What we have done to wheat is coming home to haunt us as well as inspire us to do the right thing by our food. Our problems and their solutions grow side by side. Wheat, that I grew out from Ancient Non GMO Organic KAMUT® Khorasan wheat seeds won a first place blue ribbon in the San Diego County Fair June 15, 2013. These were grown in a Hydroponic Aeroponic Tower Garden® and in Wine Barrels in fertile soil. Meanwhile, across the US, farmers and Moms Across America are beginning to worry about GMO wheat that was discovered recently in an Oregon Field. The GMO wheat find threatens the integrity of the US supply of wheat. At the same time, Red Flags have been showing up about Modern Wheat's nutritional value for years; Gratefully, Ancient Wheat--true to its original form-- is also on the scene now to help us through these times of crisis. The GMO wheat growing crisis and the information widely circulating about the dangers of modern wheat point out the need to label GMOS as well as have the know how to grow some of our own food.
Date: 6/18/2013 10:39:57 AM ( 12 y ) ... viewed 8750 times
This is a chapter from my book "Grow A Healthier Pizza" being written online with your support. Thank you for Joining The Enchanted Garden Club
. This helps me work full time on my blogging and Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza. Please join us. Please look over my Sponsors on the photo links on Plantyourdream.net. Send good energy their way. They are all doing good work in the world.--Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman
Ancient Wheat Wins a Blue First Place Ribbon at the San Diego County Fair. With the topic of GMO Wheat Field discoveries and "Wheat Bellies" in the air, it is good for Ancient Wheat to Speak its Piece. It was good for Ancient Wheat--True to its ancient form--to be seen in the same Fun Fair Venue as Bacon smothered Fried apple covered GMO Laden Banana Splits and thousands upon thousands of people ingesting things beyond anything they ever imagined.
Ancient Wheat Growing at the Food Growing Farm for Rancho La Puerta May 2013
Wheat: It was once called the Staff of Life. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, the co-founder of Rancho La Puerta, decades ago honored ancient wheat. The local wheat crop was turned into very healthy homegrown bread to serve their guests. Today, under the continued inspiration of the Szekely family, Rancho La Puerta has become the #1 Destination spa in the world. Deborah Szekely at 91 continues to advocate for better foods and exercise and has created a movement of Wellness Warriors.
This year, a small stand of Khorasan ancient wheat that I brought to Mexico last year, perhaps enough to grow and create one loaf of bread, is once again growing at Rancho La Puerta's food growing garden and farm, as well as growing at the emerging Pachamama Fair Trade Center outside of Tecate, Mexico, right across the border.
One of the favorite stories Professor Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (1905–1979) wrote decades ago was called "The Legend of Zarathustra." The story is about a King, who lost his Crown to nightmares. He wanted to know the meaning of life. One day, the King took his questions to a legendary gardener in his neighborhood and asked him to teach him about the Order of the Universe and the Laws of Nature. His hope was that he would regain his peace of mind.
The gardener, Zarathustra, also called Zoroaster, gives the King a simple grain of wheat saying that within that ancient kernel was contained all the answers the King would want to know.
This simple story has haunted me for decades and has become the centerpiece of my own Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza, a national movement seeded here on the Plant Your Dream Blog. The intent of the Campaign is to encourage each of us to grow our own food and win back our Sacred Seeds. It is my own deepest dream to be as that ancient gardener, Zoroaster to new generations.
In the fable, at first the King bestows magical powers upon the kernel of wheat. He holds it within a box, the equivalent of what I see today as a Pizza Box. The metaphor here for me is that we each have our dreams stuck in boxes. We are consumed by our appetites.
The key to our natural salvation is recognizing that somewhere deep inside the "Pizza Box" and deep inside each of us, is a Sacred Seed, When you take your Sacred Seed out of the Box, when you Plant Your Dream, you too will learn the answers to life. Not only are we seeking the answers to life, but the answers themselves are seeking us. The answers to life are in the heirloom, authentic seeds, and seeds, be they pure, whole, and natural, or genetically modified for profit motives and commercial gain are speaking to us very loudly this very moment.
In the ancient story, the King at last takes the kernel of Sacred Wheat out of the box and plants it. His mind is restored to sanity through the very act of taking responsibility for growing some of his own food. He leads his nation to become a nation of gardeners. The economy of his kingdom increases. The story ends by saying that as long as the King followed Zoroaster's teachings in all its depth and simplicity, and as long as its people lived simple, natural and creative lives, the kingdom flourished. Professor Szekely said in the story, "The fate of the individual or of the nation will always be determined by the degree of his or its harmony with the forces of nature and with the laws of life and of the universe."
My Own Journey with Ancient Wheat
My own journey with ancient wheat began when I discovered Professor Szekely's story years ago. It was further inspired when I met Dr. Robert Quinn, who kept ancient Khorasan wheat alive by marketing it under the trade name Kamut ®. Kamut is not the name of the grain, he explains, it is a trademark used to sell the ancient grain. Khorasan wheat to be sold using the Kamut® trademark must meet the high quality standards set by Kamut International. I am very insistent, that most every time I write the word Kamut®, I add the registered trademark brand ®, I do this because in an age of Genetically Modified Seeds and their patents that control most of our seeds, I want to honor my friend Bob Quinn and his Kamut International team for upholding the integrity of this ancient seed. I know that wherever Kamut® Khorasan wheat will be grown, it will be grown with people's best interests at heart. It will be non-GMO. It will be organically grown. It will be grown with Fair Trade principles honoring organic farmers.
Leslie Goldman, (L to R) Your Enchanted Gardener, Bust of Professor Edmond Bordeaux Szekely at Professor's Park, Tecate, Mexico; and Sergio Constantino who is holding a vision for Pachamama Fair Trade, Tecate, Mexico, on land owned by his family.
Cultivating a Grassroots Movement through Cultivating Grassroots in my theme
Plant Your Dream with Ancient Khorasan Wheat
I began growing Ancient Wheat about two years ago. I wanted to see a Grassroots movement of people in America who came together to plant our personal dreams in the same pot of grass seeds of Kamut® Khorasan wheat growing. Prop 37 has come and gone, but has left a powerful impact on our nation. In many states, including Washington State the move to Label GMOs continues and will not quit until we get our goals met. My mission now is to educate every person I know to buy non GMO and support organic farmers--especially local farmers. I want to see GMOs labeled. Jeffrey M. Smith, author of "Genetic Roulette" and I both believe we, as a nation, have reached a Tipping Point where we can outgrow GMO usage.. My caveat is that we need to literally "outgrow" Monsanto. We need to each regain our know how to grow our own food. More and more young people also need to go into sustainable farming. No Farm Bill, engineered from the top down with instructions from the same folks who do not want GMOs Labeled is going to Return Food Reform to us.
My work is called Plant Your Dream. This is the name of my blog as well. I am writing my book, "Grow A Healthier Pizza" online. This book tells my personal journey to win back my own Sacred Seed and inspire others to do the same. My premise is that we need to become again a Nation of Gardeners who have close contact with the food we eat. We are intended to sing the song America the Beautiful in word as well as in deed putting seeds in the ground. Spacious skies and amber waves of grain go together. The Right to Know what is in our food, and the Know How to grow some of our own food go hand in hand.
These novelty commemorative packets of KAMUT® Khorasan Ancient Wheat are available as a gift when you Join the Enchanted Garden Club.
I went with this image for the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company Seed packet.
Width 3.63 inches
Height 5.63 inches
2.75 inches
4.25 inches
That's Our Tower Garden in the background, and the Khorasan seed we harvested, some from this hydroponic aeroponic system called a Tower Garden® and some from wine barrels filled with fertile soil For information about getting a Tower Garden, please contact Lurrae, https://lurrae.towergarden.com
This year, I have successfully shown that I can grow ancient Khorasan wheat in a hydroponic aeroponic system called the Tower Garden®. It makes for a very tasty green grass ideal for juicing as it grows. It will also produce seed. We also are demonstrating that Khorasan wheat can be grown in containers for those who do not have areas to garden in the ground. We are just beginning to learn how to produce viable seed. I won a Blue Ribbon in our San Diego Country Fair for my exhibit of Ancient Khorasan wheat that I entered in June. We also shared an experience at the fair of grinding the Montana KAMUT® Khorasan ancient wheat into fresh flour with kids and their parents, even with Jennifer Galey, the inspired coordinator of the infield farm at the fairgrounds where grains of all kinds grow. There is a tremendous infield farm inside the San Diego County Fairgrounds. My dream is that diverse heirloom gmo free and organic seeds will take a stand here. This is a perfect place to educate the thousands of people who pass through here.
Enter Dr. Robert Quinn and Kamut International
Dr. Robert Quinn kept this ancient Khorasan wheat alive by marketing it under the trade name Kamut ®. This is a photo of Bob Quinn, founder of Kamut International and his friend Carlo Petrini, founder of the Slow Food Movement. Both taught at the National Heirloom Expo 2012. This annual event, organized by Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds is my favorite gathering of the year for Sacred Seed lovers. The expo this year is September 10-11-12 in Santa Rosa, CA. I plan to teach there again as well.
When I met Robert Quinn I was already involved in seeing that we needed to create a Grassroots movement in California if we were to Win the Right to Know, Prop 37. Every year, I adopt one or more particular seeds that I use to plant dreams. Growing this ancient grass was the perfect metaphor for Cultivating the Grassroots Movement that will move our nation beyond this GMO Era. I am planting that we, advocates of many different points of view, become this unified grassroots movement. We can work together to educate consumers in making the correct economic choices. We can raise awareness with each dollar we spend. We can drive the marketplace to make better choices. We also need to garden with heirloom seeds. Growing heirloom seeds --of all kinds--is exactly the opposite of the school of thought that sees each of us in one pizza box, eating blah, blah, blah, with our dreams on the shelf. When Biotech seeds are grown, these contaminate and destroy the biodiversity of seeds. We will end up with one form of contaminated Genetically Engineered crop.
MAY 25, 2013
The Right to Know
what is in my Food
& Knowing How
to Grow my own Food
go Hand in Hand.
Food Reform begins
in my Garden.
I am Cultivating
a Grassroots Movement.
The image is a picture of me at the March Against Monsanto, May 25, 2013 at Balboa Park. I am holding packets of different kinds of Baker Creek Heirloom corn--diverse corn varieties--that are GMO free. More and more varieties of these diverse corn seeds, that hold the wisdom and intelligence of cultures are becoming contaminated by GMO Corn seeds and no longer grow true to their ancient type. This is what the indigenous people of the world are screaming about. They are losing their Sacred Seeds. We are all losing our Sacred Seed by not hearing the screaming.
Photo by David Bryson Hatfield
I see the subject of Modern wheat becoming a very important conversation, I believe that ancient wheat has authentic health building value and needs to be part of this conversation.
Monsanto GMO Wheat, used in field trials until 2005--presumably destroyed--was found in a field of many acres in Oregon a few days after the March Against Monsanto May 25. This sparked fear among farmers who faced impending losses overseas where GMO wheat is shunned. Finding this illegal grain fuels the fire that says USDA regulations cannot protect Moms or Farmers. The "coexistence" arguments that says organic and GMO seeds can grow together is a flawed argument that does not hold up in the farm field. We truly need at a minimum to have our GMO foods labeled. The US government is currently banking on the success of GMO biotechnology applied to agriculture. This idea is bankrupting us. One of my favorite props is an Eden Foods pencil made from old dead dollar bills. I often say, at least our money has as much value to become a pencil. The real wealth of our nation is expressed by the opportunity unheard of dreams to rise up through Sacred Seeds. This is our wealth and power.
The Kernel of Wheat Continues to be our Teacher
Red flags about Modern Wheat have been showing up for numbers of years. This is part of the message that the kernel of wheat is teaching us now as we each stretch to regain our "Kingship" and "Queenship."
Dr. William Davis, M.D. author of "Wheat Belly" and the "Wheat Belly Cookbook" has done much in recent years to raise the Red Flag about Modern Wheat. Many people have benefitted from losing the wheat as well as the weight. Dr. Davis is to be congratulated; however the whole story is about wheat and the power inherent in ancient grains tell a different story. The very proportions of proteins and micro-nutrients that cause havoc when genetically engineered have different health outcomes when they are ingested as mother nature intended, in the form of whole, pure, and natural seeds in perfect balance. The wisdom and intelligence of a Sacred Seed are currently beyond the observation ability of many scientists. Numbers of our first US Presidents were eminent gardeners of the American Dream as well as scientists. They listened deeply to the Laws of Nature.
Dr Davis writes in "Wheat Belly Cookbook:"
"Under the spell of wheat, the brain is flittering, faltering, and foggy, and it kowtows to [Modern] wheat's overpowering appetite-stimulating effects. This means you are potentially the unwitting victims of any food manufacturer who decides to push your appetite buttons for their gain. Gliadin plays a leading role in creating mind effects with its opiate-like ability to penetrate the brain tissue. Is it any wonder we are able to function at all under the influence of modern wheat except through sheer force of will and plenty of caffeine?" (p.58)
Dr Davis is Taking About Modern Wheat, Not Ancient Wheat
The distinction needs to be made that the wheat Dr. Davis is referring to here is Modern Wheat--wheat that has been genetically modified, modified for decades by approaches of engineering,. It is this kind of engineering that allows wheat to become a poison and produce bizarre proportions of Gliadin, the appetite-stimulating opiate that he names as a culprit. In a CBS Interview he said, ."I am not talking about wheat, I am talking about an 18- inch plant that has been genetically changed." he said.
Ancient wheat is a different plant than the Modern Wheat that is Causing Problems
Grain Bed at the San Diego County Fair 2013. When I saw this I imagined the potential to educate. I see and seed varieties of Heirloom non GMO Heirloom Baker Creek Seeds growing here and Ancient Khorasan wheat grown from KAMUT® Brand organic wheat.
Important research about Ancient Wheat tells a different story than the information Dr. William Davis is now promoting. Studies suggest, that eating wheat--despite the Gluten-free trend--confirm the health benefits of Kamut® Khorasan wheat, I see many people who have now climbed on the Gluten-free bandwagon without recognizing that it is not gluten per se that is the culprit, or any other food factor in wheat, but what genetically engineering has done to wheat as a whole to upset the natural balance in the wheat kernel that is here as a gift--if we only have the wisdom to know how to prepare and eat ancient grains.
In an article by Sarah Schultz, she wrote:
As more Americans shun wheat in favor of gluten-free diets, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2013, gives insight into why giving up grains may not be the answer to our growing health problems. The research studied the effects of replacing standard whole grain products in subjects’ diets with ancient khorasan wheat, and found that doing so reduced their metabolic risk factors, raised their antioxidant capacities, and decreased inflammatory activity.
Khorasan wheat, known under the brand name of KAMUT®, is a grain unlike most of today’s versions of wheat because it has not been genetically modified, hybridized or grown with chemicals or pesticides, so many people allergic to other brands of wheat can eat it without ill effects.
“This grain has not been altered by man since ancient times and therefore remains virtually the same as it was when first gathered from the wild when man first transitioned from a hunter/gatherer to a farmer,” said Bob Quinn, founder of KAMUT International.
KAMUT brand khorasan wheat is higher in many minerals, protein and lipids than modern versions of wheat. It is especially a good source of selenium, a powerful antioxidant, which would explain why the test subjects in the study measured higher antioxidant capacities after their trial period eating the wheat compared to standard wheat products.
Quinn explained, “We have demonstrated measurable and significant health advantages of eating KAMUT brand khorasan wheat compared to modern wheat in a controlled double blind cross over human study. Since these advantages deal with increasing antioxidant capacity and reducing inflammation, they may hold the key to combating two of the most common and serious diseases plaguing the human population today, heart disease and diabetes.”
Modern wheat has been bred without nutritional value in mind, Quinn said. Faced with feeding a larger population, farmers focused on producing cheap and plentiful food with no regards to its consequences on human health. An unanticipated result of this is an increase in the amount of people with wheat allergies.
Dr. Bernard Jensen, an elder in the Natural Healing arts, encouraged a variety of grains to be eaten. He said most of us ate too much wheat. Dr. Davis is correct is reporting that wheat is in most of our foods. It simply does not belong there. On the other hand, the wheat we eat needs to true to the original grain of wheat.
Outcries Against Modern Wheat Processing Go Back more than 100 years
The writing has been on the wall for more than 100 years. Special Interests have been having their way with us, and this has only increased over the years.
ALfred M McCann Said in "The Science of Eating" and "Starving America", 1916:
"The food manufacturer fears to step outside of a careful conservative campaign because he feels that a radical departure from trade customs would jeopardize his business. As a commercial institution, he DE CLAREs that his chief function is not to educate the masses, and points to the fact that no profit is to be derived from such policy."
McCann concluded that because of these obstacles in the way of reform, we could no longer looks to commercial publicity, or to legislation as means through which to enlighten the people.
Alfred McCann's book, "The Science of Eating" can be found free online.
You are invited to Join the Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza
I welcome you to join me in my latest Project on the Plant Your Dream Blog--The Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza. This is all about learning to grow some of your own food and winning back our Sacred Seed. This is all about becoming, in the face of special interests, the greatest Special Interest Group of all--a Grassroots movement of eminent gardeners upholding America the Beautiful. How Fast Can a Dream Grow? As fast as a blade of Grass!
--Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener
July 4th Message 2013
Alfred McCann was allied with Harvey W. Wiley M.D., acclaimed as the visionary founder of the FDA, wanted to outlaw the junk food we have today. Dr Wiley passed the Pure Food and Drug Law of 1906. Enforcement was blocked by Special Interests who continue that work today to block pure food reform. The inspiration of Alfred W McCann and Dr. Wiley are felt strongly through The Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza on Facebook.
Grow some of your own food. Help Win Back Your Sacred Seeds.
Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener, writes daily on the Plant Your Dream Blog. This is a partial chapter from his book “Grow A Healthier Pizza.” Go to Links to his Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza. More graphics that go with this story on here. In the photo, Leslie holds a Blue First Place Ribbon at the San Diego County Fair for his “ancient wheat.”
This is the story I was working on last month. I put a lot of work into this. A part of this story appeared in the print version of The Life Connection July issue. The newsmagazine comes out of San Diego.
The Life Connection Article on Wheat Came Out: in the online july issue
Zen Honeycutt, a Southern California Mom organized the Mom's Across America March for July 4th on Main Street everywhere. Her March benefited from the discovery of the contaminated wheat in Oregon. She was interviwed in an excellent CNN video that was release June 17.
To follow up with the Mom's March please visit these sites:
CNN Video tells the story of GMO Wheat that imperils Oregon Farmer.
June 17, 2013. Zen Honeycutt, organizer of the Moms Across America March is in this video.
One farmer in Oregon discovered that his own economic future was in peril because he had grown out, without his knowing GMO wheat.
Alfred McCann, author of "The Science of Eating" 1916, 1919 said that reform would happen through our schools. I have followed up on his wisdom in my role as Uncle Leslie with the science students of my niece Eva Becker at Hamilton High School in Los Angeles. This art hangs in the classroom. There are ongoing projects to create an Enchanted Garden Pantry, introducing the finest organic foods to the students. I want to thank my sponsors listed on this poster for their support. Recent sponsors include Eden Foods, Kamut International, and Horizon Organics. Dr. Bronner Fair Trade soaps are also a hit in the classroom, as our the bumper stickers sponsored by Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps.
The Book, "Grow A Healthier Pizza" is being written to inspire a new generation of Youth to see themselves as Sacred Seeds through planting Sacred Seeds, seeds called Heirlooms that have existed for many generations in their biodiverse state. In my role as Uncle Leslie in the science classroom of my niece Ms Eva Becker, the 2013 Art Work that says, "How Fast Can A Dream Grow? As Fast as a Blade of Grass!" now hangs. Below it our the names of esteemed companies and individuals who support the Youth through our work with the Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza.
Thanks to KAMUT INTERNATIONAL for supplies of Kamut® Khorasan wheat that I have used in my work, as well as the Monana Flour and Grain Company.
The KAMUT® INTERNATIONAL Team at the Natural Product Expo West 2013. L to R, Jamie Ryan Lockman, Trevor Blyth, Tara Blyth, and Bob Quinn.
Sacred Seed Gatherings are projected for July and August to introduce the idea of the Keeping a Plant Parenthood Garden Management Journal to record your own journey on the path of winning back your own Sacred Seed through connecting with growing food. These will be listed on the Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza Facebook Page. Leslie will also attend and teach the National Heirloom Expo in Santa Rosa, CA September 10,12,13. For more information, please see National Heirloom Expo,
Baker Creek online Catalogue is here. Please send your seed requests to me in an email. I will forward them in for you and Baker Creek staff will call you. By ordering this way, I get credit with the company. See the online catalogue here.
This genetically engineered wheat has an appetite stimulant effect, he said.
This video says it all about Modern Wheat that has been Genetically Modified with techniques that even predate modern GMO methods, but are equally and potentially more harmful to health.
All Kids & Adults! Please start Your Very Own Garden Management Journal Today! Tons of Heirloom Seeds, just as they have been grown for centuries and ancient grains are waiting to teach you all about Nature's Original Technology. What does it take to learn? Enter Plant Parenthood today! As you befriend plants, they will reparent you and teach you how to live on the Earth!
"You, too, must one day cease to be your present self, so that you may become a richer personality, in pursuance of the law that life always creates more life, truth more abundant truth, the seed more abundant seeds. This is one answer to your problems given by the grain of Wheat."
--Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, "The Legend of Zarathurstra."
Voices from the Past, Present, and Future All Say Grow A Healthier Pizza! Join the Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza today on Facebook.
"Our adaptation of the natural force is a question of existence or non-existence. We cannot transform the universe or nature so that they adapt themselves to us; on the contrary, we must adapt ourselves to nature and her laws."--Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.