Blog: Resonance: "a vibrational collection"
by Lapis

Only You Can Deny Your Own Desire.

"Every moment
you are pulsing
a vibration,
and the entire Universe
is accepting that
as your point of attraction
and is matching it."

Date:   6/5/2005 4:36:44 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3168 times

Only you can deny your own desire.

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The Universe Vibrationally Matches Your Observations

We're wanting to give you some formulas and processes to assist you in your deliberate creating. We notice that you are utilizing the contrast of your time and place well, because very often from the dramatic -- sometimes very dramatic, sometimes less dramatic -- contrasting experiences, you are coming to quicker awarenesses of what it is you are wanting. We feel that eruption of desire -- (a good word, "decision") coming forth within you. But then, often, even though the decision has come forth and the decision is loud and clear and you could speak it in words that anyone would understand, very often you are not vibrating anywhere near your own decision.

Now, the formula for Deliberate Creation, in very simple terms, says, "I will identify that which I am wanting," which means make a decision, "and then I will achieve vibrational harmony with my own decision." Now, what we mean by that is that in every moment that you are awake or conscious, you are literally radiating a signal, not so different from a radio signal, and the Universe accepts that signal as your point of attraction. Every moment that you are conscious or awake, you are literally pulsing an electronic vibration, and the entire Universe is accepting that electronic vibration as your point of attraction and is matching it with other things that are like it. What we've noticed is that, often, even though you are saying, "I want more money," your signal is not in vibrational harmony with that. So your words are empty and hollow while your signal is actually often in direct opposition to the very thing you are saying you are wanting.

Every moment
you are pulsing
a vibration,
and the entire Universe
is accepting that
as your point of attraction
and is matching it.

Over the next few days, we would like you to hold in your mind a phrase, "Vibrational Match." It's an easier way of talking about Law of Attraction. In other words, that which is like unto itself is drawn." So when I vibrationally match the vibration of my own desire, then there is no contradiction. There is no resistance. The Energy is pure. And when that happens, the Universe must deliver to me that which is in vibrational harmony with my desire, my decision and my point of attraction.

Most people don't make it through a whole sentence without contradicting their desire. They will say, "Abraham, I want more money. I am so tired of the struggle." For example, when you say, "I want a new red car," the Universe responds to the vibration of your desire. But then when you say, "But it is too expensive," the Universe responds to that vibration too. So now you have the Universe responding to two contradictory vibrations, so nothing changes for you.

The other phrase that we want you to hold in your mind for a few days is the phrase "purify my vibration." And what we mean by that is simply getting your vibration all going in one direction. Once you've identified what you want, then your work is to offer a vibration that matches that -- and you can tell by the way you feel whether you are matching that vibration or whether you are not. When you say, "I want a new red car because mine is a junker and won't run," can you feel the contradiction in the vibrations? What you are focused upon is not in vibrational harmony with that which you want. Or you say, "Oh, it is too expensive." Or, "Oh, I don't know what I'm going to do." Or, "Oh, I am so unhappy..." In other words, even though you are using the word "want," your vibration is not in harmony with want. Your vibration is in harmony with lack, with need, with not having what you want. As you do that, you sometimes, if you are paying attention to the way you feel, can feel the disharmony in the vibration. So then, you can soften that by saying things such as "Well, I don't know how it's going to come but I believe it will." That's a little bit better match. Or, "I see a lot of people with beautiful new cars and many of them are in the same situation that I am and so I know there must be a way." That's a better match. You can tell by the way you feel, what you're doing with your vibrational alignment.

Once you've identified
what you want,
then your work is to offer
a vibration
that matches that --
and you can tell
by the way you feel
whether you are matching that vibration or not.

It is our wanting to assist you in recognizing where it is that you are vibrating, because in every moment, everything that is coming to you is coming in response to your vibrational output -- every single thing.

The reason that most people do not do a very consistent job of matching the vibration of their own desire is because most people are such dogged observers. We have a very strong statement that we want to make here -- two or three of them, in fact -- just to get you sort of oriented in the direction of wanting to match your vibration. The most important thing that we will say to you is that no one, nothing, can deny you your desire. Only you can deny your own desire through contradictory vibration. In other words, no one has ever kept you from anything. Nobody's keeping you from being rich and famous. Nobody's keeping you from being well. No one but you. And the reason that you do it is because you observe things that cause you to offer a vibrational outpouring that doesn't match the vibration of your own desire.

One who is predominantly an observer, which includes most humans, thrives in good times but suffers in bad times, because what you observe is reflected in your vibration. The Universe accepts that vibration as your point of attraction and then matches it with other things like it, and then you have more to observe which causes you to offer more of a vibrational offering which the Universe accepts as your point of attraction and gives you more like it. So the good gets gooder and the bad gets badder. But when you have learned to visualize...a visionary thrives in all times -- because a visionary is one who learns to flow Energy because of decision, not because of what is.

Before we leave this gathering tomorrow, it is our absolute promise to you that, if it is your wanting, you will know without question how to flow Energy in vibrational harmony with your own desire. Then it will take you two to three weeks to practice it and get so that you can really feel that you are directing the Energy. And we say to you, when you do that, you are then the Deliberate Creator that you have come forth to be.

The most important thing
that we will say to you
is that no one, nothing,
can deny you your desire.
Only you
can deny your own desire
contradictory vibration.
In other words,
no one has ever kept you
from anything

You said, "I will go forth into this contrasting experience, because out of contrast always erupts decision -- and decision is necessary before any Deliberate Creating can begin." Can't you feel the power in decision? Have you ever lived something that you didn't like? Something about it was wrong. Maybe a little wrong. Maybe a lot wrong. Have you ever reached the place where you said, Esther's favorite line from a movie, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more!" Do you ever get to that place where you just cannot stand what is happening. It's just not right... That's a very powerful place to be. It won't get you what you want, but it's the beginning of the process, because when you reach that place, always within that contrasting experience erupts clarity of what you want. And so, then you say "I don't want that. What I do want is this. I don't want that. What I do want is this." And even though your words, or our words here, sound negative, it is the beginning of Deliberate Creating.

However, now this is the part we want you to hear, because this is the part that begins to go wrong for almost everyone. In that place of decision, you know what you want, you are still in a very contradicted Energy position because your statement of desire is coming out of the keen awareness of what you do not want. So you are not in a place of purely attracting what you want. You are in the beginning of your creation. Now your work begins and it usually takes two to three weeks. Now that you know what you want. Your work is to find thought and words and actions -- most of all the feeling place -- that matches the decision that you have just made.

What you are getting
always matches
what you are vibrating
and what you are vibrating always matches
what you are getting,
without exception.
They are always the same.

So here is the cycle that we see most of you -- once you really get the hang of this -- living: You live some contrast. You know what you don't want. You reach that place of shouting "No" at it. Out of the "No," erupts clarity of what "Yes" is. You feel your strong decision. You're still very contradicted in your Energy. Then you spend two to three weeks getting the Energy lined up. When it lines up, you feel it. You can feel it click into place. It feels like relief. And when the Energy lines up, then almost instantly there is physical evidence of the alignment. And at the same moment, you are now standing in a new perspective with a new set of contrasting elements in your experience. Then the process begins again. In this now different level of achieving and wanting, you now are examining contrast again, and again you are saying "No" to some things which bring you to the conclusion of "Yes." And again your Energy is contradicted, and again now you must find the vibrational alignment.

The thing that we most want you to know is that in every moment, you can feel whether you are matching or mismatching. Now we want to talk about that a little bit. When Esther was a little girl, she played a card game with her sister. They called it "Memory". They would lay a deck of cards face down all over the table, and when it was your turn, you turned over two cards looking for two that matched. That's the thing we're wanting you to hold in your mind. You're looking for Vibrational Matches -- and you can tell by the way you feel when you've achieved that Vibrational Match. But the thing we are wanting you to get a sense of is that what you are getting always matches what you are vibrating and what you are vibrating always matches what you are getting, without exception. They are always the same.

Now sometimes, as we watch our physical friends, we see you, especially once you begin this Deliberate Creating Process, we see you feeling guarded and tentative in your offering, afraid that you might miscreate, afraid that you might get a manifestation that does not please you. And what we want to say to you, in a way that you can hear it, is that that is what physical manifestation is for. It helps you in the learning of the flowing of the Energy.

It is true. What you're vibrating is what you're getting. It's also true, what you're getting is what you're vibrating. So if you have something in your experience that feels a little out of whack, no problem. Just offer your thought in a little bit more consistent vibration.

When Esther makes candy, her recipe book says, put these ingredients in the pot and cook it on your stove and it doesn't say for how many minutes because the recipe book doesn't know how hot her fire is or how well her pan conducts the heat. Instead, her recipe book says, cook this substance to a soft ball or to a medium ball or to a hard ball. So as Esther is cooking this mixture, frequently she takes a little spoon full of the boiling candy and she dribbles it into a clear glass of cold water. If it is nowhere near ready, it just dissipates into the water. It makes the water cloudy. If it is getting closer to be ready, it forms a little clump in the bottom and as Esther pinches it, she can feel if it's soft or if it's medium or if it's firm. She can tell by doing and testing when it is right where she wants it. And that's the way we want you to use your physical manifestation. Don't stand guarded and afraid that you might make a mistake. Instead, just keep saying "What I'm getting is what I'm vibrating. Hum. What I'm getting isn't pleasing me in every way. I think I could use a little more visualization and a little less observation.

The Universe does not know
if your vibrational offering is because of
what you are observing or visualizing.
In either case, the Universe is matching it
with things like it.
So your work is to deliberately offer
thought vibrations that are
a Vibrational Match
to what you want.

Here is a very powerful line: The key for most of you will be to goose up your visualization and play down your observation.

As far as your observation goes, we would like you to become very good selective sifters, because there's so much that you can observe that does match your own desire. But most people are not looking for those things, purposefully, because you have not known the power of thought. Sometimes you're careful about what you say or sometimes you're careful about what you do -- but few of you are really deliberate about what you think. You sort of offer your thoughts as if they don't matter, and then you watch your words as if your words do matter. And what we want you to hear from us is that what matters is what you are radiating which means what matters is what you are feeling. If you're feeling fearful about something, you are sending contradictory Energy. If you're feeling angry about something, you're sending contradictory Energy. It is really as simple as that.

Abraham -- G-2/24/96

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Thank you for this vibr8 19 y
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