Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator
Page 6 of 17

A new year, 2007!!   18 y  
Some times we need to stop and see where we have been and what we may need to change on our pathway of life... HUH!!

Faith, Hope & Belief...   18 y  
Life is about the decisions and actions we take... If we choose correctly then the Eternity to come will be a reward beyond belief!!
Dear Friends: { Some quick definitions to help you live a better life!!} We all have the idea about some terms in our life, but do we really know what they mean??  Lets look at some of our basic elements of life... Hope:  This is always in the future...  It is something to br expected or wished for in life!! In many of todays greetings it is just a greeting or farewell statement... As in I hope you do well, or I hope you get the whatever...         It can be conscrewed or inter changed for wish or desire... ...   read more

The Devil or a reply to a reply   18 y  
What we do not know can harm us just as much as what we know..
Some things in this life do not really make much difference on our pathway of life... But then there are some that will...  This is the challenge of the Spirit Warrior, which is our calling on this walk through life...  To find and live the truth!! Acceptance or denial is one of the keys to living a happy or very unplesent Eternal life when we pass through the Vail of death...  Many people have either been directed {taught} to see only certain things, then only under certain light... Or else they have chosen to not try to find the truth, because:  ...   read more

Faith always leads to finality!!   18 y  
Where do you want to spend Eternity?? Learn to follow your faith!! If there is no faith then there is no future, HUH!! You do not have to like it just learn to accept it, Friend!!
You (we) are a responder to Almighty GOD...  That means we wait on GOD!! BTW; There are many, who think they control their destiny; which is the " Do what ever to make me happy crowd " But little do they know that they can not add even on second to their life span or change anything in the universe; except to accept the free will offer of GOD in their life; to inherit a joyous eternal life... DUH!!  If and when God controls your life; how can you or any one else control it??  Most of the information in life is given either by those who do not u ...   read more

Teen deaths...   18 y  
The Number one killer of teenagers in the USA doesn't have a trigger; It has a steering wheel... HUH!!
Yes it is a firearm...   a 9 mm S & W to be exact!! Read on before running off at the mouth, or calling someone...  B efore you go jumping up and down and getting your pantie hose all in a wad, or sitting up all night getting yourself into a tither;  read about the real truth about the main killer of teenagers in the USA!  It does not have a trigger; it has a steering wheel... Motor vehicles are the number one cause of death for teens in Americia...   With over 6000 killed and another 30,000 injured every year...&nbs ...   read more

Aerobic or Anaerobic...   18 y  
To get you BMI in range try aerobic exercise for your work out!!
"Health will always win out over wealth...  If you don’t think so try to eat money and see what that does for your figure... HUH!! "  a Kermit-ism 2006 The breath of life is what this earthly existence is all about...   A beating heart is only possible when there is air in the lungs...  Oxygen is the key to this body, which aided by the blood gives us life...  From these we become functioning beings;  who can perform actions and learn to enrich our souls for Eternity!! This is the basics of life...  All else is an add ...   read more

Some people just do not like the absolute truth... HUH!!!   18 y  
The truth is!! But many seem to flavor it with their own brand of what ever to make it sound better!! WHY??
It never ceases to amaze me how well some people can worm around the truth...  They will out right lie, cheat or steal to get their point across...  Many times even though everyone knows it is a ball face lie they will continue what ever just to make their point!! I think even tried it myself, once or twice!!  That is to say we all have changed the facts to fit "our truth" and we even get to believe it sometimes...  This is sad when people who represent and / or leaders come out and declare facts, figures and ideas that they know are wrong, ...   read more

Life is worth living; but you have to make decisions!! Revised!   18 y  
No one is smarter than I am, no one is smarter than me!! Except maybe you; and I am not sure about you!!
We all seem to be going through life waiting for something good to happen!! HUH!! Well it only comes to those who step out on faith; and do something...  Yes, just waiting of something good to happen will only leave you, lonely and frustrated!!   Stop waiting, start looking at your life and plan to do something...   We all hopefully learn from our mistakes and experiences...  If you do not make  any mistakes,  it is because you don’t do anything;  then you will never improve or advance in this life!!   ...   read more

The Absolute Truth is not always pretty...   18 y  
Some people's views should really scare you!!
Some things people need to know about Islam...  If a person from any of the other world’s religion; except Islam knocks on your door or engages you about your beliefs; you can simply say no and walk away...  But not so with Islam, it is accept or death and destruction!!  This is what they say, not me Friend!!   Bad scene, HUH!! Of course you could think this is a plot, these people in the pictures are just models or actors recruited to make this look bad for Islam; or you could accept the truth!! SEE what you think; these photos were taken in the UK, r ...   read more

Crack pot or Weird - O ....   18 y  
Life is about what we have lived and try to do with what we have learned... A Kermit-ism
Maybe some of you think of this blog on Absolute Truth;  as some type of odd thinking??  Well just let me know where I have erred or gone a stray...  I write from sound logic and deductive thought...   Plus over fifty years of life experience...   Deal with the facts and opinions of history...   So if you want to have me clarify something just let me know... Ya I know things are not always like you want it...  Waaaa...  You do have to grow up some time!!  I unfortunately tell it like I see it...  ...   read more

Kermit's Korner!!   18 y  
Most of us do not know or think about the future... Eternity looms BIG!! Get ready Friend!!
Some things in life need to be said or at least thought about!!  HUH!!   Kermit’s Korner   DE EP THOUGHTS!! What an idea... Wish I knew a way to make life simple?? Just maybe.... Kermit April 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 Thursday, July 20, 2006 Things change!! DEEP THOUGHTS!!     What happens everyday??  Well every thing in life is in a vast cycle... There are what we cal ...   read more

Quote of interest!!   18 y  
"Our Scientific power has outran our spiritual power... We now have guided missiles and misguided men!!" Dr. M.L. King Jr.
Many times in life we miss the real meaning and purpose...  It takes time and effort to come to the realization that; life is about living an adventure one day at a time... Many people are not intentionally lazy and ignorant; they just lack the guidance to see the truth before them...  This is what we do here is to act as a beacon or truth barometer, on my blogs and web site www.simplytruth.com...  First you need to sit down and look at your life...  Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing...  You need to concentrate on your life!! Yep that is the p ...   read more

Why young women should not just move in with a guy... DUH!!   18 y  
So often we follow our primary senses, and do not realize the ways of the world can and do effect our relationships!!
Though I may make some people unhappy or down right mad, so be it...  As a truth barometer; it is my position to help people understand the truth in their life...  First as a male who has seen several winters come and go; it becomes apparent that the normal relationship for a man and woman who wish to co habituate and engage in the activity of procreation; is marriage...  This is set up so that both man / woman and any resulting children have some form of protection and stability... Humans were not meant to upon birth; be just dropped and left to fend for thems ...   read more

We are so perdictable....   18 y  
How is it that we get into so many ruts in life; when eternity is wide open?? Which
 When ask  "Do you know anyone who has peace and really enjoys life" ...  an Ole man answered...       " Them that’s got it do!!" It seems that most of humanity becomes so conditioned, and dependent on the day to day going no where things of life we miss the real meaning...  Sharing and caring, is what Eternity is all about!! Does this mean that we must go around just looking for someone to do something for all the time??  Nooooo...; It means that you must live your life so that if and when the op ...   read more

There is more to a border than just who is where and why!!   18 y  
FInd out from an article by; Eliza Barclay from Grist Magizine; find out about the other dangers on the border!!
This is another side of the US Mexican border problem... HUH!! -- Law and Border Immigration scuffles threaten wildlands along the U.S.-Mexico border By Eliza Barclay 06 Jun 2006 In the three-way struggle between the U.S. Border Patrol, illegal border crossers, and the natural environment, it’s never clear who’s winning. A U.S. Border Patrol truck on the move near Douglas, Ariz. Photo: Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus. If you ask the Border Patrol, they will tell you they apprehended nearly 1.2 million illegal crossers in ...   read more

Life is not a bowl of cherries...   18 y  
What we see is not always what we get... DUH!! Follow along and see what we mean...
Bowl of cherries...   Ya and we have all heard the saying life is like a bowl of cherries...  But what does that mean anyway??  Had some cherries recently and boy were they good...  Life is some what more complicated than a bowl of cherries... I sent our some emails and received a reply from a dear friend & former class mate, had known since Art Class at SPHS; years ago...  She reminded me that many of the things in life that we look at with suspision and doubt;  are not that much of a rea problem after all...  She is very astute woman a ...   read more

Memorial Day.... What is it??   18 y  
What is it all about?? We will share an interesting letter read on...
Decoration Day as it used to be called... Is a time to remember those who have given the "Fullest measure" for our country and way of life...   The following is from an article in the "Saturday Evening Post" copyright 1944; by Curtis Publishing Company...  Cemetery South Pacific - US Navy The battlefields shift as the turmoil of war moves forward, but for some the fighting is over...  This letter was written by Major Richard T Brice, USMC to his mother about a grandson of a friend; who now rest under green grass and one of the ...   read more

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A forum based on truth for the exchange of ideas; built on faith, hope and charity... Based on communication thru feelings and dealings between individuals...… more...

Last Activity: 9 mon ago
291 Messages   Last message 3 y ago
203 Comments   Last comment 9 mon ago

viewed 2,199,751 times
Created: 19 y   Mar 18 2005


Comments (10 of 203):
Re: Pew found - Sh… kermi… 9 y
Re: Pew found - Sh… Sudde… 9 y
Re: Only two choic… kermi… 10 y
Re: Now is the tim… kermi… 10 y
Re: Government Mess kermi… 10 y
Re: Ethical & Mora… kermi… 10 y
Re: What me work? … kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… ren 11 y
Re: Blood of Chris… kermi… 11 y
All Comments (203)

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My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  32 mon  (310)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  27 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  28 mon  (120)

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