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PTSD Survey Results
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5  Since your trauma event(s), do you or have you experienced any of the following: 

You can select more than one option:
1 52.9% ( 9 of 17 )

Recurring Nightmares   ...explanations [2]
2 82.4% ( 14 of 17 )

Mental Repetition Of Event: i.e., reliving the event   ...explanations [2]
3 88.2% ( 15 of 17 )

Triggered Anxiety   ...explanations [4]
4 52.9% ( 9 of 17 )

General Anxiety   ...explanations [1]
5 70.6% ( 12 of 17 )

Panic Attacks   ...explanations [2]
6 76.5% ( 13 of 17 )

Distrust   ...explanations [2]
7 58.8% ( 10 of 17 )

Hyper vigilance   ...explanations [2]
8 47.1% ( 8 of 17 )

Constant State Of Fear   ...explanations [1]
9 17.6% ( 3 of 17 )

10 52.9% ( 9 of 17 )

Memory Loss   ...explanations [3]
11 47.1% ( 8 of 17 )

Misdirected Anger: i.e., uncontrolled outbursts of anger or rage   ...explanations [2]
12 47.1% ( 8 of 17 )

Fear Of Specific Places, Sounds, Smells, Etc.   ...explanations [2]
13 52.9% ( 9 of 17 )

Isolation   ...explanations [2]
14 64.7% ( 11 of 17 )

Depression   ...explanations [2]
15 23.5% ( 4 of 17 )

Sexual Dysfunction
16 23.5% ( 4 of 17 )

Eating Disorder   ...explanations [1]
17 47.1% ( 8 of 17 )

Chronic Physical Illnesses Or Infections   ...explanations [1]
18 76.5% ( 13 of 17 )

Sleep Disorder   ...explanations [3]
19 11.8% ( 2 of 17 )

Other - Specify   ...explanations [2]
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Number of participants who started this survey:18  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:15 83%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:17 94%

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