Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM
Page 12 of 43

The Study Of Economics Is Corrupted!   13 y  
"Inside Job, the 2010 documentary directed by Charles Ferguson, takes a closer look at what brought about the financial meltdown and shows how the study of economics has been corrupted."
Support your understanding of how the current players in economic sphere serves it’s own private interests first as they hold the reins in the ”Rights Sector” of this country so to assure that those interests are served well:   visit the page

Buy USA Made Items - Create 200,000 New Jobs   13 y  
Let's take care of the problem without the government!
February 23, 2020 - ”Could it be that our own Government over the last several decades has been promoting to those fortune 500 companies, of which Government owns most through Bond - Loan investment / stock ownership [Example From 1999: 82% stock ownership of Microsoft Corporation, Disney 61%, AOL - Time Warner 58%, EXXON 72%] to manufacture abroad so that Government would realize greater returns on their investments at the Peoples of the USA’s expense in jobs and wealth retention? Accomplishing: Laying the groundwork for balancing world wealth, the primary foundation block of the NW ...   read more

Human Design and The "Emotional Manifesting Generator"   13 y  
Digesting an interpersonal encounter in light of my Human Design
To start with I have the 12/22 Channel of Openness defined and I recognize how that is described in Chetan Parkyn’s book: Human Design (that you can look at at[2] however that particular channel is not included at Google books.) I’m onto my search path now with the terms: ”emotional manifesting generator” which I consider my Type and especially having the three emotional based channels that I have defined: 6/59, 12/22 and 37/40. Update June 7, 2011: I also have 39/55 Channel defined while Neptune is transiting gate 55 in the Emotional Center this year! Here’s the first ...   read more

A Re-Look At Mayan Calendar's Ninth Unity Wave That Began March 9, 2011.   13 y  
May 2nd, begins Night 2
Greetings Beloveds ~ May this message find you well and thriving! Our global info-sphere is buzzing today with news of an ’enemy overcome.’ A wide spectrum of reactions are being discussed and shared across the web, in peoples homes, workplaces and community forums -- both physical and digital. This sudden proliferation of information is creating ripples far and wide, as each and every Beloved on the planet is being called within to discern truth, transmute fear, choose Love and Go Gratitude! Sitting in meditation this morning, seeking clarity on the deeper meaning of yeste ...   read more

Beyond The Conventional "Weatherman"!   13 y  
HAARP expert, human rights defender predicted deadly storms - By Deborah Dupre - Human Rights Examiner
”A situation is gaining national interest due to investigative journalist and human rights defender known as Dutch Since, who specializes in HAARP weather warfare and unmistakably predicted this week’s series of deadly southland’s storms with extraordinary accuracy. He allegedly bases his predictions on HAARP rings and scaler squares that he documents on video using official US data.” I’m subscribed to dutchsince at Youtube and he has the best weather, earthquake and radiation fallout forecasting that I know of! All based on websites that offer the data. ...   read more

What St. Augustine Had To Say About What We Now Call Government   13 y  
Voices of truth regarding how governments present their financial picture to the public and especially when justifying the taxation that it imposes on people.
”A gang is a group of men under the command of a leader, bound by a compact of association, in which the plunder is divided according to an agreed convention. If this villainy wins so many recruits from the ranks of the demoralized that it acquires territory, establishes a base, captures cities and subdues peoples, it then openly arrogates to itself the title of kingdom, which is conferred on it in the eyes of the world, not by the renunciation of aggression, but by the attainment of impunity” St. Augustine - The City of God Quoted here: ”The 1997 Census of Gove ...   read more

Chernobyl - "An Inspiring Tale"!   13 y  
A Country of Women By Holly Morris - Twenty-five years after the world’s worst nuclear accident, More visits a hardy community of women who’ve made a home in Chernobyl’s desolate, radioactive surroundings.
”...WHO now considers the psychological impact to be at least as detrimental as the physical. Being depressed and unmotivated, pursuing an unhealthy lifestyle and clinging to a victim mind-set, they say, has proved to be the worst fallout for the ’Chernobylites’ 25 years after the accident. Other organizations, such as Greenpeace, contend that Chernobyl is responsible for tens of thousands of illnesses and deaths, even though these cannot yet be scientifically linked to the accident. ”   read more

"The Transfiguring Year of Rebirth and Renewal."   13 y  
NOW Is The Time! "This is a critical time in the evolution of this planet, and we are witnessing the most intensified cleansing process Humanity has ever experienced" by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
We have all heard the Hopi quote, “We are the Ones we have been waiting for.” Never in recorded history has that statement meant more or been more accurate than during this Cosmic Moment. This is a critical time in the evolution of this planet, and we are witnessing the most intensified cleansing process Humanity has ever experienced. We have all heard the saying “You cannot pour new wine into old bottles, lest the new wine becomes contaminated.” That is a powerful metaphor for what is occurring on Earth at this moment. In order for our NEW planetary CAUSE of Divine Love to physically mani ...   read more

The Power of Love and Gratitude Over Radiation   13 y  
Hado Commentary By Dr. Masaru Emmoto on Water, radioactive contamination, and hado
”... as long as you have the feeling of love and gratitude, you don’t have to be afraid of radiation.”   visit the page

The Several States Have The Right Of "Self Defense" As Well As The Right To Protect It's Citizens.   13 y  
Judicial Watch Wins Motion for Arizona State Legislature to Intervene in Defense of SB 1070 against Obama Justice Department
Washington, DC -- April 6, 2011 ”Judicial Watch, the government watchdog group, announced today that its client, the Arizona State Legislature, has been granted permission to intervene as a defendant in the Obama Justice Department lawsuit (USA v. The State of Arizona, et al. (No. 10-1413)) challenging SB 1070, Arizona’s get-tough illegal immigration law. .. * [The Arizona Legislature] has a right to protect its citizens. * Arizona has a right to self defense under the Constitution, particularly when the federal government fails to protect it. * [The Arizona Legislature] complied w ...   read more

The "Ignorance Tax"   13 y  
The Final Rites of Spring, 2011 By Pete Hendrickson; "What statutes create a liability for federal income taxes" and professor Ed Rivera: "The Twenty-Fourth Amendment And The Abolition Of The Collector Of Internal Revenue Made Taxes Voluntary"
That means people who are not required by the written law to pay a Federal tax (typically on Federally connected or privileged ”income”) are actually voluntarily contributing to the IRS (that is not an agency for the treasury of the United States) and if the people are not fully informed about what they are doing then they are doing it in ignorance of the true nature of the written laws on Federal Income Taxes and thereby are paying an ”Ignorance Tax”. More on that follows below, but first this just in form my Law Professor: (Believe or not!) ”The Twenty-Fourth Amendment And The Abol ...   read more

Sending Thoughts Of Love And Gratitude To All Water In The Nuclear Plants In Fukushima    13 y  
Message to "To All People Around the World" from Masaru Emoto, Messenger of Water
Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water at the nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan! By the massive earthquakes of Magnitude 9 and surreal massive tsunamis, more than 10,000 people are still missing…even now… It has been 16 days already since the disaster happened. What makes it worse is that water at the reactors of Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, and it’s contaminating the ocean, air and water molecule of surrounding areas. Human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the problem, but we are only trying to cool down the anger of radioactive materials i ...   read more

10 Very Remarkable Things About Japan!   13 y  
10 Lessons To Learn From Japan (from Jaspal Singh in Rajastan)
1. THE CALM Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated. 2. THE DIGNITY Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture. 3. THE ABILITY The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn’t fall. 4. THE GRACE People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something. 5. THE ORDER No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding. 6. THE SACRIFICE Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they e ...   read more

Our Thoughts and Words Into Sacred Geometry   13 y  
Thought/s For The Day - "Living in The Bliss Zone" By: Terry Cole-Whittaker
October 5, 2019 - ”Only fusion, union and ecstasy[3] allow humans to know God.[2] The hexagram can be used as a symbol to clarify the process by which a human being melts into the Divine. This geometrical figure, which spiritual science calls Solomon’s Seal, is made of two intertwined equilateral triangles: one pointing upwards and the other pointing downwards. These two triangles represent the two universal processes of evolution and involution: the evolution of matter reaching towards the spirit (the triangle pointing upwards) and the involution of the spirit descending towards matter ...   read more

The Transformation To Unity Consciousness   13 y  
"Was the Japan earthquake related to the Mayan calendar?" by Carl Johan Calleman
”... we should continue to focus on the transformation to unity consciousness and praying for and sharing the experience of the Japanese people is exactly an expression of this.”   visit the page

Our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love   13 y  
LOVE Is Not A Cliché by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
March 17, 2011 This weekend we have the opportunity of setting this planet on a new course that will move the Earth and all her Life a quantum leap out of the darkness and into the Light. This is just the beginning. We need to continue focusing daily on our planetary CAUSE of Divine Love until we reach a critical mass that will create the unstoppable shift we have all been working toward. We are at a crossroads, and this is a critical turning point for Humanity. It is vital that we understand we are not to just sit and wait for the winds of change and the i ...   read more

New Seed, New Fields!   13 y  
Inspirations from Day 2 of the Blooming Humans 42-day series plus additional sources.
”It’s common to say that trees come from seeds. But how can a tiny seed create a huge tree? Seeds do not contain the resources needed to grow a tree. These must come from the medium or environment within which the tree grows. But the seed does provide something that is crucial: a place where the whole of the tree starts to form. As resources such as water and nutrients are drawn in, the seed organizes the process that generates growth. In a sense, the seed is a gateway through which the future possibility of the living tree emerges.” Peter M. Senge I had a total immersion ...   read more

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Some accounting of the process of awakening to the vital necessity for truth-telling (especially in ”self-talk”). more...

Last Activity: 23 d ago
728 Messages   Last message 5 mon ago
99 Comments   Last comment 23 d ago

viewed 4,529,414 times
Created: 19 y   Aug 07 2005


Comments (10 of 99):
Re: The Truth of L… appea… 23 d
Re: The Life of An… Chef-… 18 mon
Re: Ruling - Govt.… Chef-… 5 y
Re: Ruling - Govt.… snoop… 5 y
Re: The Anointing #223194 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… TimHo… 7 y
Re: Free DVD to Th… Chef … 7 y
Re: Proper Names W… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Organic La… Chef … 7 y
All Comments (99)

Blogs by Chef JeM (10):
Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doct…  11 mon  (424)
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth  11 mon  (310)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  3 mon  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  22 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  6 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  24 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
Evolving Nutritional Awarenes…  7 y  (20)
Original Truth of Self  15 y  (19)

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