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Re: a Jew is a Jew in his heart
trapper/kcmo Views: 2,835
Published: 18 y
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Re: a Jew is a Jew in his heart

adding to clarify:

the double minded person cant understand this. they want things to be both ways. they have not reconciled their perception with the truth. so they can believe things are one way in the spirit and another in the physical. the physical is the domain of man, and he is a liar. he manipulates perceptions. that is why, if you believe with your eyes, you WILL be deceived. the state of israel is not a spiritual entity at all. it is a construct of the rulers of this world. period. yet, its existence is the basis of most of the fundamental christian beliefs in this country. it is why we are in the middle east at this time. these people are fulfilling prophecy in the way people perceive that prophecy. they are being spoon fed a lie and told it is real. it works real good. people believe we are int he end times and that armegeddon is right around the corner. they are likely to be vindicated in those beliefs by these same evil rulers.

even the antichrist is not physical. he is the false image of christ in peoples hearts and he is indeed worshipped today as he was 2000 years ago. people believe it is christ. there is no need for a hologram floating down from the sky. it is already real to them. the psychologists are right when they call christianity a form of schizophrenia. the danger is that the real thing looks even more so to them.


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