Emerson’s Coffee Bike
by ren
Page 2 of 6

My New York State Nursing License   14 y  
this and that...day off yay me!
I wonder how long it will take me to pedal to New York!!! My mother called and had a hook up for a weekend job. I can make in one weekend what I make in one week at the nursing home. I would have to invest in a NY license and get a very gas efficient car to make it worth it. I’m still riding my bicycle, riding right into fall folks. This morning I rode to mass. Later I will ride to the gym too. When my sister comes to visit, she’ll help me fix up the yoga room and tape the windows shut. I’m going to make my best effort to go to the library later and read. I’ve not sat and read a book in ...   read more

bike commuting out of necessity   14 y  
omg...God please get me a car before winter
Our family vehicle broken down almost two hundred miles away from home. My job is about two and a half miles away from my house but I’m in the country with a few hills. Also, the grocery store is three miles away. Walmart is four miles away. Every day I ride my bicycle to the old folks home where I work and I leave my job (quite late) most of every night. I rode my bicycle in blazing heat to eat some dark chocolate bars at the grocery store. Just wow. Also, I rode in rain. What next. I hate the freaking cold. Seeing as how I have to wait for two months for a car loan, I’ll be riding int ...   read more

Rwandan coffee bike   14 y  
doing some net surfing
http://projectrwanda.org/cargo-bike http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SavvZwyOtBg   visit the page

Artist Date 7/23/10   14 y  
raw cop book review
Just left my side hustle and now I’m at the library doing some constructive research on the Internet and general surfing. Just bought an ebook from The Garden Diet called ’raw cop’. I thought I’d learn something new but not really. Cops and nurses lead similar lives apparently and this guy is doing a lot of the same things I’m doing. The price for the ebook is 9.95 and it’s 11 pages which is lame especially when I’m on a budget. The other garden diet ebooks are pretty good. Maybe I ought to be start writing and publishing myself! I’ve already written a poem. Perhaps someone out there wi ...   read more

Ikigai   15 y  
Turning the page of a goodbook, unlocking pure consciousness!
What is my reason for living? Why do I get up in the morning? What is the enduring passion of my life? I’m rediscovering my youth. I have indeed found the fabled ’fountain of youth’ and it’s totally within me. My sister said I look like I’m seventeen years old. To be EIGHTEEN AGAIN isn’t that what a lot of people say when they’ve not lived their life the way they want? What is ikigai? It is Japanese for our reason for living. It is the reason we wake up in the morning. Finding ikigai requires a very deep, meaningingful path of self inquiry. I guess it’s along the lines of self realisati ...   read more

Emerson's Coffee House and Yoga Club...bluezone in the Alleghenies   15 y  
Visualising a happy yoga spot in hillybilly land
My sister gave me a copy of Blue Zones over the weekend. It is a fantastic book! When I am done reading it, I’ll post my review. Just the other day I got a vision of the brand for Emerson’s Coffee House and Yoga Club. It may actually go beyond the walls of my house in the next year or so. Real estate is so cheap here and there’s nothing to do in the town. The churches have great success with bible reading coffeehouse types stuff. Why not have a place to go with a cool, goth type vibe with actual vegetarian snacks and games,etc. There’s lots to love and when my mom calls me a hillybilly, ...   read more

Emerson's Coffee House color therapy   15 y  
Picking out a color, dehydrating onions and worrywarting today
I picked a wonderful BLUE color for the coffee house/study/office known as Emerson’s Coffee House. Perhaps it will calm my worry worting demon monkeys within. I just got off the phone with my employer about a bad transfer of info over the intranet. OMG I was in fullscale worry warting. Aren’t warts ugly to begin with??? Here’s a link about worrywarting http://www.lifespy.com/2008/how-to-stop-being-a-worry-wart/ and here’s a link about the color BLUE http://crystal-cure.com/blue.html I’ve also embarked on a 21 day experiment of NOT making excuses for anything http://simonpreacher ...   read more

Emerson's Coffee House opening soon...   15 y  
Emerson's Coffee House at my new house :-)
This has been my dream to have my own mini coffeespot with a cool vibe and lots of books, writing paper and a seriously fast internet connection. Stay tuned!   visit the page

MIT is awesome!!! FREE my fav four letter word!   15 y  
No excuse to be uneducated!
http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/courses/courses/index.htm Let’s all dedicate ourselves to rigorous academic pursuits. Learn something new! I’m going to pick one course topic that is completely outside my comfort zone and interests.   visit the page

Importance of a good start to the morning   15 y  
oooh I have ME time this morning!!!!
I decided that it was better to stay awake and do stuff than laying in bed for an hour trying to go back to sleep. So far I’ve... 1. fed and watered the chickens 2. inspected the zucchini patch and tomato blight 3. read email, twitter, curezone,etc 4. listening to Glen Beck talk about eugenics and ’useless eaters’ 5. cup of Chock Full O Nuts and lil milk Here are some of my fav productivity blogs http://www.lifehack.org/ http://lifehacker.com/ http://zenhabits.net/   read more

Backyard Chicken Friends in Detroit   15 y  
what you can do with city property and some pallets
You can grow a garden anywhere. As the Chicken Whisperer says, he’s never met a nasty backyard chicken enthusiast. Here’s one fellow who is harkening back to the time when Americans planted victory gardens.   read more

Quotes about Gardening   15 y  
spending a lot of time in the garden...gardening tames the internal tempests of life
My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant’s point of view. ~H. Fred Ale Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. ~Lou Erickson What a man needs in gardening is a cast-iron back, with a hinge in it. ~Charles Dudley Warner, My Summer in a Garden, 1871 There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling. ~Mirabel Osler Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back ge ...   read more

Why the Iphone is the Next Best Thing to the Moleskine Journal   15 y  
Intellectual power tools...Apple iPhone and Moleskine Journal
I’m sitting here doing morning devotionals for the first time in a long time. When I first started school, I was very strict about getting up saying the Rosary, reading and doing yoga. My friend Sara had a great thread about things we remember and I remember how much of a struggle last year was. Oh but this year is so sweet because being an LPN is just the intellectual stimulating job that I needed. I gifted myself with an Apple iPhone. Best two hundreds I ever spent that and a brand new Cannondale bicycle ($400). I decided to use the iPhone as the topic of discussion to unearth this bl ...   read more

Reading Aloud and Brain Ready   16 y  
good brain building resource
Please subscribe to the Brain Ready podcast. It’s the best podcast ever for building the brain. Thanks to this website I learned a great study technique...reading aloud. I hated reading aloud in school but now I love it. I actually took the guy’s advice and take my memory supplements and drink a cup of tea or coffee fifteen minutes before doing my reading aloud stuff. http://www.brainready.com just about every week you can get a download of brain exercises. I do most of them in the car on my way to class now except for the creative visualization one. Maybe I’ll start doing those on ...   read more

Free EFT book   16 y  
the revival of my learning blog
http://emofree.com/ I am going to order the 5star DVDs as soon as my loan money comes through for school. It’s a worthwhile investment.   visit the page

End of Daughter of Fortune, misc. thoughts   17 y  
little notes on finishing a book and losing my jornal
I finished Daughter of Fortune...it was a great read. I picked up Portrait in Sepia and Zorro from the library. I also checked out another book on reflexology. I need to spend a morning designing a syllabus for myself. -getting my practical nurse license -starting a home course in homeopathy/naturopathy -marksmanship (I think this one might belong in my other blog but there’s a lot to learn about firearms so I dunno) Don’t mind me...these are some free floating notes I’m making to myself. I was taking my break in the facility activity room and studied the modest library of books. J ...   read more

Daughter of Fortune   18 y  
brief note
Another Allende hit...I almost halfway through. If I read tomorrow morning and finish it, I’ll make my goal of finishing it in about one week. The holiday is cramping my reading style...or maybe not. I have to finish cleaning my apartment because my mom and sister are coming to visit. More later!   visit the page

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Last Activity: 6 y ago
98 Messages   Last message 6 y ago
44 Comments   Last comment 6 y ago

viewed 1,003,349 times
Created: 19 y   May 30 2005


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Comments (10 of 44):
Re: Religion Can S… ren 6 y
Re: Religion Can S… kermi… 6 y
2015 version! ren 7 y
Re: Free EFT book srobert… 12 y
Re: Khan Academy ren 12 y
Re: Emerson's Coff… ren 13 y
Head winds!!!! ren 14 y
Re: My New York St… ren 14 y
Re: LPN vs. RN kerminator 15 y
Re: LPN vs. RN yourenchan… 17 y
All Comments (44)

Blogs by ren (10):
Uncovering The Starchild With…  18 mon  (390)
Nursing in the Raw  18 mon  (199)
Ren's Holistic Fitness and Li…  9 y  (97)
Heal Thyself/Sacred Woman  3 y  (50)
Ren's Fitness/Starchild Yoga …  14 y  (33)
Trial and Error  9 y  (20)
Wedding Blog (and life therea…  11 y  (19)
Ren's Natural Womb Life  17 y  (13)
My Mother's CaNsEr Journal  3 y  (11)
From Poverty to Riches  3 y  (7)

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