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Prevent Hairloss
by risingsun 18 y
Types of Baldness / Hair Loss
Male pattern baldness - This condition can occur at any age and is mostly hereditarycondition. It results in total hair loss in a short period.
Female pattern baldness - The hair gets thin from all over the scalp except the front line and it doesn’t results in complete hair loss
Causes of Hair Loss
The main cause of hair loss is inadequate nutrition. Persons with deficiency of folic acid are the most sufferers. The various other causes of hair loss that ultimately results in baldness are:
* Age factor
* Genetic factor
* Hormonal changes
* Stress
* ...
13,349 hits
Blog: Make Your Own Shampoo
Re: 25 year old girl with major hair loss:why?
by Johny Apple Bomb 18 y
Other problems are likely related to your hair loss. It is important to find out exactly the cause of the hair loss and correct it.
Medical Causes Common
”Often these women are also suffering with polycystic ovary syndrome, [a common hormonal problem in women], and sometimes their hair loss is the only obvious sign,” says Ricardo Azziz, MD, director of the Center for Androgen-Related Disorders at the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
In addition, Daly reports that certain types of autoimmune disorders result in a slightly different and often less dramatic hair loss p ...
7,121 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Androgenic Alopecia – Causes and Symptoms
by curisto 14 y
The term Androgenic Alopecia is used to describe what is commonly known as male pattern baldness; the most common cause of hair loss, hair thinning and baldness. The formation of that characteristic ‘helipad’ at the crown of the head where the scalp skin shows through as well as the typical high forehead getting a lot higher due to a receding hair line are classic signs of this type of hair loss.
This type of hair loss is different from others such as alopecia areata where the immune system of the body is involved. With alopecia areata, the hair loss could be all over the body; not just ...
24,583 hits
Blog: Hair Forever
Re: Fasting = Hair Loss? (extra searches added)
by mouseclick 16 y
I don’t think a 30 day fast will cause you any hair loss, but I think it depends on how well nourished you are at the start of a fast. Any particular reason for 30 days? If you just take it day by day, you can decide when to break it. Personally I prefer indefinite fasts. But I guess that’s a matter of choice. Anyway, regarding hair loss. If you google the following searches:”water+fast”+”hair ...
7,292 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Conditions that cause hair loss
by crib111 14 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have heard hypothyroidism, heavy metal, excess estrogen and diabetes can all cause hair loss in men. Can you let me know technically how it caues hair loss? And if you have any of these conditions how to limit the hair loss until you address the health issue? Is it these conditions cause deficienices that are needed for healthy head of hair?
If so what deficienices?
Can ulcers/bacteria/yeast cause hair loss - if so how?
3,016 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Please Help Me.. I am lost.. Want my Health Back
by #35878 11 y
You have several symptoms.
My reply is only regarding the hair loss.
I have similar problems with hair loss in patches.
If you do a search for what causes hair loss, there is a connection to Transforming Growth Factor-b which is
TGF-b or TGF-b1. This causes many forms of alopecia and hair loss.
If you search deeper where this TGF-b comes from, it seems to start with the immune system and how the blood cells causes loss of hair.
There is one company that is willing to put together a formula that is effective in certain forms of hair loss due to immune system and i ...
1,409 hits
Forum: Market Place
Is Diabetes-Related Hair Loss Reversible?
by Liza1986 7 y
This completely depends on which factor is responsible for your hair loss. So, accordingly, you could be able to prevent or reverse hair loss by having a better understanding of the causative factor and discussing the same with your doctor. Besides, following a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and exercise can further help you manage your condition effectively.
341 hits
Forum: Diabetes Type II
Re: The Possible Reasons of HAIR LOSS...
by donaldccargo 12 y
There are numerous possible reasons for hair loss as mentioned in the post harmful chemicals used in hair care products can be one reason for hair loss. Trying out natural remedies such as herbs and oils for hair growth can decrease your hair loss. In some cases hair loss is caused due to hereditary reasons and in such cases it is recommended to try out hair loss treatments such as hair transplant surgery and hair restoration methods. I recently did my hair transplant from a clinic in Toronto and it served as an excellent solution for my baldness.
4,717 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Addiction: Sugar
Food and Mood
Women’s Forum
Re: How to cure this unique kind of hair loss?
by #35878 11 y
I have similar problems with hair loss in patches.
If you do a search for what causes hair loss, there is a connection to Transforming Growth Factor-b which is
TGF-b or TGF-b1. This causes many forms of alopecia and hair loss.
If you search deeper where this TGF-b comes from, it seems to start with the immune system and how the blood cells causes loss of hair.
There is one company that is willing to put together a formula that is effective in certain forms of hair loss due to immune system and it is Lux Health.
Their website is
Altho t ...
803 hits
Forum: Market Place
Doug coil machine for hair loss (Alopecia) protocol?
by adamt 15 y
View Entire Thread 5
I have a Doug Coil machine which is a rife machine for pathogens/virus’s, but i have learnt it can be used for hair loss (alopecia) too
- i have Male pattern baldness, but i have only thinned slightly on the top/crown and is barely noticeable but wanted to treat sooner rather than later
My Doug coil can emit frequencies from the coil ranging from 20 Hertz to 2200 Hertz
Looking at the Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL), this is the list of frequencies for hair loss:
Alopecia (loss of hair) - 10000, 30000, 5000, 2720, 2170, 1552, 880, 800, 787, 727, 465, 330, 146, 95, ...
9,164 hits
Forum: Rife
Hair Loss
Hair Loss Connection
by secrethero89 11 y
View Entire Thread 4
I created a few topics in other forums but still couldn’t find an answer for hairloss and other health issues.
I don’t have Androgenetic Hair Loss which is proved by 1 year finasteride and dutasteride usage.
I have other problems which cause a massive hair loss..
I want to hear your experiences about hair loss..
As i mentioned earlier my hairloss started right after a stressful trauma.. I have a lot of other symptoms rather than hair loss which are :
1.Hair Loss All Over Head(lost %75 density)
2.Oily Scalp
3.Low Body Temperature
4.Extreme Fatigue
5.Muscle Weakness/Loss
3,932 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Post Finasteride
Aloe for hair loss
by cocoandrico 14 y
View Entire Thread 2
Aloe Vera has also been shown to have a positive effect in stopping hair loss and promoting new hair growth. Its benefit appears to be mainly in treating skin conditions that affect the scalp, which can slow or prevent hair natural growth. Aloe also happens to be great for hair too- it’s loaded with vitamins and amino acids, and works well as a natural conditioning treatment.
For more info, check out:
2,983 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
How many of you suffer from hair loss?
by cappy84 14 y
View Entire Thread 4
i wanted to get an idea of whether most of us dealing with parasites have had hair loss.
i personally think that my severe hair loss is not due to male pattern baldness but connected with parasite infestation.
in my early 20s i started noticing hair loss at the same time my whole health went haywire. it became rapid and my hair is just thin stringy hair.
im hoping that when i begin to eliminate these critters fully my hair will grow back
3,216 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Hair Loss is Not Just for Men - But it May Be Preventable
by dquixote1217 17 y
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Hair Loss is Not Just for Men - But it May Be Preventable
( NaturalNews) It’s true, hair loss happens to women as well as men. This may come as a shock, but hair loss in women is not as rare as you might think. The fact is, women do experience hair loss, but they may not realize it until later in life.
Just like with men, hair loss in women comes on gradually. Unless you are paying attention, you may gaze into the mirror one morning and be shocked that your hair appears to have lost its fullness; there may be thinning spots, which upon close inspection reveal balding areas ...
3,168 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Re: Re-starting nascent iodine
by Harrington 12 y
haha, thanks! I was doing a routine on my scalp late in the day. Now I’m reading about copper deficiency and hair loss, and copper excess and hair loss, and topical copper for hair growth... Oh, what a wonderful place, the internet, so much contradictory information. Five years ago a hair analysis said copper deficient. Most of the articles are about copper excess and hair loss, but there are both.
1,216 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation VWT
Re: Can hair grow back after long period of iron deficiency?
by donaldccargo 11 y
I think gradually and slowly you can have your hair re grown as mineral and vitamin deficiency does take time to get to normal level and show its presence in your body as far as decrease in hair loss is considered. There might be other reasons for your hair loss other than iron deficiency I think. Check out the information given in the pages of Seager Hair transplant center located in Toronto as they gives valuable information about the causes and available treatments of hair loss.
16,598 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Re: My life. What do I do?
Many people who have this type of hair loss have gluten sensitivity/ Celiac Disease. Often the hair will grow back on a gluten free diet. You might want to go to Forum and ask about hair loss and your other problems. I have this autoimmune problem cause by gluten and have had periods of hair loss over the years but my sister has had to wear a wig since she was young and my mother also had very thin hair.
2,945 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Bowel Cleanse Support
Parasites: Skin
Save Your Hair by Improving Your Thyroid Health
by HealthyNewAge 16 y
Save Your Hair by Improving Your Thyroid Health
While hair loss and poor hair conditions can occur from a number of problems, a leading cause of hair troubles are caused by poor thyroid health. The thyroid is a small gland that is located in the lower section of your throat. This tiny gland secrets a number of different hormones which are used to provide energy to various cells in the body.
Unfortunately, there are many conditions which can effect how the thyroid functions. The two most commonly heard of thyroid conditions are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. However, ...
55,687 hits
Blog: HealthyNewAge - Natural and Holistic Health
Re: I'm someone who used too much cortizone - stay away f...
by dorian 20 y
I am 35 and experiencing hair loss like the person to whom you replied with this post. For the past couple of years I’ve been battling seborrheic dermatitis. I can’t help but think that my hair loss and skin condition might be connected to all the acetaminaphin in my system from taking Tylenol. I suffer from migraines and sometimes take 4 at a time, but usually 4-6 tablets a week (sometimes more). I’ve learned that acetaminophin damages the liver. The increasing frequency with which I’ve taken Tylenol seems to coincide with the hair loss.
I’m now living in Korea and am interested in ...
43,177 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Candida-Hair Loss Connection--Please offer your experience
by depj 20 y
View Entire Thread 21
I have come across some very information recently. Being a sufferer of Candida and hair loss (im only 20 y/o), I first became aware that something was internally wrong when I suddenly began losing my hair about 1 year back. After doing tireless online searches, I came to the conclusion that my hair loss was candida related. I figured I had candida as a result of my extensive use (on and off for 3 years--used them sometimes for 9 months at a time) of broad-spectrum antibiotics to help control my acne. All the sites I visited said hair loss is a possible sympton of candida. At the time, ...
96,472 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Hair loss and liver flushes
by #111188 16 y
I have just come across this post and am a bit concerned as I am doing LFs as a hopeful remedy for my hair loss! I have read that liver problems can cause sudden hair loss and have experience liver problems for years, as well as hair loss for a couple now.
Any thoughts/suggestions? particularly as afterwards I was planning on doing a heavy metal detox which now I ALSO read has an effect on the hair. Ah! Frustrating!
2,134 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Hair Loss and Candida
by secrethero89 11 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hello Dr.
It has been 3 years that i am dealing a lot of health issues.. I have just 6 months ago discovered that it is all caused by candida overgrowth..
The worst symptom is hair loss.. A oily layer covers my head which cause hair thinning and hair loss..
I want to hear hair loss testimonials.. Should i expect a regrowth after i heal my candida??
2,266 hits
Forum: Ask Candida Expert
Does Insulin Therapy Cause Hair Loss?
by Liza1986 7 y
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Not much research has been done to establish any link between insulin therapy and hair loss, and whatever has been done till date is not enough to prove the fact. Conversely, it is insulin resistance – which develops in type 2 diabetes – is known to put a diabetic at a greater risk of maintaining healthy and full hair.
656 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Help with hair loss
by Jilevin14 32 m
Hair loss is really a big problem for everyone. I am also facing hair loss. I am also looking for a hair salon like these where I could also get the solution for the hair loss. I can’t go to the listed salons because I have changed my place and it is far away from my home.
688 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze
Facing hair loss or baldness? get our free offer..
by dorothymoore 17 y
When it comes to hair loss solutions, everyone’s situation is different and personal. While heredity is the primary cause of hair loss in most cases, the severity of hair loss, its pattern, and the impact on that person’s life is truly unique. So is the solution. For many men and women, the benefits of a permanent solution to hair loss, hair restoration, is the right choice. For most of us who are experiencing premature baldness, the cause is genetic. Hair loss, like eye color, is an inherited trait. While you were still forming in the womb, your hair follicles were being genetically coded ...
1,252 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: Female Hair Loss
by vx 17 y
Hair loss can be for many reasons.
No meat or protein in your diet is a common one. You might want to read the following, you might not like it, but it’s the truth.
1) Mineral deficiency: Iron and protein
”Having inadequate protein or iron in your diet or poor nourishment in other ways can cause you to experience hair loss. Fad diets, crash diets and certain illnesses, such as eating disorders, can cause poor nutrition.” ...
2,380 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Re: 25 year old girl with major hair loss:why?
by #137496 14 y
Their are many medical reasons but the one I believe is probably the correct reason is alopecia areata. It can be a very common type of hair loss seen in women.
To learn more about it and what can help individuals suffering with it you can go to
5,262 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Re: Fungus, bacteria, hairloss, mold
by jhan 10 y
Hair loss:
Areyou on the candida diet as of now?
Are you taking antifungals (garlic - grapefruit seed extract - carpilic acid) ?
Are you adding soda to your baths to help change the ph?
Where are you at?
2,355 hits
Forum: Fungus
Hair Loss
Dry Skin
albendazole & hair loss
by cyber 7 y
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I’ve been putting off trying albendazole for a while due to fear of hair loss.
If I try it, I will use ICU’s protocol, which hopefully will prevent the hair loss...?
But I’m still scared.
For those of you that have taken albendazole, did you notice hair loss? What was the protocol that you followed, how long did you take it, etc?
674 hits
Forum: Parasites: RX
Re: cut gluten out of your diet
by wombat 12 y
I first read of the possible connection between wheat and hair loss in Dr. William Davis’ book, ”Wheatbelly” . Worth looking into:
Good one! :
3,807 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: The Possible Reasons of HAIR LOSS...
by donaldccargo 12 y
Hair loss is now often seen in youngsters and possible reasons could be over exposure to sun, stressed mind, unbalanced diet, dandruff etc. Hair loss if not treated seriously can lead to baldness. We can reduce hair loss to great extend by properly taking care of our hair and scalp. Cleaning scalp with mild shampoo, drinking lot of water and eating a protein rich diet can help prevent hair loss to great extend. Hereditary as well as genetic reasons often lead to baldness where chances of re growth of hair are way too less and hair growth treatments and hair transplantation methods are bes ...
5,334 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Addiction: Sugar
Food and Mood
Women’s Forum
Please be careful with Composite Fillings
by raji1981 13 y
View Entire Thread 22
Few months back i posted about my wife’s Hair Loss.
She used to have thick black hair.
She has amalgam fillings from early 2000 and it never bothered
Couple of years back she had 3 composite fillings(1 at the back where she chews).
After couple of months, she complained about Grey hair.I just ignored it..Then, afterwards Hair Loss started with lot of dandruff.
Her Hair Loss is Weird..When she takes Iron..her Hair Loss decreases for few days and then increases. She takes a tablet like Vitamin C, her Hair Loss decreased for 3 weeks and immediately increases..
Me and my wife wer ...
16,060 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Mercury
Dental Health
Dental Support
Amalgam Replacement
Amalgam Debate
Hormonally-induced hair loss, Hyper/hypo thyroid...
by wombat 18 y
View First 20 Messages of 45
fluoride toxicity, which, as we see from PB3046’s post below, can masquerade as hypothyroid.... possible help/solutions for hair loss:
”Hormonally induced hair loss takes place when an enzyme starts to convert the hormone testosterone on the scalp to its less useful version, dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT then attacks the hair follicle, and shrinks it, even making it disappear entirely. Hair becomes thinner and finer, and may stop growing entirely. This conversion of testosterone to DHT seems to be sped up in some patients ...
26,737 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Hair loss for reasons?
by hippo 21 y
View Entire Thread 9
I have problem with my hair loss...which i could not figure out the reason why. I took Vit B5 (10g)to combat against my acne for one month but stopped for over a month now due to substantial hair loss. Previously i suffered from hair loss due to accutane too but the hair loss has stopped although i have not quite got back all my lost hairs.
I have lost more than half of my hair now...I wonder whether the vitamins i have been taking after the VIt b5 actually cause the loss..There are Vit C-6g/day, Multivitamin from Seven seas, A chinese herbal supplements from MerryClinic in San F ...
5,811 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
stopping ACCUTANE hair loss?
by happymac 22 y
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I’m only 21 (male) and my hair is still falling out due to my taking of accutane for my acne (it has been over a year since I stopped accutane). My hair is getting way too thin now and I need to stop it before its all gone. I’ve been taking vitamins but my hair is still falling out. My doctor refuses to admit that my hair loss is due to the accutane, which is total BS. I am sure that my hair loss is quite different from male pattern baldness. So, has anyone had any success at stopping hairloss or regrowing hair SPECIFIC to hair loss due to ACCUTANE? I know that tons of people have ha ...
40,929 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Roaccutane Survivors
fasting and hair question
by lilly1 18 y
Hi Zoe
I found an old post of yours while browsing fasting and hair loss. I'm on day 12 of my juice fast and I've done two fasts before this one. Each one about 3 months apart and one long one and...
2,688 hits
Blog: The Master Cleanse Expression
Re: The causes of hair loss
by quality68 12 y
Poor blood flow due to stress is also tagged as one of the main culprits of hair loss. A tight scalp due to stress prevents the scalp’s blood vessels and other vital nutrients to reach the hair follicles thus jamming the passageway for hair growth possibilities. Other contributory factors that lead to hair loss are hereditary in nature. Hair loss genes may be inherited from both parents. Age may also be one of the causes to this intimidating problem. As an individual grows older, his total hair volume will decrease, even if there are no bright ideas as to the hair loss dilemma.
3,436 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Hair Loss due to stress
by marksteven288 10 y
We cannot say that the hair loss is due to the stress only. There are several reasons for the hair loss.
But Yes, stress is one of the reason.
Several other major reasons are -
Genetics or hereditary - hair loss due our ancestors and their physiology.
Frequently changing the places - if you live in different places frequently then due to change in water, air and other conditions.. hair loss occurs.
Sleeping disorder
Malnutrition - improper diet.
Dandruff, dust and pollution.
Researches also shows that stress is also a major cause for hair fall as it leads to va ...
2,788 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Stress Management
Hair Loss No More
by johmezn 18 y
Hair Loss No More is the result of years of breakthrough research revealing there is an answer for nearly all types of hair health concerns. Yet with multi billion-dollar profitability to protect, many corporations do not want this information known.
Leading International hair loss analyst Jonathon E. Phillips has helped benefit the lives of celebrities, sport stars and the everyday person alike with his cutting edge knowledge concerning all aspects of hair health and hair loss prevention. Now in his groundbreaking exposé Hair Loss No More he provides Step-By-Step guidance revealing how ...
2,307 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Hair Loss No More By Leading International Hair Loss Anal...
by johmezn 18 y
Hair Loss No More is the result of years of breakthrough research revealing there is an answer for nearly all types of hair health concerns. Yet with multi billion-dollar profitability to protect, many corporations do not want this information known.
Leading International hair loss analyst Jonathon E. Phillips has helped benefit the lives of celebrities, sport stars and the everyday person alike with his cutting edge knowledge concerning all aspects of hair health and hair loss prevention. Now in his groundbreaking exposé Hair Loss No More he provides Step-By-Step guidance revealing how ...
1,819 hits
Forum: Market Place