do you understand what "buying and selling" means? in the greek it is the word we use for p 0 r n o g r a p h y. it is the mindset that your entire life activities are weighed in your thinking and you judge whether you stand to gain or not from a particular activity or relationship. the marketplace is where you can but things for money. this is why the love of money is the root of all evil. it aint the money, it is the fruition of the above attitude of p 0 r neo. god is love. and what does paul say god does? he says love does not seek to gain.
if you have the mark of god on you buying and selling is not possible for it is not in you to do so.
i have tried to devise personal strategies to avoid this. one of them is to take a reckoning of an interaction with another and to make sure that person is better off for having interacted with me. and in doing so i must also be just and allow others to treat me that way as well. i have met some very generous people in this manner. and there are others that one must give tremendously to just to make a small dent in their condition.