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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Survey Results
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14  Do you feel there was a "triggering event" to the onset of your IBS 

Many IBS suffers report a "triggering event" that coincides with the start (or significant worsening) of their symptoms.
You can select more than one option:
1 10.6% ( 5 of 47 )

This question does not apply to me.
2 23.4% ( 11 of 47 )

No. This problem was with me from a young age.   ...explanations [1]
3 38.3% ( 18 of 47 )

No. But this problem has gotten worse as I have gotten older.   ...explanations [1]
4 6.4% ( 3 of 47 )

Yes. It seems to have started (or significantly worsened) after surgery to remove my gall bladder.
5 4.3% ( 2 of 47 )

Yes. It seems to have started (or significantly worsened) after another type of surgery.
6 0.0% ( 0 of 47 )
Yes. It seems to have started (or significantly worsened) after childbirth.
7 17.0% ( 8 of 47 )

Yes. It seems to have started (or significantly worsened) after a single traumatic/high stress event.   ...explanations [1]
8 25.5% ( 12 of 47 )

Yes. It seems to have started (or significantly worsened) after a prolonged period of high stress.
9 2.1% ( 1 of 47 )

Yes. It seems to have started (or significantly worsened) after an episode of major overexertion.
10 2.1% ( 1 of 47 )

Onset occurred after very severe food toxicity poisoning (toxin, not bacterial or viral)
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Number of participants who started this survey:104  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:20 19%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:47 45%

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