JR ORGANICS’ RODRIGUEZ RANCH. For more details SEE THIS PLANT YOUR DREAM BLOG JULIA SUTTON, the current president of the PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE expresses here support in this YOUTUBE for support of local, organic farmers and their CSA’s. Julia is encouraged to come visit the local HILLCREST FARMERS’ MARKET, 9-2 PM Sundays. LESLIE GOLDMAN, Your Enchanted Gardener, and his constant Companion, K ...   read more

Inexpensive Health Care in Australia   15 y  
DR. DAVID WEBER PhD from Australia contrasts health care with that in the US. The Role of BIG PHARMA is discussed.
Br 2:14 PM November 14, 09 Dr DANIEL WEBER speaks contrasts Universal Health Care in Australia with the way we have health care in the US. In conversation with LESLIE GOLDMAN, Your ENchanted Gardener. This is one of my early imovie attempts. I am still learning the technology, but getting it. 2:14 PM November 14, 09 Dr DANIEL WEBER speaks contrasts Universal Health Care in Australia with the way we have health care in the US. In conversation with LESLIE GOLDMAN, Your ENchanted Gardener. This is one of my early imovie attempts. I am still learning the ...   read more

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1650 Comments   Last comment 61 d ago

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Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
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Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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