The Gathering Place
by rudenski
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Grow Mosquito Repellent   18 y  
Last year, several members of the Iowa State University Department of Entomology presented the results of a study on common catnip. Among their conclusions was the fact that an essential oil in catnip is 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than potent chemicals such as DEET.
Grow your own mosquito repellent By ANN LOVEJOY SPECIAL TO THE POST-INTELLIGENCER The news is full of horror stories, including the spread of the West Nile Virus by mosquitoes. At the same time, a news item landed on my desk that seems to promise a simple, natural way to fend off the little buggers. Last year, several members of the Iowa State University Department of Entomology presented the results of a study on common catnip. Among their conclusions was the fact that an essential oil in catnip is 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than potent chemicals such as DEE ...   read more

Poison Ivy: Jewelweed   18 y  
"The Results of a Clinical Study, in which a 1:4 jewelweed preparation was compared for its effectiveness with other standard poison ivy dermatitis treatments was published in 1958 (Annals of Allerty 1958;16:526-527). Of 115 patients treated with jewelweed, 108 responded ‘most dramatically to the topical application of this medication and were entirely relieved of their symptoms within 2 or 3 days after the institution of treatment.' It was concluded that jewelweed is an excellent substitute for ACTH and the corticosteroids in the treatment of poison ivy dermatitis. The active principle in the plant responsible for this activity remains unidentified." by Varro Tyler, PhD in his book HERBS OF CHOICE
Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) Jewelweed is a plant that is going to grow in wetter conditions, such as near a stream. poison ivy treatment How to use Jewelweed... Pick a bunch, crush it, and rub it on exposed parts of your body that might come in contact or have already come in contact with poison ivy. It is a juicy plant. It is more effective before the oils set into your skin that cause the rash. Knowledge of jewelweed coupled with awareness is the true poison ivy remedy. Jewelweed ideas... * Collect a bunch of jewelweed and make a tea. That is, bring a pot of wa ...   read more

Cancer: Hydrazine Sulfate and other complimentary treatments   18 y  
I am impressed by Hydrazine sulfate and several other treatments for treating cancer. If I had cancer, I would look much more closely at Hydrazine Sulfate, Pau d'arco, Essiac Tea, Graviola, Pomogranate juice, Vitamin C, drinking 6-8 glasses of distilled water with a pinch of unrefined sea salt, Dr Budwig's flaxseed oil and cottage cheese diet, full spectrum lighting, and eliminating dairy(except for the cottage cheese in Dr. Budwig's flaxseed recipe) as complimentary treatments I would consider.
Hydrazine Sulfate Check this link out Pau d’arco, Essiac Tea, Graviola, Pomogranate juice, Vitamin C, drinking 6-8 glasses of distilled water with a pinch of unrefined sea salt, Dr Budwig’s flaxseed oil and cottage cheese diet, full spectrum lighting, and eliminating dairy(except for the cottage cheese in Dr. Budwig’s flaxseed recipe) are the other complimentary treatments I would consider. Pau d’arco Essiac Tea http://www.curez ...   read more

Chikungunya Virus Cure   18 y  
Chikungunya Virus Cure *One study found that tannic acid from nutgall apparantly binds to Chikungunya and inhibits the virus. Sources of Tannic Acid: Nutgall, Tea, Nettle, Wood, Berries, Chinese galls. Oak wood is very rich in tannic acid. Oak leaves were also mentioned. Take an iron supplement if using foods with high amounts of tannic acid. Effects of tannic acid and its related compounds upon Chikungunya virus Tannic Acid In-Activates the Chikungunya virus Plants with Phytochemicals
Chikungunya is a virus spread by mosquitoes. It is not normally a serious health issue as it only lasts for 3-7 days. The best prevention is to keep the immune system healthy and taking proper precautions to avoid infection. There are several things one can do to prevent bites from mosquitoes and there are ways to relieve body aches and deydration that might come if infected. The symptoms of chikungunya include fever which can reach 39°C, (102.2 °F) a petechial or maculopapular rash usually involving the limbs and trunk, and arthralgia or arthritis affecting multiple joints which can be ...   read more

Catnip Mosquito Repellent w/ Rosemary   18 y  
Last year, several members of the Iowa State University Department of Entomology presented the results of a study on common catnip. Among their conclusions was the fact that an essential oil in catnip is 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than potent chemicals such as DEET.
Grow your own mosquito repellent By ANN LOVEJOY SPECIAL TO THE POST-INTELLIGENCER The news is full of horror stories, including the spread of the West Nile Virus by mosquitoes. At the same time, a news item landed on my desk that seems to promise a simple, natural way to fend off the little buggers. DEET is currently the most common active ingredient in commercial mosquito and bug repellents. Unfortunately, many studies indicate that DEET is also a dangerous chemical for humans, especially children. A study carried out at Duke University Medical Center revealed that DEET can caus ...   read more

my marvellous compost bin   18 y  
Follow the Link to the funniest composting video I have ever seen
click here My Marvellous Compost Bin I can compost anything In my marvellous compost bin It sits behind the garden shed Always waiting to be fed Plastic ones from B&Q Can’t do what my bin can do Cabbages and cauliflowers Only take a couple of hours The next-door-neighbour’s bowling shoe Took a day, or maybe two I can compost anything In my marvellous compost bin Grandad brought it home for me From a journey overseas When grandad died from drinking gin We put him in my compost bin I can compost anything In my marvellous c ...   read more

what is kombucha tea?   18 y  
There are claims that Kombucha tea is a "fountain of youth elixir" used in China for thousands of years. It is purported to be a ancient tonic created by growing a so-called Manchurian mushroom on sweetened tea. The history and lore surrounding Kombucha imply an element of magic. Used in China for centuries during sacred rites of atonement, received, passed down, and transported all over the world, there is a ritual and tradition in the telling and the making of Kombucha tea that imbue it with an alchemy of mystery and power. The mystical aspect of Kombucha tends to attract and convert many people in search of perfect health and longevity.
KOMBUCHA TEA By Thomas L. Stone, MD, Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and Medical Director of the Center for Biological Medicine in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. WHAT IS KOMBUCHA TEA? It is a sweet-sour, fermented, acidic, slightly carbonated beverage, which has been described as either a wine that tastes like a delicious tea or an unusual tea that tastes like a rare wine. There are claims that Kombucha tea is a ”fountain of youth elixir” used in China for thousands of years. It is purported to be a ancient tonic created by growing a so-called Manchurian ...   read more

Make Kombucha Tea   18 y  
I am going to see about making my own Kombucha Tea.
Kombucha Tea. The Kombucha organism is a symbiotic colony of yeast’s and bacteria that form a strong membrane that covers the liquid/air interface of the vessel it grows in. Most people who grow it do so in their own homes, under less than sterile conditions, yet Kombucha rarely becomes contaminated with rogue varieties of moulds and bacteria. To grow it, you take a batch of weak to moderately-strong black tea, sweetened with white sugar, that has been cooled to room temperature, and float the membrane in it. Within a week to 10 days, the Kombucha organism converts the tea into a fluid ...   read more

Vaccinations/Milk & My Favorite Yiddish Song   18 y  
Milk may taste good but but only mother's milk and only unpasteurized mother's milk is good for babies.
”Farmers know if you feed pasteurized milk to a calf, it will die within 6 weeks due to malnutrition. ” Milk may taste good but but only mother’s milk and only unpasteurized mother’s milk is good for babies. I was ADD/ADHD and I had neurological problems throughout my school years and into adulthood. I drank close to half a gallon of milk a day growing up. I was vaccinated and did everything the Betty Crocker way. I even attempted the same with my own children. I took my third daughter of ...   read more

I met God ( My Near Death Experience)   18 y  
On my way to a military school...I was involved in a car accident during a flash-flood. As my car began to roll over and over...I experienced an extraordinary Near Death Experience. I had a life review...i saw my life flash before my eyes...I saw every event of my life from outside of my was 3 a 3D movie of my if I was an observer of each event...Different events had different levels of importance...1. Most important were moments when some person shared their joy in some natural setting with with my grandfather...flying over a river....a sunset...
2. Then relationships: The love of my is funny breaks... eating...arguing..fussing...fighting...were just kind of fast forwarded...and not important Any activity that was not related to not important...AS if every so called sin was simply forgotten... Add every joyful event and every blessing in your life and take out the corruptable flesh...and this is what you get to take to the light...quite a wonderful video of your life actually....This is what you get to take with you...into the next life...all t ...   read more

Prayer & Healing Touch   18 y  
new study on cardiac healing has shown that prayer, music and healing touch may speed recovery and help assure good health after surgery. Prior to undergoing angiograms or other cardiac procedures 748 participants were randomly assigned to receive either off- site intercessory prayer from a variety of religions (Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist), music, imagery and touch therapy (MIT), or no intervention. The prayer recipients were unaware they were being prayed for. Other patients underwent healing touch designed to change the energy around the body to promote healing.
yright © 2005 Natural Standard August 2005 Natural Standard provides high quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies. For more information, please visit The rest listened to music (easy listening, classical, or country music) followed by 10 minutes of guided imagery. Results found that people who received prayer appeared no better after the heart procedure than those who did not. Prayer and MIT therapy did not have an effect on the risk of further heart complications or readmission to the hospital. Although MIT ...   read more

Born Free Lyrics   18 y  
My daughter came in humming a tune I heard as a young child. What was amazing to me is that I remembered the lyrics for a song I have not heard in three or four decades. My younger middle daughter looked up these lyrics and I couldn't help but realize after reading the words of this song, how profound words can be. We shared and sang the song together. It was a wonderful moment. Almost every time I spend time with my children, I take them to do something out of doors. Canoeing, fishing, swimming in the ocean, or walking in a park...something in sunlight...these are the memories I treasure. I hope some day they will remember those times like I remember that lovely song of long ago.
Born free, as free as the wind blows As free as the grass grows Born free to follow your heart Live free and beauty surrounds you The world still astounds you Each time you look at a star Stay free, where no walls divide you You’re free as the roaring tide So there’s no need to hide Born free, and life is worth living But only worth living ’cause you’re born free (Stay free, where no walls divide you) You’re free as the roaring tide So there’s no need to hide Born free, and life is worth living But only worth living ’cause you’re born free   visit the page

Pressure Cooker Distillery- Make Your Own   18 y  
Making a distiller After some experimentation, our pressure cooker has become a successful distiller with the addition of these items: 10-feet of 1/4-inch outside diameter copper tubing two 3-foot lengths of 3/8-inch outside diameter (1/4-inch inside diameter) food-grade vinyl tubing two hose clamps a bucket a water container
How we put the distiller together and run it: First, we fill the bucket with cool seawater and bring it below to our galley. Then we fill our pressure cooker 2/3 full with seawater or any other water that may or may not be contaminated. Our copper tubing is wound into a coil around something cylindrical so it will fit completely into the bucket of cool seawater with one end pointed up toward the pressure cooker on the stove. Our pressure cooker has a vent pipe with an outside diameter of 1/4-inch. We slide one of the 3-foot lengths of food-grade vinyl all the way onto the vent pipe ...   read more

Pond Bio-Filter   18 y  
To support a small commumities pure water needs, a pond, a series of ponds or wetlands could be built to purify conatminated or polluted water. The following is a Do it yourself Bio Filter plan. It will probably take us three weeks to get through this but if you have a fishpond or are thinking about putting one in we think it will be worth it. First you need to figure out how big of a filter you will need. We took the following tips from Moorehaven Water Gardens. Size your pump so the entire pond volume will pass through the bio filter once every two to three hours. The ideal rate of filtration is 1/2 gallon of water per minute per square foot of filter bed. If your filtration is too fast it will result in insufficient exposure time to the b ...   read more

Non-Electric Distiller   18 y  
While I was working in the south, after Katrina, Rita, & Wilma, I came to the conclusion that I should be prepared ro make clean water. The distillers I came across were all slaves to electricity. Until I become energy self sufficient from alternative energy, I believe that it would be a good idea to find a non-electric distiller. If you have a plan for making your own, please respond to this post.
Life Saver Water Distiller Kit The Life Saver Water Distiller has been developed as a simple Build-it-Yourself Non-Electric Steam Water Distiller to provide the capability of producing a significant amount of Pure Sterile Distilled Water each day -- with particular application in Emergency/Disaster Preparedness, Humanitarian Relief Operations, Travel in Remote Areas and Daily Village Living in developing nations. With the Life Saver Water Distiller Kit you can produce your own Pure Distilled Water where there is no electrical power available. The Life Saver Water Distiller is desi ...   read more

Magic Carpet Dream- Sort of   18 y  
I woke up this morning to a flying dream of sorts. I was steering some kind of vehicle that looked somewhat like a jet-ski with a flat bottom that was powered by will. My will powered vehicle never touched the ground but it did follow the ground and I did feel bumps. The dream was set in some future earth and there were others driving similar vehicles but still there were regular ole cars. I believe I was in Florida and when I went off regular streets there were lots of dirt roads into what I thought were everglades.
Has anyone had a flying dream they would like to share or have you ever seen yourself in some future time?   visit the page

Low Cost Water Well   18 y  
If you can drive a nail into a board, you have the skills to augment your water supply. Drilling companies charge thousands of dollars to tap ground water sources that you can often reach yourself with a few common tools and about two weekends of work.
Do-It-Yourself Water Well 8 An Inexpensive, Do-It-Yourself Water Well If you can drive a nail into a board, you have the skills to augment your water supply. Drilling companies charge thousands of dollars to tap ground water sources that you can often reach yourself with a few common tools and about two weekends of work. Methods ranging from digging to blasting are used to reach the underground layer of fresh water that lies beneath dry land. Most of these are too technical, expensive, or dangerous for the average person. However, at the turn of the century the U.S. Army develope ...   read more

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i am so small in this world of broken things....but on the other side my chest bursts out and light pours in to the night... It may seem a tragedy to those who stand by and watch... That body i am shedding may seem the ultimate cost... but today i spread my wings and fly...i have seen the dreams go by..traveling way beyond this a destination that can not be seen with eyes...They do not seem to my radiator shatters them into a million parts...but it is i... i weep as they go by...and slow my car down to a stop...and watch...then fly with they pass bye... … more...

Last Activity: 6 mon ago
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92 Comments   Last comment 6 mon ago

viewed 1,097,861 times
Created: 18 y   Mar 01 2006


J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
Free S&H.Restore lost reserves.J.CROW’S®Lugol’s Iodine Solut...

Juice Fasting Made Easy
Organic 9 day juice fasting kit. Heals the body, removes toxin...

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Let oxygen remove old, impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and...

Comments (10 of 92):
Re: When the child… Nuha2… 28 mon
Re: People Friendl… Sysli… 14 y
Re: Non-Electric D… still… 14 y
Re: Singing rewire… ruden… 14 y
Re: Singing rewire… fledg… 14 y
Re: Baking Soda St… kermi… 15 y
Re: "Cognitive Dis… #3878… 15 y
Re: Deep Down Laug… ruden… 15 y
Re: Deep Down Laug… babag… 15 y
Re: Non-Electric D… #1188… 15 y
All Comments (92)

Blogs by rudenski (8):
Peacemonger-Peacenik-Refuseni…  13 y  (73)
Cure for Diabetes  13 y  (15)
Chelation: How to remove Merc…  18 y  (11)
Oil Swishing & ACV  14 y  (8)
Iodine Research Blog  14 y  (1)
Fibromyalgia Cures  18 y  (1)
Chikungunya Virus Cure  18 y  (1)
Near Death Experience: Street…  19 y  (1)

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