i cant claim perfect understanding. can you? i used to believe as you do. i used to believe all kinds of falsehoods. i have yet to discover the falsehoods i still hold on to. when i do, i will change my mind then. fortunately, we all answer individually to one father. i am just telling you what my understanding is at this time. it has never stopped changing as i learn and grow, so who knows. and isnt that part of the point of having children? they make everything brand new! discovery is so much fun.
no, there is no such thing as a lucifer. there are spirits. they are created by men. this has been done in scientific studies. you can bring an evil spirit to life and it can do all manner of things, including interact with the physical. being created in the image of god, we can create whatever we want. that is why we are put in these straightjackets and placed in this playpen. you dont give a 3 year old a loaded revolver. who knows what would happen.