600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: Female patient (33 years, married, mother of two) wit...
by wateroflife 13 y
Here is one.
Dr. Rakshak Mal Lodha
Indian, Author, Accountancy, Economist, Pharmacist, N D, Financial Adviser, Psychologist, written Many books on Nature Cure & Urine Therapy in Hindi & 1 book on Urine Therapy in English. Treated unlimited patients with Urine Therapy & Nature Cure in India, Singapore, & USA, Member of many societies and Urine Therapy groups I am writing more books I gave lectures at Hindu Temples in USA and in India at many places on Urine Therapy & Economics, Finance and Jainism Phone: + 91 291 2712999
9,940 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Leukemia Support
Wheatgrass & Barleygrass
Urine Therapy Support
Ask CureZone
Juicing Forum
Urine therapy v/s liver flush support forums
by ei132 18 y
View Entire Thread 7
Liver Flush support ----------- how much does it cost ?
Master Cleanse support ----------- how much does it cost ?
Ask Barefoot -------- ?
Urine Therapy -------- is virtually free once you know how to do it, which is basically when to drink fresh urine / apply fresh urine where / apply old urine where / and when to drink old urine.
Urine therapy can have this scientific explanation --------- the toxic wastes are toxic only to certain parts of the body, when they are re-ingested, the body recycles it and like in the oceans where life was created, what is toxic to the neighbors ...
6,265 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Debate
Investigate the facts
by #136970 13 y
Nobody’s asking you to use it.
Urine therapy has provided me with many healing benefits including physician
diagnosed - before and after, the cure for my skin cancer.
Originally published in about 1917 The Water of Life documents many cancer
Ingesting urine cures liver cancer:
Cures breast cancer: ...
8,706 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Leukemia Support
Wheatgrass & Barleygrass
Urine Therapy Support
Ask CureZone
Juicing Forum
Re: Arsenic? Mercury? Formaldehyde?
by risingsun 19 y
For me personally, I am most concerned about mercury and lead in my own urine. If drinking my own urine would just be putting back in what I want to get rid of then it would make me wonder if using urine might have some negative effects? I have looked into research about urine therapy and to tell you the truth, it is difficult to find any clinical studies that support urine therapy. In one way it makes it the ultimate possible cure that could be re-emerging because of the unlimited range of possibilities that the internet makes available or it might just be that unine therapy has been test ...
8,422 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
URINE THERAPY controls/eliminates diabetes
by ei132 18 y
View Entire Thread 29
A friend of mine in Amarson’s garden (Mumbai/India) where I advocated URINE THERAPY (check internet using google ”urine therapy”, ”urine therapy testimonials” and support group ”urine therapy”) told me that with urine therapy (both drinking fresh urine and massage with old or fresh urine depending on part of the body below or above neck is required, consult a urine therapist or a decent book) ---- he told me that his blood began to clot again because of urine therapy and he has also stopped his diabetes medications.
I told him, diabetes is a serious disease. He said, ”I ca ...
43,700 hits
1 of 5 (20%)
Forum: Diabetes Type II
Urine Therapy Support
Diabetes Type I
Re: Tomatoes, ok raw but not cooked? (have pizza recipe)
by ei1321 18 y
have u tried urine therapy.
all major hospitals know about it.
have you noticed anybody regressing on urine therapy (143,000 web-pages on google)
my doctor has officially reduced my mood-stabilizer (Tegretol) for bipolar disorder and is now set on putting me on Risperidone Long Acting Injection to eliminate my anti-psychotic and tranquilizer.
All major hospitals and doctors know about urine therapy, so why don’t you ask there.
check google group Lodha’s urine therapy
2,834 hits
Forum: Candida Support
UT healing teeth and gums
by #29203 12 y
View Entire Thread 13
A couple of links on healing teeth with UT:
9,005 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Dental Health
28 more on urine therapy -precautions and links
by knowledge seeker 17 y
someone brought up the question of if it is safe to use urine therapy (UT) when one is on prescriiption drugs.
there seems to be some controversy on this, while some do feel this is true here is what I found out.
I found this forum and some think it is ok to take urine therapy and one said a doctor told her on one kind of drug that taking a cup a day would be ok
so I might, if on a lot of drugs, limit my urine until I get off these drugs to one cup a day taken 1st thing in the morning..mid stream catch (collect after you started ...
47,154 hits
Forum: Kidney Failure
If you require evidence
by kocc6ny2 17 y
You can get the videotape and book from Martin Lara from his website, which the article was quoted from. He recorded the interview in those tapes.
Below are other literatures on Urine Therapy written by doctors and others.
On a personal note, I would like to mention that I have no desire to make fun of people who are not healthy. Try to maintain the awareness of seeking a cure. But the cure sometimes eludes you, due to your own predisposition and prejudices.
Focus on results, not the trivia.
Note : Shivambu or Amaroli refers to the practice of ingesting urine.
Bibliography a ...
39,265 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Breast Cancer
URINE THERAPY. Re: Help with my obese friend
by ei132 18 y
A google search on ”URINE THERAPY OBESITY” came up with the following results. My waist size has gone down from a tight 36” to a 34” and weight is now 70 kg and height is 5’9.5”. Check the ”URINE THERAPY SUPPORT FORUM” on
Nothing Unscientific About Urine TherapyThe diseases I have treated with this auto urine therapy are : psoriasis, eczema, allergy, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, backache, hyperacidity, ...
- 15k - Cached - Similar pages
Wonders Of Urine TherapyAuto-urine therapy is an age-old pract ...
4,280 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Chronic fatigue syndrome --- Fibromyalgia (for bipolar / ...
by ei132 18 y
Since I am bipolar / manic-depressive I perhaps HAD chronic fatigue syndrome (check walker’s list).
Please do google search on ”urine therapy” and ”urine therapy testimonials”.
There are 150,000 articles on it. As you can see ”chronic fatigue syndrome” is listed there.
Here is an extract:
Urine Therapy: A cure for all diseasesUrine Therapy is one of the most powerful, most researched and most medically proven ... chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto’s disease, mononucleosis. ...
- 113k - Cached - Similar pages
My own exp ...
3,623 hits
Forum: CFS / CFIDS
Urine Therapy Support
Look up "urine therapy candida" on the internet
by ei132 18 y
Here is a short lookup of ”urine therapy candida” on the internet.
Here are the results ----
Candida Yeast Infections Alternative Medicine Natural SolutionsConquering Candida Yeast Infections: The Non-Drug Solution for Men and Women. ... Urine Therapy (I drink 90% of the urine I excrete) ...
- 158k - Cached - Similar pages
Urine Therapy: A cure for all diseasesUrine Therapy is one of the most powerful, most researched and most medically ... chronic cystitis, severe candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, ...
http: ...
2,452 hits
Forum: Candida Support
by ei132 18 y
My knee pain went away with Urine Therapy. My eyes became better with Urine Therapy (washing in an eyecup filled with my fresh room-temperature Urine).
Urine therapist is Mr Ramniklal Gada (Mumbai/India 9820600741) and Space Time Motion is Dr S N Bhavasar (Pune/India 25899509 and mobile Pune/India 21115901.
It would be nice to know if Urine Therapy can cure your problem ---- but it does not fix problems requiring SURGERY but your surgery will heal faster without scars with URINE THERAPY.
2,504 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
Urine therapy v/s liver flush support
by ei132 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
Check out on google ”urine therapy” and ”urine therapy testimonials” v/s liver flush support. Check out on ”urine therapy” books.
Here are my own views on urine therapy.
URINE THERAPY --- A significant research and advance in medicine
Can urine therapy be done with any medicine including anti-biotics.
According to my urine therapist consultant Ramniklal Gada (Mumbai, India 9820600741) urine-therapy can be done safely with any medication. General advice is not to discontinue your medication abruptly because your body has become addicted to those medications ...
8,574 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Re: My story about ADRENALS...
by anonalon 11 y
I’m going back through old messages and trying to update them from what knowledge I have now from hindsight. I’m doing this for those who are new to this forum and reading through old messages for help. I believe the urine therapy helps because it contains cortisol and boosts it. I looked up what is in urine at some point and cortisol is one component maybe progesterone is another? I know they both help now in the way urine therapy did and get the same boost of well being after taking cortisol cream and/or progesterone cream as I did at first with urine therapy. I still do outward urine th ...
1,542 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Questioning and debating Urine Therapy
R by Webmaster 19 y
View First 20 Messages of 32
In order to keep this forum free from questioning and debating, and to keep it open for those who are enthusiastic about Urine Therapy, a special forum has been created and dedicated to questioning and debating:
Urine Therapy Debate Forum
If you are skeptical to Urine Therapy or you think that you have some valid non-enthusiastic questions on this therapy, please use the debate forum.
UT Support forum is now dedicated to Urine Therapy enthusiasts, people who are beyond questioning.
Previously posted messages that question Urine Therapy w ...
4,806 hits
3 of 4 (75%)
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Urine therapy and alcoholism / acidity
by ei132 18 y
Urine therapy helps in alcholism too. A friend of mine told me she has reduced her alcohol drinking and now drinks alcohol only thrice a week.
Here is my personal testimonial.
Check ”urine therapy” and ”urine therapy testimonials” on the internet.
Urine therapy eliminates acidity too.
URINE THERAPY --- A significant research and advance in medicine
Can urine therapy be done with any medicine including anti-biotics.
According to my urine therapist consultant Ramniklal Gada (Mumbai, India 9820600741) urine-therapy can be done safely with any medication. General advi ...
8,214 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Alchoholics An.
Acid Reflux/GERD
uUrine therapy has reduced obesity in me. Check "urine t...
by ei132 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
Urine therapy has reduced my tummy considerably. If you want photos of myself before and after urine therapy I don’t mind submitting them.
Please read all these conditions cured by urine therapy in myself too.
URINE THERAPY --- A significant research and advance in medicine
Can urine therapy be done with any medicine including anti-biotics.
According to my urine therapist consultant Ramniklal Gada (Mumbai, India 9820600741) urine-therapy can be done safely with any medication. General advice is not to discontinue your medication abruptly because your body has bec ...
8,859 hits
Forum: Obesity Support
Urine Therapy Support
Alkaline/Acid Support
Re: URINE THERAPY CANCER/AIDS/other diseases testimonials
by ei132 19 y
I am using urine therapy for manic depression/bipolar disorder.
For help with urine therapy for cancer see the testimonials. Or contact
Ramniklal Gada in Mumbai, India at 9820-600741.
Urine therapy is being introduced soon at an allopathic hospital in Mumbai, India (Saifee Hospital).
I am able to reduce my trinicalm plus tablets by 1/2 tablet which I have never been able to do before.
Now, I am stuck. I have made a woman friend, but she has a boyfriend for the last 7 years who treats her badly. I am confident that her boyfriend will get cured by urine therapy. So she ca ...
12,310 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
AIDS Support
Allergies & Intolerance
Re: URINE THERAPY CANCER/AIDS/other diseases testimonials
by ei132 19 y
URINE THERAPY --- A significant research and advance in medicine
Personal experience of how to perform Urine Therapy and Urine Therapists phone numbers.
Urine Therapy in my experience is done as follows. My Urine Therapists phone numbers are Ramniklal Gada (9820600741) and Dinesh Doshi (Mumbai, India, 26369633).
1. To the eyes – Blink your eyes in an eyecup of Urine. If the eyes sting, wash them by blinking them in an eyecup of water. I started this after my 3rd month of Urine Therapy. Now, the result is that I can see small hand-writing of the date on my watch after 5 days of Ur ...
13,048 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
AIDS Support
Allergies & Intolerance
Check out the testimonials and this letter to the editor ...
by ei132 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
URINE THERAPY --- A significant research and advance in medicine
Personal experience of how to perform Urine Therapy and Urine Therapists phone numbers.
Urine Therapy in my experience is done as follows. My Urine Therapists phone numbers are Ramniklal Gada (9820600741) and Dinesh Doshi (Mumbai, India, 26369633).
1. To the eyes – Blink your eyes in an eyecup of Urine. If the eyes sting, wash them by blinking them in an eyecup of water. I started this after my 3rd month of Urine Therapy. Now, the result is that I can see small hand-writing of the date on my watch after 5 days of Ur ...
3,849 hits
Forum: AIDS Support
Arthritis: Rheumatoid
Look what has been cured by Urine Therapy. It cures mult...
by ei132 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
URINE THERAPY --- A significant research and advance in medicine
Personal experience of how to perform Urine Therapy and Urine Therapists phone numbers.
Urine Therapy in my experience is done as follows. My Urine Therapists phone numbers are Ramniklal Gada (9820600741) and Dinesh Doshi (Mumbai, India, 26369633).
1. To the eyes – Blink your eyes in an eyecup of Urine. If the eyes sting, wash them by blinking them in an eyecup of water. I started this after my 3rd month of Urine Therapy. Now, the result is that I can see small hand-writing of the date on my watch after 5 days of Ur ...
40,747 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: MS: Multiple Sclerosis
Allergies & Intolerance
Alchoholics An.
Re: IF URINE THERAPY works, does it mean EVOLUTION OR CRE...
by ei132 18 y
if you mix it with vodka (10% urine in vodka), would you consider the resulting solution to be a creation of urine therapy,
or would you consider it to be an evolution of urine therapy ?
If an alcoholic mixes it with vodka it would be an evolution of urine therapy ----- he would lose the desire to drink alcohol.
If I drink it with vodka, it would be a creation of vodka.
Smile :-)
21,251 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Debate
urine therapy
by indirabanerjie 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
dear sir/madam,
the excess sodium which comes out with the urine, is it in any way harmful to ppl who have high cholestrol/high BP?
does taking vitamins and mineral tablets increase the rate of kidney stones, while doing urine therapy?
what r the effects of practicing urine therapy 3 times a wk., vs. 5 times a wk??? which is better & why?? what is the ideal method of practicing urine therapy???
2,598 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Urine therapy will work INSTANTLY because of UREA replace...
by ei132 18 y
Urine therapy gets urea into the body.
Now, the liver produces urea from amino acids.
If you put urea back in the body it should give instant relief to the liver ----- the most dramatic improvement.
Allopathy considers ”urea” as waste and says it is excreted by the kidneys.
Actually, (verify this) urea is essential.
The moment it gets back into the blood-stream, the liver can do something else besides KEEPING ON producing ESSENTIAL UREA.
Now, this is why urine therapy MUST be started immediately in all cases -- and works INSTANTLY and rapidly.
With urine therapy, ...
3,776 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Urine Therapy Debate
Check out urine therapy and my testimonials of it here. T...
by ei132 18 y
View Entire Thread 6
URINE THERAPY --- A significant research and advance in medicine
Can urine therapy be done with any medicine including anti-biotics.
According to my urine therapist consultant Ramniklal Gada (Mumbai, India 9820600741) urine-therapy can be done safely with any medication. General advice is not to discontinue your medication abruptly because your body has become addicted to those medications. I have not yet been able to reduce even marginally my long-term medications. TAKE YOUR DOCTORS ADVICE BEFORE DISCONTINUUING OR REDUCING MEDICATION OR STARTING URINE THERAPY. Inform your doctor ...
3,798 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Re: Cut, Burn, and Poison: The Surgery, Radiation and
by ei1321 18 y
urine therapy cures cancer --- unbelievable, well my genetic disorder bipolar disorder is reversed, so i have no hesitation in recommending urine therapy for canccer.
my bipolar disorder of 1988-2007 is now finally reversing with urine therapy.
the doctor has eliminated Tegretol (the mood-stabilizer) and put me on Risperdal Consta clinical trial to reduce/eliminate my anti-psychotic Stelazine and anxiety drug chlorpromazine.
3,097 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
AIDS Support
urine therapy v/s acne. Re: estrogen effects on male acne
by ei1321 18 y
urine therapy is now reducing my acne SCARS --- which i had stopped with accutane.
just check urine therapy on google, 143,000 web-pages.
my bipolar disorder of 1988-2007 is now finally reversing with urine therapy.
the doctor has eliminated Tegretol (the mood-stabilizer) and put me on Risperdal Consta clinical trial to reduce/eliminate my anti-psychotic Stelazine and anxiety drug chlorpromazine.
6,809 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: brain cancer .. to woody7. urgent.
by ei1321 18 y
check urine therapy ---- it will immediately stop pain and cure cancer.
ask all major hospitals and doctors.
my bipolar disorder of 1988-2007 is now finally reversing with urine therapy.
the doctor has eliminated Tegretol (the mood-stabilizer) and put me on Risperdal Consta clinical trial to reduce/eliminate my anti-psychotic Stelazine and anxiety drug chlorpromazine. All major hospitals/doctors know about urine therapy, just ask them.
3,000 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
by cancun 20 y
I am glad you feel better after the urine therapy. This forum is not about urine therapy though, it is about Psoriasis. I again state it is not logical that after passing through the body one time, you would absorb it the second time. What is different this time around I think I speak for many here when I say the logic in this argument is difficult to follow. If you have had success in urine therapy for your Psoriasis, please post before and after pictures if possible.
44,538 hits
Forum: Psoriasis
Email me Directly
by cancun 20 y
I am glad you feel better after the urine therapy. This forum is not about urine therapy though, it is about Psoriasis. I again state it is not logical that after passing through the body one time, you would absorb it the second time. What is different this time around I think I speak for many here when I say the logic in this argument is difficult to follow. If you have had success in urine therapy for your Psoriasis, please post before and after pictures if possible.
1,993 hits
Forum: Psoriasis
Re: Could Urine therapy have enabled me to become more fe...
by boronia 20 y
Hi, how wonderful!
In ”Your Own Perfect Medicine”, Martha Christie points out how several successful fertility drugs such as Pergonal are made from urine extracts and that a few women have reported to her how they feel urine therapy helped them to conceive. She says the ’best and safest method’ is to use urine therapy for a certain period (six months) before trying to conceive and to discontinue its use during the days that you’re attempting to conceive.
Coen Van Der Kroon in ”The Golden Fountain” also points to research into the possible medicine effects of UT whereby urine is colle ...
15,344 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
URINE THERAPY will give instant relief from CANCER --- be...
by ei132 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
study ”urine therapy cancer” and ”urine therapy testimonials cancer” on the internet.
I hypothesize that u will get instant relief from drinking urine.
Why --- because it has urea in it and other homeopathic elements .
Now, the moment u get urea into ur blood stream from urine, ur liver will stop synthesizing urine from amino acids ---- and will divert itself into more productive things.
So, yes, an INSTANT PAIN RELIEF cure against all diseases including cancer is possible.
Note, u have to massage urine too.
For a urine therapist, google ”urine therapy dinesh doshi” or ” ...
3,274 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Re: Long Urine Fast to cure candidiasis starts today
by #72129 18 y
A urine fast combines ”urine therapy”, which is recommended by some as a successful modality for curing candidiasis as well as other ailments, with fasting, another healing modality. One eats and drinks nothing but one’s own urine, fresh (see Urine Therapy forum here on - it’s a powerful anti-fungal. In my case, I will probably also drink additional water and continue with probiotics.
A couple of curezoners have reported success with urine therapy or urine fasting when it comes to killing candida dead, dead, dead in a relatively short period of time. I remain skeptical. I ...
5,451 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Rabies ---- Try URINE THERAPY with conventional treat...
by ei132 18 y
Try Urine Therapy with conventional treatment. Google ”urine therapy”, ”urine therapy testimonials”, ”shivambu yoga” ”damar tantra” ---- and support group ”urine therapy support group”.
1. Make the patient drink a lot of warm water to get maximum urine.
2. Make the person drink their own urine.
3. Massage the person in their own urine.
If you can’t do 1 to 3, inject the person with their own urin (injection is unknown to my urine therapist Ramniklal Gada). Send me email if interested.
Also check us patent application number 10/899,500
2,423 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Support
Re: Wisconsin Girl Survives Rabies Without Vaccination --...
by ei132 18 y
The Rabies cure by urine therapy (check google on ”urine therapy” ”urine therapy testimonials” and curezone forum ”urine therapy”) is as follows:
1. Give the person plenty of warm water to drink so the person urinates a lot.
2. Make the person drink their own urine ----- this will stimulate the brain to make antibodies to the rabies virus.
3. Massage the person with their own urine
4. (if 1 2 and 3 fail) inject the person with their own urine.
Send me email or check ”Ramniklal” for the phone number of the urine therapist.
7,341 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Re: Arsenic? Mercury? Formaldehyde?
by risingsun 19 y
I certainly don’t recognize Foghat as an alias. I use Risingsun as an alias when I am in my health research mode. If you have a personal problem with me though, you can email me @ or you can see a dozen or so research blogs I have done about various health protocols in the Blogs section of CureZone. If you want to pick a fight with me though, I probably can’t stop you.
I am just starting to research Urine Therapy in the last few days. I have not gone beyond cursory searches. If I ask questions and it sparks anger in you then maybe that says more about you then it ...
6,792 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Re: No it doesn't! ---- I think perhaps URINE THERAPY co-...
by ei132 18 y
I have a problem. If Urine therapy causes my blood to clot so rapidly --- I’ll elaborate, that when I have my drunk my own urine for 5 months and when I shave with a bladed dipped in my own urine --- I can see a 1 square millimeter cut which is red --- but not a drop of blood comes out.
In this case, will URINE THERAPY lead to intravenous drips failing because the drip will clot.
Also, for 5 months I have been doing urine therapy with my medications, and it certainly does not eliminate my dependence on allopathic medications and those allopathic medication residues are eli ...
30,815 hits
Forum: Diabetes Type II
Urine Therapy Support
Diabetes Type I
Re: Can one use urine therapy while one is pregnant?
by #26194 19 y
Look at what Martha Christy (Your Own Perfect Medecine p. 176) has to say about it:
”Although pregnant woman have been treated with successfully urine therapy for morning sickness or edema, the therapy should not be used during pregnancy without the supervision of a doctor familiar with the medical use of urine.
Doctors have reported that they have used urine therapy for morning sickness in pregnancy with excellent results, but there are reports of two spontaneous abortions which occurred after urine therapy treatments (Dunne and Plesch), possibly because of the natural release o ...
10,653 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
LIke oil pulling ---- how to do "urine pulling" with hydr...
by ei132 18 y
View Entire Thread 18
If you research on google ”urine therapy” you will get 150,000 web pages. But look for information in Shirley’s web site.
or type in
”urine therapy disease-name”.
Can anybody tell me whether it is possible to do one’s own ”urine pulling” with hydrogen peroxide. What will be the benefit.
I am manic-depressive with perhaps chronic fatigue syndrome. But I am taking my allopathic medication with drinking my own urine and massaging my head for the last 5 months without kidney failure (as my psychiatrist was afraid of).
And allopathic urine therapy doctors told me there would ...
8,648 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Debate