I've been using Dr. Natura's Colonix for colon cleansing and kind of following/reading this website (http://www.colonzone.org/bowel-cleansing-regimen.php) for guidance. It says in the "During Bowel Cleansing," that I have to take enemas, or salt water flushes first thing in the morning daily. I'm kind of skeptical on this however. If I have to take the fiber shake first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then do I do the salt water flush before or after taking the fiber shake? That's like gallons of water every morning daily. Are you supposed to do the salt water flush daily as the site suggests, or just once...which is after your Colon Cleanse is over?
All of this cleansing is very new to me, and for me personally, the cleansing section of the cure zone website is just an overwhelming mountain of information for me to take in all at once. So I've been referring to this site since it seems to break it down more simply.
Please help! Thanks!