Retro.HTLV_(T-cell leukemia)_10
HTLV.1-4 - Human T-cell lymphotropic virus
Date: 2/11/2010 11:39:20 AM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 2625 times Cell death due to Retro.HTLV causes HSV-7 which must be treated.
dwell 600
program c pulse 0 0 backfreq b 0 0 duty 82.4
# Title: HTLV.1-4 - Human T-cell lymphotropic virus
# HTLV.1: Leukemia, T-cell leukemia, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, mycosis fungoides, Sezary syndrome
# associated myelopathy (aka tropical spastic paraparesis)
# HTLV.2: T-cell lymphoproliferative disease described as having characteristics similar to the B cell disorder, hairy cell leukemia.
# HTLV.3+4: Race or even species specific
label 0
6576677.5555 # Nucleic Acid, dowsing, all mutations
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