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PTSD Survey Results
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New Survey Questions (11) 
9 Are there specific "triggers" that you are aware of that cause PSTD symptoms to escalate?   11 year ago
11 If yours was a "shared" traumatic event, have you maintained contact with other victims?   11 year ago
10 How do you manage your PSTD symptoms, today?   11 year ago
4 Was your traumatic experience a single event, or ongoing?   11 year ago
6 Did others "share" your experience of trauma?   11 year ago
8 If you have been diagnosed with PSTD, what steps have you taken to address it?   11 year ago
7 If you have experienced symptoms of PSTD, have you been formally diagnosed?   11 year ago
5 Since your trauma event(s), do you or have you experienced any of the following:   11 year ago
3 What was the nature of your trauma experience?   11 year ago
2 How long ago was your trauma experience?   11 year ago
1 Have you experienced a traumatic event?   11 year ago
12 Date Of Birth
13 Gender (Sex)
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