My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator
Page 64 of 113

What happened to Integration?   4 y  
** We need to get over thinking we can control everything and most of all people!
Don’t shoot the messenger! I only report the truth - it is you who distort it or fail to accept it! If back in the 1960s, when the segregation laws were being removed in the USA under LBJ; the new Interrogation Laws should have been applied unbiased - across the board to everyone, to all citizens everywhere! Regardless of race, which areas of the world from which they had come! It should have applied to any and every race or ethnic group. Because then we would not ever have had the past over 50 years of racial integration tension problems! Because once you recognized the pr ...   read more

Critical Thinking = Choose one point of focus! #12   4 y  
"We need to recondition ourselves to find a certain pleasure in focused attention. Which actually there is,”
It’s not easy, but you can do it. NYLON Carolyn Yates Even those trains of thought that just... wait, what were we talking about, again? Staying focused can be hard, especially in an age when there are tons of distractions around you. So, whether it’s something you don’t really want to have to pay attention to—like work; or something you do—like talking to a friend in a crowded bar—sometimes it’s just plain hard to concentrate on what’s happening right in front of you. Jumping to other stimuli—like someone looking at you, or your phone buzzing—can give you a dopamine rush, ...   read more

Discipline Brings Life   4 y  
Basically you will get where and how you respond to the Word of God in your life!
Discipline Brings Life Matthew 18:18-19 ’Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.’ MATTHEW 18:15-19 Verses 18 and 19 have many applications but taken in context, they are specifically referring to church discipline. Some might think that church discipline is only symbolic and carries no real weight; however, Jes ...   read more

Tears - He will bring you thru the fire again!   4 y  
Tears come as the realization of personal dependence upon the God of the Universe and a plea for His intervention or Blessings.
** Prayer has never been telling God how much you need or know about Him, rather it is a consciousness that He already knows. ** The reasons for tears are many and varied - yet they do come. No matter how well your life is or has been you may feel good - Until Sorrows Come and Tears follow! But why? When all else fails tears come. This is when you can find people seeking God through a prism of tears. A pronounced difference can be seen by observing two different types of people in their prayers. While two people can both be sincere in their prayers, one will wail and cry becau ...   read more

Fasting is a Major part of life   4 y  
*This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.* It should be a major part of Life!
Fasting Drives Away Doubt Mark 9:29 ’And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.’ MARK 9:28-29 Prayer and fasting do not drive certain demons out. If the name of Jesus and faith in His name won’t do the job, then fasting and prayer won’t either. Jesus is saying that fasting and prayer are the only ways of casting out this type of unbelief. An unbelief that comes as a result of ignorance can be done away with by receiving the truth of God’s Word (Rom. 10:17; 2 Pet. 1:4). However, the unbelief that hindered the disciples in this case w ...   read more

Critical Thinking: Learning to control your mind - # 11   4 y  
*** If we could just follow the admonition of the above scripture; we would recognize how such clear and precise many of our Earthly decisions would be!
Critical Thinking: * Learning to recognize and control your future! We will explore and explicit events and how certain observations can aid and expand your mental horizons! Our God-Given Spirit resides in our mind while in this earthly body - how important it is for us to learn to control our proper positive actions and decisions! Most things in this life are temporal {relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular or relating to the dimension of time!}... Here is where critical thinking comes into play! Thus we are all flesh and blood creatures, who must learn an ...   read more

Critical Thinking - # 10   4 y  
** From: Ask the kind of questions that inspire critical thinking. ** Particle from Nicole Dieker Nicole Dieker has been writing about personal finance for nearly a decade. She's also the author of The Biographies of Ordinary People, a Millennial-era Little Women. Tuesday 1:30 PM Filed to: critical thinking
What is real Critical Thinking? ”The next time you need to think critically about something—whether you’re considering a new idea, weighing the pros and cons of a potential decision, or evaluating whether you can trust a particular news source—it’s worth asking yourself a few simple questions. Who benefits from this? Who is harmed by this? What would be a counter-argument? Where would this idea take us? Ask the kind of questions that inspire critical thinking. These critical thinking skills are especially important right now, as states begin to open up and people ...   read more

God's wisdom.   4 y  
What do we know? We must study the scriptures, for they reveal the will of God for our actions and attitudes. To be filled with the knowledge of God's will, we must be filled with God's Word. God's Word is His will! Those who are ignorant of God's Word will be ignorant of God's will.
His Will Is In The Word John 17:17 ’Sanctify them through your truth: your word is truth.’ JOHN 17:17 In this prayer, Jesus prayed twice that the Father would keep His disciples from evil. Then He reveals the way that God will accomplish this - through His Word, the holy scriptures. Anyone who desires to live for God, reject the devil, and reject the world’s system, must know God’s Word. We must study the scriptures, for they reveal the will of God for our actions and attitudes. To be filled with the knowledge of God’s will, we must be filled with God’s Word. God’s Word is His wi ...   read more

Critical thinking = "How"! Part # 9   4 y  
People have their many problems and opportunities not just on the when, where, and why - but ultimately seek HOW to manage your life! Through the Biblical principles and not based upon doubt and confussion! Learn how you can walk in Divine Health!
It is paramount as to how you look and assess problems or opportunities in your life! This is how the pages of history were written! ” How they did it!” The rest fell into place! Learn to live in the present, by working out your daily progress! Let your Faith lead the way to the many Blessing available to you each day! Live in the present - not in doubt and gloom of confusion! Do not fall into defeat because the situation is grave or difficult! Do the following! 1) Identify things that you can control and all else is beyond your control. 2) Compile a list of ten (10) things f ...   read more

Critical thinking - part 8   4 y  
If you do not first stop and smell the Roses - then you will never find the true answers which you seek!
Once upon a time each of us has had the chance to stop and evaluate the circumstances around themselves! historically most people are lazy slow and somewhat resistive to seeking new things - unless it has mystery or razzle-dazzle! It is just so easy to fall into the popular fads and then sit back and enjoy the fruit of other people’s labor! Analyze your life for a moment, looking at education, applied practices, counterfeited ideas, and even possible outright theft! Gee this sounds like character assassination or outright slander - true but most often it has be the whole absolute tru ...   read more

Critical thinking - who knows? Part 7   4 y  
If you spend much of your time following others or try to explain the universe using the enternet - you Failed!
by kerminator Critical thinking - who knows? Part 7 If you spend much of your time following others or try to explain the universe using the internet - you Failed! Date: 5/27/2020 Many people tend to think that they have AI, plus the internet with all the ANSWERS! Really?? While we have a God-given brain with intelligence to use - most people only seem to use it as a hat rack! How is it that we seem to think everything is good or OK when there are so many problems in life? Mainly because of both stupidity and ignorance, plus a dominated captive mind! Looking at you ...   read more

Critical Thinking - Part 6   4 y  
If you never learn how to think critically - then you are in for a life of being a follower, having to seek results and knowledge from others and often not being able to complete or process many of the tasks in your life!
Critical thinking is about being in better control of your life and existence! One of the basic human activities is to be able to navigate this earthly life with wisdom and being able to acquire what you need to succeed! Go back and read the first five (5) posts on critical thinking to give you some sense of direction! We will post more as time goes on! Our or Your problem is how do you think critically and respond to the ever-changing life that we live in? If you are lost or discouraged stop and review this blog to better help you become the person God intended!   visit the page

The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit   4 y  
Many times, Christians don't discern this because they think it is just their own grief of intercession different than speaking in tongues, this should certainly be an important ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit May 22 Mark 8:12, ’And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and said Why does this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation.’ {Meaning all unbelievers} MARK 8:11-13 The Greek word used here for ’sighed deeply’ means an intense grieving, inaudible prayer, or groan. This is the intercession of the Holy Spirit, with groanings that cannot be uttered. Some Spirit-filled Christians believe this means groanings that cannot be uttered in normal speech and that this refers to speaking in tongues. However, ...   read more

Why we do what we do?   4 y  
As listeners, they first ask questions
Saturday, March 28, 2020 Why we do what we do? ** From a post by: By Julie Gottman March 25, 2020 at 2:01 p.m. CDT In lockdown with your partner? Here’s how healthy couples survive. Julie Schwartz Gottman is the president and co-founder of the Gottman Institute, and a co-founder of Affective Software, Inc. Washington Post - Democracy Dies in Darkness Life has been no party lately. Coronavirus has shattered our routines, pitched our economy into free fall, and left us stunned. We’ve been stripped of our social safety nets, those customary conversations with nei ...   read more

Traditions can sink the ship!   4 y  
*** Tradition can sometimes be good - but it will never replace or become more important compared to the Whole Truth!
Tradition Neutralizes Mark 7:13, ’Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.’ MARK 7:1-13 Deuteronomy 4:2 clearly states ’Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it . . . .’ This same thought is repeated in the New Testament in Revelation 22:18-19 with very stiff penalties. Religious man is very swift to observe the part about not diminishing any of God’s commandments, but there seems to be an unwritten law that adding to them is okay. Every denomination ha ...   read more

Critical Decisions an extension of your mind!   4 y  
** Critical thinking involves thinking outside the box! Thus writing allows for longer thoughts. Have you ever had a conversation where, as you were listening, you forgot the point you were eager to make?
Paper as an Extension of Your Mind While writing may not literally increase your working memory, many cognitive scientists now believe that such external representations may form important parts of our cognition. This externalized cognition extends the space of thinking and literally makes us smarter, even if our brains are just the same as before. Just as writing helps with numerical and mnemonic tasks, it can help you think more clearly about your life problems as well. First, by jotting down your thoughts on paper, you can hold more ideas than you could in your limited worki ...   read more

Cohen's original "Hallelujah"   4 y  
** “Hallelujah” can be applied to virtually any situation. It’s great for weddings, funerals, TV talent shows, ETC!
Since its release, “Hallelujah” has been covered by more than 300 artists and become a staple of TV singing shows. Not bad for a song that Cohen’s own record label hated. Mental Floss Kenneth Partridge Leonard Cohen in London in June 1974. . In the late 1970s, Leonard Cohen sat down to write a song about god, sex, love, and other mysteries of human existence that bring us to our knees for one reason or another. The legendary singer-songwriter, who was in his early forties at the time, knew how to write a hit: He had penned ”Suzanne,” ”Bird on the Wire,” ”Lover, Lover, Lover,” and ...   read more

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Stories of unusual happenings that either happened to me, or were related to me; or were some part of my life! Some blogs will be on events that effect us - some political or of general human interest!… more...

Last Activity: 67 d ago
1929 Messages   Last message 26 mon ago
340 Comments   Last comment 67 d ago

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Created: 19 y   Apr 28 2005


Comments (10 of 340):
Re: Let's get a fe… been … 26 mon
Re: Thriving Marri… johnt… 29 mon
Re: Try to make ev… carme… 31 mon
Re: How we should … chris… 3 y
Re: Medicine Recall James… 3 y
Re: If I had only … kermi… 3 y
Re: Is there balan… TomSa… 3 y
Re: Where we stand… kermi… 3 y
Re: Where we stand… Chef-… 3 y
Re: Black History … ren 3 y
All Comments (340)

Blogs by kerminator (6):
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  32 mon  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  3 y  (291)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  27 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  28 mon  (120)

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