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Re: progesterone cream update
Hveragerthi Views: 6,790
Published: 16 y
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Re: progesterone cream update

Hi Jill,

Blood work is no better than saliva testing. Symptoms are still the best indicator.

The ONLY time I recommend progesterone creams are for a few severe cases. For example a bad case of endometriosis. Even in these cases though I don't recommend its use for more than 2 months. Vitex (chaste tree berry) can be used to raise progesterone safely. It will stimulate the body to generate the progesterone it needs. It does take several months to build up though. Therefore I recommend taking it at the same time as the progesterone. As the woman is weaning off the progesterone the vitex will be kicking in to maintain the hormones.

There is also wild yam. It will not convert to progesterone, but it does have a weak progesterone-like effect. In addition it also helps to support the adrenal glands, which also produce the sex hormones.

As far as estrogen dominance goes, this does need to be addressed when present. Although estrogen dominance will not occur if the liver is doing its job properly. One of the roles of the liver is to break down excess estrogens in to metabolites. The estrogen metabolites are then broken down by the flora in to harmless substances.

Bitters are the most effective way to cleanse the liver so it will do its job properly. These are bitter tasting herbs that stimulate the bitter receptors on the tongue. This in turn stimulates the vagus nerve, which causes the liver to flush. Any bitter herb will work, or you can buy liquid bitters in health food stores. You only need a tiny amount, enough to taste it several times a day. Drink a lot of water throughout the day when using bitters so you do not get sick from the detox.

I have to get running, but real quick. I have had many people tell me that they had their liver's checked and their liver was fine. Liver tests performed by doctors DO NOT determine liver function. These are tests for enzymes released when the liver is damaged. So they are looking for liver damage, not function.


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