Resonance: "a vibrational collection"
by Lapis
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Victimhood   19 y  
"Which intention takes us where we want to go? For instance, when we choose to wallow in insecurity and victim consciousness, we continue to attract more of the same experiences (illusions) that keep that particlar feedback loop afloat."
More Vibrational Articles Here The Choice Is Yours Lapis We can choose to resonate with lower vibes or higher vibes. We have that choice. Our feelings are a good indication as to what we are resonating with, what we are drawing to us, be it either what we want, or what we don’t want. Which experience feels better? If it is not what we want, if it doesn’t ”feel” right, then it may be time to realign our thoughts. Which intention takes us where we want to go? For instance, when we choose to wallow in insecurity and victim consciousness, we continue to attract more of the same ...   read more

Magnetic Dance   19 y  
"The Law of Attraction is like a magnetic dance of cause and effect and can be used intentionally to create a healthier, more abundant life. By learning how to intentionally direct your emotions you can alter the 'tone' of your magnetic attraction and draw to yourself anything you want. "
More Vibrational Articles Here In the universe, there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.” – Carlos Castaneda DELIBERATE CREATION My grandfather always said, ”Be careful of what you want because you will get it.” I’ve contemplated those words since I was a little girl 40 or so years ago and in the course of my life I have seen undeniable evidence that this is true. Once we have a clear and palpable vision of what we want it comes to us easil ...   read more

*Choose Carefully*   19 y  
"The resonation of all thought forms that our hinged on the power point of life purpose, creates an energetic driving force that is a greater sum of its collective parts. Thought forms must fit together in a harmonic, coherent fashion. Thought that is holistically congruent is powerful. That symphony of thought is the driving force of our life and is behind what we consistently manifest."
More Vibrational Articles Here Coherency and Attraction by Lapis co·her·ent (k-hîrnt, -hr-) adj. 1. Sticking together; cohering. 2. Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts: a coherent essay. 3. Physics. Of, relating to, or having waves with similar direction, amplitude, and phase that are capable of exhibiting interference. 4. Of or relating to a system of units of measurement in which a small number of basic units are defined from which all others in the system are derived by multiplication or division only. 5. Botany. Sticking ...   read more

Only You Can Deny Your Own Desire.   19 y  
"Every moment you are pulsing a vibration, and the entire Universe is accepting that as your point of attraction and is matching it."
Only you can deny your own desire. Abraham/Hicks More Vibrational Articles Here The Universe Vibrationally Matches Your Observations We’re wanting to give you some formulas and processes to assist you in your deliberate creating. We notice that you are utilizing the contrast of your time and place well, because very often from the dramatic -- sometimes very dramatic, sometimes less dramatic -- contrasting experiences, you are coming to quicker awarenesses of what it is you are wanting. We feel that eruption of desire -- (a good word, ”decision”) coming forth within you. But ...   read more

The Secret of Doing Without Doing   19 y  
"Remember, the creation of anything is through your vibration. Everything vibrates, and it is by that vibration that we harmonize and attract experiences to ourselves. So before you act or do anything, first ask yourself, how am I vibrating? "
More Vibrational Articles Here The Secret of Doing Without Doing by Dr. Robert Anthony One of the mistaken certainties or misconceptions most people operate under is that you get what you want in life by what you DO, or through the actions you take. Most people believe that the DOING or action part is what makes things happen. However, this causes you to create in reverse. Let me explain. The reason we put a lot of emphasis on action is because we do not understand the power of our thought. If you analyze it, 90% of most people’s actions are spent trying to compensate for ina ...   read more

What Is My Purpose   19 y  
"Your life purpose, that beautiful vessel is a combination of three things: who you are at the very core, your vision for yourself and what you see possible for the world and your values. When I began to answer my own question, “who am I and why am I here” from this perspective a whole new world of fresh possibility opened up for me."
More Vibrational Articles Here What Is My Purpose? by Helaine Iris ”When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.” --Wayne Dyer For most of my life I can remember asking myself the question, “Who am I and why am I here?” My answer to myself often left me feeling empty and wondering if I would ever know my true life’s purpose. As a child and young woman, I didn’t have a grand dream or calling that I could remember. I was interested in a lot of di ...   read more

Reincarnation/Chakras   19 y  
"When our body dies, its elements become part of the earth. Our spirit elements, our electromagnetic force - our thoughts and feelings - move on to find another body."
More Vibrational Articles Here Reincarnation The law of attraction pulls our spirit to the nearest circumstance. Sometimes the body comes along with the spirit, but not always. The law of attraction is not bound by one lifetime. When our body dies, its elements become part of the earth. Our spirit elements, our electromagnetic force - our thoughts and feelings - move on to find another body. Our feelings, through the law of attraction, continue to pull us into circumstances, life after life, until we have finally mastered what it is that we were meant to learn. Throughout each ...   read more

Physics & Spirituality Agree   19 y  
"You are connected so totally with everything and everyone else in this universe and probably other universes as well that you affect All That Is. This is what Earth's wisest spiritual teachers have told us for centuries, and it's now also what most physicists tell us as well."
More Vibrational Articles Here Feel Non-Locally Interconnected by Cynthia Sue Larson beads flowing Despite seeming evidence to the contrary, you are not ever alone, isolated, or cut off from everyone. You are connected so totally with everything and everyone else in this universe and probably other universes as well that you affect All That Is. This is what Earth’s wisest spiritual teachers have told us for centuries, and it’s now also what most physicists tell us as well. Recent findings in the field of quantum physics are supporting this ancient spiritual assertion ...   read more

Becoming Irresistibly Attractive   19 y  
Helpful Ideas and Insights. The term Irresistibly Attractive refers to the idea of great people, ideas, opportunities, things and more, come To you vs you chasing them or being promotive, seductive or acquisitive in nature.
More Vibrational Articles Here The Top 10 Steps to Becoming Irresistibly Attractive Thomas J. Leonard 1. Don’t need much. If you need something, usually it will run away/escape you. Get your personal and financial needs met first and you’ll find yourself attracting vs seducing. 2. Think big, really big. Attraction occurs when there is a healthy vacuum between where you are and what you want to have happen. The wider the gap, the greater the pulling power of attraction. 3. Eliminate the holes in your life. Where are you being depleted? By whom? Plug those holes by ...   read more

Clear Your Vibration   19 y  
These are notes taken from a recent Mexican cruise where Abraham answered a myriad of questions pertaining to the law of attraction and shared many powerful answers/distinctions. Again we see the notion of clean vibrations (coherency) come through.
More Vibrational Articles Here Abraham notes: 2/6/05, Mexico cruise Guest: I have a guilt theme going that is preventing me from being successful in the real world, want to prosper and be successful in daily routine. Abe: Don’t do that. Guest: I want to allow myself to have $10M with ease. Family would be holding me in a space, where I’d feel guilty; they would be jealous or judge me. I want to be able to satisfy my goals. Abe: You are imagining them freaking out – imagining them you say, “Universe I would like $10M but frankly, it would be too much trouble so never ...   read more

Deliberate Creation   19 y  
"The only way to truly exercise Deliberate Creation is to have a playful and creative dance with the universe. And when we manifest something and it falls apart, rather than clinging and feeling miserable, we are filled with inspiration because more room has just been made to create something new. This is a spiritual practice of letting go, opening, playing and dancing on the edge of our dreams."
More Vibrational Articles Here What is the Law of Attraction and Deliberate Creation? ”In the universe, there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.” – Carlos Castaneda DELIBERATE CREATION COACHING My grandfather always said, ”Be careful of what you want because you will get it.” I’ve contemplated those words since I was a little girl 40 or so years ago and in the course of my life I have seen undeniable evidence that this is true. Once we h ...   read more

Afloat in A Sea of Abundance   19 y  
A great story demonstrating abundance or lack.
More Vibrational Articles Here Afloat in A Sea of Abundance By Rebecca Fine In the days of the mighty sailing ships, when brave souls voyaged into the unknown, dependent on the winds and their as-yet incomplete knowledge of geography and navigation, one of the greatest and most dangerous challenges was to traverse the area known as ”the doldrums.” Extending about 30 degrees on either side of the equator, the doldrums are subject to days, weeks, even months of no wind at all. After a long and difficult crossing from Europe to South America, lying becalmed in the doldrums — ...   read more

How To Be Successful   19 y  
"You should know that the process of manifestation is in the relationship between your conscious and unconscious minds. And the process of incarnation into physical form was created so each person could learn about them self and the laws that govern what they generate, create, and bring into the universe."
More Vibrational Articles Here Why Learn Spirituality” Practical Awareness & Applications Of The Law Of Attraction How To Be Successful What you are wanting from me is to send you one of my greatest educational tips on understanding the Universe’s “Law of Attraction”. And, at the same time to keep in mind that the individuals to whom I will be speaking to are, those people who have not been introduced to any law that has been created, orchestrated, and placed into concert to run and manage the universe including the Law of Attraction. Before we get started with respe ...   read more

The Art of Allowing   19 y  
"With much less effort than you have ever thought before, you can learn to bring yourself into vibrational harmony with Well-being at all times. But there's one thing that you have to decide before any of it will begin to make sense..."
An Introduction to the Art of Allowing From Abraham-Hicks Workshop More Vibrational Articles Here We’ve been calling this gathering The Science of Deliberate Creation, and surely it is that. But we are wanting to give it a new and emphatic subtitle. (a subtitle that you place even more importance upon than the title) We are calling this workshop The Art of Allowing. Because when you discover how to achieve vibrational harmony with your Source and with your desire, then you are in the vibrational state of allowing the things that you want. And it’s not a difficult thing to do once ...   read more

Essence of Your Thoughts   19 y  
"In your physical format, you get caught up in a feeling of competition. You worry that someone else might get your prize, when, in reality, there is prize enough for everyone. You are the creator of your prize and the Universe will deliver it to you."
More Vibrational Articles Here Recognize the Essence of Your Thoughts Abraham-Hicks Even if something that you really want has not yet manifested, do you feel joyful anyway? Wanting is a good thing because when you get to the place that unfulfilled desire feels fresh like it did when you were two or three, or four, then you have returned to the vibrational stance that you have always intended. From your broader, Non-physical perspective, you understand that there is no question about you being able to receive anything that you desire, because, from that vantage point, you ...   read more

Vibrational Signal   19 y  
"Source Energy is very fast-moving Energy and manifestation is much faster in these days than it has ever been before. And it is time for you to reclaim your power by paying attention to whatever you are doing that is causing you to divert your power or to resist your power."
More Vibrational Articles Here What Is My Vibrational Signal ABRAHAM What Is My Vibrational Signal by Jerry and Esther Hicks So, when you look at your dashboard on your vehicle and you focus upon your fuel gauge and it tells you that your tank is approaching empty, you don’t feel angry with the gauge. You don’t take a hammer and just beat it out of the dash because it told you something you did not want to know. You also don’t stick a “Happy Face” sticker over it so that you can’t see it. In other words, it seems fairly important to you to know the level of fuel in your ...   read more

Most Powerful Law In The Universe   19 y  
"Our thoughts and feelings are the colors that paint our reality."
The Most Powerful Law in the Universe by Eva Gregory More Vibrational Articles Here ”Our thoughts and feelings are the colors that paint our reality.” -- Eva Are you aware of what a powerful creator you are? Do you know that everything that is happening to you or has ever happened to you is, without exception, in full response to your thoughts — and more importantly — the emotions behind those thoughts? Take a look at your life. There are probably some areas you’re really happy with and some areas you’re not so happy with. You may even believe you are a victim of your circ ...   read more

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Last Activity: 15 mon ago
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38 Comments   Last comment 15 mon ago

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Created: 19 y   Feb 12 2005


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Comments (10 of 38):
Re: Law of Attract… #1386… 13 y
Re: Quickly Manife… Enlig… 14 y
Re: Thought Is You… Karli… 14 y
Re: Vibrational Si… iNan 14 y
Re: Why "BAD" Happ… godre… 14 y
Using Law of Attra… inner… 17 y
very nice- now wha… munif… 18 y
As are you, Rudens… JeSui… 18 y
Re: Thank you so m… ruden… 18 y
Thank you so much! JeSuis… 18 y
All Comments (38)

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Collective Disease Incorporat…  18 y  (372)
In The Raw  18 y  (269)
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