600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Liver Flushing and Ulcerative Colitis
by greenguy 22 y
I am looking for some wisdom from someone who has colitis.
I’ve had colitis bad for 23-25 years now, and would like to do a liver flush. I am wondering if it would be harmful to do one with
colitis always flarred up, and sometimes impossible to hold it, while looking for a bathroom. I guess my biggest fear is that on
some days I start to bleed after a bowel movement, and there is a concern that the flush will further aggitate my colitis.So far I’ve been able to avoid all surgery, but I’m miserable,depressed,
unshure of myself,and worried about my future.( will I get colon
cancer? Wil ...
1,910 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Parasites, Dysbiosis & Leaky Gut - End
RR by rabbitears 18 y
Ulcerative colitis is considered to be a distinct disease entity, which must be separated from other disease entities, especially infectious colitis. Intestinal infections with amebic parasites or certain species of bacteria can produce symptoms and signs indistinguishable from those of ulcerative colitis. The main difference is that antibioti ...
2,263 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
Anyone with colitis have problems retaining enemas?
by ocdfreak666 14 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi i have colitis and have been suffering with it off and on for a while but i have multiple health problems and have done enemas in the past before i ever had colitis. Its in my sigmoid colon; anyways years ago i had no problems holding in enemas but ever since i developed the colitis when i try to put the water in with a enema bag i have spasms and cannot take the enema in at all. I just get spasms and the water come out immediately. Does anyone with colitis who has tried enemas have the same problem? I am currently trying to do a probiotic enema for the colitis but i cant hold it in and ...
2,035 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Re: Herbs Do Not Work!!
RN 100% CURE! by #32831 20 y
I cured my ulcerative colitis with herbs-instead of having surgery to remove my gut. And I was sick with Ulcerative Colitis for 7.5 years and was taking a lot of drugs that didn’t work, as I kept flaring up. That is when my gastro. suggested surgery. I said no. Started juicing daily, and went to the QXCI machine, which detected amoebas were causing my colitis. Searched online which herbs kill amoebas, found the herb olive leaf extract did, and in 3 months was able to wean off all of my medication, and have been colitis free for a year and a half already. I consider myself cured of colitis- ...
17,397 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze
Varicose Veins
Re: I cured my Ulcerative Colitis
by #32831 21 y
Hi Newstand,
First get your Ulcerative Colitis under control, then try to take the olive leaf extract (maybe it will also cure your colitis).
You didn’t mention anything about if you are taking
probiotics (good bacteria), which you should be taking.
Last week, I heard about a product that helps with bowel problems called Flor Essence by the company called Flora. It contains a combination of herbs: burdock root (which is a natural antibiotic), slippery elm (which reverses leaky gut syndrome and balances the PH), Turkish Rhubarb, Red Clover, Blessed Thistle, Kelp (gets rid of tox ...
37,612 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Re: I cured my Ulcerative Colitis
by #32831 21 y
Hi Newstand,
First get your Ulcerative Colitis under control, then try to take the olive leaf extract (maybe it will also cure your colitis).
You didn’t mention anything about if you are taking
probiotics (good bacteria), which you should be taking.
Last week, I heard about a product that helps with bowel problems called Flor Essence by the company called Flora. It contains a combination of herbs: burdock root (which is a natural antibiotic), slippery elm (which reverses leaky gut syndrome and balances the PH), Turkish Rhubarb, Red Clover, Blessed Thistle, Kelp (gets rid of tox ...
35,353 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Re: Anyone heard of any cure/healing stories related to I...
by chrisb1 17 y
Hello #83873,
re’ IBS & Lymes disease.............
According to David Klein, who later became a nutritional counselor specializing in colitis and Crohns, he successfully treated himself and was totally healed of IBS in FOUR weeks.
According to the natural hygiene doctrine, IBS “is a chronic non-inflammatory problem of the bowels with diarrhea, sometimes constipation, and sometimes both.”
The mode of treatment is primarily reducing the drug intake. Acco ...
3,595 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: I cured my Ulcerative Colitis
by #32831 21 y
Hi Domby,
If you have a flare up, do not decrease your medication dosage. I’m not sure if you have, but if you have, please do not decrease your medication dosage. You need to first put the colitis into remission, and then you can try to wean off the medications.
Also, I hope you are not taking the herbs at the same time as when you take your medications. You should take them at least a half an hour apart (preferably an hour). The medication or the herbs can cause the other to be less absorable in the body.
Slippery elm is a good herb for colitis, and I would continue using it. J ...
35,691 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
I cured my Ulcerative Colitis
RN by #32831 21 y
View First 20 Messages of 50
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis when I was 18. Was put on steroids, took 9 Pentasa pills/day, and the gastro. even wanted to remove my gut.
I am now off the Petasa meds. since Feb. 2004, and have no more Ulcerative Colitis. I went to this machine called the QXCI, and it detected that amoebas were causing my Ulcerative Colitis. I looked up on the internet what can kill amoebas, and the herb Olive Leaf Extract can. So I started taking Olive Leaf Extract, and gradually weaned off my 9 Pentasa pills (I could not even reduce my Pentasa pills to 6/day before the Olive Leaf extract). ...
42,755 hits
6 of 6 (100%)
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Research paper using vitamin E for colitis in rats
by sheldon 22 y
A novel water-soluble vitamin E derivative protects against experimental colitis in rats.
Yoshida N, Yoshikawa T, Yamaguchi T, Naito Y, Tanigawa T, Murase H, Kondo M.
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan.
This study was designed to investigate the effects of water-soluble vitamin E derivative, 2-(alpha-D-glucopyranosyl)methyl-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-6-ol (TMG), on experimental colitis in rats. Colitis was induced in male Wistar rats weighing 200 grams using an enema of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNB ...
47,147 hits
Forum: Vitamin E Enema
Ulcerative Colit.
Rife frequency for UC
by wallace777 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have Ulcerative Colitis for 3 years and I just started using the rife method from my PC. I ran the Ulcerative Colitis frequencies, does anyone know how long it takes and how often I should do it in order to see results? such as parasites and etc... does it kill the parasites if i run it at 3 min a frequency!?!? im in more desperate situation to cure my Ulcerative Colitis because my father passed away 2 days ago. Thank you very much.
3,795 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Parasite Infection Makes News
by rabbitears 18 y
”This parasite that can live for years inside of a human host and cause no symptoms. The larvae of this parasite caused the woman to get colitis.”
”S stercoralis appears likely to present as colitis in patients with cellular immune defects, such as those cause by corticosteroid use and alcoholism,” Lashof and his team reported....more than 27 years earlier.”
I find it amazing that they know this parasite can cause ”colitis” but it was NEVER considered as a possible diagnosis! Sad, actually.
1,646 hits
Forum: News
Humaworm for ulcerative colitis?
by joeblow781 17 y
View Entire Thread 7
sumu87 said humaworm worked for his 17 year old daughter. I’m 17 with ulcerative colitis. read ”who can help me beatdown colitis” for details on me. Sumu87 can you give me a better understanding of what your daughter went through before and after humaworm so I can make some comparisons to myself please? anyone who took humaworm and has ulcerative colitis let me know how it worked... thanks guys
5,628 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Re: Ulcerative Colitis and Beck
by charkee 17 y
With EFT one has to find the exact cause of the colitis. The cause is thus: Are you having a conflict with somebody irritating, or vexing that leaves you feeling passive or powerless, most likely to somebody that has authority over you? Tap on these issues and if you are able identify the actual conflict the colitis will instantly disappear. To have ulcerative colitis most likely the conflict is keeping you awake at night or has kept you from sleeping in the past.
6,525 hits
Forum: Dr. Beck
any squatters here?
by dsr 16 y
View Entire Thread 16
Health Benefits of the Natural Squatting Position
* Picture of the Squatting Position
* Seven Advantages
* Historical Background
* Toilets from Ancient Times
o Appendicitis
o Bladder Incontinence
o Colitis and Crohn’s Disease
o Colon Cancer
o Constipation
o Contamination of the Small Intestine
o Diverticulosis and Hernias
o Gynecological Disorders
+ Endometriosis
+ Hysterectomy
+ Pelvic Organ Prolapse
+ Rectocele
+ Uterine Fibroids
o Heart Attacks
o Hemorrhoids
o Pregnancy and Childbirth Issues
o Prostate Disorders
o Sexual Dysfunct ...
6,418 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
colitis: a Nutritional Deficiency syndrome:Studied
by heardshare 15 y
N Engl J Med. 1989 Jan 5;320(1):23-8.
Treatment of diversion colitis with short-chain-fatty acid irrigation.
Harig JM, Soergel KH, Komorowski RA, Wood CM.
Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
A condition known as diversion colitis frequently develops in segments of the colorectum after surgical diversion of the fecal stream; it persists indefinitely unless the excluded segment is reanastomosed. The disease is characterized by bleeding from inflamed colonic mucosa that mimics the bleeding of idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease, and it may culminate in stric ...
2,190 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Colon Cancer
Allergies & Intolerance
Research Paper using vitamin E for colitis
by sheldon 17 y
A novel water-soluble vitamin E derivative protects against experimental colitis in rats.
N Yoshida, T (Takeo) Yoshikawa, T Yamaguchi, Y Naito, T Tanigawa, H Murase, M Kondo
This study was designed to investigate the effects of water-soluble vitamin E derivative, 2-(alpha-D-glucopyranosyl)methyl-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-6-ol (TMG), on experimental colitis in rats. Colitis was induced in male Wistar rats weighing 200 grams using an enema of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) dissolved in 50% ethanol; 1 ml of TMG dissolved in physiological saline (0.2 mg/ml, 2 mg/ml, 20 mg/ml) was ...
43,020 hits
Forum: Vitamin E Enema
Ulcerative Colit.
Re: I cured my Ulcerative Colitis
by #32831 21 y
Good questions. I know centrifuge juicers kill vital enzymes, but in my case it was sufficient to put the colitis into remission. I used the centrifuge Braun juicer. So it should work for you as well. The best juicer is the Norwalk juicer, but it is quite expensive (US$2100), but it does not kill the enzymes. But you can still benefit from the vitamins and minerals that are found in juice produced by centrifuge juicers. So, yes centrifuge juicers can be used to put the colitis in remission.
I used the Olive Leaf Extract when my colitis was ALREADY in remission, to cure the condition (i. ...
35,842 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Re: Joint Pain
by simondoh 20 y
Hi Alan,
I too get joint pain wrists / neck / knees and feet (especially on first getting out of bed). The pain has been accompanied by a lot of popping and cracking sounds from the joints. Before my colitis diagnosis - I put it down to old age at 34 years old!! :)
colitis is an inflammation of the colon - this inflammation can also be triggered elsewhere - such as in joints. It can also trigger inflammtion in the eyes - I get really bad stabbing pains in the eyes when I have a flare up of colitis. Anyhow - to cut a long story short - I use cod liver oil (CLO) - liquid is best (it does ...
2,542 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Dental Amalgam and Colitis
by JonSher 19 y
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Has anybody had their amalgam fillings removed and had their colitis improve as a result? I had severe colitis for over a year with hospitalisation and tranfusions
Then I got it into remission without drugs after a short term of steroids failed. this took a year trying diets and herbs. then a visit to the dentist to have a large filling replaced made it come back again for the next month though not quite as bad. Now I am back in remission
I have 9 amalgam fillings and one root canal 3 or 4 are large. Though I cant afford to have them all replaced I am considering doing this gradually .
5,435 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Fasting with ulcerative colitis
by kent 22 y
View Entire Thread 2
Good morning all,
I’m at the tail end of a colitis attack. This one was bad as I had some loose bloody bm’s.(sorry for the description) I believe I have had this for some time (about 6 months) with the latest being the worst episode. I have not had a professional diagnosis yet but will seek one. I am basing this on my symptoms and my own research. Okay the question. I wanted to start the fast in the next few days. Can I start the fast, which I hope will heal the colitis, or deal with the colitis seperately first. The book, ”Prescription for Nutritional Healing”, recommends fasting for ...
6,575 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Has Anyone read The 10 Day Colitis Cure?
by mwkwriter 15 y
OK. Thanks for letting me know that promoting the 10 Day Colitis Cure was not permitted here.
I’d rather not post the whole contents of the 10 Day Colitis Cure in a thread.
I’m curious as to what your cure is, I couldn’t find the post on that. You’re right, my 10 Day Colitis Cure, might have stuff in common with yours or other postings on this site. I don’t know. I just discovered this helpful coltis cure zone forum. But I will look somemore. I’d hate to be redundant all over again.
What worked for me was mainly a way to overcome saccharomyces. What was your strategy?
4,689 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Re: Holarrhena Antidysenterica (edit)
by 15 y
Holarrhena antidysenterica is indicated in inflammatory bowel disease like condition (Pittavrutta apaana, a disease having clinical resemblance to inflammatory bowel disease) described in Ayurvedic system of medicine [14]. There is no literature available in modern medicine about its possible use in inflammatory bowel disease. Holarrhena antidysenterica showed beneficial effect in experimental colitis as monotherapy. No additional benefit was achieved when holarrhena antidysenterica was tried in combination with steroids and sulfasalazine in the treatment of experimental colitis as compare ...
3,046 hits
Forum: Rife
Colitis and Yerba Mate
by Jova 15 y
I have mild colitis, and one of the things I’ve eliminated is anything with caffeine. Coffee is the tea is better but still bad because of the caffeine. But if you look up ”Yerba Mate” and ”colitis” in google, there’s a bunch of posts in curezone from people claiming that yerba mate cured their sounds so unbelievable and yet there were at least a few people who had great results with it, and no one said it hurt them in any way (causing diarrhea or a flare-up).
My questions is, has anyone tried taking yerba mate tea? How did the caffeine affect you? If the ...
3,014 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Re: more.... guess what interferes with the innate immun...
by chrisb1 15 y
Well here is some news for you John in reply to your comment.............
”A healthy body relies on the innate immune response to fend of this L-form bacteria”.
Which is true, but there is something that you and others are overlooking: the Immune response is intensified by water-only-fasting, whilst simultaneously eradicating the body of toxemia, and the breeding ground for this type of harmful bacteria to exist.
If you rid the body of conditions that support parasites and harmful bacteria, then IBS and other digestive problems are solved............
11,219 hits
Forum: IBS Cure
E. Coli Cure
Fecal Transplantation
Ulcerative Colitis Cure
Candida, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, and IBD
RRR Educational by Dr.Jeff 11 y
View Entire Thread 3
One of the main reasons that fungal candida is related to over 100 conditions and diseases is via its ability to promote chronic inflammation in the body, and inflammation is tied to most every condition. Although fungal candida can spread throughout the body in a matter of hours during and after taking antibiotics, its effect in the digestive tract happens much more quickly, and lingers for decades. Studies continue to link the presence of fungal candida with Ulcerative Colitis (UC), Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), gastritis, ulcers, indigestion, gas, bloating, and other digestive ...
2,214 hits
Forum: Ask Candida Exp.
Colitis and MS and Gluten/Wheat intolerance
RN SUCCESS by dano123 11 y
My wife has Colitis and MS.
Her first MS attack was 14 years ago, with the worst one 4 years ago.
She developed Colitis 6 years ago and has been on drugs to control it until a few months ago.
We thought she may have had a gluten intolerance so (almost) all wheat products were eliminated from her diet over a period of 6 months. One day she says I think its all better, so she stopped the drugs and is still good.
She was told by the Dr. that she would have to be on these drugs for the rest of her life.
We are working on eliminating all Gluten
and will probably get some testing done to s ...
1,255 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colitis
Multiple Sclerosis
Addressing Ulcerative Colitis Naturally
~RN by Tony Isaacs 15 y
Addressing Ulcerative Colitis Naturally
by Tony Isaacs
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that results in chronic inflammation in digestive tract, usually in the large intestine (colon) and the rectum. Many consider ulcerative colitis to be an autoimmune disorder; however, others theorize that higher levels of hydrogen sulfide cause the inflammation and lesions typical in ulcerative colitis. Still others believe that the disease may be due to problems in the protective mucous layer (the mucosa) in the large intestine. Regardless ...
2,642 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Addressing Ulcerative Colitis Naturally
by Dquixote1217 15 y
View Entire Thread 6
Addressing Ulcerative Colitis Naturally
by Tony Isaacs
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that results in chronic inflammation in digestive tract, usually in the large intestine (colon) and the rectum. Many consider ulcerative colitis to be an autoimmune disorder; however, others theorize that higher levels of hydrogen sulfide cause the inflammation and lesions typical in ulcerative colitis. Still others believe that the disease may be due to problems in the protective mucous layer (the mucosa) in the large intestine. Regardless of the causes, ulc ...
11,456 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Crohn’s Disease
Home Remedies
Herbal Formulas
Colloidal Silver
Re: Need help ASAP with garlic.
by chrisb1 17 y
hello iptumu,
thought you might want to take a look at how someone else successfully eradicated their Colitis from this link: these are just a few comments..............
“The University of Natural Health recognizes David Klein, Ph.D., a prominent Natural Health Educator of the 21st Century, as an active teacher and probably the greatest modern day healer of Colitis and Crohn’s disease.”
- Paul Fanny, President, H.D., PH.D.
The University of Natural Health
“Dr. David Klein, Ph.D. has become a pioneer in effective nutritional counseling. His book is a must read for restoring healt ...
2,362 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Re: Research paper showing vitamin E reduced colitis effect
by sheldon 20 y
Exacerbation of dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis by dietary iron
supplementation: role of NF-kappaB.
Carrier JC, Aghdassi E, Jeejeebhoy K, Allard JP.
Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
M5G-2C4, Canada.
BACKGROUND: In colitis, iron therapy may be given to treat anemia, but
it may also be detrimental based on our previous studies using a rat
model with colitis where iron supplementation increased disease
activity and oxidative stress. This effect was partially reduced by an
antioxidant. AIMS: The aim of this study was to further evaluate, in
rats ...
46,405 hits
Forum: Vitamin E Enema
Ulcerative Colit.
Probiotics a new study!
by Ev 20 y
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Probiotics show promise in treating colitis News Staff
A new Canadian study has found that simple ”probiotic” bacteria are effective in treating ulcerative colitis, a painful disease caused by an immune system attack on the body’s intestinal tissue and colon.
Researchers at the University of Alberta found six weeks of treatment with pills containing so-called ”good” bacteria, or probiotics, can turn the inflamed and bleeding colons of many patients with ulcerative colitis into virtually normal tissue.
Probiotics are not new but their healing powers are just starting to be ...
4,146 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
Ulcerative Colitis/ And Other types of Colitis
by LPN12345 14 y
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Hello Everyone;
It’s been awhile since I have been in the forum. I have been having some serious stomach problems along with some other digestive problems.Many stomach aches and the problem with the sulfur smell ( you know rotten eggs) have come back off and on especially when I eat red meat.My stomach had become almost too sensitve. My doc said that it’s possible that I may have an imflammation of my colon which is called "Colitis" or "Ulcerative Colitis" which also causes sulfur smells in the colon due to food not being able to be digested properly and it cau ...
7,948 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Re: bed
by petluvr10 14 y
What about this link:
and this link:
Sounds like the natural, healthy way to eat. Fruits, veggies, and a small amount of nuts/seeds is the simpliest, healthiest way to eat.
5,594 hits
Forum: Truth in Medicine
Acid Reflux
Ask CureZone
Re: Butter for butyrate
by here to heal 12 y
what about butter in a low enema or implant? I was thinking about buying the supplement to take this way, but why not butter then? I mean for someone like me who has colitis in the large intestines seems to make more sense than taking it orally in my case? what do you think? I also have candida but have reduced it dramatically with coffee enemas and probiotics, so I’m ready to step it up a bit and really get rid of the candida/leaky gut/colitis.
3,023 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Hawthorn Berry vs Colitis
by Hveragerthi 14 y
Why do they say not to talk Hawthorn Berry if you have colitis?
I have inflammation of my gut (diverticulitis, Lyme, Bartonella)...
But I don’t see why I shouldn’t Hawthorn?
Hawthorn berry is actually used in formulations to treat colitis due to the anti-inflammatory properties. But tiny seeds can irritate some inflammatory bowel disorders such as diverticulitis, which is likely why some are saying to avoid the berries.
4,337 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Worms are good for you? Now this just seems all wrong!
by sanjean 15 y
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2,197 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
by roopamapco 16 y
Find the latest news about Colon Cancer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Colitis. Discuss Colon related issues with members of the Colon Health Community.
Colon Cancer News & Discussion Forum
Find the latest news about Colon Cancer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Colitis. Discuss Colon related issues with members of the Colon Health Community.
71,600 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Bowel FAQ
Candida FAQ
squatting while defecating
by dsr 16 y
My post was suppose to be about the natural way to defecate in the squatting position. The link provided gives history of this natural way and the downfall of mans health with Thomas Crappers invention of the modern western tiolet.
I find this all very interesting and actually knew this but seems one reads so much I forgotten about it and am now going to make this my way of pooping as much as possible.
5,166 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Mercury part 2
by Jonsher_uk 16 y
The brown pee is supposed to be bromine, or could be due to dehydration
I’ve never had noticably brown pee myself even on over 100mg doses
I have taken fish oil from what I regarded as a good well tested pure source
for a few years now, I know colitis sufferers have got benefit from fish oil in quite large amounts and I think it did improve my symptoms.
If there was any significant mercury in this I doubt they would have seen the benefit,
I do believe mercury is a significant contributer to colitis if not the cause in many cases so I’m not too concerned about the fish oil I use
1,813 hits
Forum: Mercury