Southern Etiquette or life in Dixie
by kerminator
Page 8 of 12

Islamic Religion; we are here to help {take} you over!   13 y  
When it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck; down Dixie way we call it a duck! But you have some people who say that Islam is a "peaceful" religion and they do not want to take over the world; but they don't look like a duck to us!
    What we see is the plan to control everyone else!     Special Dispatch No. 4103—Egypt/Jihad & Terrorism Studies Project   Senior Official in Egyptian Islamic Jihad: If We Come to Power, We will Launch a Campaign of Islamic Conquests to Instate Shari’a Worldwide: ’The Christian is Free to Worship His God in His Church, but if the Christians Make Problems for the Muslims, I Will Exterminate Them’ On August 13, 2011, the Egyptian daily Roz Al-Yousef published an interview with Sheikh ’Adel Shehato, a senior official in Egyptian Islamic ...   read more

Intercession!   13 y  
Many people sit around waiting on God; yet everything has already been done for your Salvation, over 2000 years ago; so you just have to learn to accept and claim it!
    Intercessions! Saturday 25 th June , 2011 By kerminator There are  things within the realm of your Eternal Salvation which you should do and others that you can not do: ” I had much rather have my Eternal Salvation sure; than the rest of my life spent in pleasure! “ Consider that for most people it takes time, maybe even years to get your heart = conscience to the position where you can express the Will of God in your life!  It is not just about your heart felt desire(s)… Your conscience is the reflection of  yo ...   read more

Look away, look away Dixieland!   13 y  
Most everyone has heard something about Dixie.. Most is limited and wrong, so we are going to post facts and stories about the South land and Dixie in order to let you know the Truth!
   Just like the song ”Dixie”....  I was born one {January} frosty morning down in {South Georgia} Dixie!  Down Dixie way we use some saying that are not common in the rest of the world!  My dear Grandmother would say:   ” You yung’uns uns get in here and scrub up for supper...”  Then so times someone would say,  ”look over youn’er, see that there rainbow?”  Grandaddy said, ” If yu’al don’t get in here right now, you boys are gon’a get a whoopin right directly! ”  Some would say when preparing to do something, ” I’m a gon’a right directly.”  ...   read more

Topic started by: Kerminator Title: الحرية أو التحكم في البلدان   13 y  
Freedom is a God given choice; which all humans should be able to exercise in their earthly life!
      Freedom is one of our God given rights in life!   الحرية أو التحكم في البلدان الإسلامية؟         **   Here in 2011, there seems to be an expression from the mainly youth of many of the Islam ...   read more

HHO car hits the streets...   13 y  
Why does it seem that some people do not want the truth to come out because it will interfere with their profits? Here is some truth that is coming your way; if the powers to be do not stop this real progress once more!
  Article:Ronn Motors’ Scorpion using Hydrogen Booster From PESWiki Jump to: navigation, search The Scorpion was designed by Ronn Maxwell, drawing from 40 years of building for others, Ronn put his best ideas in this car. Click here for a 1650 px wide version of the above photo, compressed for computer viewing. Or you can download (6 Mb) the full resolution version. Intro by Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News August 13, 2008 The sexy $250,000 Scorpion sports car by Ronn Motors is making energy history by implementing hy ...   read more

HHO can save us...   13 y  
If we are going to ever get ahead of the oil fuel curve, it will be HHO that does it! Not electric cars {which will require more power plants} or Hydrogen only stations of which 80% have to use fossil fuel to manufacture plus pure Hydrogen requires taking oxygen out of the atmosphere for combustion! HHO provides it's own oxygen...
 First let us say we have been running some of our vehicles using HHO generators for the past year...  We have purchased and used five different HHO units and ran tests to see which were best and most effective for use in cars and trucks!   HHO Facts Igniting the HHO mixture will release energy (a proper mix can reach temperatures of 2800 degrees C, steel melts at 1500 degrees C) and cause the two gases to re-combine producing water vapor (remember doing this in science class?). It’s an exothermic reaction. If properly harnessed, that heat energy will do wo ...   read more

The real future of your money!   13 y  
Are you ready for the loss of your purchasing power? Well we have paid off all our credits cards years ago, paid off our mortgage a couple of years ago, and own all three cars we drive, plus we can now save money every month and pay cash for what we need... But then those who are not in this boat or condition, tend to want us to kick in and always help them because they did not make the right choices with their money... What is wrong with this picture? Well most people live like there is no tomorrow and always expect that others will help pick up the check for them! Read on and see where that gets you!
  Will you watch your money just slip away in the near future?    BTW: Riots, and anarchy like in some countries today;  will not make it right, because this is a long time coming world wide event!   ** Mainly the Liberal (progressive) thinkers have driven the US Government and economy into destruction just  because they "felt" like helping most of the so called under privileged souls in this country and some parts of the world!   Yet they never in their debt bent run on attempt to solve all the wor ...   read more

Criminal Control?   13 y  
When will the Liberal - Leftest element learn that you can't legislate morality... Making laws only complicates life and causes many compound problems! Less law is best law!
   One of the stupid things that many people want to do is try to control others...  Many times this is done down to the infinite degree...  Some may even want to know how much TP "U" use when you poo!  HUH!  Most of the time this is done because they (the controllers) feel  or think that only they know all or have the best ideas... What they forget is people can think for themselves...  So on through history many of the ruling class have attempted to modify and control the masses!  But usually to little or no avail! &nbs ...   read more

What do we learn...   14 y  
While we will learn many things on our pathway of this life; how does this effect our eternal destiny! Let's look at how this should work...
   What we (you) should learn in this life; is to seek simply the truth in every action, and effort!  All we can do is attempt to find or stumble upon simply the truth as it pertains to our life!  We must learn that there are always consequences that follow our conduct!  This we can not escape either here or in the Eternity that follows...  Then we must be aware that we can do wrong even when we do not realize that it is wrong!  Much of our time in this life may be spent or wasted on frivolous actives, yet some of which are necessary& ...   read more

Children playing?   14 y  
One of the best things for a child to do is learn from doing, which comes from playing! HUH!
   Read how many of the modern era children are being shortchanged in their development!   Kids Spend an Astounding Amount of Time Watching TV or Using Computer Today, less than one-third of kids aged 6 to 17 get at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise a day. Compare that to the TV-watching statistics below, and you’ll realize just how troublesome the above findings may be. It may even be a crucial part of the equation that might explain why so many children are now using anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs. The average American watches nea ...   read more

Addiction?   14 y  
Down Dixie way we have learned that most of us need to change somethings in our life! Here is some info to help you break bad habit's... But if you do not start then you will never get any improvement in your life!
  Unfortunately some of us have developed some bad hibits!      Well here is some help, Remember in order to change anything in life; first you have to recognize it!    Not much ever get done unless someone recognizes it is something that needs attention!     ADDICTION Now... I’m not pointing fingers. I personally know people who have addictions. And a few that beat them. On the outside... they paint a picture of control. But on the inside they feel pain. I’m not just talking about hard-core addictions like junki ...   read more

Comprehend your life?   14 y  
Most people do not really comprehend their true life force! We all share an existence that has and will be the sum of our comprehension of what we share in this life! Ready or not! Youth of the world! => Future! => Topic started by: Kerminator on 26,Sept 2010, 13:22*: GMT   Title: Comprehend?       In order to understand the realm of the universe;  we must come to realize that there are two "worlds" or plains of existence that we can comprehend!     There is the sighted or physical things that we know here on this earth; then there is a vast spiritual realm beyond all we see...    All that exist in the physical has exis ...   read more

Cancer causes?   14 y  
We all need to look at what we eat... Learn to control your life so you do not need all the meds and procedures... HUH!
** Here is some info that may save you some grief!   How Does Sugar Feed Cancer? Controlling your blood-glucose and insulin levels through diet, exercise and emotional stress relief can be one of the most crucial components to a cancer recovery program. These factors are also crucial in order to prevent cancer in the first place. It may surprise you, but the theory that sugar feeds cancer was born nearly 80 years ago. Even more shocking, most conventional cancer programs STILL do not adequately address diet and the need to avoid sugars. In 1931 the Nobel Prize w ...   read more

Trade, Trial or Tribulation?   14 y  
Much of what we see and do in the modern world is based upon either one view or the other! The Law of Trade, which is based on the Greed principle or the True Law of God! How can you use these two principles in your life! How should you have them your life? Our task is how to seek the best of these two principles!
   Human nature is the raw material for the Christian character.  The spirit of Christ working in the human spirit is to elevate the aim, ennoble the motives, and intensify the affections.  This process is never complete here on earth.  The Christian is always in the process of being making!  Christianity bases all human relations on love, {God is Love} which is the equalizing and social building impulse of humans...  The Golden Rule makes the swift instincts of our self - preservation a rule by which we are taught to divide what ever we have with ...   read more

Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound   14 y  
Are these just some nice words? Who wrote that most famous Hymn? Why did he write it? Once you realize the life story of the person who penned these words and come to understand that he lived them; then maybe you can appreciate the True meaning!
Title: Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound Post by: Kerminator on  24 ,May 2010, 14:28* GMT   ” Amazing Grace , how sweet the sound,   That saved a wretch like me,   I once was lost but now am found,   Was blind but now i see. ”   Do  you know who wrote that most famous hymn?        John Newton.. Who when he wrote  ” Through many dangers, toils and snares i have already come...”     He had actually lived them; as a rebellious youth, a Blasphmer, and person who had tried to live the worldy lust and temptations...  He most lik ...   read more

Net Neutrality   14 y  
Get ready from some more stupid controls from your Government! Why do they want to try to run everything? Notice they still try, yet many things in life will take care of themselves when left alone.. HUH! You have got to wonder why a few think they know better than you, how to run your life!
    ***  Here is another article on how they want to control your life!  Read on...        Close Thank you for recommending Electronic Design. Your recommendation has been successfully processed.  Net  Neutrality Highlights The FCC proposes a 3rd way to implement net neutrality. The negative impact of net neutrality. How the FCC’s broadband plan could be affected. By Louis E. Frenzel May 11, 2010 ...   read more

Maybe I was wrong?   14 y  
If we just follow the opinions and wishes of others; many times we are lead down the path of misconception! Why? Well it all gets back to who are you going to Trust?
  What do I know anyway? For most of us if we are honest; it appears that most of what we know is, " hear say " information in life! What I have found out over the years is that many of the things we have been told is either wrong or very miscued!   Why?   Well the sum of our knowledge is based upon some things, that we as mankind  have gleaned from our history; much of which is both blunder and fault...  Then we throw in our feeble experiences and proudly forge ahead with our limited knowledge!   Thinking we know it all!&n ...   read more

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What you all always wanted to know about DIXIE... Born and raised in the South, so we ought to know... Y’all come on down - ya hear? more...

Last Activity: 8 mon ago
212 Messages   Last message 3 y ago
167 Comments   Last comment 8 mon ago

viewed 1,821,710 times
Created: 19 y   Apr 25 2005


Comments (10 of 167):
Re: Christmas time… kermi… 10 y
Re: Christmas time… kermi… 10 y
Re: Christmas time… South… 10 y
Re: Christmas time… ren 10 y
Re: Seeking the Pe… kermi… 10 y
Re: Seeking the Pe… ren 10 y
Re: Go tell that l… kermi… 10 y
Re: God moves in D… kermi… 10 y
Re: How God moves … kermi… 10 y
Re: The Truth is? … kermi… 10 y
All Comments (167)

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My Unusual Road of Life....  26 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  32 mon  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  3 y  (291)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  27 mon  (224)
Forgotten Words!  28 mon  (120)

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