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Re: Is my diarrhea caused by parasites?
by CrystalSaunders 14 y
Diarrhea is basically caused by indigestion because our metabolism is not working properly. With this situation, food intakes often are not digested properly. Other causes of diarrhea are poor diet. Though there are cases that diarrhea are caused by bacteria but not parasites. This is why, checking for specialist is important to have the right medications.
baby diarrhea treatment
4,143 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Parasites: Protozoa
How to Use Shiatsu for Diarrhea
by risingsun 20 y
How to Use Shiatsu for Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a symptom of indigestion associated with frequent, watery bowel movements and often accompanied by increased intestinal peristalsis. In addition to stimulating water reabsorption in the large intestine to alleviate diarrhea, shiatsu applied to the abdomen can tone the intestines and aid digestion.
Use Points on the Abdomen to Relieve Diarrhea
1. Relieve diarrhea and intestinal cramping with the point just below the arch of the rib cage midway between the nipple line and the breastbone. Place your fingertips along the arch of the ...
2,636 hits
Forum: Diarrhea
Acute dysbiosis is your problem.
by White Shark 8 y
Acute dysbiosis is your problem.
Take live yogurt enema , to quickly rebuild intestinal flora, and to stop acute diarrhea.
Also, FMT can help for acute diarrhea.
Stop any fruit and vegetable juices until acute diarrhea stops.
Cheese, toasted home made bread and yogurt are the best way to stop acute diarrhea.
1,222 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Ask CureZone
Feces Diagnostic
flax seed oil, and maybe couple with cottage cheese
by perusing 18 y
hey, I’m sorry no one’s written. How is your dog doing?
as far as diahrreah...I’m not sure.
look up flax seed, whether whole (grind it up a bit) or oil.
there’s a cottage cheese and flax seed oil treatment on curezone and people have used it on their dogs (one had leukemia? another...something else, can’t remember.)
anyways, flax seed is useful for ”persons suffering from constipation, diarrhea, or irritable bowel syndrom” and I’ve read it’s fine to give to dogs.
if he’s dehydrated, put virgin unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil(it’s not hard to find as the long name makes ...
2,078 hits
Forum: Pets/Animals
Diarrhea or constipation
by uandiraok 17 y
Why do some people get diarrhea, and some constipation on MMS? I was cured of candida in 2001 and then of leaky gut shortly after and since then have taken good care of myself including my intestinal health and I’m wondering if that’s why I don’t get diarrhea. I guess I had intestinal problems so long I’m used to getting diarrhea easily, but with MMS I am slightly constipated which is a new experience for me! I suspect stealth infections from several flu shots, or some other kind of infections and want to use MMS to test this out or at least just get rid of any infections/pathogens I might ...
1,217 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: irritable bowel
by dr.b 17 y
If someone has IBS-Diarrhea they should forget the liver flush and handle the IBS-Diarrhea 1st. If not the are putting the cart before the horse.
All IBS-Diarrhea stems from ”dysbiosis” and ”leakey gut syndrome”. all ”Dysbiosis and ”leaky gut” cases have deficient levels of acidophilus and bifido bacteria.
Bifido bacteria is an important factor is your livers ability to detox. Low levels of bifido reduce the livers ability to detox on any level in any manner.
Therefore if one has IBS-Diarrhea they will not get the full benefit from the flush as long as the IBS-Diarrhea continues.
I ...
2,727 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Biamonte
Different Butt Pee
by relpub3 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have done my second flush. Both times, I followed clark’s protocol to the letter. The first time, I had no diarrhea after the first two Epsom salt and had my first diarrhea in the morning after the third EP.
On my second LF, I had diarrhea a few minutes after I had my first Epsom Salt and continued to have diarrhea until the late evening just before the olive oil grapefruit lemon mix. After the olive oil mix, my diarrhea stopped and did not even have any diarrhea even an hour after my third Epsom salt.
Why is that? I was expecting to have the same experience in my second flush j ...
2,646 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Zapper Enema?
by #176247 12 y
Just wondering if anyones tried using their Hulda Zappers in conjunction with enema therapy with any degree of success? I’ve been using Diarrhea enemas/Diarrhea Vaporizing as part of my treatment plan for Morgellon’s Disease, and just decided to do a little experiment with my wife. She’s been having uncontrollable Diarrhea lately (which I believe is a side effect of my own Diarrhea therapy treatment) so I decided to try something while she was asleep using my Hulda Zapper to see if this would cure her....I put one of the electrodes on her rectum, and one in her mouth, and zapped her for th ...
875 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Home Remedies
More options
by cora 14 y
Also used in digestive problems such as colitis or diarrhea where it will act to reduce the loss of fluid or blood whilst toning the membranes. May be used in cases of nose bleed, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers or sore throats.
Periwinkle is a useful treatment for colitis, diabetes, diarrhea, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, sore throats and mouth ulcers.
It can be used in digestive problems such as colitis ...
6,204 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Bowel Cleanse Support
Candida Support
Re: Minerals gone
by jonsher_uk 17 y
According to your post you have been using MMS at 15 x 3 drops a day for 12 weeks
Jim Humble in his book says you should keep below the nausea level and he never says you should comtinue despite prolonged diarrhea. Yet you say you suffered nausea and diarrhea continuously, Didn’t you think this was a bad idea?
Why do you not check his sites for updates. He clearly says this on the protocol instructions on his site
”Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting that is not a bad sign. The body is simply throwing off poisons and cleaning itself out. Everyone says that they feel much be ...
34,760 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: MMS Debate
Naturally Prevent, Relieve Diarrhea
by Dquixote1217 7 y
Naturally Address and Relieve the Causes and Symptoms of Diarrhea
by Tony Isaacs
author of Cancer’s Natural Enemy
( The Best Years in Life) If you’re an average American, you’ll probably have one or two unpleasant episodes of diarrhea this year. Fortunately, diarrhea will normally pass within a couple of days, and if it doesn’t there are natural remedies which will usually help.
The most common, and milder, form of diarrhea, known as “acute diarrhea” or “non-inflammatory diarrhea", is usually caused by a bacterial or viral culpr ...
923 hits
Forum: Home Remedies
Lemonade cleanse and diarrhea--is that possible???
by jlbrownfield 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have a question. I am on day 3 of the lemonade cleanse and have had diarrhea from the get go. I started out w/the salt wash in the morning. It really emptied my colon the first time then I would have diarrhea 2 or 3 times after that. After that happened a couple times I decided I would do the ”Smooth Move” tea. I take a cup at night and one in the morning and then do my lemonade but I keep having diarrhea. I go about 3 times a day of diarrhea--not a lot when it does come but I keep thinking I should be getting a bunch of mucoid plaque coming, not just diarrhea. Also I ’ve ...
10,617 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Treating intestinal bacterial overgrowth
by blues 17 y
Here’s a link to some studies about it from aor.
And this:
Saccharomyces Boulardii is a non-pathogenic, non-colonizing species of yeast that is clinically recognized for its effectiveness in contending with the symptoms of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) and Clostridium difficile disease (CDD), which is also incited by antibiotics. CDD is a leading cause of nosocomial outbreaks of diarrhea and colitis, and saccharomyces boulardii is one of the most widely used and highly regarded probiotics for the treatment of symptoms associat ...
10,287 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: I feel so bad
by jonsher_uk 17 y
What you said is inaccurate and misleading. Diarrhea for one day does not cause dehydration and prolonged or excessive diarrhea can be avoided with MMS.
In fact I had chronic diarrhea with colitis for months at a time before using MMS and didn’t become dehydrated with it. MMS caused an improvement in my diarrhea
Chlorite residue which is an unknown but at most very insignificant amount does not cause the diarrhea and it is not proven that MMS kills ALL the bacteria in the bowel
in fact this would be impossible.
Since it can help improve colitis it is clear it does not ...
3,563 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: MMS Support
Re: The Big "D"... Again...
by r4000 17 y
Well,start with 1 drop of MMS
As for your diarrhea,better check your diet- what you do eat before or after taking MMS
Note-If you have cancer or in bad health- you can indeed get diarrhea with 3 drops of MS..
Try an anti-diarrhea natural supplement;or of you have access to a Chinese Herborist(in Chinatown) they do have very effectively pills that can stop diarrhea on the spot !
Also if you pharmacist is open to natural products do consult might be taking some type of medication that can cause diarrhea as well..
This is not normal so do consult a health specialist as s ...
2,675 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Epsom Salts
by healing naturally 17 y
When you use Epsom salts in the tablespoon quantities it is specifically to induce diarrhea and thereby clean you out. You absorb very little of the Epsom salts normally. The exception is if you are deficient in magnesium, then you absorb the magnesium (Epsom salts) INSTEAD OF getting diarrhea. If you are that deficient then your body needs to absorb enough magnesium to correct the deficiency. If you get the intended diarrhea, then you are absorbing VERY LITTLE, with most of it staying in the intestinal tract, causing the diarrhea, and getting flushed out with the diarrhea.
1,828 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: good time to start for kids?
by humaworm 19 y
Hello - HUMAWORM is formulated to not GIVE a person diarrhea, but sometimes when parasites and toxins are being removed diarrhea is unavoidable. Diarrhea is the body’s way of rapidly removing harmful substances from the body. You might never have diarrhea during the cleanse, you may have it once per day, or once per week - it all depends on your body and the types of parasites and toxins being removed.
The children’s formula is the same way - it won’t cause diarrhea. You might want start them on a Friday night just to see how they will react - most children don’t have a problem while ...
1,687 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: diarrhea for few weeks..
by musimesipomahat 13 y
based on my experience (and I know everybody is different), when i have loose stools (diarrhea) I know that my body is trying to get rid of the unwanted stuff as quickly as possible, in the beginning of ”cleaning” I had what would be called diarrhea for a long time too, but I always knew that it’s only because my body is clearing the stuff; also, it never was like a definition of diarrhea that you read about, it was only 2-3 times a day, then next day nothing and then maybe again the day after, somethng like that and it never was only watery but full of undesirable ”crap” that I knew must ...
4,987 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Calcium assists to reduce diarrhoea
by dsquat 13 y
To control IBS diarrhoea, and maintain normal stools, I have finally found an answer that works for me.
People with constipation-predominant IBS, you should look into magnesium which can cause diarrhoea, therefore reducing your symptoms.
My focus is on diarrhoea-predominant IBS, because that has been my problem since a long-term multi drug resistant parasite infection (now cured) has left me with post infectious IBS.
Combined with the low FODMAP diet, I supplement with calcium tablets (600 mg of Calcium Carbonate), twice daily - once with breakfast and once with dinner.
The res ...
19,796 hits
Blog: CURED of PARASITES: Blastocystis Hominis & Dientamoeba Fragi
Re: Advice on what to do next?? :(
by J649 14 y
I had an Ascaris(roundworm) infection a few years ago and it caused me great constipation, and never any diarrhea. I have not heard others say they had diarrhea with it, just constipation. I guess it might theoretically be possible to have diarrhea with it, however it doesn’t seem to be common. The shortness of breath is very common with it. So is the nausea and abdominal pain. If you never had shortness of breath, then it is unlikely that it is ascaris.
Amebas, giardia, and crypto cause diarrhea almost all the time. Bacteria and viruses often cause diarrhea.
2,144 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
what parasites are these?
by searchforhealth2 15 y
View Entire Thread 4
I have a big parasite problem and consequently have constant diarrhea which is really draining me big time. Anyway I have been eating some fresh papaya and blitzing all the seeds with some lime juice and some water.
Without fail a few hours later the diarrhea gets really bad despite taking lots of fibre and there are lots of things in the toilet that look like undigested pieces of chopped nuts.
There is definately nothing that I have eaten that could account for this does anyone know what they could be and what to do and how to stop this constant diarrhea as I am stuck in the ...
2,331 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Acute Diarrhea
by kidneyfailure 16 y
View Entire Thread 3
Many people report vomiting and diarrhea associated with ingestion of MMS. Please be advised that, in cases of acute diarrhea, the Centers for Disease Control recommends seeking medical attention if certain conditions exist, including:
History of chronic medical conditions or concurrent illness
Visible blood in the stool
High output of diarrhea
Persistent vomiting
Signs consistent with dehydration
Change in mental status
The recommendation to seek medical attention applies to ”ANY form of diarrhea” (viral, bacterial, parasitic, or NON-INFECTIOUS).
See the CDC’s publication ”G ...
2,479 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: "mms killed my wife"
by kidneyfailure 16 y
Many people report vomiting and diarrhea associated with ingestion of MMS. Please be advised that, in cases of acute diarrhea, the Centers for Disease Control recommends seeking medical attention if certain conditions exist, including:
History of chronic medical conditions or concurrent illness
Visible blood in the stool
High output of diarrhea
Persistent vomiting
Signs consistent with dehydration
Change in mental status
The recommendation to seek medical attention applies to ”ANY form of diarrhea” (viral, bacterial, parasitic, or NON-INFECTIOUS).
See the CDC’s publication ”G ...
14,709 hits
Forum: MMS Debate
Re: Very thin to begin with, First week of candida diet, ...
by spunkyblondie 15 y
Hi there, I’m in the same boat. I started my anti-candida diet February 3rd. Commenced acupuncture and started taking Phellostatin (Chinese herbs) orally. Four to five weeks into the diet, I started having diarrhea. So, I mostly stopped my anti-candida diet and started an anti-diarrhea diet, which didn’t stop the diarrhea. Prior to the diarrhea, I had lost about 10 lbs. After the diarrhea started, I lost another 15 lbs over the course of 3 months. I weigh around 103 now and wear a size 2! I don’t think that I look bad in clothes, but I look like a &*^%$% cadaver naked. My face ha ...
22,274 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Coconut Oil
Lyme ("Lime")
Diet & Nutrition
Support Grp.
by moreless 18 y
Hi lilly1,
My comments in (-- --).
Your post: I found the flyer on oxy-mag. This is what it says
”...the watery bowel is not diarrhea and will not dehydrate you if you are drinking enough prue water. In diarrhea the water is sucked out of the rest of your body to dilute the toxic emergency in your colon, thus causing dehydration. The Oxy-mag creates water in your colon by oxidation of the toxic waste. Diarrhea is usually quite acid. (-- they got this part ”Correct” about Diarrhea being Acidic!--) Oxy-mag produces an alkaline bowel. (-- If Oxy-mag Causes the bowels to become mor ...
1,990 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Using MMS for Travelers Diarrhea
by sundreamer 17 y
View Entire Thread 9
Does MMS work for travelers diarrhea?
I am traveling to Asia and wondered if MMS could be used to treat/avoid travelers diarrhea. I was thinking of starting the MMS regime and I wondered if MMS would also work as a preventative or cure for travelers diarrhea as that is caused by organisms and bacterias. I was also wondering if MMS works if you do get the diarrhea.
Would it be best to take MMS 1-2 drops to start at the beginning of my trip and begin the MMS program as a preventative measure or would it be best to take 1-2 drops at the onset of the diarrhea? Does MMS work for travelers ...
6,153 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Diarrhea on Paragone 2nd round - healing crisis?
by michelle-stl 21 y
I’m on my second round of Paragone and am doing P&B shakes twice a day. During the first round, I didn’t have any diarrhea - I had the opposite some days, with no BMs all. But after resuming Paragone after a 5-day rest and having taken two doses, I got diarrhea. It was really bad that day - I went 6 to 8 times. The next day, my colon remained faster than normal, but BMs were formed. Then the next day, I had diarrhea for part of the day. The day after that, I had only one BM and it was normal. Then today, I had two normal BMs in the morning and then more diarrhea - 4 times - tonight. ...
1,511 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: 4th cleanse was puzzling
by oleg-yogin 22 y
Hm, diarrhea for 2 days…
I did have diarrhea after my flushes – I rather feel like water is coming out, like after enema. Usually I get up in the morning, take juices, then evacuations start and about 2-3pm it is all over…
Here is useful trick to stop diarrhea. Take a table spoon of starch, corn flower etc., add some water, mix it well and drink. It takes effect in about 2 hrs.
1,409 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: big stones
by oleg-yogin 22 y
Hm, diarrhea for 2 days…
I did have diarrhea after my flushes – I rather feel like water is coming out, like after enema. Usually I get up in the morning, take juices, then evacuations start and about 2-3pm it is all over…
Here is useful trick to stop diarrhea. Take a table spoon of starch, corn flower etc., add some water, mix it well and drink. It takes effect in about 2 hrs.
1,852 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re:Gallbladder removal and diarrhea
by MargaretAnn 22 y
I wish I had found this forum before having my gallbladder removed 2 days I had my first two bouts with diarrhea, both of which came right after I ate....anyone out there who had diarrhea right after surgery and then it went away? I hope I haven’t doomed myself to suffer with this.....I called the dr’s office and they said it was common to have diarrhea for about 2 - 3 weeks after surgery (wonder why they never told me this BEFORE surgery?????
61,336 hits
Forum: Liver Flush FAQ
Gallbladder Surgery
Re: sick mama cat
by soothsayer 20 y
Sometimes a cat will get diarrhea if exposed to a protein or grain not previously exposed to. Try giving boiled chicken( no bones, fat, or skin) mixewd with some mashed potatoes( nothing added) or cooked white rice. Diarrhea drains fluids and nutrition from the cat, so does nursing. Watch that your cat does not get dehydrated. Give some beef or chicken broths without any salt added. If diarrhea persists either contact a vet or get back to this site.
2,310 hits
Forum: Pets/Animals
Re: No drinking from 2PM?!?
by blackbox 20 y
kisses to you.
But I have a question now:
You say ”The most important factor in timing is to take the oil mixture within the time frame that has the biliary ducts still relaxed, but the diarrhea largely over.”
I understand what you are referring to but the ”but the diarrhea largely over” part confuses me. I don’t experience any bowel movements/diarrhea until the next day, after my last drink.
Thanks for the help. :)
1,742 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: When Do we Take A Probiotic?
by Grifo 18 y
Have you tried ”Colon Detoxifier” by Jon Barron at:
for your diarrhea? I have a friend that had diarrhea numerous times everyday for over a year. I gave her a jar of colon detoxifier thinking it would take a number of servings to cure her. She took it once and has not had diarrhea even once in more than ten months. Best of Luck A.
3,654 hits
Forum: MMS
Re: The liver and the immune system and cancer etc..
by monique_1 18 y
The epsom salt is not only to relax the ducts but also to induce diarrhea before and after the flush. Any kind of magnesium will suffice for the relaxing of ducts, it does not have to be a magnesium sulfate to do that job. The diarrhea part is not necessary at all and there are other ways to clean out the debris the day after rather than inducing diarrhea.
There are many other choices to perform a flush that wont include ES but that will give the same results.
4,113 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
What causes diarrhea?
by alive76 17 y
View Entire Thread 10
What causes diarrhea when taking MMS?
Is it the MMS directly turning the contents of the stomach into liquid, and then subsequently forcing it out, that causes diarrhea?(when taking too much MMS)
Or is it MMS pulling out toxins and dead pathogens from various tissue all over the body, which then over-loads the liver (or system in general) that then causes diarrhea, as a result of toxic over-load in the stomach?
Or maybe neither or both?
Can someone offer an explanation?
14,140 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: 94191
by jonsher_uk 17 y
If you mean due to diarrhea then yes I realise this. So its best to avoid prolonged or severe diarrhea. I dont think most people would want it anyway. I had it for months on end due to UC. It was only reading I did myself that made me realise that I had been suffering deficiency symptoms and needed to supplement . Which helped tremendously despite continued bouts of diarrhea. I think supplementation separate to MMS will be absorbed though
3,710 hits
Forum: MMS Debate
Re: ppl who have done the colon flush
by humaworm 18 y
Hello - HUMAWORM will not CAUSE diarrhea, but sometimes loose stools will happen when the body is detoxing and removing parasites and toxins. Diarrhea is the body’s natural way of removing harmful things very quickly.
You can do the HUMACLEANSE and the HUMAWORM together in the same 30 day period. It does save time and the HUMACLEANSE will bulk up your stool so diarrhea really is not an issue.
1,538 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
by White Shark 8 y
Oxypowder induces diarrhea.
That is what is happening. It induced diarrhea with a lot of gas.
Gas makes sounds inside your intestines.
Liquids without gas make almost no sound.
How fast it induces diarrhea is individual. You got it fast, it means you can take less the next time.
1,235 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse
Candida Debate
Ask CureZone
Not sure if Kefer is giving me diarrhoea..?
by probiotics 10 y
I came down with a rather acute diarrhoea the other day. To heal I did the usual, stop eating and wait it out for about 24 hours. As i felt I was healing I decided to take some KEFER to assist the healing process. Instead of healing I came down with the diarrhoea again... Now I’m wondering if the KEFER is possibly causing my diarrhoea...?
Any thoughts?
954 hits
Forum: Kefir Grain
Re: Minerals gone
by #100453 17 y
According to your post you have been using MMS at 15 x 3 drops a day for 12 weeks
Jim Humble in his book says you should keep below the nausea level and he never says you should comtinue despite prolonged diarrhea. Yet you say you suffered nausea and diarrhea continuously, Didn’t you think this was a bad idea?
Why do you not check his sites for updates. He clearly says this on the protocol instructions on his site
”Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting that is not a bad sign. The body is simply throwing off poisons and cleaning itself out. Everyone says that they feel much be ...
34,605 hits
Forum: MMS Debate