My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator
Page 89 of 113

Get relief from the natural things in life   3 y  
From Blog:
Some real home remidies that worked! Home Ailments Natural Remedies for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Earth Clinic Team | Modified on Aug 08, 2021 Sort by Aloe Vera, Hibiscus Tea, Cayenne Pepper Posted by Iamaurelia (Morelia Mich, Mexico) on 06/21/2011 5 out of 5 stars One yr ago I started having headaches and Dr. found I had high blood pressure 187/100 yikes. I was told I needed to take meds for life. I refused to believe that and have been searching for a natural cure since then. I have found it drinking fresh Aloe every morning. I take a medium leaf wash and remove ...   read more

Why R we chasing our tails over Covid-19 or any such?   3 y  
The problem stems from a supposed " magic answer " called vaccinations! While they can work many times - there is NO Real complete answer to even the Medical system fixes! Note the terms like, less likely, could be, it is rare, then "there will be a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from Covid-19." . The big thing missing is how about all the Natural elements which have been used for thousands of years, to cure or defend people from harm? Why not start looking at things that have worked and are available now! Look at
Fully vaccinated people are still getting infected with Covid. Experts explain why Holly Ellyatt LONDON — People who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 are highly protected against severe infection, hospitalization and death caused by the virus. But coronavirus cases among the fully vaccinated — so-called ”breakthrough” Covid cases — are still being seen among those who have had two doses. While it’s rare for vaccinated people in the U.S. or Europe to get sick from Covid, breakthrough cases are happening for a number of reasons, experts note. ***** Odd news! For a sta ...   read more

Constructive Dilemma   3 y  
A very way to test data presented to show the real true state of an valid argument!
Weisstein, Eric W. ”Constructive Dilemma.” From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. Destructive Dilemma A formal argument in logic in which it is stated that 1. P= Q and R= S (where = means ”implies”), and 2. Either not-Q or not-S is true, from which two statements it follows that either not-P or not-R is true. Constructive Dilemma A formal argument in logic in which it is stated that (1) P= Q and R= S (where = means ”implies”), and (2) either P or R is true, from which two statements it follows that either ...   read more

Ephesians 2:1-3 How did this come about?   3 y  
When would you know it all with your human mind alone? There is only one true and correct answer - To know by yourself is folly and fetal! ** From: The Berean
Ephesians 2:1-3 (1) And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, (2) in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, (3) among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. New King James Version How did this come about? Satan subtly persuaded Adam and Eve that by taking the knowledge of good and evil, they would be ...   read more

Conceive it in your mind - 2    3 y  
This is game changer and a point where you will come to see and meet the power of God in your existence - you will never be the same again!
Blog: Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse... by Kerminator Conceive it in your mind - 2 *** unless you can come to see the word pictures in your mind where the Word of God can direct changes in you thru your imagination - things will never be much better in your life! *** Date: 11/11/2016 ... viewed 845 times ” Truly I say to you, those who actually believe in me, and the works I have done; shall also do them and even greater works than I have done, shall they do; because I go unto the Father! ” John 14:12 God desires that we come to preform many great works as Jesu ...   read more

Have you got a problem?? - 1 of 2   3 y  
We will explore more on the how and why - to help you see that there are better ways to win!
Blog: Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse.... by Kerminator Have you got a problem?? - 1 ** Most people are hung up on their own selfish images! *** Date: 10/31/2016 ... viewed 881 times Many do not realize how this all fits together in the grand plan of Almighty God! What is the real problem? This earthly existence is not a perfect place, by any means - because if it were, then why would people ever look forward to Heaven in the Eternity that follows? This life is just part of our journey toward an unlimited future ready or not! What we do here is just par ...   read more

You never know how things will turn out in your life!   3 y  
If we just knew everything that was going to happen in our earthly existence - why would we need to life it? This is a true story about such an event in a man's life with no planning involved! Read and then notice the whole unbised truth!
Blog: Ya’ think?? by kerminator A long way around *** You never know exactly how your life will turn out! *** Date: 12/13/2015 ... viewed 887 times Here is story from a FB entry! A young man named Avrumel Greenbaum lost his entire family in the Holocaust. After WWII, he came to America but wanted nothing to do with Judaism. He was no longer Avrumel Greenbaum; now he was Aaron Green. He moved to Alabama and happened to marry a Jewish woman there. The day his oldest son Jeffrey turned thirteen, they were not going to celebrate his bar mitzvah. Aaron decided to re ...   read more

Wisdom which your adversaries will not be able to deny   3 y  
Luke 21:14–15 (NKJV): 14 Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer; 15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist.
With the truth all things can and will ultimately be answered - fact, and principle to prove the correct and Blessed way to life! Lies will always fail when placed up to the ultimate truth! Wisdom is the ultimate key to all sources of the Truth! Once you come to realize this eternal fact your adversaries will not be able to truthfully contradict or resist. Why kick against the unbiased truth in your life. You can never win with a lie!   visit the page

WHY all the tears?   3 y  
There are countless folk beliefs about crying, but the science behind shedding tears is still surprisingly blurry. The Mystery of Tears,
The Persisting Mysteries of Tears. There are countless folk beliefs about crying, but the science behind shedding tears is still surprisingly blurry. Shayla Love by Shayla Love August 2, 2021, 9:00am The propensity to cry emotional tears is uniquely human. Of all the claims to human exceptionalism—consciousness, intelligence, innovation—it is the liquid that falls from our eyes when we are sad, happy, jealous, angry, and grateful, more than anything else, that we can call ours, and ours alone. And yet the act of emotional crying is poorly understood. There is remarkably littl ...   read more

A CDC infamation report - Read with caution!   3 y  
** Some data from certain CDC reports; of which we have pulled some of this to show the difugualty of such information! It is a very complex problem with out many real hard answers or proofs!
Health ‘The war has changed’: Internal CDC document urges new messaging, warns delta infections likely more severe The internal presentation shows that the agency thinks it is struggling to communicate on vaccine efficacy amid increased breakthrough infections People shop at a store in Hollywood on July 19. (Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images) By Yasmeen Abutaleb , Carolyn Y. Johnson and Joel Achenbach July 29, 2021 at 8:58 p.m. EDT Please Note The Washington Post is providing this important information about the coronavirus for free. For more, sign up for our daily Coronavirus ...   read more

I am He   3 y  
We humans can often hear or wittness en eternal event or happening without coming to the full realization of just what happened! Don't just duck the Truth before you, dear friend!
I am He *** This graphically illustrates how Jesus could have easily defended Himself against any size army that would come to take His life. *** Date: 11/19/2015 ... viewed 580 times John 18:6 ”As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.” It is evident that it was the power of God that made these six hundred men fall backwards to the ground, but why did it happen when He said, ”I am he”? In this verse, and also in verse eight, the word ”he” is italicized. That means that the word ”he” was not in the original text b ...   read more

Arrêtez-vous et apprenez   3 y  
Some scientists are now arguing that the sun has moved into a period of less activity, and this could start a period of cooling for us on earth. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that the winter months from December 2007 through February 2008 were the coolest months since 2001 for the United States and for the globe.15 Though these winter months were relatively warm in some U.S. states, this was more than made up for by the cold temperatures and extensive winter precipitation in other parts of the U.S. Another very recent study by researchers from the University of Reading in Britain have showed a connection between low solar activity and cold winters in England over 351 years of temperature measurement data.16 In conclusion, we can be thankful for how God has designed the earth with “checks and balances” that maintain a livable climate for us. Earth’s climate is designed to be able to compensate for and even cancel out various climate effects. Earth’s atmosphere, the abundance of water on earth, and even the nature of the sun are all factors in what determine the temperatures we experience. We are stewards of the earth, but we must understand our plane...
The Limitations of Climate Science Richard Lindzen (apparently not a creationist) has spoken out against mankind being totally responsible for global warming. He indicates that today’s computer models are very inadequate in their ability to handle water vapor in computer simulations. Scientists sometimes just don’t know enough about the physics. Models are “tuned” to give the desired results. Approximations and questionable assumptions are programmed in to keep the simulation working and giving useful results. So there is a tendency for some climate researchers to bias the simulations ...   read more

Why do U want to follow fools?   3 y  
Most people do not think beyond tomorrow - so to speak Why? Mainly because they lack discipline, reason, or ever attempt to attempt to learn the most applicable part of day to day life! I.E they do not learn the the truth of life which can and should guide their life day to day! So many are lost due to chasing the wrong values in their existence! WHY??
We have been endowed with a God given Intelligence plus a free will with which to seek our eternal destiny here upon the earth! If we (you) would only think and consider the future as well as the here and now; things would become much better in your earthly existence! Stop, look and listen! The truth is out there but you do have to seek it and learn how to best use it in your existence! If you can not learn to live with the truth - Oh how will you ever prosper following lies and innuendos and all the popular crap of today? Success or failure is only a decision away! Choose the ...   read more

Live to Learn - not to follow defeats   3 y  
This post originally appeared on Thomas Oppong and was published August 4, 2017. This article is republished here with permission
Blog: Forgotten Words! by kerminator Live to Learn - not to follow defeats ** To be resilient, you must understand that objective is to use what hits you to change your trajectory in a positive direction. Date: 8/29/2020 ... viewed 449 times Why do some people bounce back from adversity and misfortune? And Why do others fall apart? Resilience make all the difference. Turns out surviving the most difficult obstacles have some good lessons you can use to learn how to be resilient in everyday life. Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma ...   read more

UNCENSORED: A Review of the First 8 Months of the COVID-19 I   3 y = by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Health Impact News has covered the “other side” of the roll-out of the COVID-19 “vaccines,” starting last year in 2020 when the Trump Administration gave Big Pharma TRILLIONS of dollars to develop them, and then appointed a military team they called “Operation Warp Speed” to rush these shots to market. Here is a review of the first 8 months of the results of “Operation Warp Speed” that you will not hear from the CDC, FDA, Anthony Fauci, or the corporate media. It is also a memorial for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for “the greater good” they were told they were serving. This is from our Bitchute channel and it is also on our Rumble channel.
More Truth on COVIS_19 shots! Health Impact News has covered the ”other side” of the roll-out of the COVID-19 ”vaccines,” starting last year in 2020 when the Trump Administration gave Big Pharma TRILLIONS of dollars to develop them, and then appointed a military team they called ”Operation Warp Speed” to rush these shots to market. Here is a review of the first 8 months of the results of ”Operation Warp Speed” that you will not hear from the CDC, FDA, Anthony Fauci, or the corporate media. It is also a memorial for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for ”the greater good” they were t ...   read more

Silicon Valley/Facebook   3 y  
“Compared to them, I’m small potatoes,” she says. The world first learned of Sophie Zhang in September 2020, when BuzzFeed News obtained and published highlights from an abridged version of her nearly 8,000-word exit memo from Facebook.
Silicon Valley/Facebook She risked everything to expose Facebook. Now she’s telling her story. Sophie Zhang, a former data scientist at Facebook, revealed that it enables global political manipulation and has done little to stop it. Sophie Zhang Christie Hemm Klok by Karen Hao archive page July 29, 2021 The world first learned of Sophie Zhang in September 2020, when BuzzFeed News obtained and published highlights from an abridged version of her nearly 8,000-word exit memo from Facebook. Before she was fired, Zhang was officially employed as a low-level data scient ...   read more

Find your true priorities   3 y  
From: ‘Don’t beat yourself up’: 10 ways to feel happier with your body as the world reopens
Find your true priorities “We are still in a global pandemic,” says the body-confidence coach Judi Craddock, “and your priority should not be to lose weight. There have been a lot of people expecting to lose weight and get shredded during lockdown, and placing huge pressure on themselves to have this dream body. But that should not be your No 1 priority. Instead, decide what is important to you. Is it reconnecting with family? Nurturing your mental health? Getting back into your hobbies? Put your focus into these things, instead of worrying about how your body looks.” Focus on what you ...   read more

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Stories of unusual happenings that either happened to me, or were related to me; or were some part of my life! Some blogs will be on events that effect us - some political or of general human interest!… more...

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340 Comments   Last comment 67 d ago

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Created: 19 y   Apr 28 2005


Comments (10 of 340):
Re: Let's get a fe… been … 26 mon
Re: Thriving Marri… johnt… 29 mon
Re: Try to make ev… carme… 31 mon
Re: How we should … chris… 3 y
Re: Medicine Recall James… 3 y
Re: If I had only … kermi… 3 y
Re: Is there balan… TomSa… 3 y
Re: Where we stand… kermi… 3 y
Re: Where we stand… Chef-… 3 y
Re: Black History … ren 3 y
All Comments (340)

Blogs by kerminator (6):
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  32 mon  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  3 y  (291)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  27 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  28 mon  (120)

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