Retro.MYCL_acute leukemia.CD4_10
MYC avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (MYCL) via Avian myelocytomatosis retrovirus (AMV) + Avian leucosis retrovirus (ALV)
Date: 2/11/2010 6:22:46 PM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 2741 times dwell 600
program c pulse 0 0 backfreq b 0 0 duty 50
# Title: myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (MYCL) via Avian myelocytomatosis retrovirus (AMV) + Avian leucosis retrovirus (ALV)
# Description: lung carcinoma, neuroblastoma, activation of a cellular onc gene
# (AMV): Avian acute leukemia, bone marrow cells infected
# (ALV): may trigger acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in Humans incorporates Human CD4 protein, interacts with HIV
# Disease; lymphoblastic, erythroblastic, and osteopetrotic.
# Chemtrailed: These Avian versions are weaponized, easiest way to elimiate forever is to keep up Plastic_Detox
label 0
7766766.5555 # Nucleic Acid, dowsing, all mutations
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