600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: day 5 of water only fasting
by sailing2 10 y
When you Fast long enough until it affects and reduces that Belly Fat, that is when you will see permanent changes regarding your blood sugar issues.
Belly Fat in men has become an indicator of future issues with blood sugar.
Still, there are exceptions where some have excess Belly Fat with no blood sugar issues.
Once that Belly Fat is gone, add daily exercise and blood sugar issues should permanently become a thing of the past.
926 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Serious Question
by #116712 16 y
I think fasting could be probably healthy ,especially
for example with combination to clear your colon , more info you can read there:
colon cleanse info
You may look at lose belly fat pages, mabye you’ll found there more interesting articles about weight loss.
Fasting is not only one possibility how to ..
I wish you happiness.
1,683 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Belly Fat Cure
by Sstevemichael 13 y
When you are trying to find the right diet for the New Year or for a new goal you have set in your life, it is important to know what a program like the Belly Fat Cure offers. The Belly Fat Cure has gained a lot of popularity in recent months but does it really provide all that it suggests.
The Belly Fat Cure eating plan consists of protein, fats, and vegetables with small amounts of sugar and complex carbs. Processed foods with sweeteners (even artificial sweeteners) are out. Wine, beer, champagne, and dark chocolate are OK -- but not cocktails or candy bars.
There are many foods ...
1,514 hits
Forum: Market Place
Belly fat cure Abdominal Muscles Recipes
by fit2page 13 y
A common misconception is that by toning abdominal muscles belly fat will simply melt away and the stomach will flatten out. Unfortunately this is not a belly fat cure that works and fast ab workouts don’t do much for calorie burning and fat loss. There are several reasons for this but by making simple adjustments in your workout and diet you will soon be on your way to seeing 6 pack abs.
Fast ab workouts that include 100 different styles of crunches are very ineffective for burning fat. The abdominal muscle is a small muscle group and when it is isolated it doesn’t require a lot of ...
1,316 hits
Forum: Diet & Nutrition
Leaky gut, fatty liver, and belly fat
by Anthony87 13 y
View Entire Thread 24
Getting on the right diet to fix my liver and kick out candida has also flattened the abs. I always had a somewhat portruding belly that only I seemed to notice before. Does anyone else have belly fat despite a thin build that is fighting candida infections?
A 6 pack is one of my favorite side effects of a high carb diet. When piling in almonds, meat, and veggies I was flabby. It´s interesting how they call belly fat an actual organ because it can produce hormones...I used to have hypothyroid.
7,674 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Belly Fat Cure
by Sstevemichael 13 y
When you are trying to find the right diet for the New Year or for a new goal you have set in your life, it is important to know what a program like the Belly Fat Cure offers. The Belly Fat Cure has gained a lot of popularity in recent months but does it really provide all that it suggests.
The Belly Fat Cure eating plan consists of protein, fats, and vegetables with small amounts of sugar and complex carbs. Processed foods with sweeteners (even artificial sweeteners) are out. Wine, beer, champagne, and dark chocolate are OK -- but not cocktails or candy bars.
There are many foods ...
1,093 hits
Forum: Diet & Nutrition
Belly fat may be a market for fatty liver
by mo123 16 y
Belly fat may be a market for fatty liver Belly fat has long been blamed for obesity-related disease but it may actually only be something of an innocent bystander, U.S. researchers say. The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that fatty liver -- intrahepatic triglyceride -- may be the important risk factor for obesity-related metabolic disorders often linked to diabetes, heart disease and other diseases. Many with belly fat also have a fatty liver, but when the researchers compared for insulin sensitivity and other factors in obese subje ...
1,062 hits
Forum: Sara’s Soup Kitchen
Belly fat may be a market for fatty liver
by mo123 16 y
Belly fat may be a market for fatty liver Belly fat has long been blamed for obesity-related disease but it may actually only be something of an innocent bystander, U.S. researchers say. The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that fatty liver -- intrahepatic triglyceride -- may be the important risk factor for obesity-related metabolic disorders often linked to diabetes, heart disease and other diseases. Many with belly fat also have a fatty liver, but when the researchers compared for insulin sensitivity and other factors in obese subje ...
1,049 hits
Forum: Sara’s Soup Kitchen
Re: OMG - I lost 10 pounds n 14 days
by theend 18 y
pattiecake, make sure you drink a lots of water when you’re doing this. That is the trick.
I can talk about belly fat all day long, I still have it big time, it is diminishing.
There is a lot of myths surrounding belly fat that people get caught up in.
I’m sure you’ve researched it all as I did.
like, I hear sit ups are worthless when you have belly fat, and all you need to do is aerobics and eat less. this is what I am learning for myself.
definitely a combination of a lot of things. but it wasn’t working until I called... roto rooter that’s the name and away those troubles d ...
8,215 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Stomach - feels full.
by askKelley 19 y
No the stomach does not shrink. But if the intestinal flora in the gut becomes imbalanced you may feel overly full due to improper digestion.While I am no doctor I can make some observations based on my past experience. Let me ask you a question. Are you using refined, pasturized, store bought apple juice or drinking raw, unfiltered juice? In order to answer your questions correctly, I need to know. Please reply. Your mood swings can be compared to a roller coaster. High low, high low. You are most likely releasing toxins faster than they can be eliminated. This causes the body to re-abso ...
4,020 hits
Forum: Ask Kelley
Re: pot belly
by wombat 18 y
”How To Tell If You Need More Iodine: One of the first indicators is belly fat in men. When the abdominal muscles disappear under a layer of fat, a pot belly, insulin resistance or syndrome X is present. In women the fat also occurs on the hips. The medical literature is finally talking about this fat as a major indicator or symptom of underlying risk to cardio-vascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and all the inflammatory diseases that plague industrialized societies. If you have excess “belly fat” you are at ri ...
3,100 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Diabetes Research Results
by grizz 10 y
”But my belly returns to its normal size in three to four weeks.”
That makes me sooo sad to hear this. This confirms some of my research that fat cells cannot be gotten rid of. They simply shrink in size when under stress, then bounce back when stress is removed.
All of my belly fat is visceral, under the abdominal wall. Nothing between the abdominal wall and the skin. I’m afraid I will have to look into surgical methods to remove this stubborn visceral belly fat.
Does anyone have experience with removing visceral fat surgically?
5,710 hits
Forum: Erectile Dysfunction
Diabetes Type II
Elderly Problems
Testimonials Request
Paleo Diet
hi mh
by Harry55 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
i had a thread on previous page about belly fat (i created a new thread to make sure you see it, hope it doesn’t bother you), and you said this:
”If you want to make this fat part of your muscles then exercise is the way. If you want to dump this fat/water then fasting is the best and surest way.”
if i were to excersize my other muscles, other than abdomen, would that fat also be converted and distributed to those muscles? if so, why the hell is there this Crunches for belly fat BS floating around?
2,043 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
by Annas 20 y
I just reread your day one post and I see that you’re 5’2” so we’re not too far from each other. What’s your goalweight? Mine is ultimately 120 but right now anything under 135 sounds great! 135 is like my line in the sand---when I’m under it I look ”ok, even nice” but when I go over it I start looking downright chubby. Now I just look fat! I have alot of belly fat which I’ve NEVER had before! Booty fat(w/cellulite)yes...belly fat,no! That’s what bothers me most.
Anyway, I hope to start going down w/you! Actually I’m starting this second! I’ll make my official day one tomorrow though.
Ta ...
1,185 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Re: One week of re-feeding - Belly fat again
by Dazzle007 14 y
Hi there, I am new member here and I think you need some exercise along with your diet plan.Because I think you are dieting and just dieting.Please try to do some cardio and other exercise like belly exercise as follows.
Do some exercises to lose belly fat like Abdominal crunches, stomach twisting, hip raise exercise, leg lift exercise and air cycling.
Besides exercise good diet program is a must to lose belly fat.
Avoid beverages, soda and beer.
Control your stress.
2,106 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: Fasting not working any more?
by Fuggs 8 y
Thats encouraging thanks.
Like you I am struggling to lose belly fat. In hindsight maybe I should have upped my protein as I seem to have lost muscle mass as well as fat off my bum etc. but not belly...which is why I suspect cortisol.
Have you lost muscle mass or just fat?
I think I will augment my daily meal with egg and mushroom omelette with butter, that should up the protein.
843 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
The 3-Hour DIET
by shamrock4luck 20 y
Stop hunger,start losing belly fat.The secret allows you to eat anything by ensuring you automatically eat every three hours.This plan will also reduce the stress hormone cortisol,which stores the fat on your stomach.( idea behind this diet is to rid the belly of the fat,safely and healthy.No fasts or fads hear.But you still lose weight.The book can be purchased at any walmarts.
993 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
OMG - I lost 10 pounds n 14 days
RR by theend 18 y
View Entire Thread 9
I’ve been trying to lose this extra belly fat for 10 years, exercising every day doing a aerobics jogging, dieting eating less, pushing myself to the limit when jogging. I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 10 years old.
but, every part of my body is skinny, except for my belly, which made me look like I was pregnant. I was always skinny and then later on, I got this big belly, at first I didn’t mind, because I never had a belly, and it was kind interesting, at first.
but I’ve been doing everything to get this belly fat off. And I can’t believe by taking humacleanse and humaworm that I ...
8,766 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: RED TONGUE - Does anyone know what this means?
by btm66 20 y
That’s interesting. I have thought that I have overworked adrenals, but the doctor checked my cortisol and it was 14. There was no range on the lab for normal but he said that mine was normal. And, I don’t drink coffee.
I no longer can afford the acupunturist, so does your book say anything about what’s normal for the cortisol. I have a lot of belly fat and I’ve heard that belly fat is a sign of too much cortisol.
1,496 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Support
Re: Day 5 of 40 day Water Fast
R by sailing2 10 y
I believe that 30 days and nights of Water Fasting will do the Job.
Then switch to eating healthy foods with some exercise and that should do the trick.
My Belly Fat has shrunk significantly over the past 3 months of which I was doing some 2 and 3 days fasting. (works best during long days of fasting.)
When you see that Belly Fat shrink during your 30 days water fast; that is going to encourage you tremendously.
I guess we are the only brave souls to Water Fast during the month of October.
In November, I am going to ”pig out” for Thanksgiving; and also for Christmas in Dece ...
1,186 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Post Mirena-no periods
by jackie38 16 y
Thank you for all the responses. I am 47, so my doc says that I could be pre-menopause. I suppose I could be but it seems like a coincidence. I was having depo shots before the mirena and NEVER stopped bleeding, so I switched to the Mirena and then never had a period. I feel like my body has been so screwed up for the past 6 years! My stomach bloating they blame on my age and ”belly fat”, I am a bit overweight, but not obese. 5’2 and weigh 140. I am trying to lose 20 lbs and see what happens with my so called ’belly fat” (which I NEVER had prior to the mirena).
4,023 hits
Forum: Mirena
Tools to Attack Belly Fat
by PaisleyH 5 y
Ways To Attack Belly Fat
Having belly fat has quite a few downfalls. It can be harmful to your health but it can also hurt your self-confidence. Losing belly fat can be difficult because that is where most people tend to hold onto fat. This means that unless you have been genetically blessed, you have properly struggled with belly fat. Regardless of your reasoning for losing belly fat, whether it is to look better or be healthier, there are plenty of tools that can help you do so.
Your diet is an abs ...
2,643 hits
Blog: The Healthiest Way to a Healthy You
Re: Candida Diet...Second Try...Desperately need advice!
by Anthony87 13 y
Agreeing with pokermaniac that fruit is something to be strict on. Lots of nutritionists recommend veggies over fruit for snacks and for candida food addicts it seems especially necessary. Obese people that down 2 litres of pop have belly fat because of the wonderful combination of fat and sugar. On this forum a lot of people successfully eliminate the sugar, but go nuts with fat out of confusion and gluttony.
2,116 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Fat from bottom
by deepbass7 16 y
Jst completed my first ever water fast (21 days)(only stopping now to refeed b4 christmas meal and was exercising all of the time
I lost 2 1/4 stones from 13 stone to 10.75 .
I lost nearly all my belly fat I wanted too and excess fat around legs,double chin reduction.
No fat has come off my botton and towards the end of the fast i was hardly losing any weight daily even after doing exersised for my bottom e.g bridge.
864 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only.
Re: Hormones
by Hveragerthi 15 y
I was also wondering if it’s true that after menopause women’s ovaries stop making estrogen and the omentum (belly fat) enlarges to get more estrogen from fat?
Actually the adrenals become the primary estrogen source after menopause followed by the fat cells.
2,373 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Successfully Lose Belly Fat
by wekdietalex 6 y
This article talks mainly on how you can successfully take away your belly fat completely. The well-explained tips will give you the insight and knowledge about tummy-fat flattening. Let’s progress. Have you ever taught of this? If you know how and why you failed when it comes to losing belly fat, then you will know how to take the correct action to get that sexy and slim belly that you have tried so hard to develop right? The reason you have landed on this page is because you want to succeed at losing belly fat easily, quickly and healthily, well, you will need to know what belly fat mist ...
370 hits
Blog: Successfully Lose Belly Fat
Re: Broke My Fast Today - Questions
by heatherisone 11 y
I have not read your previous posts but if you are overweight you should expect the fat around your organs to be used at a faster rate than the belly fat. This is a good thing health wise so be pleased with it.
1,349 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: hi mh
by #35289 20 y
there are boatloads of BS floating around and then some. Especially concerning diet and nutrition! I think MH was saying that the more natural way to deal with belly fat is to eat the right foods and not stress out your body by excersizing and making the fat into muscle. (which seems rather unnatural to ME) Of course that is the vogue in these times, so of course you are going to hear a lot of that kind of thing.
Sorry to butt in...back to work... : )
1,949 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: No Change - Fat Belly
by happydog 19 y
My sister and I both tried this also and had no reduction. I’ve done it for up to a week straight. I didn’t notice anything whatsoever, but my sister reported a laxative effect and said it made her hair softer. On her head I mean, not her stomach hair :)
I think the belly reduction may have more to do with bowel issues than actually breaking up solid fat. I’ve done a lot more liver flushes and bowel cleanses than my sister and I think my fat belly is just pure lard. I weigh 122 lbs and look thin, but still have the belly fat. Maybe it’s just my reward for having 4 fat healthy babi ...
12,005 hits
3 of 3 (100%)
Forum: Castor Oil
Re: First 30-day water only fast
by Cortana 8 y
Thank you Srinath and lifetechnologydotcom for your advice considering my teeth.
Don’t worry Archus. I’ve read many of your posts. I won’t do anything crazy. Srinath mentioned tooth powder in an early post and of course, this is something I plan to do after the fast, not during. Just water for me for now. Thank you for your concern though.
UPDATE: Today is DAY 5. No changes to my tongue or physical appearance. My weight is 130.6. Yesterday, I experienced a strong desire for food, but no hungry pangs. I’m still watching people eat and make food. Though I tried to avoid watching my h ...
578 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
day 5 of water only fasting
by mase857 10 y
View Entire Thread 4
Today is day 5. I’m feeling fine .. no hunger. My blood sugar this morning was 79. Blood pressure is 148/81. I believe the blood pressure won’t go down until i lose my belly fat. Heading to work. I lost one pound today.
Will update again tomorrow.
835 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: GOOD NEWS guys ! Archus, DesertLili, Sailing2 .. plea...
by mase857 10 y
Sailing2, you are correct. I am not giving up on fasting because I need to lose my belly fat... that’s why I am just taking one day break. That means that I will only eat like 4 times in the whole month of october ... that should help a lot for my weight loss..
How are you feeling today ?
1,534 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Diabetes Type II
Any negative effects of green coffee bean extract ?
by Reyon 10 y
View Entire Thread 3
I recently bought the green coffee bean extract for the weight loss (especially my belly fat). I just read about the green coffee bean supplement often leads to anxiety, jitters, sleeplessness and increases heartbeat rate etc.
1,479 hits
Forum: Weight Loss
Re: Top 10 Sex Fantasies for Men
by HusbandOne 11 y
Your not compatible, I agree you should move on. It’s not going to get any better.
This is also something he needs to be fixing himself. Because unless he is 80 years old, and I think some 80 year old’s will take offense to that comment, what you describe would be alarming to me.
Does he have excess belly fat? Could have low testosterone. Could be hiding p 0 r n use.
16,099 hits
Forum: Mens Health
Re: Losing the battle
by forbetterorworse 11 y
Thanks everyone. I have done many rounds of protocols and herbs. I believe the worms have moved into my spine area i can feel them wiggling in my back, sides and belly fat. I think they are causing blockage of spinal fluid to my brain. Its causing me vertigo where i feel like iam moving, and theres so many in me that are big ones i cant kill them with anything. Im at a loss and suffering imensley
1,338 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Re: Fasting not working any more?
by srinath 8 y
Anyway don’t monitor the numbers so constantly, just chill and fast.
Every fast is different.
And, Cortisol causes belly fat, and sometimes it has some side effects that are not so bad, like it has a feedback loop to HGH production. Look it up, I am not sure where I saw that.
959 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Fasting not working any more?
by Fuggs 8 y
I wonder if you have hit the nail on the head. I suffer from oral lichen planus, an autoimmune problems hence my fasting regime to try to reset my autoimmune system, however, I am prescribed betamethasone, which I have just found out, following your lead is a corticosteroid and may be affecting my cortisol levels..Which might fit in with my poor sleep, ongoing tiredness and difficulty in losing belly fat. . Do you have any inout on that? Is it possible?
888 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Broke My Fast Today - Questions
by archus 11 y
Thanks, Todotoday.
I am glad that I am still detoxing. Yes, my belly fat has been there for a long time. It’s time to exercise.
1,327 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: I don't know what I have!
by Deesmiles 12 y
Just for sharing only....I have used the injectable Ivermectin(never had injected anything previously) and felt no side effects except if I injected it into my belly fat (after numbing with ice) and I was too slow about it...Ouch!! Didn’t do diddly squat though (in my case)in terms of helping the abundance of parasites I harbored..I tried this because nothing was working and I thought perhaps since my digestion was sooooo off that I wasn’t absorbing anything. Again just sharing...
3,006 hits
Forum: Parasites Cure
Ask CureZone
Candida Cure Forum
Acne Cures
Gallbladder Remedies
Best Parasite/Colon Cleanse (Edited By Forum Moderator)
by jack914 12 y
I have been doing research on many parasite and colon cleansing products when I found My Colon Cleansing Kit from unikey health. I haven’t tried any other systems but my experience on this has been nothing short of amazing. I suspect that yeast and candida overgrowth may have been part of some stubborn belly fat and bloating issues I was having, and this stuff did the trick. It also had me more regular and really flushed (some really nasty stuff) me out.
838 hits
Forum: Parasites Support