Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM
Page 24 of 43

Got Breasts?   10 y  
Who really benefits from Mammography?
I remember when my sister decided to have some extent of a mastectomy: and my sadness about that on a number of levels. I wrote an earlier blog regarding this topic.: I’m reminded of my experience with my sister’s fear of breast cancer by the article (linked below) by one of my favorite ”medical” bloggers: Dr. Brownstein. His current post is titled: Screening Mammography Fails 99% of Women. I agree with his line of thinking and would like to encourage him to go further with this! I’ve just submitted t ...   read more

Got Vulture?   10 y  
Tzolkin Trecena Notes – 1 Vulture (Cib)
”... Vulture symbolically represents the purging of karmic patterns and the emergence of new thought. ... NOW is the time to clear out the past (forgive and forget) in order to harmonize with the new energies of the new cycle. ”:   read more

A Question Of Who's Going To Rule - The People, Or The State   10 y  
The State wants the answer to be this: In the end, State dictates must be obeyed, no matter what, no exceptions; the limits imposed on its power by the Constitution be damned. Its minions have unswervingly pursued this end.
Dear Readers, I never thought I would see the day in this country when I could be ordered to sign my name to words dictated by the United States government, not to mention words I believe to be false. I’ve seen this sort of thing on TV where American hostages are giving testimonials with ski-masked, armed captors ensuring that the Americans spoke the words that would spare their lives. With considerable dismay, I now see our judiciary employing the same tactics that terrorists impose on their victims. Doreen Hendrickson has been ordered to perjure herself, that is to sign her name to ...   read more

Virtual Dyad Communication   10 y  
"Living in the Era of Virtual Conversations"
I want to use virtual conversation technology for dyad communications that emphasize contemplation just as these dyads have been used in the “enlightenment intensives” (EIs) developed by Charles Berner. Typically the EIs would require a special retreat-type setting able to accommodate all the participants (and staff plus the expenses). The thought that an ”EI” could take place in whatever space one would like (providing that the individual can be assured not to have any interruptions) would be a phenomenal event! How do I access this technology? ”Virtual conversation systems are already ...   read more

Natal Truths   10 y  
The 9th House of Philosophy (and my natal moon).
Natal Moon in the 9th House - ”Expanding your mind can make you feel best, and you want to learn about other ways of life. Whatever your life is, you’re intrigued by the opposite, so if you grew up normal, you like eccentric, and if you grew up eccentric, you like normal.” (I have to interject at this point. I have no idea what ”if you grew up normal” means! However, I can imagine that from an outermost perspective of some complete stranger it might appear that I grew up in a non-eccentric fashion based on attending public schools for twelve years, going to day camps and Summer Camp ...   read more

Penetrating "The Gap" Between Cosmos & Psyche!   10 y  
"Psychognosis - The Knowledge of Self as revealed in the process of Being and Becoming and in the Death and Resurrection of Consciousness", Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View plus "Philosophy of Freedom"
”Ours is an age between world views, creative yet disoriented, a transitional era[i] when the old cultural vision no longer holds and the new has not yet constellated.” - Richard Tarnas - Cosmos and Psyche.[7] We are most certainly ”between world views”. This in-between state can appear as a ”gap” that is so much greater than a generational gap as this gap appears between two Ages/Aeons. However this gap doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual has to suffer a ”gap” between their psyche and the entire cosmos. ”We constantly hear humans complaining that they are lacking something ...   read more

AE911Truth Reaches Out to Philosophers and Engineers   10 y  
"Neglecting Peer Review: A Case Study of Engineering Ethics and the Official Reports about the Destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) on 9/11,"
”Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, was host to the 2014 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology (fPET) for three days at the end of May. The mission of this international forum is to foster scholarship and reflection by teachers and practitioners of ethics, engineering, philosophy, technology, the social sciences, and education.”:   read more

"These Truths"   10 y  
An Autobiography By Jacques Lusseyran, Blind Hero Of The French Resistance
Although I haven’t read this book it is easy to see that many readers have enjoyed it and some immensely so!: See: ”And There Was Light: A Review .... by Penny Reeder”   visit the page

Got "Freedom of Religion"?   10 y  
This is the third in a "series" on Freedom that began with freedom of thinking and followed by freedom from government.
My next suggestion for freedom concerns the relationship between the individual and Christian paradigms of thought within their respective institutions. Allow me to first say that I was both raised as a Christian and I have more intensive experience as a ”brother” in the Church. (Maybe some day I can share my personal account of that.) In the meanwhile I have something I want to begin sharing with others who are attracted to living their life according to what the institutionalized paradigms of Christiandom appear to say about the bible. Scriptures say ”The word of God is living”. I ...   read more

Got Freedom From Government?   10 y  
"The Declaration of Independence" (our first Organic Law) was a declaration of freedom from government!
December 26, 2020 - “Healthy American” Freedom - The following is a reply sent on December 23, 2020 to an initiative for “Healthy American” freedom that cited a certain “federal law”. Just prior to sending my inquiry I had located the citations in an online CFR. I then realized that I am not willing not make any assumptions about these ”federal laws”. That is why I am asking for (what I now call) the ”Positive Law” that forms the basis for these codes that you say ”apply to the entire US”. I am asking for this because every ”law” has limited jurisdiction and it is essential for ...   read more

Other "Rosetta Stones"   10 y  
Research for my book.
”... the most-visited object in the British Museum.”: Inspired with: ”... Today, the term “Rosetta Stone” is used idiomatically to describe any critical key that unlocks something previously impossible to decipher.”: in my reading here: I have what amounts to as some additional “Rosetta Stones” that I am ”polishing” for my book now. June 15th - ”... The goal of clear concise communication is that the receiver(s) have no misunderstanding about w ...   read more

"The Great Refuge": Truth of Self   10 y  
Developing a practice of mediative contemplation plus contemplation in dyads.
“The capacity to be patient, to bear with others through thick and thin, is within the reach of anyone” - Eknath Easwaran (1910–1999): Just found this at about 9:52 PM (Pacific) while searching for: ”Entering into Joy” by Saint Augustine. In the late 80’s I took a training called R.I.S.E. (Raise Immune System Efficiency). The presenter of that program encouraged each of us to develop a meditation practice. The idea he offered was that we each pick a published inspirational piece to work with during out sitting and then read it slowly in a contemplative ...   read more

Using All Of Our Consciousness   10 y  
"The Positive Thinking Trap" by Shavasti on May 20, 2014
”... The mind is but a mere servant of consciousness, it is not consciousness itself. Consciousness is the entirety of our being, not just our mental capacity. ... the heart, when awakened, is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras and when we view others, the world and ourselves through the heart we are using all of our consciousness, not just our thinking mind.” - Shavasti in: ”The Positive Thinking Trap” - See more at: I’ve stared writing a book on how to enjoy higher self awareness with consciousness-r ...   read more

A "Month of Wishes" Before Celebrating "Declaration Day"!   10 y  
A Time For Choosing Seeds for Our Collective New Year As Freedom-Loving Americans!
When my friends have their annual solar return (aka birthday) I like to contact them one month ahead to wish them a happy ”Month of Wishes” before the start of their new year! In the progression of astrological houses that could also take place at another time of the year all depending on when the individual’s ”11th House” begins. In any case the idea of having a month ahead of when your new year begins (depending on what calendar system you go by) correlates with cultivating a garden and the necessity to choose your seeds out of the previous year’s harvest so you can replant your garde ...   read more

"Space-Time ... Experience Itself As The Human Being"   10 y  
Cosmometry ~ Discovering the Holofractographic Universe
Once you have a teeny-weenie awareness of this it immediately transforms your whole perspective on the universe and your place in it! ”... the holofractographic universe model may be understood as a description of the dynamics of consciousness. It is not the individual human being that is producing consciousness, rather space-time itself radiates and absorbs information in a feedback loop and thus experience itself as the human being, in all its glory. Physical structure arise within this field of consciousness, and everything in nature is conscious as information flows into the vacuum ...   read more

The Self-Made Young Entrepreneur   10 y  
Starting out as an entrepreneur.
This is most definitely an excellent time for new entrepreneurial initiatives that can address and meet real needs in the community. Social, artistic, and more-engaging educational activities are included among some of the real needs in community that seem to lack adequate funding during depressed economic cycles. However, the entrepreneurial type is one who can think beyond the limitations of conventional public funding. We especially need these ”types” now. Therefore we need to support these types in whatever way we can. Of course there is the part that the entrepreneur needs to play ...   read more

Thoughts On Thursday, May 29th With A New Moon!   10 y  
Several thoughts noted today with two directly relating to writing.
Inspired today with ”Writing Down The Bones”. This title somehow just popped into my mind while I was in ”my other office” earlier this afternoon. I made a note at the moment of this ”conception” and I followed up with a search for the book online. There are wonderful excerpts at Amazon that I found were of outstanding, meaningful value to me. I was also deeply emotionally moved with a one-line description of her father that Natalie apparently wrote as young girl. I don’t think I was ever so deeply moved with a written description like this before! I actually cried! My emotional catha ...   read more

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Some accounting of the process of awakening to the vital necessity for truth-telling (especially in ”self-talk”). more...

Last Activity: 23 d ago
728 Messages   Last message 5 mon ago
99 Comments   Last comment 23 d ago

viewed 4,529,562 times
Created: 19 y   Aug 07 2005


Comments (10 of 99):
Re: The Truth of L… appea… 23 d
Re: The Life of An… Chef-… 18 mon
Re: Ruling - Govt.… Chef-… 5 y
Re: Ruling - Govt.… snoop… 5 y
Re: The Anointing #223194 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… TimHo… 7 y
Re: Free DVD to Th… Chef … 7 y
Re: Proper Names W… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Organic La… Chef … 7 y
All Comments (99)

Blogs by Chef JeM (10):
Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doct…  11 mon  (424)
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth  11 mon  (310)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  3 mon  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  22 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  6 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  24 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
Evolving Nutritional Awarenes…  7 y  (20)
Original Truth of Self  15 y  (19)

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