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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Survey Results
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7  What other medically diagnosed problems are you dealing with? 

Please list only ailments that were diagnosed by a professional health caregiver, either allopathic or alternative. IBS categories are listed on an earlier question.
You can select more than one option:
1 17.5% ( 11 of 63 )

This question does not apply to me.
2 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
3 19.0% ( 12 of 63 )

Structural-IE back/neck problems, old injuries, arthritis, joint problems   ...explanations [1]
4 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Stomach Acid, low
5 7.9% ( 5 of 63 )

Heart, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis
6 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Liver Disease or Gallstones
7 31.7% ( 20 of 63 )

Depression   ...explanations [2]
8 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Cystic Acne, Adult Onset Acne
9 7.9% ( 5 of 63 )

Eczema, Psoriasis
10 6.3% ( 4 of 63 )

Cholesterol, high   ...explanations [1]
11 3.2% ( 2 of 63 )

Cholesterol, low
12 34.9% ( 22 of 63 )

Fatigue   ...explanations [1]
13 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse)
14 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

15 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Heart disease
16 49.2% ( 31 of 63 )

IBS   ...explanations [1]
17 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Celiac Disease
18 33.3% ( 21 of 63 )

Weight issues   ...explanations [1]
19 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Diabetes, type II
20 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
HPV Virus
21 11.1% ( 7 of 63 )

22 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

23 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Heavy Metals
24 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

25 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

26 7.9% ( 5 of 63 )

Menopausal symptoms
27 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Asthma-adult onset
28 3.2% ( 2 of 63 )

29 14.3% ( 9 of 63 )

Bladder problems   ...explanations [1]
30 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Atopic Allergy
31 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Lyme disease
32 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Diabetes, Type 1
33 15.9% ( 10 of 63 )

Dental, multiple cavities   ...explanations [1]
34 15.9% ( 10 of 63 )

35 7.9% ( 5 of 63 )

Dental, receding gums
36 3.2% ( 2 of 63 )

37 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

38 11.1% ( 7 of 63 )

Fibromyalgia   ...explanations [1]
39 7.9% ( 5 of 63 )

40 7.9% ( 5 of 63 )

Chronic fatigue syndrome
41 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Chronic mineral deficiencies   ...explanations [1]
42 3.2% ( 2 of 63 )

Liver congestion
43 6.3% ( 4 of 63 )

Fibrocystic breast disease
44 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Fibroid tumors of the uterus
45 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Rhuematoid Arthritis
46 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Alzheimer's disease
47 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Systemic infection
48 6.3% ( 4 of 63 )

49 25.4% ( 16 of 63 )

50 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Intestinal polyps
51 3.2% ( 2 of 63 )

52 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Leaky gut syndrome
53 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

54 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Sebaceous cysts
55 9.5% ( 6 of 63 )

56 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

57 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
58 7.9% ( 5 of 63 )

Thyroid, hypo-thyroid
59 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Thyroid, hyper-thyroid
60 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Thyroid, goiter
61 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Thyroid, autoimmune
62 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Thyroid, Graves
63 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Multiple Sclerosis
64 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Myasthenia Gravis
65 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Prostate issues
66 12.7% ( 8 of 63 )

Skin, acne
67 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
68 9.5% ( 6 of 63 )

ADHD   ...explanations [1]
69 3.2% ( 2 of 63 )

Interstitial Cystitis
70 11.1% ( 7 of 63 )

71 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

72 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Sleep apnea   ...explanations [1]
73 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis   ...explanations [1]
74 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Gall stones
75 12.7% ( 8 of 63 )

76 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Kidney stones
77 15.9% ( 10 of 63 )

Insomnia   ...explanations [1]
78 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Haital Hernia
79 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
80 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Stomach acid, high
81 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
82 0.0% ( 0 of 63 )
Tourette's Syndrome
83 7.9% ( 5 of 63 )

Urinary Frequency
84 4.8% ( 3 of 63 )

Diabetes, Borderline / Pre-Diabetes
85 1.6% ( 1 of 63 )

Urticaria (Hives)
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Number of participants who started this survey:104  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:20 19%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:63 61%

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