Mother Earth Heals
by Liora Leah
Page 17 of 40

Revenge of Gaia   18 y  
Thirty years ago James Lovelock, environmental scientist and author, conceived the idea that the planet itself, Gaia, is a great super-organism. Today, February 2, his new book is being released, "The Revenge of Gaia". In it, Lovelock proposes that because of climate change, human society as we know it on this planet may already be condemned, whatever we do.
Environment in Crisis: ’We Are Past the Point of No Return’ Published on Monday, January 16, 2006 by the Independent / UK Thirty years ago, the scientist James Lovelock worked out that the Earth possessed a planetary-scale control system which kept the environment fit for life. He called it Gaia, and the theory has become widely accepted. Now, he believes mankind’s abuse of the environment is making that mechanism work against us. His astonishing conclusion - that climate change is already insoluble, and life on Earth will never be the same again. by Michael McCarthy ...   read more

ExxonMobil Cartoon!   18 y  
TAKE ACTION! A while ago I asked people to boycott ExxonMobil--well, the company still won't own up to their responsibility for the massive 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Continue to BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL and watch a new cartoon lampoon of the company--now, that's funny!
Exxon Lax From Grist on-line Magazine: Exxon posts record-breaking profit, tries to evade Exxon Valdez penalty ExxonMobil has announced that it reaped $36 billion in profits for 2005 -- the largest single-year profit ever by any American corporation. In related news, last week Exxon lawyers asked a federal court to effectively waive $5 billion in punitive damages related to the massive 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, meant to compensate thousands of Alaskans who lost their livelihoods. The company, which has been tenaciously resisting the fines since the day of the spi ...   read more

Lethal Pesticide   18 y  
TAKE ACTION! Methyl iodide is a chemical that EPA is now evaluating for registration as a replacement for the fumigant methyl bromide, which is being phased out because it causes ozone depletion in the atmosphere. Methyl iodide and methyl bromide are highly volatile fumigant pesticides that are injected into the soil at rates of 100-400 pounds per acre to kill soil-borne pests. Because of the high application rates and gaseous nature of these chemicals, they drift away from the application site to poison neighbors and farmworkers. Fumigant-intensive crops include tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, tobacco, melons, potatoes and other root crops. (Information from Pesticide Action Network North America-PANNA)
  UNITED FARM WORKERS       Can you believe they say Methyl Iodide is safe? Stop the Registration:  Send your comment to EPA before February 5:     The Montreal Protocol, a 1992 commitment by the world’s nations to phase out methyl bromide--one of the five deadly pesticides targeted by Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers--gave hope that farm workers and others would finally stop being put at risk by this deadly pesticide.  Unfortunately, the U.S. Environmental Protectio ...   read more

HumanPesticideTesting   18 y  
Dear All: the blog I originally posted about the proposed EPA human pesticide testing rule included a website comment form for the EPA; below is EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson's direct e-mail address. Please use this e-mail address to TAKE ACTION if you have not already done so! Thank you! Liora Leah Proposed EPA rule allows pesticide experiments on humans, including pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children.   TAKE ACTION! D emand that the planned rule to permit pesticide testing on humans BE WITHDRAWN!     CALL the Office of EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson:  202-564-4700   -or-   E-MAIL EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson:     SAMPLE  E-MAIL: Feel free to copy-and-paste, edit, or submit your own comment!     TO: EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson ...   read more

OrganicValentine'sDay   18 y  
Buy organic flowers for Valentine's Day and please your loved ones while safeguarding their health and helping the environment out at the same time!!
Photo: Buy Organic Flowers for Valentine’s Day and Every Day!  Organic Consumer’sAssociation · Whenever you touch or inhale the scent of your non-organic flowers, you are likely touching or inhaling poisonous chemicals. When you buy organic flowers, you will not have to worry about chemicals on your flower bouquets being toxic to your children, other members of your family, or yourself. · The main goal of organic agri ...   read more

Corn Ethanol Out   18 y  
A new study shows that ethanol made from corn, as a gasoline substitute, is more energy efficient by 20%, but does not reduce greenhouse gases. Ethanol produced from willow trees and switchgrass reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The agribusiness folks won't be happy with this one.
January 27, 2006 CALIFORNIA AND THE WEST Report Challenges Claims About Ethanol By Elizabeth Douglass, Times Staff Writer A new study by California researchers challenges claims that substituting ethanol for gasoline consumes more energy than it creates — an argument that has dogged ethanol programs and their supporters for more than a decade. However, the report also concludes that while ethanol made from corn — the type that dominates the market today — can sharply reduce overall petroleum use, it provides little reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with ...   read more

Pregnant w/Pesticides   18 y  
Leaked EPA rules allow pesticide experiments on humans, including pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children. Three California legislators call on the EPA to withdraw the rule. TAKE ACTION!
EPA’s Latest Human Pesticide Testing Rule Called Illegal, Immoral WASHINGTON, DC, January 25, 2006 (ENS) - Three U.S. legislators are asking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to withdraw a planned rule to permit pesticide experimentation on humans, including pregnant and nursing mothers and children. The final draft rule is set to be officially released later this week, but a copy was leaked to leaked to the legislators by a concerned administration official who requested that the original copy of the plan not be duplicated in its entirety and widely distr ...   read more

Responsible Gold   18 y  
Tell Target, Wal-Mart, Sears/Kmart and JC Penny to buy gold responsibly.
Oxfam America    Today you can help alleviate poverty, hunger, and social injustice for thousands of people.  Click here to tell Target, Wal-Mart, Sears/Kmart and JC Penney to buy gold responsibly: Most consumers don’t know where the gold in their products comes from, or how it is mined.  Too often gold mining displaces communities, contaminates drinking water, hurts workers, and destroys pristine environments.   It doesn’t have to be this way.  The No Dirty Gold campaign (an Oxfam America a ...   read more

Boycott Shell Oil   18 y  
Dutch Royal Shell operates in Nigeria, the fifth-largest supplier of America's imported oil. Nigeria's massive oil wealth does not filter down to the country's poor, and massive pollution from oil processing not only devastates the environment but largely affects poor farmers and fishermen. BOYCOTT SHELL! until their policies of pollution change.
The End is Nigeria Oil pollution, corruption contribute to hostage-taking in Ni geria In Nigeria, oil, corruption, pollution, and violence have produced a drama rich with 21st-century portent. Last week, militants in Nigeria’s oil-rich delta region took four Western oil workers hostage. Their demands include more local control of Nigeria’s massive oil wealth -- the proceeds of which typically end up in the pockets of crooked leaders -- and $1.5 billion from Royal Dutch Shell in compensation for pollution in the delta, like the big pipeline rupture last July that oozed contamin ...   read more

CAL Governor Reponds   18 y  
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger responds to e-mail encouraging him to "stay strong" in his support to decrease greenhouse gases in California...but can he keep his word?
Thank you for your comments regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Global warming and the burning of fossil fuels are threats to California and the world. We know the science, we see the threat and the time for action is now. On June 2, 2005, I signed Executive Order S-3-05 directing the California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement groundbreaking GHG emissions goals. My directive calls for a reduction of GHG emissions to 2000 levels by 2010, 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. This bold action establishes California as the national ...   read more

Eco-Action:Californians   18 y  
Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to stand by his goal of reducing California's global warming pollution; Help protect California's Central Coast and Southern Diablo Range. TAKE ACTION by signing two e-petitions!
Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to Stay Strong on Global Warming     Last month, California released a draft plan on how to cut the state’s global warming pollution. This is the next step in reaching Governor Schwarzenegger’s targets to dramatically cut heat-trapping pollution to 80% below current levels by 2050. While many Silicon Valley business leaders have pledged to reduce their global warming emissions, some powerful business interests are resisting the Governor’s call.  Send an email urging the Governor to follow through on his pledg ...   read more

Woo-Hoo!Walmart!   18 y  
Walmart shows disappointing Holidays sales; Shareholders demand accountability. Let's continue to demand economic parity for employees and overseas contracted workers, and demand environmental accountability! Thanks for boycotting Walmart! Keep it up!
CO-OP AMERICA NEWS Economic action for a just and sustainable planet Wal-Mart Update During the holiday season, Co-op America and our allies in labor, religious, environmental, human rights, labor, community, and women’s organizations joined together in a call to rethink holiday purchases with Wal-Mart. Our own challenge to shop with green companies and avoid Wal-Mart gained support from student organizers, consumer advocates, local community groups across the US, and family groups such as Mothe ...   read more

"Green" is Patriotic   18 y  
Editorial from the New York Times: Conservation, energy efficiency and environmentalism, in other words, living "Green", is the new American patriotism
January 6, 2006 Op-Ed Columnist New York Times The New Red, White, and Blue By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN As we enter 2006, we find ourselves in trouble, at home and abroad. We are in trouble because we are led by defeatists - wimps, actually. What’s so disturbing about President Bush and Dick Cheney is that they talk tough about the necessity of invading Iraq, torturing terror suspects and engaging in domestic spying - all to defend our way of life and promote democracy around the globe. But when it comes to what is actually the most important ...   read more

Arctic Victory Short-lived   18 y  
Just weeks after the Senate rejected drilling in ANWR, U.S. Dept. of Interior approved oil & gas drilling on Alaska land protected since Reagan Administration; geese and caribou at risk. Los Angeles Times 1/12/06 THE NATION U.S. Lifts Longtime Drilling Ban on Alaskan Wildlife Habitat By Janet Wilson, Times Staff Writer The Department of Interior on Wednesday approved oil and gas drilling on Alaska land considered such sensitive wildlife habitat that it was first protected by former Interior Secretary James G. Watt under President Reagan, and by four Interior secretaries since. The decision — decried by Native American, hunting and environmental groups — comes just weeks after the U.S. Senate rejected drilli ...   read more

Trees for the Future   18 y  
"When the last tree dies, the last man dies also"--West African saying.
Fast-growing,nitrogen-fixing Leucaena tree   T rees for the Future: The nonprofit organization Trees for the Future states that "each year, the world loses 42 million acres of forests--an area about the size of New England. Reasons include clear-cut logging, ’slash-and-burn’ agriculture, over-grazing and clearing land for commercial plantations. This rapid growing crisis has a human face. The people of these threatened lands, growing subsistence crops to meet their needs, are greatly dependent on the surrounding fore ...   read more

Organic Flowers   18 y  
Order organic flowers for Valentine's Day and help the Breast Cancer Fund and the environment out at the same time!!
Flowers for Prevention Buy a pesticide-free, sustainably-grown bouquet for your loved one this Valentine’s Day from Organic Bouquet, the world’s first online eco-florist. Order through this link and Organic Bouquet will donate 10 percent of your purchase to the Breast Cancer Fund. Order organic bouquets:   If you have trouble with the site call Organic Bouquet directly at : Orders by Phone: (877) 899-2468 and tell them you want 10% of your purchase to go to ...   read more

Terminator Seeds   18 y  
Terminator seeds are patented to make harvested seeds sterile. A U.N. moratoriaum on the technology, put into place due to a worldwide outcry, will be scrutinized for a final recommendation to the U.N. at the end of January '06. Learn more about this important issue that threatens indigenous ways of farming worldwide, and sign up to receive e-mail alerts about the issue!
Corporate Greed + Destructive Technology = Increased Risk of World Hunger   Terminator Seed Moratorium at Risk January 10, 2006 When the Mississippi-based corporation Delta & Pine Land and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) patented a genetic process in 1998 to make harvested seeds sterile, farmers around the wor ...   read more

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”Mother Earth Heals” focuses on everyday ways that we can help the Earth by using home products that are healthy for us and for the environment; easy ways that we can be involved in action campaigns directed towards government and industry to address environmental and health issues; and my own personal experiences in nature that are helping me to heal in mind-body, heart and soul.… more...

Last Activity: 18 mon ago
689 Messages   Last message 10 y ago
483 Comments   Last comment 18 mon ago

viewed 3,906,663 times
Created: 19 y   May 26 2005


Comments (10 of 483):
Re: Cockroach Tote… Tiger… 10 y
Re: Man Plants 3,0… Liora… 10 y
Re: Man Plants 3,0… albin… 10 y
Re: Organic Batter… Liora… 10 y
Re: Organic Batter… Desti… 10 y
Re: Chemicals Maki… Liora… 10 y
Re: Photos:Human C… Liora… 11 y
Re: Photos:Human C… Milla… 11 y
Re: Photos:Human C… Liora… 11 y
Re: Environmental … Liora… 12 y
All Comments (483)

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Spirit Speaks  12 y  (256)

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