600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Joint Pain Causes, Symptoms and Herbal Remedies that Work
by drandrewnapier 15 y
With the progress of age many people suffer from a common discomfort of joint pain of varying degrees irrespective of the gender. This condition starts showing its symptoms generally after the age of 45 reaching to the peak at 75. These pains can be short lived or can last for hours and days depending upon the cause and the seriousness.
Arthritis is the common term applied to the joint pains, whereas other pains arising from spondylitis, sprain or dislocation of joints can also give rise to joint pains at any age. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most serious form of joint pa ...
2,217 hits
Blog: Ayurvedic and Herbal Remedies
Re: Muscle joint pain
by #193454 10 y
Hey, If you are interested in some natural remedies you can try Bosewellia, ginger, willow bark, avocado soybean extract, etc.
Complete info at
Also, Joint pains could be sign for something deeper which I read in an article. So, consult your doctor if it still persists.
Hope its helpful
1,063 hits
Forum: Chronic Pain
Re: Joint Pain
by clara21 22 y
I suffer from Crohn’s disease, and joint pain is common when having a flare up of both Crohn’s and UC. The reason for this is that both UC, Crohn’s are auto-immune diseases, as is arthritis ( the symptoms which you are experiencing). The good news is that when the flare up has passed, so too will the joint pain. I know because a flare up I had last year, the joint pain was dreadful, but as soon as my tummy started to recover the joint pain disappeared.
Good Luck :-)
2,157 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Re: Lower leg pain, feels liked shin splints?
by #139422 14 y
Millions of people suffer from joint pain. The good news is that there are now plenty of herbal, all-natural joint pain relief products in the market promising to alleviate arthritis of the knees, finger joints, and hips. It is vital to understand one’s condition. Research studies have found that the intake of Glucosamine and Chondroitin does relieve these joint pains. More resources at
3,992 hits
Forum: Leg Cramps
Re: Body ache,Joint pain, ribs, spine, pelvis, legs
by saywhatagain 16 y
Something that helped me with my non-arthritis joint pain was eating foods that help alkalize the body. I used to have joint pain in both hands so bad that I could barely move them at times. After eating an 80% raw food diet (with an emphasis on alkalizing vegetables) and a couple of juice fasts this pain is completely gone. I still have some joint pain left in my right knee which I believe may be related to a condition called candida.
Good luck.
14,064 hits
Forum: Natural Hygiene
Liver Flush Support
Knee Problems
Re: Question: Has Boron actually cured joint pain?
by grizz 11 y
I think it is a very simple question.
1) Joint pain before taking Boron or Borax and
2) joint pain gone after taking Boron/Borax.
I am not looking for a debate.
I am looking for testimonials on Borax or Boron related to joint pain and nothing more.
Since this forum has been recommending Boron/Borax for years, this is the best forum to ask.
10,566 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Borax, Boron
Re: o/t:Serrapeptase
by cybercrone 17 y
I tried taking serrapeptase for vein cleansing but developed severe joint pains that at first I didn’t associate with serrapeptase. However, after systematically eliminating various supplements, I got to serrapeptase and when I stopped taking it joint pain improved dramatically. Hard to believe since serrapeptase is supposed to RELIEVE pain. That was quite a while ago and I forgot about it. Recently I found a bottle of serrapeptase and, forgetting about prior experience, started taking it again in an effort to relieve joint pain caused by food allergies and the joint pain immediately g ...
7,196 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Do this..
by Bythc 17 y
I asked for a copy of my records, they wanted twenty five bucks. I couldn’t believe it.
Fenugreek will help with the blood sugar, it lowers it better than doctor meds,IMO. Organic apple cider vinegar will also lower blood sugar, and might help with pain issue. I agree with DQ colloidal silver would certainly be worth a try. I drank eight ozs. twice a day for three weeks, my joint pain seem to get worse. Next I ran a fever for two days, with really bad joint pain, when the fever broke the joint pain was gone. This has been over a month ago, still the joint pain has not returned.
2,452 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Joint aches
by forbetterorworse 10 y
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Severe joint pain. I have just gotten a new symptom of severe joint pain in my fingers. Does anyone know why this is happening now? Ive not been taking too many meds for a cpl weeks. Only small doses of quinine and antibiotics and once a week small dose of prazi. Its not cold outside at all so i dont understand why the new pain in my joints?
872 hits
Forum: Parasites: RX Drugs
arthritis triggered by dietary protein, and water
by granolahead 14 y
View Entire Thread 4
I have the oddest problem, which began about a year ago. I get joint pain after eating foods high in protein (chicken, fish, beef, legumes), and after drinking water. The joint pain from eating protein-rich foods lasts longer, and tends to be more extensive, than that which comes as a result of drinking water. The joint pain from the water is mostly mild twinges in my elbows. The pain from protein-rich foods is in elbows, ankles, fingers, toes, shoulders, etc., and lasts until the following morning. I have been eating an alkaline diet (pH Miracle plan) for about a week, and after testing m ...
7,164 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Arthritis: Osteo
Alkaline/Acid Support
Allergies & Intolerance
Arthritis: Rheumatoid
Re: Post Mirena Crash question
by mrsbranbran 15 y
While the mirena was in I had the anxiety depression short temper and a rash on the back of both of my arms. Sine removal the rash has cleared up and the moodiness Is better. However I must add that since removal I have developed new symptoms like excrutiating joint pain .... In every joint. It feels like my shoulders are being ripped off. 1 month after removal I now have dry eyes and the joint pain continues.
56,044 hits
Forum: Mirena
Natural Solutions for Relieving and Eliminating Joint Pain
RR by Tony Isaacs 15 y
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Natural Solutions for Relieving and Eliminating Joint Pain
by Tony Isaacs
Joints are natural shock absorbers for the body and are cushioned by cartilage and supported by muscles, tendons and ligaments. In addition to osteoarthritis, the wear and tear of daily activity as well as injury, aging, obesity and repetitive motion places stress on joints and causes them to wear down. Often this results in joint pain. When joint pain occurs, nature offers several remedies which can relieve and even eliminate such pain.
A low-fat, low-cholesterol diet filled with the comple ...
3,186 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
A Surprising Remedy For Healing Joint Pain
by plzchuckle 11 y
Here’s a surprising home remedy for treating joint pain—cabbage leaves. That’s because cabbage is rich in a variety of anti-inflammatory compounds, all of which can ease the inflammation that causes joint pain. So, if you suffer from joint pain, try this: Take a few large leaves from a cabbage (either green or red cabbage will work fine) and bruise the leaves with a rolling pin. Then warm them in the oven or microwave for a few minutes. Once they are warm, place them over your sore joints and cover them with a towel, letting them set for 15 to 20 minutes. Eating cabbages and drinking cabba ...
20,098 hits
Forum: Barefooters' Library
Here we go again!
by Holyguacamole 13 y
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Well, I am just about 4 months post removal. I had a horrible time at 2 months, with a little bit of relief after periods - like just one or two days, then right back into it until the period came again - abdominal pain, joint pain, exhaustion, foggy thinking. Last month, I added the numbness and tingling in right arm (boo, hated adding a new symptom). Anyway, 1 month ago, all of my symptoms subsided (except for slight joint pain) for 2 glorious weeks and now I’m back in it again with the ab pain, joint pain etc. I’m at the end of 2 weeks of symptoms and they persist. I also skipped my la ...
2,371 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: Question: Has Boron actually cured joint pain?
by grizz 11 y
The claims for Boron & Borax are clear cut.
Either Boron/Borax actually helped alleviate joint pain or it didn’t.
This is a yes or no question and is not up for debate.
For those who actually took Boron/Borax did your joint pain go away or not?
10,120 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Borax, Boron
selenium - diabetes
by jagdpanther 10 y
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I have started taking selenium, only 100ug per day, over two 50ug doses,
I have been taking it for immune system improvement, and joint pain relief,
I find selenium relieves my joint pain considerably,
selenium diabetes
3,177 hits
Forum: Supplements
Diabetes Type II
Re: Praziquantel Dosing Help
by #223918 8 y
Tons of joint pain in wrists after taking only 2 doses of prazi! Should I stop??
I’m still waiting on my albenzadol which I ordered from India.
The prazi info says that joint pain is a ”major side effect” that needs medical attention.
3,706 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Lyme Disease
Liver Hemangioma
Re: My Mirena Experience
by aussiegirl80 17 y
Hey aussiemum ,
Well the symptoms i had was dizziness, pins and needles, weakness , joint pain, visual problems , panick attacks , heart palptations, numbness in limbs, list goes on , i am still suffering with joint pain and dizziness and some weakness but not as bad as it was when i had the mirena in i hope you get over it really quickly best of luck xxx
5,614 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Re: Mirena IUD- Possible class action lawsuit- please sto...
by tiredofhurting 16 y
I had my mirena IUD inserted in August 2008. They said that the major things that I would have to worry about was expulsion or perforation but that those things rarely happened. About 3 months after I had the IUD inserted I started to have severe joint pain. I saw my primary doctor approximately 3 times for this joint pain. Each time I was given steriods. They checked my labs for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and lyme’s disease. My labs all came back normal. They then sent me to a rheumatologist. He checked the same labs plus checked my thyroid. They all came back normal. I spent 6 month ...
52,234 hits
Forum: Mirena
Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Re: Post Mirena Crash question
by Jane123 15 y
Sounds like you’re having an autimmune response, probably from the silicone in the Mirena. Many of us have experienced the same thing. Your body may not have recognized yet the IUD is gone and is still attacking itself, and you probably have some silicone left in your body. Look up the diagnosis, ”Sjogren’s” regarding your dry eyes. It’s an autoimmune disease. I had such severe joint pain that I almost went to the ER several times. Please have your thyroid tested. Many women with the Mirena have developed an autoimmune disease that attacks your thyroid which causes you to be hypothyroid an ...
58,975 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: Im smell free
by #17924 17 y
That’s great news. I am very happy for you, it must be such a relief to eventually be well.
I looked up recovery from purica and it is a supplement for joint pain is that right? I have joint pain and body odor and I think the two may be related. What led you to recovery from purica did you have joint pain too as it’s not an obvious one to cure bb? I am thinking about trying it. Thanks for posting your success, all we need now is for everybody else to get success.
5,027 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Stop Fasting
by Jhan 19 y
You really should not fast on water alone. The lemon is an antibacterian, an alcalinizer and a source of vitamin C... it is part of the fast so is cayenne pepper.
JOint pain: Joint pain is common in severe cases of candida, so no alarm, let’s just face it. What I found to be most efficient to counter joint pain is:
-cayenne pepper (a dash in your tea and a bit over your food)
-Glucosamine (glucosamine also helps with candida itself:
-Omega 3 : fresh ground flaxseed (it turns rancid rather fast so you can grind it for the next day but to g ...
1,834 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Die-off help needed, Please!
by PulpFiction 22 y
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Hi everyone, I really need help understanding die-off. Everything I’ve read says that the joint pain and fatigue can be a result of a bowel cleanse. I’m doing a fairly aggressive cleanse, short of fasting, accompanied by a parasite cleanse. It’s been 2 weeks and I’m starting to pass (short) ropes. My concern is the joint pain. Joint pain is part of the reason I need to cleanse but what I’m experiencing now is more pervasive and more painful. By the end of the day I’m so stiff and sore walking is very uncomfortable. I really don’t want to cut back on my regime now that I’m seeing rop ...
1,634 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Hip Joint Pain Relief Treatment, Causes and Symptoms
by drandrewnapier 15 y
Hip joints form the most vital ball and socket joint of our body that supports the torso and provides the maximum mobility of our body. Hip joints are involved for each and every movement of the body that involves change in position. Any disturbance or dislocation of this ball and socket joint can result in painful situations. Hip pain may be felt within and any area around the hip joint. Though a common feature of aging, youngsters too experience this problem due to a variety of reasons.
1. Extreme discomfort in sitting, standing and other movement ...
3,148 hits
Blog: Ayurvedic and Herbal Remedies
Re: Also Avoid Jetti KATZ and JOHN E. ASHER in NY
by shrimpy123 13 y
Then after I got better, I told John E. Asher about Dr. cahill and said that Dr. Cahill said correctly that Blastocysis does not cause; then John Asher said, well, ”another paitient of mine went to Cahill and he also found E. Histolytical in her; but he did not tell her that Basto is not pathogenic”! Clearly this idiot doctor Asher missed the point. It is that he never finds E. Histolytica but Cahill does; because Cahill’s method is superior.
But Asher said that his stool tests are better? Then I asked why he did not find my E. Histolytica. He of course had no answer.
No wonder his l ...
12,290 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Parasites: Protozoa
James: Treatment for symptoms of the sickle cell trait
by Puh 14 y
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I found out recently that my girlfriend is a carrier of the sickle cell trait and has been told that she is anemic by a doctor in her childhood. Her dad has the disease, but her mom does not; a free DNA test that she took one month ago says that she’s a carrier of the sickle cell trait.
The symptoms for sickle cell anemia suggest that some of the problems that she experiences may in fact be related to this disease. She gets abdominal pain, joint pain, breathlessness, fatigue, and has poor eyesight. But each of these symptoms could be something else, like arthritis (the joint pain that s ...
3,015 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
My Mirena experience
by mel1035 13 y
View Entire Thread 8
Hello all,
I’m new to the sight and after reading so many posts, I thought I would post my Mirena experience.
I had my Mirena inserted in May 2011. No pain w/ insertion thankfully. However, I had spotting off and on for 8 months after insertion. I was determined to stick it out at least 6 months and the spotting was much better after then, but still had some spotting in months 7&8. I also expereinced a decreased sex drive for several months. Thankfully, that finally came back. I did have a few mood swings and seemed to get mad easier, but that too subsided after time.
Now I’ve ha ...
4,566 hits
Forum: Mirena
Birth Control
My experience with CDD triple therapy days 7-10
by shrimpy123 14 y
View Entire Thread 6
Day 7; Very tired; lost of joint pain; pain under my right rib cage, which feels like the kidney; lost of lower back pain, which is the same as what I have had since I got Blasto.
Day 8. The same pain; no improvement
Day 9. Not much of an improvement; some slight headache
Day 10. that is today; still joint pain continues; went to bathroom twice; like dead stuff falling; I can tell that this has not worked; since I do not see any improvement in my bowel movements; with Blasto; I rush to the bathroom in the morning. This is not a good a sign.
So all I can say is that that ea ...
2,895 hits
Forum: Parasites: Protozoa
Random joint/bone pain
by elan164 10 y
View Entire Thread 23
Ive been trying to pinpoint some joint/bone pain ive been having over the past few months. It started with my right wrist one morning, thinking i must have injured it. A week or so later the pain migrated to my left wrist, albeit not as bad as the right. Now there’s joint pain on the joint of my second toe from the right on my right foot, almost like i dropped something heavy right on it and bruised it. Also it seems the stablizing muscles in my left shoulder are weak and not firing properly.
Ive been running the usual lyme scripts and others that ive found using ”muscle weakness” ...
1,115 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Has it gone away?
by jack012 21 y
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about a month ago i got diagnosed with chlamydia + Gonorrhea. So they gave me Doxycycline and some sort of shot. I finished all the medicine but i still had a very lil bit of discharge. It was not noticeable but the tip of the penis would ’peel apart’ as if something was making it stick together this was not visible though. The tip of my uretha was also kinda tingling. So i went back and got tested again (ten days after taking the medicine) and it came back negative. But right before the cotton swab they had taken a urine sample. All other tests for STI’s came back negative also. I ...
8,491 hits
Forum: Chlamydia
a pms type Q
by ff. 21 y
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Hi there Shelley! OK. I have noticed about a week to 5 days before my period starts I get some joint pain in my shoulders (like rotator cuff pain) also some other joint pain like wrists and knees from past injuries. The pain verys month to month, sometimes it really bugs me, and sometimes it just bugs me a little. It is the worst in the am, when I first wake up. I also get a few pimples during this time as well. However I seem to always have a bump or two (could this be from cooking over a stove for 8-10 hours a day?)I have done only one liver flush. I noticed my face cleared up a little, ...
1,642 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: Did your joint pain disappear post-removal?
by apple_blossom 18 y
I hate to tell you this but my joint pain has actually become worse since I had mirena removed. I had it out about 7 weeks ago now, yet I am still suffering pain in my ankles and fingers most days, sometimes so bad that it is difficult to hold a cup of coffee. I had alot of the nasty side effects from mirena - acne, weight gain, bloating, pain, headaches, etc. so I don’t know if I am still experiencing this joint pain because I had such a bad reaction or if other people are also having ongoing pain in their joints. As much as I would like all these horrible side effects to go away TODA ...
6,443 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Re: 10 Weeks After Removal
by chickensoup 18 y
Apple Blossom: I’m so sorry that your joint pain hasn’t subsided and that you’ve tested positive for RA. Please let me know about your Lupus test too. How sure are they that you have RA? Do you recall any joint problems at all before the Mirena? How long did you have the Mirena? Our symptoms sound very similar. I just had it removed 10 days ago. I wish I could say that my joint pain is gone. I was tested for RA and Lupus and those came back negative. I can’t really get a dr. to explain why I’m having pain in some of my fingers. It’s really frustrating, isn’t it? Plus, I’m showi ...
2,646 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Kill your joint pain!
by SassaFrass88 13 y
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Yesterday and today I had some awful joint pain in the big knuckle of my big toe (bunion, but with joint pain inside the joint. I have flat feet and that leg is short, so the poor joint gets a lot of weight on it, so that I am over-pronating when I walk).
Anyway, I decided to nip it in the bud and soak it.
I took a bucket, some hot water, 1 cup of old urine, lavender oil drops and 1 dropper-full of DMSO.
I just soaked my foot in it while sitting here at my desk and after the water became tepid, I got up, walked around and can’t even feel one bit of pain at ALL!
Yay for UT!
I ...
6,370 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
Re: Question: Has Boron actually cured joint pain?
by Ferventer 11 y
Lots of things are claimed to cure joint pain but I think a lot of it depends on why the joint pain exists.
Vit C is essential for collagen production, collagen is the main component of tendons/ligaments which hold the joint in place, they get stretched/damaged the joint gets sloppy and wears away at cartridge causing damage. Boron (many sulfur elements actually) also play a role. Then you have pain from nerve damage as seen in various B deficiencies as well as claims by those such as Dr Hoffer who treated tons of people for crippling arthritis with high dose niacin.
10,189 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Borax, Boron
Re: arthritus setting in
by SB1108 12 y
I’ve also been having major problems with this recently. Although I do not have arthritis, I’ve been having severe joint (mainly knee) pain.
I just realized that too much calcium can cause you to have joint pain so I’m going to stop my calcium supplements for a few days to see if that helps calm my joints.
I’ve read in life extension magazine that tart cherry extract is supposed to help with muscle and joint pain (if caused by exercise). So I’m also trying that...
Just try a bunch of different approaches ...
1,288 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Mirena IUD and Candida - Life after the end of the world
by #194256 10 y
I had a similar problem after getting Mirena. I had it removed after 9 months of digestive hell! I would have terrible stomach pains, bloating and gas after eating. I had problems sleeping, brain fog, and felt like I had ADHD. I developed allergies with sneezing, itchy eyes, etc..
Symptoms didn’t get much better after removing Mirena.
Luckily one of my good friends suggested that it could be candida overgrowth. I did some research and all of my symptoms lined up. I went in a strict diet and took Candigone supplements (2 rounds of it to finally feel better). Allergies completely w ...
5,125 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD
Re: My Mirena experience
by happyfamily6 13 y
My joint pain improved after removal too, especially in my finger joints where I had a couple sore, swollen ones. My joint pain wasn’t terrible - I had more problems with tendonitis in my wrist. But this was 90% better within a month after removal, and it had been going on for a couple years before that while the IUD was in (not even improving with a cortisone shot). It would flare up from time to time in the year AFTER removal, but only for a few days or so. I used a Bone and Joint herbal formula with a lot of anti-inflammatory herbs, and this helped things settle down. I have no iss ...
3,838 hits
Forum: Mirena
Birth Control
Who can reveal? - the PAIN CURE?
by Karlin 18 y
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I love what Kevin does to slam the mainstream, but some of his claims are pretty extreme, like being able to ”cure” ALL pain. There are some things that hurt, and I doubt if he has all the answers.
I will at least be willing to try it, look at it, whatever. Does anyone know what this ”cure for all pain” is?
The only thing I can think of is CAYENNE PEPPER, which actually, really, does work for ”many” pains, but not all. Things like joint pains, arthritis, worn-out hip joint pains ARE better when eating cayenne, it is surprising just how well and quickly it can work to ease those pains ...
4,891 hits
Forum: Kevin Trudeau
Re: how many have achy joints, is it common?
by jhan 15 y
I used to suffer from joint pain as well. Mostly in my knees. I had it so bad that I needed to push the floor, when I kneeled down and needed to stand up again. It is pretty standard to get joint pain- when candida becomes severe. I would not be able to explain why. What causes it? I have no clue. Except that toxic waste gets to be stored in bones and candida grows on toxic waste, but that is just an assumption and I might be completely wrong. What I know for sure is how it heals and candida heals in funny ways. I have thought quite a few times I was over with joint pain. That I had cured ...
11,239 hits
Forum: Candida Support