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Re: 30-Day Combined Dry/Water fast.
by hghbuzz 11 y
I think water fasting is more dangerous than dry fasting which is why I wouldn’t recommend ending a dry fast with a water fast or even doing a water fast at all. (as water fasting causes you to loose more electolytes than with dry fasting)
I also see no point from a healing perspective to water fasting, dry fasting heals on a much deeper level so why bother with water fasting at all.
take care
6,217 hits
Forum: Fasting: Dry
Water Fast - Psoriasis - How to prepare and how to do it
by #12274 17 y
View Entire Thread 10
I am interested in doing a water fast.
I have psoriasis.
Can I deworm while doing a water fast?
Is there a guide page on how to do a water fast?
Anything special to eat for a week before I start a water fast?
Anything to be aware of while doing a water fast so I don’t get in to trouble?
How do you safely break a water fast?
How long do you water fast?
Do you eat/drink anything else while doing a water fast? Lemon juice? Sea salt? Anything?
Thank you
12,489 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
how can u forget a member of ur "group" so quickly?!
by nikhil 20 y
no, im pretty sure thats the person WITH the NICKAME/SCREEN-NAME on this forum ATOMIC BLONDE. my REAL name is NIKHIL. its a pretty common indian name. well not very, but most people round london know its a guys name (maybe that why economist said its becoming the multicultural captial in the world for having so many different cultures in it getting along so well?).
atomic blonde is another person, and its a shame you’ve forgotten her so soon since shes meant to be in ur group:
!”# Re: It’s tomorrow...and so far, so good! by Atomic-Blonde 8 days”
” * Re: Starting water fast to ...
4,360 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Water fasting about slow metabolism 1 egg a day
by Chaping123 9 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi, I just want to ask about post water fasting. It is known that while you’re on a water fast your metabolism slows down and after water fasting it could result in gaining the weight you’ve loss or so.
Is it okay if after water fasting I’ll start eating 1 boiled egg a day to gain my metabolism back or should I go with juice?
I’ve been doing a 30 day water fast and thank heavens I’m on my 2nd week now.
2,085 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Fasting: Weight
Fasting General
found this
by Life-n-Light 19 y
this i found on curezone:
You can fast from 1 to 40 days.
Try to drink 2 liters of water or more per day.
The ten day water fast has become a recommended
number of days. Ten days on water will cause the same
weight loss as 30 days on juice. But water fasting is far
more difficult, especially if you have a fast metabolism.
Water fasting cleanses the body aggressively removing
toxins rapidly. Water fasting can be more beneficial
than juice fasting in combating more persistent forms of
cancer, cleansing the tissues more aggressively. Water
fasting demands me ...
7,447 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: Extended fast completion.
by Life-n-Light 19 y
here is some tips i collected:
”Water Fast
You can fast from 1 to 40 days.
Try to drink 2 liters of water or more per day.
The ten day water fast has become a recommended
number of days. Ten days on water will cause the same
weight loss as 30 days on juice. But water fasting is far
more difficult, especially if you have a fast metabolism.
Water fasting cleanses the body aggressively removing
toxins rapidly. Water fasting can be more beneficial
than juice fasting in combating more persistent forms of
cancer, cleansing the tissues more aggressively. Water
fasting demands mental ...
3,440 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: Fasting Buddy Needed!!!
by thinker2012 13 y
I am fasting on and off with you but i can not do a pure water fast yet for any lenght of time.
coconut water fast, yes.
tap water fast, not really.
orange juice water fast, yes for months, no problem.
water with some lemon squeesed in fast , yes, doable.
distilled water only fast , no, not yet for any extended lenght of time.
I guess my definition of water is different for now.
At this time, I think the water inside a coconut is cleaner then tap or distilled water.
Good luck
1,953 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
day 2 completed of dry fasting
by sweety1984 17 y
hi am doing my fasting from few days and i loss 16lbs and i started my dry fast for 2 days and today my dry fast completed successfully and i am going to continue my fasting with water, 2orow am going to do water fasting and day after 2orow i will continue my dry fast for 2 days
i dont have any experince in dry fasting i do some small water fasting
if anybody know about dry fasting and water fasting very well then can u help me out that how much lb will i loose in dry fasting and water fasting per day
3,562 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Fasting: Dry Fasting
Fasting: General
Re: How many days?
by sindy 20 y
Water Fast
You can fast from 1 to 40 days. Try to drink 2 liters of water or more per day.
The ten day water fast has become a recommended number of days. Ten days on water will cause the same weight loss as 30 days on juice. But water fasting is far more difficult, especially if you have a fast metabolism. Water fasting cleanses the body aggressively removing toxins rapidly. Water fasting can be more beneficial than juice fasting in combating more persistent forms of cancer, cleansing the tissues more aggressively. Water fasting demands mental preparation, the less pressure and responsi ...
1,788 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: Longest time you can go safely while water fasting?
by sindy 20 y
Water Fast
You can fast from 1 to 40 days. Try to drink 2 liters of water or more per day.
The ten day water fast has become a recommended number of days. Ten days on water will cause the same weight loss as 30 days on juice. But water fasting is far more difficult, especially if you have a fast metabolism. Water fasting cleanses the body aggressively removing toxins rapidly. Water fasting can be more beneficial than juice fasting in combating more persistent forms of cancer, cleansing the tissues more aggressively. Water fasting demands mental preparation, the less pressure and responsi ...
17,590 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Coconut water fasting vs just water fasting
by Trystan 12 y
I was wondering what are the differences between fasting with coconut water and just a water fast? Will both give me the same benefits over time?
I was thinking of doing a straight water fast but I want to continue doing bikram yoga so I thought maybe if I added coconut water to the water fast that would help. But if the benefits are not the same or different I may decide to just do a water fast.
Thank you everyone for your help and answers!
1,127 hits
Forum: Fasting: General
Fasting: Weight Loss
Re: It's not fasting if your having food
by chava 19 y
As I see it, the water fast forum is for those that are strictly fasting, while this forum is also for those that do a partial fast.
I have never seen in the water fast forum that they don’t want people there that do a water fast for weight loss reasons. How could that be if all great experts on water fasting from the past and the present have always talked about overweight as one of the reasons to fast? And in what other way could a person that’s overweight detox than by losing weight?
2,351 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: Water Fasting?
by Mark37 21 y
I agree a first fast should be done with care but I don’t think a water fast should be avoided because it ”won’t take [toxins] out as quickly as possible”. In fact, it is because a water fast DOES take toxins out quickly and potentially overwhelmingly, that one might consider a juice fast or what you mentioned prior instead of a water fast to begin with.
Though again, a water fast may be appropriate as a first fast, but according to the state of toxicity and health of the practitioner, maybe initially for just a short duration.
2,455 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Please help with questions
by Naturalist 18 y
Hi Brandy726, To answer your question ”How does a water fast work.” You just drink water, ”nothing” else.
I have fasted by way of the Master Cleanse, (the longest one was 21 days) Juice Fasting, and water fasting. Of course the MC and juicing are not fasts, they are a restricted way of eating. I prefer water fasting. 10 days of water fasting is equivalent to 30 days of juice fasting. I want to tell you I do not have a weight problem; I have a health problem. This is why I fast.
It has been my experience that nothing compares to the water fast as a means of eliminating waste from the ...
2,415 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: Need Advice
by godschild1979 17 y
Thank you for your advice. I know that this is a water fasting forum, and my intentions are to switch to a water fast at some point. I have question for you: I was wanting to know, if I did a juice fast/diet during the week while at work, and then switched to water only on the weekends, would this help me to get over the initial weakness of water fasting? I would like to get to the point where I can water fast the whole time.
2,330 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
gallstones formation during water fasting
by malah 17 y
View Entire Thread 12
I was forced to start my water fasts because traditional liver flushes to get rid of my gallstones did not help any more. I needed more relaxation, and i got it after 5 day of water fast. I choose the time for water fast liver flushing carefully: so that the fast starts 5 days or more before full moon, and i get my gallstones out regularly without fail. Without water fasting i would be having gallstones operation every 2 years.
16,639 hits
Forum: Fasting Debate
Does anyone here have a fast metabolism? If so,
please s...
by Naturalist 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
I am going to be water fasting for 10 days in September. I have been fasting for years. Last year I did a 21 day MC. I find the MC very easy to do. I have done several 3 day water fasts. I water fast 1 day a week and have for many years. I have also done several juice fasts. However, water fasting is difficult for me because I have a fast metabolism.
If anyone reading this has a fast metabolism and has water fasted for at least 10 days, would you please share your water fasting experience with me. Also, I am thin and do not have any weight to lose.
Thank you...
2,244 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Water vs Juice Fast
by InCharge 18 y
”Q. What is the difference between water fasting and juice fasting?
A. During a water fast, only water is consumed. During a juice fast, any variety of fruit and vegetable juices are consumed.
People detoxify and heal more quickly with a water fast than with a juice fast. This is because with a water fast, your digestive passageway and organs are able to rest completely, allowing for all of your energy to be used for cleansing and repair of damaged tissues. With a juice fast or a cleansing diet of fruits and vegetables, your body must use energy to digest nutrients, leaving less avai ...
3,720 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Eating before true hunger returns is disgusting
by thinker2012 13 y
Hi Sun Tzu
I am a fresh fruit juice faster. Water fasting and dry fasting are a new step for me. You are correct when you say even an avacado can be a bomb after a water fast. I ate lobster to break a water fast and spent 2 days living through the ’ lobsters death experience.’ Not fun.
Chrirons taste buds are so awake she can enjoy a leaf of spinach, that is interesting. I am seeing now that fresh fruits juiced are also a drug, a pleasant easy on the system drug, yet still a drug. I look forward to trying another water fast and next time breaking the water fast with fresh coconut wat ...
5,055 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: Fasting /Depression
by White Shark 8 y
welcome to the forum.
Are you fasting to cure depression, or have you encountered depression during the first few days of your water fast?
Many unpleasant symptoms encountered during any water fast can be prevented by taking clean water enema during the first days of the water fast.
Also, coffee enema can be a good procedure to do days leading to the water fast, a it can help cleanse both liver and intestines.
Large number of negative symptoms encountered during a normal water fast comes from the liver, so any liver cleansing done prior to water fasting, including but ...
915 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Ask White Shark
how to water fast:
by violetgrace 20 y
You can fast from 1 to 40 days.
Try to drink 2 liters of water or more per day.
The ten day water fast has become a recommended
number of days. Ten days on water will cause the same
weight loss as 30 days on juice. But water fasting is far
more difficult, especially if you have a fast metabolism.
Water fasting cleanses the body aggressively removing
toxins rapidly. Water fasting can be more beneficial
than juice fasting in combating more persistent forms of
cancer, cleansing the tissues more aggressively. Water
fasting demands mental preparation, the less pressure
and responsibi ...
2,547 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: Exciting Reading
by sandyy 21 y
OK, thank you, but that still does not change the fact that water fasting has been around for ever, and that water fasting was available to any one who wanted to do it with out furman. People have their own definitions of water fasting and I think that should be respected. I also think that their reasons to water fast should be taken seriously. If people could cure their weight problem with diet or exercise they wouldn’t be showing up here for weight loss. Sincerely, Sandy.
2,552 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: urgent update-skin regrowth-soaked off- used shea but...
by montrealhomegrown 17 y
hey again morning,
since you are on disability what are your thoughts on water fasting?
would you consider giving it a go?
i saw amazing results from a short water fast (only 7 days), im sure you would see the same results and even cure many of your health problems if you fast long enough. I had to stop my fast prematurely due to work related reasons but i still got some impressive results.
water fasting will fix the underlying problem behind any health issue, its the bodies most effective way of healing serious illnesses. someone in the water fasting section of curezone cured ...
4,090 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
water fasting is a lot different than the MC....
by RowanMorrison 21 y
Water fasting is entirely different than the MC. I’ve read enough about water fasting to know that it can be dangerous if not done correctly, whereas it is my opinion that just about anyone could do a 10-day MC without any health problems resulting.
Water fasting is entirely different than the MC. I’ve read enough about water fasting to know that it can be dangerous if not done correctly, whereas it is my opinion that just about anyone could do a 10-day MC without any health problems.
2,747 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Have you ever considered water fasting ?
by White Shark 7 y
have you tried water fasting for cataract ?
Experience of people with long term water fasting (12, 21 or 30 days) is that it helped cure incurable diseases.
If I would ever develop something that can only be treated with a surgery, long term water fast would have been my first thing to try.
Have you ever considered water fasting ?
974 hits
Forum: Cataract
Working while fasting.
by hotdog40069 10 y
View Entire Thread 9
I am on day two of my water fast right now. My last meal was consumed on 1/1/2015 at 6:00 pm. I am still doing great.
I have had done intermittent fasting before but never a strict water fast. That being said I would like to know if most of you that have water fasted the following questions.
1. When you water fasted did you take time off work to do it?
2. what is the maximum activity level one can have while fasting?
I was wanting to water fast while working. My job is not physical at all but does require about 5 miles of walking through out the day.
Would it be safe to ...
2,657 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Exercising during a Water fast.
by sillybandz 10 y
View Entire Thread 7
I’m a 5’2 female and weigh exactly 165 pounds. I’m starting a 1 week water fast next week to loose some weight. If I exercise during the water fast would that increase the amount of weight lost and would it prevent my metabolism from slowing down after the water fast. I also want to know weighs to continue losing weight while breaking the water fast.
3,603 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Fasting: Weight
Weight Loss
Advice for first-timer
by dennisg0505 10 y
View Entire Thread 7
I want to water fast to experience some healing and for religious reasons, but this would be my first time and would like some advice.
I drank only cooked vegetable juice yesterday and am wondering how many days I should drink just juice before I start a water fast. I heard that by drinking juice before the water fast reduces the uncomfortable symptoms of the water fast.
School starts January 4, so I would like to finish my fast by then. I’m wondering what schedule I should take - how many days of juice and how many days of water fast.
I’m also on medication for schizophr ...
1,072 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
watch out for the adrenals
RN WARNING by #82200 18 y
View Entire Thread 22
water fasting can be a tremendous strain on the body and specially the adrenal glands. I used to water fast and ended up with adrenal fatigue and I am having a hard time loosing weight and I am always exhausted and I am under treatment for it. I am told by my naturopath not to water fast anymore. Water fasting should be done during a period of complete rest and stress free environment otherwise it can do more damage than good. Also, a lot of people have already mild adrenal fatigue and they can worsen their condition without knowing.
We live in extremely toxic world, and water fasting ca ...
8,538 hits
1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Forums
by mikeritr 22 y
Too bad Freedom-You only seems to approach water fasting as a spiritual discipline connected to God, which I personally have no objection too. But water fasting has a place all it’s own for healing. Freedom you does not recommend water fasting unless ”you’ve heard from God,” which could eliminate a sizeable portion of the population. Then too, when an easier option than water fasting is so strongly recommended and claimed to be as or more effective than water only, people naturally go for the easiest path. But it’s one of the places out there that at least recognizes the legitimacy of wate ...
2,100 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Weight Gain After Water Fast?
by White Shark 8 y
One thing that happens to many people during the water fast is that they improve health of their liver and health of their intestines. Digestion becomes more efficient.
Also, their body is more likely to go into winter mode, into storing fat for later, in case there is no food later.
Consequence of all this is faster weight gain on the same diet, after a water fast.
And consequence of this is weight gain, even more than before the water fast.
That is the reason why water fasting is not recommended as a sustainable way to lose weight, as it often leads to exactly opposite, ...
7,987 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Abdominal liposuction vs extraperitoneal lipoma
by fastinganne 12 y
Well, it is not just a pouch absolutely freely floating around. Even though it is movable, it is also attached to all organs around that serve as a source of a nourishment for the tumor; The tumor grows its own arteries and veins for this purpose.
Surgery would damage many organs and probably diminish your quality of life.
Because you have already tried water fast that resulted in a reduction in a tumor size and the tumor, unfortunately, returned after a plant based diet was introduced, I believe that water fast alone is not good enough.
If I were you, I would consider ...
4,400 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Second Water Fast FEB 2018
by toomuchcoke 7 y
Hello Again!
I have just given you an update on my weight loss and my first water fast in my last entry.
Today is the very first day of my second water fast. This will be a 3-day water fast only. I have come to the conclusion that it is simply too difficult and ambitious to do a longer water fast for myself, and I would be just setting up myself for failure again if I try it.
In order to prepare for this water fast, I did a semi master cleanse to ease into it. I basically had one meal a day and 2 MC drinks. My meal of the day was mostly vegetables.
My starting weight on day 1 ...
482 hits
Blog: Master Cleanse to Water Fasting Total Weight Lost
Re: Is fasting bad for your heart?
by chava 19 y
Why would I take your remarks personally? After all, I’m not the one that invented the concept of water fasting.
This used to be a support forum for people doing a water fast for weight loss reasons. Now it seems to have become a forum for those that think a water fast is way too difficult. And your remarks just strenghten them in that idea. I have never had problems with my heart (or with anything else) while water fasting. This although I have an extra electrical pathway in my heart, which means that I have a greater chance to have rhythm problems than the average person.
In my opi ...
8,970 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: does coffee ruin a water fast
by thinker2012 13 y
I am a stickler on the definition of water, h20
is it tap water fasting
distilled water fasting
rain water fasting
well water fasting
the water in ripe coconuts is purer cleaner water then my tap water
when i distill my tap water, the distiller is full of plaster paris like stuff, lots of it from the pollution in the tap water
coffee cherry it its proper name, the coffee bean is really a coffee CHERRY botonically, coffee is a fruit. the coffee bean is the coffee cherry. see wiki
the water in citrus fruits is cleaner then my tap water as it is distilled by the roots ...
15,330 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Thinking of water fast???? Plz read
by life87 10 y
Hey guys,
So we have all heard many things about water fast, positive and negative as everyone shares a different opinion on it. I want to assert that whatever posts that follow below are my experience and only my personal opinions. I have done water fasting few times before ranging from one day fasts to a week or 10 day fast. So I decided to try it again avoiding the mistakes I made in the past. I would like to share all the mistakes I have done in my previous fasts. Water fasting is not an easy task to do and the hardest part of it is not the fast itself but the preparation for it an ...
811 hits
Blog: My 10 Day Water Fast Experience
Re: Little Juice fasting vs Water
by MH 108 15 y
MH et all,
If one fasts with very little juice (8 oz or less) how effective is this ?
Is a water fast more effective ?
I did a week on water earlier this year - it was not enough to ”set me free”.
1,838 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Looking for a Fasting buddy
by kmg4 10 y
40 days is a lot for your first water fast. There are certain dangers in such a long fast if you are not experienced and not supervised.
Try 8 days to see how it goes, then refeed and stay with almost entirely fruits and vegetables. If you must have animal products, stick with homemade yogurt, free-range eggs, and wild-caught fish, but all that should be at a minimum.
After a couple months of that, do a 15-25 day water fast (the main event, so to speak).
I personally am between my first 8-day water fast and my serious 14-18 day water fast that I will begin in early October.
915 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: 7 Day Fasting Questions
by hopinso 19 y
If you are doing a water fast, then it is water and nothing but water. No coffee, supplements, teas or anything else. No exercise should be done on a water fast except gentle stretching and occasional slow walking. A true water fast is not for losing weight, it is for cleansing and healing. Some describe it as knife-less surgery. Any compromise will lessen the benefits of the fast. Don’t worry about weight loss while water fasting, in fact, stay off the scales. I admit I approach water fasting from a medicinal healing point of view. Those who embrace fasting as a method of rapid weight los ...
2,278 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Fating Question
by MH 108 16 y
Hi MH,
Hope all is well with you and your family...
So, I would like to know your opinion on Water fasting.
(Been also reading a lot about this strict fasting)
Do you feel it is more effective than an orange juice fast, for the same amount of time, lets say 21 days?
Anyway, hope to hear anything you have to say on water-fasting. Thanks
1,196 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot