Blog: Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168
by YourEnchantedGardener

"Secret" Drug High

"Secret" Drug High

Jesus Wept is the shortage
line in the Bible, Dr.
Bernard Jensen would say.

Jesus felt emotionally down at times.
He felt up at times.

There was a part of him
Godlike, and a part of him
very Human. We are meant
to feel our feelings,
and also plant intentions.
Feeling Up, Feeling Down
is part of being human.
The key is not getting
stuck in negative thinking.

It's No Big "Secret."

9:04 AM
February 9, 07

Date:   4/9/2007 10:31:56 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2253 times

167,144 times
viewed 143 times

"Secret" Drug High

Jesus Wept is the shortage
line in the Bible, Dr.
Bernard Jensen would say.

Jesus felt emotionally down at times.
He felt up at times.

There was a part of him
Godlike, and a part of him
very Human. We are meant
to feel our feelings,
and also plant intentions.
Feeling Up, Feeling Down
is part of being human.
The key is not getting
stuck in negative thinking.

It's No Big "Secret."

9:04 AM
February 9, 07

I know Rev. Michael Beckwith personally.
He is one of the loveliest of men.
Each time I see him at the Apape Spiritual Center
in Los Angeles it's a Drug High.
I have been at the Easter Service
at 6 AM, and eaten up every moment of it.

I always stand in line.
I always take a moment to pay my respects
and look into his lovely embracing eyes
that are doing world service.

I especially love his wife Rickie.
When I am feeling a need for a pick up.
I play some of the Agape Tunes on this Computer.
I highly recommend these Gospel songs.
They are "Uppers." They are inspired sometimes
on the Results of "Downers."

The Agape Church does a Season of Non-Violence

They celebrate and honor community leaders
from the time of Martin Luther Kings birthday
to Ghandi's birthday.

Rev. Michael admires the World Peace Celebration
Declaration of Interdependence I wrote back in '82.
He has signed it.

I always give him or his wife
Enchanted Garden seeds. Rickie told me they
were planted in his home garden.

Rev Michael, I met personally through our mutual friend
Mark Victor Hansen. We were both on Mark's MEGA
Book Marketing University Stage once. He was
doing a prayer. I, one of The Seven Love Cures
that ends,

"Let's Touch here on Earth
as we Touch Everywhere."

Rev Michael was being promoted as a
Teacher of "The Secret" on yesterday's
very special Oprah Winfrey show.

Sitting on that stage with Rev Michael and others
was another very old
ally of mine, Jack Canfield. Jack,
always has a kind heart and is very gracious.

He is very honoring of human beings.
He honors me.

I go way back with Jack.

He was a presenter at the old Mandala Conferences
of the Early 80's in San Diego. That was a yearly
conference, kind of a summer camp for adults.
The Holistic Health movement was born at the Mandala
Conference for me and many others.

I had my first Enchanted Garden Installation there,
thanks to the help of many, including Randyl Rupar
who brought us a parrot. Randyl now has a great retreat
Center in Hawaii I will visit one of these days.

The Mandala Conference was the place where Robert Muller,
then Undersecretary for the United Nations,
came to present a U.N. Peace Medal
to the conference organizer.

Robert was exhausted when he arrived from New York.
I saw him in the hallway. I guided into a room
that had been a hard rug floor hours before.
Now it had been transformed
into a magical room.

The transformed room was filled with tropical flowers,
baby herb plants, a Larry Jacob's Bodyslant Board,
and lovely harp music, played live by Linda Hill.
Linda is the dearest of lifelong friends.

Robert took a brief snooze.
When he woke up, he heard the music.
He inhaled fragrances of fresh garden scents.
He had no idea where he was.

"Where am I?" He asked.

I was sitting at his side, protecting his space,
offering him various fresh olfactory fragrances
of herbs that either took him to Heaven or maybe
back to his homeland of Europe.

"You are in the Enchanted Garden," I said.

He paused. Then he said,
"May the Enchanted Garden be Everywhere."
That was the short version.

On the way out of that conference, Robert
came back into the Enchanted Garden. He
was being followed by Press Corps, but he
had no time to give them a story. He
told them, "If you really want a story,
talk to Leslie."

I felt very esteemed.

Then, without saying a word,
He pressed something medal into my hand.
I looked at it. It was a United Nations
Peace Medal.

The way he passed it to me, I thought
maybe it was something he gave away alot.

The next year, Robert returned.
I asked him, "That medal you gave me.
Do you give them away a lot?"

He said, "No, I rarely give them.
I gave it to you for the work you would
do in your life."

In down times, I am definitely down.
In Special times, I on occasion feel that
medal. It helps me remember who I am
and why I am alive.

Now to the point.

"The Secret," a DVD for sale,
that you can see online for free,
is now the rage. Periodically, there
is a new wave of consciousness, as a river
that permeates and washes over humanity.
Sometimes, these Waves of Conscioussness
shower out of New Age thinking that bear
seeds of truth. New Age thinking
can be fundamentalist
in their own way, as much as any other
way of thinking.

Personally, I know I have to monitor
my own negative thoughts. I have a tendency
to beat myself up for negative thinking.
As a kid, I remember crying because I was crying.

"The Secret" speaks to one of the many
Laws of Nature, the Law of Attraction,
as you sow, so shall you reap.

The more gratitude a person can put out,
the more you will outpicture a beautiful world.

It is a wonderful thing to feel gratitude
that we are alive. It is good to be reminded
that we are by nature--at the deepest of places
inside--Whole, Pure, and Natural, as Dr. Jensen
would say. That was why he offered each of us
Whole,Pure,and Natural foods, as a standard.
Like attracts like.

Eat well, and you will likely feel better,
although as many of us know, along the path
to feeling better, you may run into a Healing Crisis
here and there.

The Real Secret is knowing that it is natural
to feel down, as much as it natural to feel up.
The most important thing, is not getting stuck
feeling down, and not beating ourselves up
because we are not up all the time.

I do not side with the Spiritual Teachers
who come up to me and blame me for feeling pain
when I am feeling pain, as if there is something
wrong with me.

I side with people like Dr. Jensen. He
understood and helped more than 350,000 patients
come into a better day and go through the
tiny learning steps that happen when toxins are

Jensen was a big one for practicing "The Secret,"
as some are now calling it.

He would always start his lectures with
"I Feel Wonderful!" He would rush in, 20 minutes
late at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch,
after a day of driving home late Friday night
his L.A. office. He would see maybe 30 or more
patients in a day, each with complaints.

His job was to help them see the brighter side,
and reassure us, even in the midst of pain.

He did not always feel wonderful when
he said, "I feel wonderful!"
He somethings talked himself into a mood
and then once he got on a roll, he was
feeling wonderful.

Jensen was not into denying pain.
He was into explaining and alerting
us to what might come up that might not be pleasant.
He was more into accepting it,
embracing it, and moving on from it.

He once said, "Jesus Wept. It is the shortage
line in the Bible." Jesus felt his pain. He felt
the hurt. He felt his human feeling, and then
he got over it quickly.

Many times, I head into conferences
with my worthiness issues up.
I can't imagine how I am going to meet
the challenge. I have learned to feel
what I am feeling, but go ahead and do
what I need to do.

Days later, after the Enchanted Garden
is set up--thanks to lots of hands--
and the people start coming as well
as the hugs--I cannot believe I did what
I did.

In times like those--I definitely put
on my game face. I definitely and in
a fighting match and I persist.

The Victory is astounding.
I cannot believe what I accomplish
and then instantly, I become
Your Enchanted Gardener.

In the Essene Wholistic Healing Model,
we accept the discordant notes, as we strive
for harmony.

We do not imagine we are Mind alone.
We are more Soul than Mind, and the Soul
is in perfection. The Soul is buried,
often buried, undernearth the places where
we get stuck. Often I find, that through
Blogging/writing and other "gardening tools"
that help me keep moving, I can see
into and get through the issues in the tissues.

We understand and accept, the Body has a Consciousness
of its own. The body is here to love,
not call names.

Often, I find I can free the Soul
that is buried when I take time to feel
the feelings.

Dr. Jensen would speak of Wisdow
as living in the Wise Domain.

In the Essene work, Wisdom comes
when we apply knowledge to experience.

He would also say, never deny a person
an experience they need for their Soul Growth.

I read something in Thich Nat Hanh a few days
ago about this. We was writing about embracing the
wounded child, loving that child, caring for that inner child.

This is a Gift to Self Love, and it is a gift to
be able to love others, through thick and thin,
through ups and downs.

I like the sentiment of Rabbi David Cooper,
a really great one whose work is available through
Sounds True and his own website.

[David Cooper...
Highs and Lows of Spiritual Practice..


David runs a retreat center in the mountains of
Colorado. He knows what it is like to take three months
in silence, but he says, it is not beyond him
to touch into his neurotic side the minute he steps
into his mother's house...(That's the basic idea of
what he said).

Rabbi David spoke about taking moments throughout the
day to go into that place of Knowing, that place of
emptiness, but it is not his way to imagine he will
not at times feel human feelings. He believes
that just stopping for one minute five times a day
is powerful medicine.

Bo Lozoff, another great one,
runs the Human Kindness Foundation,
[ see this Blog about
Suffering Gracefully,


His work, the Prison Ashram Project,
involves going into hard core prisons and helping
those named "hardened criminals" find
their loving nature. Bo is another great one
for retreats, but he knows the agony and well
as ecstacy of life.

Agony and Ecstacy.
Such is the Artist's Way for many of us
who are here to uplift this beloved earth.

We feel it deeply when those we love die.
We celebrate as well their new birth into a
greater experience.

Dr. Jensen did not encourage others
to talk too much about their illness--
to buy into it.

I know personally from my own experience
that there is a place inside me that is always
Whole. I tap into that place. I use
the principles of gratitute and high intentionality.

I also know, we raise each other up
because we have suffered. Sometimes
I share my suffering with others.
It makes me feel less alone. It helps
others feel they are not alone. Other times,
we uplift others because
because we have moved on, and found a better way,
and our story can help another person who is
feeling stuck.

There are times I feel God awful scared.
Sometimes I cannot see how I am going to get
through something, but guess what, most of
us have felt that way, and we have gotten through.

Right now, the world desperately needs
a more whole way, a natural way.
Not only do we need to make friends
with our own minds that can lead us
into paths of negative thinking, but
we need to make friends with seeds.
Seeds can lead us into paths
of creating our entire world as
an Enchanted Garden.

We are in this world to each connect
our deepest dreams to living seeds.
We are here to constantly be reminded
through our association with plants
that we can grow more and more beauty
each and every moment.

Today I am Planting My Dream.
Today I am Growing a Beautiful Tomorrow.
Now. Now. Now.

When Oprah invites me onto her show--
and I do see that happening in the part
of me that does not deny--
I will planting Dreams.
I will be accepting that through each feeling
I have felt deep inside,
I am reclaiming more living room not
only for myself, but the entire human race.

We are here to have our lives
be "A Psalm that absorbs some of
life's suffering for all of us."
--Paul Brenner, M.D. on the cover
of my book "Rekindling of Faith"

We are here on earth, to accept
we sometimes feel stuck, and
through getting unstuck we
create more living room where
the Soul is free on earth.

As the poem from
my book "Rekindling of Faith, goes:

"I'm coming into my self.
I look out the window
and see nothing but places
to extend peace.
A bag of old grains on the porch,
moth infested,
waiting transport to the compost,
the plant needing feeding and trimming,
the state of my desk
with all its unruly papers==
all these become demo sites
for declaring the essence of me
as a gardener to the world I live in.
Every act becomes sacred,
every move a movement
toward mending the fabric
of the Tree of Life
into its original unbroken wholeness."

I praise "The Secret."
I also praise those willing to
discuss this, and come to terms with it.
I admire those who teach this material,
but many New Age Teachings
can sometimes feel like a Drug Highs.
Accepting the whole range of
human experience--the highs, the lows,
--It all can work for the good,and for our
Soul growth,
if we let it.

If interested in having your own
copy of "Rekindling of Faith"
please visit my website.
I have a few copies in print now.

o Oprah show by ren 47 d
+ Re: Oprah show by yourenchantedgardener 47 d
o beautiful... by ren 47 d

Comments (797):
Jensen by chef jem 68 h
The SGR Program and Mar… by stevensek 76 h
raking fee by ren 7 d
Thanks Leslie, the boot… by GodLife 8 d
'deadlines' by ren 10 d
answer by #78676 12 d
Re: Food Justice photos… by yourenchant… 15 d
Food Justice photos??? by eltomato 15 d
Day Three--Message from… by #755 17 d
wonderful! by ren 18 d
Re: The Secret behind t… by YourEnchant… 18 d
Beautiful photos! by Liora Leah 18 d
Re: The Secret behind t… by Liora Leah 18 d
The Secret behind the s… by harpolove 18 d
I'll see you tomorrow!T… by #46522 20 d
this is great!! by Liora Leah 20 d
food intimacy by ren 24 d
a must have item! by ren 42 d
Re: Renee the farmer, a… by yourenchant… 43 d
joe the farmer an inspi… by ren 43 d
certified organic vs. n… by ren 43 d
beautiful... by ren 47 d
Re: Oprah show by yourenchantedgardener 47 d
Oprah show by ren 47 d
the tab by ren 49 d

Messages (2437):
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2221 Focus+Utilities+Leak fix 51 d
2220 "Secret" Cast on Opray Feb 8 53 d
2219 Back UP Computer Data!!! 53 d
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