My 30 Juice Fasting Journey
by Raiven
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Post Fast Day 3   17 y  
returning to solids
I kind of miss juicing now! I feel good, but a little bloated from the solid foods in my body even though I have had a very small amount. Yesterday I had: 80 oz water 8 oz orange juice 10 grapes 1 strawberry 1/2 cup steamed veggies (zucchini, squash, carrot, mushroom) 1 corn tortilla with small amount of black beans, rice, salsa and lemon It is a strange transition into solids. I feel so much heavier (in my stomach)already. I assume this feeling will subside after my body adjusts. I am still going to have a juice for at least 1 meal today. For breakfast I had a pear. I al ...   read more

Day 20-21   17 y  
3 weeks of juice fasting done!
Well I have hit the 3 week mark today and I feel very happy about it! I am proud that I have done this again. I feel better and lighter and after getting back to the Oxypowder I feel that I have cleansed myself a bit more. I am thinking that I will start to introduce some solids back in slowly this week. I feel ready because I have gotten a bit cranky and I am feeling hungry. I never felt hungry until now during this whole process and I have read that when those feelings return your body is ready for the transition back. I plan to have some fruit tomorrow and see how I feel. I have ...   read more

Juicy Day 19   17 y  
a good day
Day 19 and I am feeling pretty good! Oxypowder is calling my name right about now because not much has been happening in the BM department. I will start taking that on Friday night so that I can get a good cleanse in over the weekend. My good friends at Jamba Juice know my name now and start making my juice right when I walk in the door before I even order. Very cool, I feel like Norm at Cheers. ;) I am excited that I have only 2 more days and then the final countdown begins of the last 10 days of this juicy journey. I plan on introducing solids back into my diet even more slowly tha ...   read more

I am Back!   17 y  
Round 2 and loving it
I was sad to leave my last posting on such a downer note last year. I did end up having to undergo surgery to remove my large cyst and that let to having to take lots of medicine for pain afterwards. It was very disappointing to end my juice fast on such a negative turn of events. It took me over a month to recover and the weight loss fell to the back burner. BUT, I have gotten on the right path at the beginning of this wonderful new year and I am currently on day 18 of my juice fast for this year. I am feeling great and felt that I needed to get on here again and share that things ar ...   read more

Post Fast Day 20   18 y  
Still struggling to stabilize!
I am still battling to keep my weight down post fast. It is tough. My body wants to put the pounds back on and I am continuing to fight it. I haven’t found what works best for me yet as far as an eating pattern. I am going through a process of trial and error. I still have pain from my cyst but I have added a mile and a half walk daily to get moving a little. It makes my pain worse but I am not going to gain the weight back after all of that hard work! I am going to try to post more often too so maybe anyone experiencing the same thing or better yet has it under control can give me ...   read more

Post Fast Day 8   18 y  
The adjustment phase - hope it gets better
I am not going to sugar coat this - getting back to eating solid foods is getting hard for me. I guess that I need to accept that I am only going to be able to maintain my weight loss for a couple weeks before I focus on losing more because my body is fluctuating up and down by 3 pounds the past 3 days. I think it is trying to figure out what is going on! :) I hope it stabilizes soon so I can get back to the losing part. I have to admit on the juice fast it was so satisfying to lose weight so quickly. I have to be patient and realize my goal weight isn’t going to happen overnight. I ...   read more

Post Fast Day 5   18 y  
Hunger is returning
Well, I do find that my hunger is now increasing so it is making things a little more difficult. I did lose another pound so I am down 23 now. I have been eating my fruit and I did have a few bites of some things over the weekend to satisfy cravings and my stomach was fine. I think that I am going to start incorporating some veggies in tonight instead of waiting until Thursday. I feel like my stomach can handle that now and I need some variety so I don’t blow it. A salad sounds so yummy to me. My stomach has become so small from the juice fast. I very small amount of food fills me u ...   read more

Post Fast Day 2   18 y  
A slow and careful return to solid foods
Yesterday I did well and just ate my watermelon in little pieces throughout the day. For dinner I had some miso/vegetable broth. It was very salty to me so I didn’t have much. My stomach felt fine and I was so happy about that. I was worried about the first day of solid foods and how my body was going to react. I lost another pound so now I am down 22 pounds. Today I have been eating grapes and I will probably have an all fruit smoothie for dinner. I don’t feel the return of major hunger yet so I am happy about that. This whole transition phase after the fast is surprisingly easy an ...   read more

Day 30!!! - First Day Post Fast   18 y  
I did it!!! :)
Yesterday was my final day of the juice cleanse. I hadn’t had any bad symptoms for quite sometime until yesterday. For some reason in the late afternoon my stomach started hurting really bad. My whole abdomen felt like it was on fire. This lasted all through the night and finally went away this morning. I don’t know what happened. I had nothing out of the ordinary at all. Water and orange juice was all I had before it happened which is something I have had everyday on the cleanse. All I know was that I was hurting so bad I was thinking in the middle of the night that I might have t ...   read more

Day 27   18 y  
I can't believe it is almost over . . .
I can’t believe that I am almost done with my juice fast. At one point last week it got tough and I thought it was never going to end, but now the end is fast approaching. To date I have lost 20 pounds. I thought it would have been a little more, and actually since I was diagnosed with the cyst I have not ben able to exercise like before, so I am sure that has seomthing to do with it. I hope to lose at least 2 more pounds before the end. I am nervous about my return to solid foods. Just because I want to maintain my weight loss and lose much more. My plan is to eat fruit and juices ...   read more

Day 23   18 y  
Bottled juice - yuck!!!!!!
I went to Jamba Juice this morning to get my fresh squeezed orange juice and there was a sign on the door saying, ”Sorry Closed - System Down”. So, there I was needing to get to work in 10 minutes with no juice. I had to go into the grocery store and get an Odwalla pure orange juice becuase I had no other choice. I opened it up and took a sip and wanted to spit it out! I couldn’t believe how something I had used to think was so yummy tasted so DISGUSTING. I am blown away at how much my taste buds have changed. I know the juice was ”good” because the expiration date was not until 07/0 ...   read more

Day 21   18 y  
A confirmed diagnosis but yet the countdown begins!!!
So, I have fought through the pain as last Thursday I was officially diagnosed with a large blood filled cyst in my right ovary. Just as I had assumed, my doctor suggested we go through the hormone therapy to try and reduce the cyst but I let him know that I did not want to go through that again. I am going to see him again this week for a 7 day follow up ultra sound to see if it has reduced on its own but with the pain that I am in I don’t believe it has at all yet. I pray that it does! He prescribed pain killers for me, but I am not taking them because I am not putting anything like ...   read more

Day 17!   18 y  
Some additional challenges for me . . .
These last couple days I have been blindsided by pain from a re-uccurring medical issue that I have had in the past - ovarian cysts. I know that I now have one again in my right ovary and I have an appointment to see my doctor today. I was very frustrated as I have put so much work into this cleanse to get healthy and now this threatens to ruin it. I know my doctor will want to put me back on hormone medicines again but I will not do it anymore. I am so determined to complete this fast that I will deal with this pain and hopefully the cyst goes away on its own - sometimes they do. I a ...   read more

Day 14   18 y  
Well, I made it!!! I was surrounded by a weekend of food filled festivities and I did perfectly. I even went to my favorite Italian restaurant with family and had my water with lemon while everyone feasted on bread and oil, pastas and gnocchi, etc. The next day was the even bigger day with food everywhere I looked from 12 noon - 8:30pm. I drank my orange juice! I feel great and have lost another pound today so I am down 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I feel lighter and my face shape is coming back - it is a wonderful feeling. Everyone was asking me all day yesterday -Aren’t you hungry? The ...   read more

Day 10/11   18 y  
14 pounds gone!
Well, I have made it to day 11! I am amazed that I have done this. Over the last 2 years I have felt that my will power was non-existant and now I have redeemed myself! I felt a little tired yesterday and noticed that I became a little irritated when I saw other people eating. I am not hungry so it is such an emotional thing. I ended up ordering the Oxypowder instead of getting the tea for my BM problem. I read so many good things about it that it seemed like the better option so I am waiting for that to get here. I really did not want to go through the stomach cramping with the other ...   read more

Day 9   18 y  
Still feeling good with some strange new things.
Today is the 9th day of my juice fast and I am noticing some strange little things. Yesterday I had felt like the first have of the day was dreamlike. It is hard to explain but I felt very different in a good way! I notice that I am more sensitive to scents as if my sense of smell is heightened. For the most part, I have not craved any food. Sometimes I do think about what it will be like at the end of the fast when I resume eating solid food but I feel that is very normal. I think I am just concerned about doing it the right way more than anything so that I do not upset my system wh ...   read more

Juice Fast - Day 8   18 y  
This is the 8th day of my juice fast and a summary of my first week.
I began my juice fast on June 6th. I was searching for information to keep myself aware of all the guidelines of juice fasting and came upon this site and the many inspiring people. I thought it would be helpful to keep an online journal and if I can inspire someone else - how wonderful! Of course everyone wants to know the weight so here it is so far: June 6th - 178 June 13th - 166 I have lost 12 pounds so far and I feel great. I have no doubt that I will stay the fast for 30 days. I have a goal to be healthy and fit. I am over the roughest part - the first week. My first 3 ...   read more

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I have decided to juice fast for 30 days and keep an online journal to help me through the process and to inspire others. more...

Last Activity: 17 y ago
30 Messages   Last message 17 y ago
28 Comments   Last comment 17 y ago

viewed 180,516 times
Created: 18 y   Jun 13 2006


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Comments (10 of 28):
Re: Day 17! lalachka 17 y
Re: Day 1 (of 5) lalalalo… 17 y
Re: wow ! great wo… raive… 17 y
wow ! great work pretty_f… 17 y
Re: hello Raiven 17 y
hello newlifein30 17 y
Thanks for sharing. natur… 17 y
Re: hey Raiven 17 y
Re: hey Raiven 17 y
hey 6ft_beauty 17 y
All Comments (28)

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