Blog: Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168
by YourEnchantedGardener

Earth Day Exhibit+Ad Copy

4:53 PM
March 24, 07

Earth Day Exhibit+Ad Copy

Sign A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer
and Plant Your Dream at the San Diego Earth Fair
April 22. Campaign for the Rodriguez
Ranch Buy Back draws great support.

4:53 PM
March 24, 07

Date:   4/10/2007 12:32:30 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2416 times

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Earth Day Exhibit+Ad Copy

Sign A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer
and Plant Your Dream at the San Diego Earth Fair
April 22. Campaign for the Rodriguez
Ranch Buy Back draws great support.

4:53 PM
March 24, 07

Rays revise of the story:


Thanks for your suggestions. Here is the final copy:

Local Growers Focus at Earth Fair

“Joe the Farmer” and other local growers will answer questions and provide information on local farming and gardening at the Balboa Park Earth Fair on Sunday, April 22.

In addition, Leslie “The Enchanted Gardener”, will appeal to children with his Enchanted Garden Mobile and activities. These include decorating produce boxes and readings of "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer". Each page of the book is sponsored by organizations such as the Alliance of Family Farmers and La Milpa Organica Farm. The storytelling will take place at 2 and 4 pm.

Parents can sign a “Love Letter to Joe” and contribute to help launch the Rodriguez Ranch buy back, the 100-acre organic farm where Joe has farmed organically since 1985, but now leases. Joe the Farmer represents the challenges of the family farmer working to put food on our tables. The Rodriguez family are fourth generation farmers
and have worked this land since 1958.

Booth organizers are also encouraging teachers and parents to apply for grants to support school gardens through the California Instructional School Garden Program and the California Department of Education. Non-competitive grants up to $5,000 per school site are available. Applications, which must be submitted by April 20, are available on the California School Garden Network site at


The booth, titled “Sign a Love Letter to Joe the Farmer and Plant Your Dream" will be located at the Pan American Plaza, adjacent to the Children's Area.

Joe the Farmer is one of the local organic farmers whose seasonal produce is featured at the local San Diego Whole Foods Market stores. The Hillcrest store, located at 711 University Avenue, will highlight local products at a “Local Growers and Vendors Day” on Saturday, April 14, noon to 3 pm. As an additional focus on area producers, the store will offer a “Visit the Growers” bus trip to the Tierra Miguel Foundation and Pauma Valley area farms on Saturday, May 5. For information call 619.294. 2800.

Whole Foods Market lists the following benefits of supporting "locally grown":

A Friendly and Fresh Connection
Supporting local farm production puts a "face" behind the foods we consume and keeps us connected to the seasons, as well as the unique flavor and diversity of local crops.

Local Means Green
Buying produce from local growers reduces the environmental impact and costs of transporting product.

Preserving Character
Small local farms are a valuable component of a community's character, helping maintain agricultural heritage, preserve land use diversity, and moderate development.

Crop Diversity and Quality
Many farmers producing for a local market choose to diversify, growing a variety of crops instead of just one. This is a boon for biodiversity and your palate, since local crops are harvested at their peak of freshness and flavor.

Local Means Green - Again
Minimizing handling and transportation costs gives farmers maximum return on their investment. And most of the profits stay in local.

Ray Kau / Marketing

Whole Foods Market Hillcrest

7:50 PM
March 21, 07

This flyer below mock up needs to be updated.
Location is now
The Pan American Plaza Exhibit area
near the East of the federal Building

First Things first:

1. NOW...complete with sending cutline to
The Earth Times...Sign a "Love Letter" to Joe the Farmer.
Now please, write that cutline, and mail
to Chris and Steve Hays...

Work on Cutline HERE NOW!!!

Goes with this artwork here:

Leslie, put here the cutline with Joe and helper
to see if that helps...with copy...find NOW please...

8:10 PM

Sign a "Love Letter" to Joe the Farmer and Plant Your Dream
at our exhibit in the Pan American Plaza area east of the Federal
building at the San Diego Earth Fair. Look for the White and Green Striped 68 VW Van, the Enchanted Garden Mobile filled with gala local foods. Signers who contribute to help launch the Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back have a change to win fabulous prizes. The High resolution copy of the document, is also available online. Go to

See our ad on Page ___ of The Earth Times for more info.

After many difficult years of drought, hail,fire,and freeze, the 100- acre farm, that Joe Rodriguez, jr. now leases, was sold to pay off elder siblings who wanted retirement sustenance. Joe has persisted to see
a better day coming.

Joe is the subject of Leslie Goldman's Children's book,
"The Comeback of Joe the Farmer," and a CD of images that tell as story of
the healing value of locally grown foods. For perhaps one of the first times
in the history of the Natural Product Expo West, locally grown berries, picked
that morning we're bought up to the Trade Show to be served at the Organic
Trade Association (OTA) Reception, and the Organic Center event.
The berries were an astouding hit, and totally made the point:
Organic, and locally grown is in.
The Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back on...

All contributions of $3.00 or more receive
a free copy of "How Dog Food Saved the Earth,"
a book about an "everyday ordinary person"
who saw the difference between organically grown
and commerically grown strawberries and could no
and whose life and career was changed forever.

2. Oh, Whole Foods Corrections to their ad for The Earth Times....
Get original photo of Joe mailed now to Joelle...
Locally grown is backwards due to photo being reversed!!!

ALso correct area location...
and garden seeds to schools responding
to the program...of gardens in the schools...

Rewrite that sentence....

Also...what does it mean...April 14....
it will have been over already..

[Oh No...talking in the kitchen. I cannot hear my thoughts...
What needed? Headed not in left brain mode...]

1:05 AM
March 21, 07
This is a mock up I made just now
to submit to Whole Foods.
I did not have their gif of locally
grown so this is a copy I digitally imaged.
I will submit this in the morning
and hopefully get a good gif to work with.

Whole Foods Ad Copy:

Locally Grown by Joe
the Farmer

Sign a Love Letter to
Joe the Farmer and
Plant Your Dream,
at our exhibit in the
Pan American Plaza Exhibit Area
East of the Federal Building

Contribute to launch
the Rodriguez Ranch
Buy Back.

Free Magic Seeds
for Kids and Schools
starting gardens!

Here the story
of "The Comeback
of Joe the Farmer

Help Decorate Joe's
Boxes he takes to
Whole Foods!

Meet Joe! See the
many local organic foods
featured at Whole Foods
Markets and the faces of
the farmers who grow them!

Hey Kids! The Enchanted
Gardener and his EG Mobile
is coming to tell you all
about Joe the Farmer because
every body needs organic food
and a garden!

10:11 PM
version 2

Sign A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer
and Plant Your Dream at the San Diego Earth Fair
April 22. Campaign for the Rodriguez
Ranch Buy Back draws great support.

Hey Kids! Hey Moms and Dads! Be sure to
sign A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer and Plant Your Dream
at the San Diego Earth Fair,
on Earth Day 10-5 PM, Sunday, April 22.
The booth will be in located in Area 9,
President's Field exhibits.

Joe Rodriguez Jr.,AKA Joe the Farmer will be answering
all your local farming and gardening questions in an exhibit
that will feature fun kid activities, while Leslie, the Enchanted
Gardener, will tell the story of "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer"
at noon, 2 PM, and 4 PM.
Kids will receive Lucky Job’s Tears to take home. Leslie will
also give his lucky seeds to all teachers
and principals who have stepped forward
to ask for a garden at their school.

The California Instructional School Garden Program
is providing $15 million to support school gardens.
This non-competetive grant, administrated by
the California Department of Education, will
giving up to $5,000 per school site

The non-competitive grants are available to any school
principal that asks. The application
for the grant is available on the California School
Garden Network site at

The application must be made by April 20.

Leslie's says, "Please call the principal at the local school
near you right now and ask him to start a school garden
because "Every Child Needs a Garden to fulfill their education."

Joe is one of the local organic farmers, whose seasonal produce--
including ripe strawberries and many kinds of lettuce--
are featured at the local San Diego Whole Foods Market stores.
Whole Foods Market, as part of their Green Mission,
offers the finest and freshest locally grown foods. Baskets
of berries and displays of festive displays of fresh fruits and veggies with photos
of local growers--many already in Whole Foods--
will be featured at the aromatic and eye appealing
exhibit that will feature the 1968 Enchanted Garden Mobile.

"The Comeback of Joe the Farmer" a children's story for Kids and their
parents, tells the story of Joe the Farmer and his friend Leslie, the
Enchanted Gardener. In the story and in real life, Leslie sets out in his 1968 VW van,
the magical Enchanted Garden Mobile--all decked out with gala foods and
seeds--to help Joe buy back the Rodriguez Ranch. Leslie asks each and every one he meets
become a Friend of the Farm and sign a love letter to Joe the Farmer.

Fun activities for kids will include receiving seed
and a Plant Parenthood Adoption Certificate,
hear "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer," or helping
decorate boxes that Joe uses to take his foods to market;
Mom's and Dad's can sign the
"Love Letter to Joe the Farmer"
and contribute to help launch
the Rodriguez Ranch buy back,
the 100-acre organic farm where
Joe has farmed since 1985, but now leases.

All contributions of $3.00 or more receive
a free copy of "How Dog Food Saved the Earth,"
a book about an "everyday ordinary person"
who saw the difference between organically grown
and commerically grown strawberries and could no
and whose life and career was changed forever.

Each page of “The Comeback of Joe the Farmer,"
is sponsored by one of Joe's Friends of the Farm
who have signed the Love Letter.
Sponsors include the Alliance of Family Farmers.

At the Earth Fair, Leslie will also hand out information
about The Organic Center and its mission
that asks each we each eat at least 10% organic food now
so we can be have 10% organic usage by 2010.

Dr. Andrew Weil, well known complementary medicine doctor and pet lover;
Delores Huerta, of the United Farmers Worker,
Jim Tripp, general manager of Aramark Conventions
and Cultural Attractions, and Gary Hirshberg of Stony Field Farms.
Hirshberg has offered to put the Love Letter to Joe on his website
the is viewed by 1 million people a week.

Barry Cogen of La Milpa Organic farms is one of the first local signers.

A Love Letter to Joe calls us each to give thanks to every Joe the Farmer.
Leslie says that Joe the Farmer is an archetype for every family farmer,
Just like G.I. Joe, during the Korean war was a national hero.
The document reads, "I am a "friend of the farm" so you, your parents. and
and offspring can say, "Happiness is Organic!" It ends, "I can live with
it if my main doctor turns out to be my farmer and Mother Earth my insurance
agent! You are a national treasure, earth based homeland security.
'Lettuce' grow together!"

Leslie and Joe believe that we can each "Chill Out
Global Warming," when we grow some food organically and
also know the name of the farmer who grows the
rest of what we eat.



The Love Letter to Joe the Farmer can be seen on line.
Just go here:

California School
Garden Network site:



Whole Foods Market
Local Foods Green Mission:

The Organic Center:

How Dog Food Saved the Earth:

Related Links:

Favorite Luther Burbank and other quotes on Gardening:

11:12 AM
March 19, 2007

Hey Kids! Hey Moms and Dads! Be sure to
sign A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer and Plant Your Dream
at the San Diego Earth Fair,
on Earth Day 10-5 PM, Sunday, April 22.

Joe Rodriguez Jr.,AKA Joe the Farmer will be answering
all your local farming and gardening questions in an exhibit
that will feature fun kid activities, while Leslie, the Enchanted
Gardener, will tell the story of "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer,"
and give kids Lucky Job’s Tears to take home. Leslie will
also give his lucky seeds to all teachers
and principals who have stepped forward
to ask for a garden at their school.

The California Instructional School Garden Program
is providing $15 million to support school gardens.
This non-competetive grant, administrated by
the California Department of Education, will
giving up to $5,000 per school site

The non-competitive grants are available to any school
principal that asks. The application
for the grant is available on the California School
Garden Network site at

The application must be made by April 20.

Leslie's says, "Please call the principal at the local school
near you rightnow and ask him to start a school garden
because "Every Child Needs a Garden to fulfill their education."

Joe is one of the local organic farmers, whose seasonal produce--
including ripe strawberries and many kinds of lettuce--
are featured at the local San Diego Whole Foods Market stores.
Whole Foods Market, as part of their Green Mission,
offers the finest and freshest locally grown foods. Baskets
of berries and displays of festive displays of fruits with photos
of local growers will also be featured at the aromatic and eye appealing
exhibit that will feature the 1968 Enchanted Garden Mobile.

"The Comeback of Joe the Farmer" a children's story for Kids and their
parents, tell the story of Joe the Farmer and his friend Leslie, the
Enchanted Gardener. In the story and in real life, Leslie sets out in his 1968 VW van, The magical Enchanted Garden Mobile--all decked out with gala foods and
seeds--to help Joe buy back the Rodriguez Ranch. Leslie asks each and every one he meets to become a Friend of the Farm and sign a love letter to Joe the Farmer.

A Love Letter to Joe calls us each to give thanks to every Joe the Farmer.
Leslie says that Joe the Farmer is an archetype for every family farmer,
Just like G.I. Joe, during the Korean war was a national hero.
The document reads, "I am a "friend of the farm" so you, your parents. and
and offspring can say, "Happiness is Organic!" It ends, "I can live with
it if my main doctor turns out to be my farmer and Mother Earth my insurance
agent! You are a national treasure, earth based homeland security.
'Lettuce' grow together!"

While Kids are filling outa Plant Parenthood Adoption Certificate,
receiving seeds, and hearing the story of Joe the Farmer, and helping
decorate boxes that Joe uses to take his foods to market,
Mom's and Dad's can sign the Enchanted Garden's
"Love Letter to Joe the Farmer” campaign.
When a person signs, they can contribute to help launch
the Rodriguez Ranch buy back,
the 100-acre organic farm where
Joe has farmed since 1985, but now leases.

Leslie and Joe believe that we can each "Chill Out
Global Warming," when we grow some food organically and
also know the name of the farmer who grows the
rest of what we eat.

Each page of “The Comeback of Joe the Farmer,"
is sponsored by one of Joe's Friends of the Farm
who have signed the Love Letter.
Sponsors include the Alliance of Family Farmers.

Signers of the Love Letter include Dr. Andrew Weil,
well known complementary medicine doctor and pet lover;
Delores Huerta, of the United Farmers Worker,
Jim Tripp, general manager of Aramark Conventions
and Cultural Attractions, and Gary Hirshberg of Stony Field Farms.
Hirshberg has offered to put the Love Letter to Joe on his website
the is viewed by 1 million people a week.

At the Earth Fair, Leslie will also hand out information
about The Organic Center and its mission
that asks each we each eat at least 10% organic food now
so we can be have 10% organic usage by 2010.

All contributions of $3.00 or more receive
a free copy of "How Dog Food Saved the Earth,"
a book about an "everyday ordinary person"
who saw the difference between organically grown
and commerically grown strawberries and could no
and whose life and career was changed forever.



The Love Letter to Joe the Farmer can be seen on line.
Just go here:

California School
Garden Network site:



Whole Foods Market
Local Foods Green Mission:

The Organic Center:

How Dog Food Saved the Earth:

Related Links:

Favorite Luther Burbank and other quotes on Gardening:

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