600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: Companion supps
by wombat 14 y
Well, from what you’re describing I would venture to guess that your heart palpitations are being caused by low blood sugar- eating concentrated simple sugars causes the blood sugar to spike and then you will crash- your blood sugar level will fall even lower than before. So yes, get a handle on those cravings! :)
Although, many posters have also experienced heart palpitations. A search of the term ”heart palpitations” within this forum nets these results, do some searching and learning...bring back any points of interest:) ...
2,542 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Natural and Easy Heart Palpitation remedy
by HeartPalpRemedy 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
Those who experience palpitations may have the feeling that their heart stops beating for a moment, and then starts again with a ”thump” or a ”bang”. Usually this feeling is actually caused by an extra beat (premature beat or extrasystole) that happens earlier than the next normal beat, and results in a pause (called a Compensatory Pause) until the next normal beat comes through. People are not usually aware of the early, extra beat, but may be aware of the pause, which follows it (the heart seems to stop). The beat after the pause is more forceful than normal (due to filling with more blo ...
4,347 hits
Forum: Heart Palpitations
Re: NOTHING works for my heart palpitations/anxiety!!!
by phelp 8 y
So I go to Dr Simon Yu in St. Louis
Not for my heart but the way I met Simon was two docs (md) I know had heart palpitations and ran into dr yu who tested them and discovered it was a bad tooth (which they pulled) and 15 years later no heart palpitations.
One was an oral surgeon and just missed the tooth connection-the other is a lyme doc who also didn’t believe Dr Yu but tried it anyway-he told me a cup of smelly pus came out
Once a month they get a guy in there with heart palpitations-make an appointment
3,984 hits
Forum: Anxiety
Adrenal Fatigue
Heart Palpitations
Re: lugol and heart palpitation?
RR by High on Water 15 y
Here ya go, read a few of my earlier posts to see what I went through - I must tell you that I still have had
since then!
Praise to God and His Blessed Iodine!
I simply got THIS LINK by using the keywords ”heart palpitation, bromide, and detoxified” as keywords in the iodine supplementation search engine here at curezone!
15,464 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: heart palpitation during die-off?
by Ruffneck 16 y
here you are again getting all defensive
why don’t you get some blood tests done?
people here are just guessing what is causing your heart palpitations , it could be any kind of mineral/electrolyte imbalance or like i say it may be low blood sugar or any number of things
don’t expect people on the internet to diagnose you (without any form of test results) for something as vague (and possibly dangerous) as heart palpitations
7,463 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Adrenal fatigue and high cortisol?
by Trick X Master 14 y
Chali - I said that, for heart palpitations taurine helps. I actually really have no idea what you feel like and am not a doctor. It does seem as though you are different than a lot of people though because you do not have massive anxiety and heart palpitations etc. Maybe you just need to give a high dose of C and B5 more time to help you? IDK, I probably can’t help you, I am more of a high anxiety af sufferer than an extreme lethargy af sufferer.
2,146 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: feel worse
by ThinkAgain 12 y
Actually you may be right about baking soda. Too much baking soda will deplete potassium from your body and low potassium levels will cause heart palpitation. However do not take potassium on your own without consulting your doctor, taking too much potassium may be dangerous, specially if your kidneys are lagging. Low iodine levels may also cause irregular heartbeat.
Adrenal fatigue or imbalanced cortisol (too high or too low) levels may cause heart palpitation.
5,841 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Atrial Fibrillation
Bad Breath
Heart Palpitations
Re: Is it possible to take too many H2O2 baths?
by ozoneman 17 y
Hi #19878
The heart palpitations could definitely be a side effect of the H2O2 bath. I personally feel they may not be a negative side effect but rather a temporary side effect that could very well be a healing crisis.If viruses are involved and if the H2O2 is working to eliminate them, the heart palpitations could be a direct result of the virus ’fighting back before it is subdued’ so to speak.
2,386 hits
Forum: Oxygen
Re: Heart Palpitations
by Noni 21 y
I get periods of heart palpitations. I once had them every day for a month, drove me crazy. Had several ecgs that showed nothing. Just recently they started up again and coincidently I started a calcium and magnesium supplement - they stopped. I suspect that in some cases heart palpitations are caused by a mineral imbalance. Calcium/magnesium/potassium are all involved with muscle contractions, the heart muscle aswell. So when you say your heart palpitations cease after a flush it’s probably due to the magnesium in the epsom salts.
12,719 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Heart Palpitations - Advice Please
by heyjude 19 y
Hi Healthie,
From my past experience with paraites and the herbs it was the parasites that caused my heart palpitations. I have been cleansing over two years now, still taking the same herbs but the heart palpitations stopped over a year ago. Loa Loa is just one of the parasites that goes into your heart.
I also had experienced a grasping of air, a scary I can’t get a breath type of thing and actually felt a parasite around my lung area when this would happen, also gone now.
I would like to share that caffeine can cause heart palpitations, my husband had to go off all caffeine produ ...
7,423 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: weird heart palpitations
by jolts 20 y
Jen...I don’t know about the candida connection, but all junk food is loaded with msg & heart palpitations is one of the main symptoms. If your not careful you could develope A-Fib like I had. Notice I said ’Had’...which I don’t get anymore since I made the msg connection. I used to get these very violent ’jolts’ in my chest for a few years. A few months back when I learned about excitatory neurotoxins(msg)& started correcting my diet the heart palpitations & the ’jolts’(A-Fib) came to a stop...what a relief!
May I suggest you go the caveman diet for 2 weeks. I promise you will feel gre ...
4,853 hits
Forum: Cardiovascular
Does my story sound anything like yours?
by judelevi 11 y
View Entire Thread 7
Hello, I have been dealing with advanced candida for over a year now. Meaning, it got to the stage where I was aware it was candida and it was causing problems like hormonal disruption and heart palpitations. I was pregnant last August and was having alot of chest tightness and heart palpitations and anxiety as well as a lot of vaginal yeast infections. I went to a cardiologist and had my blood work checked and wore the halter monitor 24 hours and had a heart ultrasound and ekg. Everything was normal. A relief! But no answers from the doctor about why I was having these problems. I d ...
6,003 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Heart Palpitations
Parasites: Protozoa
heart palpitations during water fast?
by Bansaw 13 y
View Entire Thread 10
A few years ago I did an extensive water fast but had to end it over concerns about heart palpitations.
Now I am doing one-day fasts and experiencing minor heart palpitations even at the end of one day.
If I take a drink of juice, I am fine.
I wonder if I should stick to juice fasts instead of water fasts?
(I have found out that I’ve had a bacterial infection called Endemic Typhus that might explain some of these things. I am treating that now with antibiotics)
Anyone else had heart palpitations?
13,509 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: Zapper - where is the proof?
by freelastchance 18 y
Hi sutapanaki!
Well, there are so many different kinds of zappers out there. How to choose? Can you recommend any particular type of zapper? Or just build the one that’s in the book? Well, there are so many different kinds of zappers out there. How to choose? Can you recommend any particular type of zapper? Or just build the one that’s in the book?
Also, anyone with experience in zapping and heart palpitations. I mean does it help or not help? Also, anyone with experience in zapping and heart palpitations. I mean does it help or not help? http: ...
5,670 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Low-Salt Diets May Be Dangerous for Heart
by wombat 16 y
yep, and I’m wondering about the effect of bromide on heart function and transitory increase in heart palpitations reported by forum members...
1,514 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Heart Palpitations?
by #48006 19 y
I am 48 years old and started having heart palpitations a couple of years ago and did a little research and found that they are normal at this age but are not found to cause heart damage. One of the things that I found out is that heart palpitations can be brought on by thoughts of something that is stressful to you and found this to be true so when the palpitations would begin I would change my thoughts to something more pleasant and the palpitations would go away. I would also have the palpitations after drinking a coke or eating a little too much for lunch so I gave up the cokes and h ...
13,995 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Menopause
Palpitations Food-Related?
by #29070 19 y
I don’t know if this is helpful to anyone, but a few years ago I suddenly started having heart palpitations. I went to a heart palpitations forum on the Internet, and a lot of people were saying how they felt their palpitations were food-related (they mentioned things like chocolate and red wine). It occurred to me that I had recently been introduced to cranberry juice and had been drinking tons of it for weeks. I stopped drinking the cranberry juice, and sure enough, the palpitations stopped. Whenever I drink it again, the palpitations come back. I just wanted to throw out the possib ...
4,678 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: heart palpitations after liver cleanse
by cleanselove 11 y
Funny I should stumble upon this forum. I started prepping for the Liver/Gallbladder flush per the instructions in ”The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse” book by Andreas Moritz. The heart palpitations started after ingesting the 32 ounces of apple juice every day. By the 5th day my heart beat was noticable rattled and it took my heart a while to calm down at bedtime. Needless to say, by the 6th day (whereby the instruction is to drink ALL of the 32 ounces of juice in the morning) I was apprehensive; however, I took 2 hours in the morning to chug it down anyway. On the day following ...
2,946 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
by #67737 16 y
Heart Palpitation
A palpitation in the heart can bring great fear and anxiety to the affected individual-these are nothing but sudden irregular beatings in the heart which occur repeatedly without warning. It is common knowledge that the human heart beats quicker and stronger during times of physical or emotional stress felt by a person. However, irregular heart beatings are unique in that they can occur quite suddenly even when the person is in a state of relaxation or is lying in bed. This form of irregularity in the heart beat can arise as a result of a problem in the nervous system or ...
25,069 hits
Forum: Heart Palpitations
Heart palpitations
by #16492 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
I’ve had heart palpitations ever since I came down with candida and dysbiosis in the intestines. Now, I’m trying to use liver and colon cleansing to get rid of the dysbiosis and improve my digestion. I tend not to fear something as much if I understand it, so I was wondering if you can explain why heart palpitations occur when digestion is poor and the flora balance is off in the intestines? I’ve always wondered and sometimes, although the palpitations aren’t severe, I get a little scared. Also, relating to the heart, is it possible if you’re still young to get rid of whatever ...
5,224 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: feel worse
by #136970 12 y
It’s in the carbohydrates and salt, not the mold.
...Some experience heart palpitations after eating. Some people only get an
increased heart rate after eating sugar or processed foods. Sometimes heart
palpitations (tachycardia) will happen even when just sitting, watching TV,
laying down or just walking up the stairs.
We’ll focus this article on the issues related to heart pounding after
eating. Visit Pounding Heart Beat Ca ...
6,410 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Atrial Fibrillation
Bad Breath
Heart Palpitations
Question for Unyquity and anybody, please help!!!
by zeon 15 y
View Entire Thread 8
hi Unyquity, i have asked around other forums but would also like your opinion on my situation.
I am 19 year old and have been experiencing persistent health problem since 1-2 years ago. I have heart palpitations for every second and moment since 1-2 years ago. Before that, my heartbeat is normal and beats normally. But now, it has always been ”Bom bom, bom bom, bom bom...” It is beating very hard every now and then.
Doctors has been useless and not helpful at all. Through ECG and many other heart tests, it showed that my heart is normal but i have been experiencing heart palpitation ...
5,528 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Please Help Me With My Heart Palpitations
by Ladywear 15 y
View Entire Thread 10
Thank you to everyone who responded below.
I just want to try and explain my heart problems further as I dont think I was very clear in the hope someone might be able to understand.
My heart palpitations only occur when I have taken anything that has a antimicrobial effect (i.e kills candida or bacteria) that can include GSE Probiotics and even such mild candida/bacteria killers like garlic leeks and onions or even if I sit in the strong sunshine (which can kill candida). I have pinned the palpitations down to this. I cant treat the candida because I react so strongly to the die-off ...
17,006 hits
Forum: Candida Support
--answer--High Blood Pressure----
by moreless 15 y
Hi Free2Day,
Your question: Hello Moreless,
You’ve asked me to report back to you with results...
Well overall it’s going very well. My High BP has dropped. The lowest was 127/75 pulse 70. Excellent! (with BP meds also)
Question: What do you believe has allowed this blood pressure drop? End.
I couldn’t handle the epsom salt thing for some reason. Became very ill due to salt overload in my system.
Question: How much Epsom salt did you take? End.
I do have one problem you can help me with...
Because of the bad side effects of my prescription drugs, I had to cut them ...
4,142 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Advice
by Trick X Master 14 y
I have been on the program for 2 weeks and this is my experience too. They had me do no exercise, no sugar, no stress for 3 weeks and my heart palpitations of which I had a hundred or more a day all day long went away. Then they told me to start taking supplements and I got jittery and anxious and my heart palpitations came back full force. I have a consultation with them today and I know they are just going to tell me to take less but I am on 1/2 scoop quantum C and I still feel extra heart palpitations.
I am seriously considering going back on my ssri celexa for 6 months or so to s ...
4,576 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Heart Palpitations?
by nana1956 19 y
View Entire Thread 8
Hi there
I am a 48 year old woman, and I believe I am going through menopause. I have been having heart palpitations about 5 to 15 times a day and I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this during menopause. I have visited my doctor twice, and she told me that my heart is fine, and that some people are just more sensitive to heart palpitations than others. However, the palpitations have continued and I want to know if this is normal.
Thanks for your advice. I appreciate it.
:) Nana1956
14,443 hits
Forum: Menopause
Please help, please see my message!!
by zeon 15 y
View Entire Thread 12
Hi, i have been looking in curezone for a while. I hope this is the place to post my problem.
I am only 19 years old and I have been experiencing heart palpitations for about a year. It is with me every second, even when i am resting. I haven been experiencing a day or a second without heart palpitations for a year. =(
I recently went for blood test check up and it shows that my thyroid is normal. I had ECG taking twice before and it shows that my heart is normal but i can really feel the difference between now and two years ago. I had also went to see a heart specialist and he says ...
2,399 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
About heart palpiations and clarkia
by zeon 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi, i have been experiencing heart palpitations for a very long time. I am not sure what is causing it but it might be parasites as there is a parasite which is ”heartworm” and can cause palpitations?
So, i started taking clarkia 51 drops a day now and am up to my 2 weeks soon. Should be take a 1 week break and continue another 2 weeks or should i just do two more weeks.
I am asking this because i am not sure whether if i take a break, will the parasites be resistant to the clarkia after the break? And i am still experiencing heart palpitations which i am not sure whether is it a par ...
2,060 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Side effects? Palpitations, insomnia
by #168214 11 y
The heart palpitations are probably because the parasites are causing vitamin deficiencies. I had heart palpitations too, and my doctor recommended taking a strong multi-vitamin with a potassium supplement. Potassium comes in 99mg capsules. Start out with 3 in the morning and 3 at night. Take the multi every morning. The palpitations should stop within a week or two at the most, then just take the multi after that. It worked for me and has worked for many of my friends.
2,828 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Thank You, HeyJude
by healthie 19 y
Dear HeyJude,
Thank you for your response. I don’t take any caffeine. The only ”stimulants” I take are cinnamon and garlic. I am glad to know that your heart palpitations went away, and I hope that parasites are the cause of mine, too. I had a surprising experience today, where I had to call my grandmother to pick me up at the grocery store because I suddenly felt too faint to drive home. This coincided with increased heart palpitations. I wish I could be certain it was parasites, and then I would have no problem staying on my limited diet and even feeling faint and getting the pal ...
5,307 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Heart Palpitations - Advice Please
by healthie 19 y
View Entire Thread 4
I have been doing a parasite cleanse for about a month and a half and have had a few heart palpitations, but they seem to be becoming stronger and much more frequent. All of my symptoms have previously been in the intestinal region. Could the heart palpitations be a symptom of parasites? Other suspicious things I have been doing are eating a lot of garlic and not eating a lot of food - I have not been at all hungry and it seems like I function better when I do not eat, so I have been eating a bizarre concoction of garlic, unpasteurized white miso, cinnamon, and coconut oil, in conjuncti ...
5,523 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Made an account to talk to some people who are experi...
by Jerome99 11 y
I should add that I took Vermox too along with the pyrantel, but the Vermox did not get rid of what I had. Whatever the worm was, it was in my chest/heart area, because I would get weird heart palpitation-type flutters in my chest when I would sit down to eat.
The funny thing about it was that, the heart palpitations didn’t worry me at all. I didn’t really think at the time it could’ve been a worm, but rather some sort of weird nervous twitch. The fact that they would happen every time I would sit down to eat did, however, strike me as a bit weird.
When the albendazole got rid of ...
3,987 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Support Groups
Bad Doctors
Candida Support
Please help MH and OTHERS
by zeon 15 y
View Entire Thread 16
Hi, i am actually 20 this year and has been experiencing a lot of health problems for the recent 2 years. One problem that is still bothering me is heart palpitations for 1 year. For every second, my heart is having heart palpitations. It is pumping harder than 1 year ago.
Then sometimes i experience heart fluttering, and my heartbeat changes. Can MH or anymore help me? Is this parasite causing it or liver problem?
The doctors cant help and say that is normal, but i know is not because it is my body and i know it.
3,041 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Heart palpitations that wont go away
by zeon 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi, i have been looking in curezone for a while. I hope this is the place to post my problem.
I am only 19 years old and I have been experiencing heart palpitations for about a year. It is with me every second, even when i am resting. I haven been experiencing a day or a second without heart palpitations for a year. =(
I recently went for blood test check up and it shows that my thyroid is normal. I had ECG taking twice before and it shows that my heart is normal but i can really feel the difference between now and two years ago. I am planning to go to see a heart specialist soon but ...
2,413 hits
Forum: Cardiovascular
Re: 6 Months Post Mirena...Side effects ever go away for ...
by chilpep9304 14 y
Yes, I did have tests done. Multiple tests and blood tests. Initially, they thought it was my thyroid. I had ultrasounds and an upper GI X-ray. I had EKG which confirmed the heart palpitations. I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours, which did nothing, but confirm the consistency and frequency? My GP or the cardiologist couldn’t explain the severe anxiety and racing heart beat. They both seem to be clueless about the Mirena. The cardiologist said he did an online search and couldn’t find anything about the Mirena. All that did was raise a red flag for me. He did put me on betablockers and sta ...
17,837 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: 18 months on and no better !/blues
by Hveragerthi 15 y
Do you think the heart palpitations are linked to herx/die-off or an intolerance? I tried to find if heart palpitations are linked to die-off but I cant find any information.
Heart palpitations occur from what are known as ectopic pacemakers. These are heart cells that try to act as nodes. A very basic description of how things normally work is that the sinoatrial (SA) node fires off an electrical charge that leads to contraction of the atria. This is the first sound you hear in the heartbeat. Then the electrical charge travels to the atrioventricular (AV) node causing the ventri ...
3,713 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Help Enclosed! Re: Question for Unyquity and anybody...
by zeon 15 y
hi Unyquity, i am not too sure but i suspect is liver because i have yellow spots on the sclera of my eyes and my feet are quite yellow. I research upon this and it show that it might be liver fire which causes the heart to palpitate? Plus i found that when i am angry, my heart palpitations increase and didn’t went back to the normal heart palpitations for a while. Also when i eat nuts, it also increases. I am not sure but i hope you understand what i am saying.
I just wish that i know the cause of my problem, so that i can at least look for ways to heal it since nobody around me unders ...
5,301 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Heart palpitations and raised blood pressure after using ...
by rata33 15 y
View Entire Thread 11
Within minutes of using even only one spray of Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil, my heart starts racing and pounding, my blood pressure goes up from low to too high and I feel really uncomfortable. I thought (and hoped) transdermal magnesium would be safe to use and give LESS side effects. I’ve never experienced this kind of reaction with any oral magnesium supplement and had no side effects at all -even at high doses- from magnesium glycinate, although I did get heart palpitations from magnesium taurate. The only information I’ve found on the Internet on this subject is that getti ...
21,114 hits
Forum: Magnesium
Re: not absorbing iodine?
by High on Water 14 y
I had heart palpitations for ten years when I started supplementing with iodine back on 26/Jan/07.
I had a night early in February of 2007 when I was especially cold to the core (yes, thyroid problems), and put 15 drops of the detoxified iodine on my belly.
I did have a ’scary’ episode of quickened heartrate that lasted less than ten minutes. I believe the bromides that were stored in iodine’s rightful place within my heart chambers was ’chased’ out.
To this day, I no longer have heart palpitations.
Look back three years ago...I posted on it then, too.
11,561 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: I feel like a paranoid whiner...
by Steve888 13 y
I had the exact same thing last week during a liver flush. Heart palpitations and very high anxiety. I was relieved to find out that many people who have done liver flushing have also had palpitations/heart racing at night and panic attacks. It seems that when you clean out your liver/GB the toxins get released for a short time into the bloodstream and your heart rate ramps up to get rid of it. Hang in there it will get better.
1,962 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Parasites: Protozoa