Miasm - Psoric - Lupus 10 y
Miasm - Psoric - Lupus - RetroV so it passes down the maternal line, several parasites bring this along
dwell 86400
program 3
# Title: Miasm - Psoric - Lupus
# Description: RetroV so it passes down the maternal line, several parasites bring this along
# from: http://hpathy.com/organon-philosophy/miasms-understanding-and-classifying-miasmatic-symptoms/
# Psoric Miasm
# Physical: The reaction of body on exposure to environmental stimuli, to ones surroundings, like noise,
# light, and odors, producing functional disturbances like headache, nausea, and discomfort.
# ... read more
Miasms - Sycotic+Syphilitic+TB 10 y
Miasms - Sycotic+Syphilitic+TB - Miasms are toxic fragments left behind when our immune system battles these infections. This allows for hyper-immunity to the toxin as well as pocket
infections to persists even down the maternal blood line..
dwell 86400
program c
# Title: Miasms - Sycotic+Syphilitic+TB
# Description: Miasms are toxic fragments left behind when our immune system battles
# these infections. This allows for hyper-immunity to the toxin as well as pocket
# infections to persists even down the maternal blood line..
# Sycotic Miasm: Hypersensitive (hypertrophic) response to something specific,
# arising from a deficiency ... read more
Retro.Lethargica_90 10 y
Encephalitis lethargica (RetroV) - high fever, sore throat, headache, lethargy, double vision, delayed physical and mental response, sleep inversion finally
dwell 5400
program 3
# Title: Encephalitis lethargica (RetroV)
# Description: high fever, sore throat, headache, lethargy, double vision, delayed physical
# and mental response, sleep inversion finally coma-like state
label 0
backfreq 1 5758.7777 50 # X-Files: ”Talitha, I’m telling you to get up!”
backfreq 2 169137.8129 50 # Toxic fragment, after RetroV is destroyed
877364.4444 # RetroV, extra ... read more
Diphtheria+MYCL 10 y
Diphtheria: bacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills, headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from bacterial toxins
dwell 86400
program 3
# Title: Diphtheria + MYCL for Burkitt’s Lymphoma
# Description: bacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills,
# headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from bacterial toxins.
# Bio-Warfare variation causes Burkitt’s Lymphoma: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burkitt%27s_lymphoma
# MYCL: see Retro.MYCL_acute leukemia.CD4_10 scr1pt for details
# Prior Versions
# Hulda Clark: 847.73 # HC (S_6) Corynebacteri ... read more
Glanders Septicemia Bio-Warfare 10 y
Glanders Septicemia Bio-Warfare - muscle aches, muscle tightness, chest pain
dwell 86400
program 3
# Title: Glanders Septicemia Bio-Warfare
# Description: muscle aches, muscle tightness, chest pain
# Other symptoms vary according to how the organism enters the body—through the skin, eyes, nose, or respiratory tract—but include:
# -pustular lesions that develop 1-5 days after bacteria enter breaks in the skin
# -swollen lymph nodes
# -tearing of the eyes, light sensitivity
# -increased mucus in the eyes, nose, and respiratory tract
# -pneumonia
################## ... read more
X-Files - Green [Blood] Gas 11 y
Green [Blood] Gas + Smallpox toxin
dwell 86400
program c
pulse 11.215 50 # shown as 11:21..11:22
272.28 # Smallpox toxin
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Papillomavirus_(HPV)_40 12 y
Human papillomavirus - HPV
dwell 2400
program c
# Title: Human papillomavirus - HPV
# Description: genital warts, recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, cause cervical cancer,
# cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and head and neck (tongue, tonsils and throat)
# Note: Ascaris Megalocephala bodies decaying produce HPV, it also infects other parasites which mutate the viral fragment
label 0
vbackfreq a 0.00091188 0 66.6 # (s^-7), dowsing
vbackfreq b 0.04978706 0 66.6 # (s^-3), dowsing
7766555. ... read more
C.Pulmoni_(threadworms)_19 12 y
Cryptostrongylus Pulmoni - Threadworms, travels between the GI tract and lungs
Finally, thanks to lkclooney : http://curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1952490
program a backfreq b 0 0 duty 50
backfreq c 28004531.1544 43.333 # 6.66 - 22 Octaves higher or use (Pulse 6.66 50)
# Title: Cryptostrongylus Pulmoni - Associated with CFS in Blinded Trials
# Description: A roundworm (nematode) that travels between the GI tract and lungs. Has been detected in
# sputum coughed up by patients.
############################################################################### ... read more
Badiaga+Urocleidus 12 y
BADIAGA - Highly infective Fresh-water Sponge
Major cause of Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
dwell 86400
program 3
# Title: BADIAGA - Highly infective Fresh-water Sponge
# Description: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS); Dandruff; Pain Extending to eyeballs with heat; swelling in abdomen,
# groin region, glands; Mucus flies out of mouth and nostrils; sore and painfull muscles, skin and limbs; Freckles
# Expressions: http://homeoint.org/books/boericmm/b/bad.htm
# Urocleidus.similis - Gill parasite, infects Buski, one cause of CFS
################### ... read more
Brain_Tuner_60 12 y
Brain Tuner frequency #1, aids in removing an organic toxin from brain
program a duty 82.4
dwell 3600
# Title: Brain Tuner frequency #1
# Description: aids in removing an organic toxin from brain
label 0
4554.4444 # locks parts of your brain in twilight mode, half asleep half awake
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Encephalitis_RSSE_(BioW)_60 12 y
Russian spring-summer Encephalitis (RSSE) - (meningo)encephalitis - Weaponized
dwell 3600 program c backfreq a 0 0 backfreq b 0 0 duty 63.3 #################################################################################### # Title: Russian spring-summer Encephalitis (RSSE) - (meningo)encephalitis, myelitis - Weaponized # Description: Encephalitis (swelling of the brain) and # meningitis (swelling of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord). # myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord) include but are not limited to fatique, fever, headache, vomiting, # weakness, confusion, loss of coordination, speech difficulties, and memory loss. ####### ... read more
Zapper 12 y
This setup tested best while using the F125/165 as a zapper contact device:
This setup tested best while using the F125/165 as a zapper contact device:
program a
dwell 86400
duty 72.4
label loop
pulse 767676.555 72.4
goto loop
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Strep_agalactiae_30 14 y
Streptococcus agalactiae - weaponised - MRSA
Sepsis, bacteremia, genitourinary, soft-tissue, Endocarditis - frequently necessitates valve replacements
dwell 1800
program c duty 82.4
# Title: Streptococcus agalactiae - weaponised - MRSA
# Description: Sepsis, bacteremia, genitourinary, soft-tissue, Endocarditis - frequently necessitates valve replacements
# Also: infections include skin and soft-tissue infection, osteomyelitis, arthritis, discitis,
# colonization of diabetic foot infections and decubitus ulcers.
# WARNING: You may want to be careful while running this, Mercury detox ... read more
Psychoanalgysic Detox (SSRI + Benzo) 14 y
Psychoanalgysic Detox (SSRI + Benzodiazepine)
Benzodiazepines block serotonin from receptors while agitating GABA, more...
However even years after you stop Benzos at least some of those receptors may still be blocked, without the benefit of GABA. This is what makes Benzos so difficult to kick, much more difficult than any illegal drug btw.
The next step by our Psychopathic Medico Mafia where Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)… What a leap, to solve the problem of the body still producing some serotonin while the receptors are blocked these new drugs add another level of lunacy. They now block the producti ... read more
Kidney Stone_Breaker_18 14 y
Kidney Stone Breaker - Calcium Stones, includes Pigment gallstones and most Kidney stones
Included in Liver_Flush but dwell has been increased and description altered.
program c pulse 0 0 backfreq b 0 0
# Title: Kidney Stone Breaker - Calcium Stones, includes Pigment gallstones and most Kidney stones
# Description: Must be run with 50% square wave no backfreq, multiple stones may need longer dwell
# Sweep is setup to go from larger to smaller stone, if a frq is a good hit one may want to hold
# &nbs ... read more
Chemtrail Chem. Unknown 14 y
Unknown Chemtrail Chemicals
dwell 1200
program a pulse 0 0 backfreq b 0 0
# Title: Unknown Chemtrail Chemicals
# Description:
label 0
vbackfreq b 2.71828183 0 66.6
vbackfreq c 148.41315952 0 66.6
44165.5356 43886.6546 48038.0655 66566.53655 47987.6355
5766.1423 7621.6133 5877.68735 4476.5563
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Anti-inflammatory+ 14 y
program a duty 50
dwell 86400
# Title: Anti-inflammatory
# Description:
label 0
duty 43.333 offset 22
duty 50 offset 100
goto 0
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Cancer - FAQ 14 y
Cancer - FAQ
Not something I had to deal with much until now. For some Taenia.S.Mansoni was actually injected, I have known this for a while and couldn’t understand why S.Mansoni instead of Serialis but apparently this one is prone to cancer. This is of course by design as to spread that everywhere...
[Tinfoil hat off]
Dowsing says the normal path for cancer is as follows:
Retro Virus invades a cell
A metabolic Toxin is created by the body to clear the cell
Tellurium and F.Buski toxins bind with the metabolic toxin to alter it into cancer
For Melanoma th ... read more
Necrosis+ 14 y
Necrosis - Cancer, Pre-cancer, Tumor
program a duty 50
dwell 86400
# Title: Necrosis - Cancer, Pre-cancer, Tumor
# Description: Will destroy the Metabolic Toxin which is turned into cancer by the addition of Tellurium + Buski Toxin
# Tellurium detox is a must, Cilantro tincture is best
# Retro Viruses: The correct Retro Virus must also be run, the metabolic toxin is created due to a RetroV invading a cell
label 0
backfreq c 6767655. ... read more
Isolate posterior Pineal+ - Updated:2010-06-04 14 y
Isolate posterior Pineal + F.Buski blood toxin
2010-06-04: Changed pineal back to 15333 with a duty of 93.333 to get even harmonics
2010-04-29: Added F.Buski toxin, this one can use up a good percentage of the Doctrine horsepower so it is best piggybacked here
2010-03-27: Increased octave by 2 from 3927751.9819 for better results.
This is designed to be used with the Doctrine discusses in the Rife forum, however it is a quick test to see if you are being mind controlled by a T.Serialis layered Head.
program a
dwell 86400
########################################################################### ... read more
Halogen Detox - FAQ 14 y
Halogen Detox - Bromine - Fluorine
The two halogens that require detox are:
Bromine Detox - Fire Retardent
Fluorine Detox - water fluoridation - chemtrails
The frq for this is outside the scope of any sending unit I know, however it can be used in a doctrine and perhaps researchers can make use of it:
For complete info on Halogens and how to use Iodine see Iodine Supplementation Support Forum
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Fire_Retardent_(Bromine)_10 14 y
Bromine Detox - Fire Retardent - Halogen
dwell 600
program c duty 50
# Title: Bromine Detox - Fire Retardent
# Description: eye lid twitching, foot twitching, tingling in hands or feet, dark thoughts, depression, anxiety
# Much more: http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html
label 0
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Food Poisoning - FAQ 14 y
Food Poisoning - FAQ - List of possible culprits
Unfortunately this can sometimes be completely symptomless...
List of possible culprits:
Pyogenium - Toxin of Proteus vulgaris due to improper meat storage
Salmonella_gen - intestinal inflammation, infection, and contribute to flu in children
Salmonella_typhimurium - weaponized - MRSA, gastroenteritis / food poisoning.
Listeriosis - fever, muscle aches, and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea or diarrhea
Balantidium Coli - infections similar to amebiasis, eats beneficial intestinal flora
... read more
Pyogenium_(Food Poisoning)_10 14 y
Pyogenium - Homeopathy to treat Toxin of Proteus vulgaris
dwell 600
program c duty 50
# Title: Pyogenium - Homeopathy to treat Toxin of Proteus vulgaris
# Description: anxiety and insane notions, dry mouth, heart palpitations, abnormal pulse, septic fever, hot sweat
# Pyogenium of Deer, Fish, Pork, Beef, Chicken, Crab, Lobster, Shrimp, Trukey, more: http://homeoint.org/books/boericmm/p/pyrog.htm
label 0
vbackfreq a 0.04978706 0 66.6 # (s^-3)
vbackf ... read more
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