Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM
Page 33 of 43

What Is The True "Water Crisis" in California?   9 y  
Not just the "drought" in California.
”There’s not enough water in California”: Environmentalists often claim that the California water crisis stems from the state not having enough water to satisfy its rapidly growing population, especially during a drought. However, the state in fact has abundant water flowing into the Delta, which is the heart of California’s irrigation structure. Water that originates in the snowpack of the Sierra Nevada Mountains runs off into the Delta, which has two pumping stations that help distribute the water throughout the state. But on average, due to environmental regulations as well as a l ...   read more

Why I Never Complain About The Weather   9 y  
Life is great in the top 1%!
Although it’s been some years since I lived through a severely cold Winter or a severe hot and humid Summer I certainly remember how uncomfortable I felt! Now I never complain. Thirty-seven years ago I upgraded from living in a county ranked at 2,156 to one ranked 8 out of a total of 3,111 counties. ”Natural Amenities Index” with ratings on every county in the continental u.s. of A.:   read more

Self & Other - Social & Anti-Social Thresholds   9 y  
The start of a new research theme regarding consciousness of self and other
August 1, 2015 - The original thought (and blog title) was noted as: ”crossing social thresholds” however as of August 6th this writer acquired some additional insights on this subject.) On August 1st he did a progressive search of search-term variations concluding with the phrase: ”crossing social thresholds”; that gave him a grand total of three results! The low count inspired him to research this subject! The basic idea that he has associated with this phrase (at this time) is that who we are as self-conscious individuals may possibly change in some ways whenever we enter the aur ...   read more

Right Knowledge For American Law - Part 4 - Citations   9 y  
When a free inhabitant is passing through the National Forest.
”There is no law which allows the Federal Government, State, County or City to commit domestic violence in violation of (our) rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”[1] - *** May 21, 2018 - “Law” applies first and foremost to government, its employees, officers, and agents.[4] - *** July 28, 2015 - It’s now exactly one full week since I started this post in direct response to a report that I had received privately from a friend and from whom I was waiting for additional information. I’ve not received any additional information and therefore can’t respon ...   read more

Right Knowledge For American Law - Prt. III   9 y  
What all of Congress and attorneys ought to know regarding the limitations of every "Act of Congress".
June 25, 2020 post at the third entry below. - *** March 31, 2020 - The Guiding Rule Regarding the Fourth Organic Law (as well as the subsequent editions) - ”The rule that must be observed is to first consider whether or not the subject matter and issue is addressed by the respective Constitutions and whether or not any foreign Federal Subcontractor would have any reasonable claim to delegated authority. If not, any obligation and the underlying authority expressed may both be dismissed as null and void.”[17] - *** January 11, 2019 - Toward Resetting The ”Foundation” - This ...   read more

"Right Knowledge" for "American Law" Part II   9 y  
The foundation of the entire structure of Anglo-American constitutional liberties + "Free Crash Course in the Constitution".
June 16, 2024 - ”... the Declaration emphasizes that the protection of individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the main purpose of government.”[25]* Comment: In other words - the bedrock foundation specifically for: ”The United States of America”[TUSoA] (unincorporated as well as for any incorporated entities under the Authority of TUSoA) is the ”individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” of every single American. P.S. Here’s a perspective that this blog-writer endorses!: ”To the extent collective self-determination matters, i ...   read more

American Literature and The Free Inhabitant   9 y  
An acquaintance of recent got me thinking about American literature and that stimulated a new search!
While researching ”free inhabitant” musicians4freedom (the link that is connected to the following quote) got my attention: ”The taxpayer; that´s someone who works for the federal government, but doesn´t have to take a civil service examination.” Ronald Reagan[1] Then I discovered![2] ”The upper class keeps all of the money and pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class.” — George Carlin ”In America, there are two tax systems: one for the informed and ...   read more

Exclusive Cults of Jesus vs True Brotherhood[10]   9 y  
A noteworthy insight on my "Harvest Day".
February 12, 2020 - Crosses - ”... Sozomen, the ecclesiastical historian, says that, on the destruction of the Serapium in Egypt, ’there were found sculptured on the stones certain characters regarded as sacred, resembling the sign of the cross. This representation, interpreted by those who knew the meaning, signified ”The Life to come.” This was the occasion of a great number of pagans embracing Christianity, the more so because other characters announced that the temple would be destroyed when this character came to light(i).’ Socrates gives further particulars: ’Whilst they were dem ...   read more

Right Knowledge for the Full Foundation of American Law!   9 y  
Freedom of choice in American Law
July 9, 2024 - This is ”it is literally impossible to know” unless .... - ”All this tangled history, all these various kinds of ’states’ -- both those currently existing and those that are ”missing” and awaiting reconstruction -- have to be separately known and acknowledged and defined, their powers and relationships accounted for, or it is literally impossible to know what you mean by ’United States’ or ’States of America’ or ’United States of America’. ...”[58]* - *** June 16, 2024 - ”... even a free person couldn’t tell when he might be reduced to the status of a slave”[56] ...   read more

Time Is Simply Not An Issue When It Comes To Enlightenment!   9 y  
Taking "the long way home" might just be the way for a number of people who are not up to taking a three-day Enlightenment Intensive!
August 29, 2023 - ”To find the meaning of life is to find an element that only the divine world can give and it gives it only to those who persevere for years and years in their efforts to reach it...”[9] -- Comment: To the extent that the above quote is true is the extent (in this writer’s opinion) that the idea of full enlightenment on what Life is within a 3-day Enlightenment Intensive may need to be re-considered! - *** July 8, 2015 - In ”Cultivate Healing Environments ~ Enlighten Through Arts” AKA Cheeta (Blog)[8] and with Chef Jemichel (Blog) this writer let it be know ...   read more

The Grail Tradition   9 y  
"A traditional account of the Fall speaks of Lucifer, the archangel that rebelled against God, as Christ’s brother, and says that when he was cast down from heaven a great emerald from his diadem fell to earth. ..."
I’m inspired to post this here as a gift for my divine friend TDP who is a student of the Tarot. Suit Of Stones - The Green Stone ”The Suit of Stones represents the aspect of the Grail described as a green stone. The thirteenth-century poet Wolfram von Eschenbach retells the story of the Grail as an alchemical mystery that, he says, he obtained from a man named Kyot of Provence, who has it in turn from the even more mysterious Flegitanis, who had great knowledge of starry mysteries. Wolfram describes the stone as follows: A stone of the purest kind ... called lapsit exillis ... A ...   read more

The Necessity to Unite With Kindred Spirits   9 y  
Sabian Symbol @ Libra 4°: Around A Campfire A Group Of Young People Sit In Spiritual Communion.
”... ’Beaten paths are for beaten men.’ The urge to create a new society and respond to new values leads the pioneer to the wilds, which represent the state of planetary possibility — i.e. the as-yet-uncultured, the virgin forest. Around the fire of a common dedication (or at least a common hope!) minds and bodies can commune, forming a ’chalice’ or Grail for the reception of creative inspiration. ... If a new society is to be built, those who yearn for it, or perhaps who have envisioned its outlines, should commune. But communion is useless where no central ’fire’ burns, IN-SPIRITING t ...   read more

The Big Picture & the "Great Change"   9 y  
"The climatic and biosphere processes here on Earth ... are directly impacted by ... the general overall transformational processes taking place in our Solar System. We must begin to ... understand that climatic changes on Earth are only one part ... in a whole chain of events taking place in our Heliosphere."
April 25, 2019 - CO2 & ”The Big Picture” with Dr. Mark Sircus - “…medical scientists have known for a century how important and useful carbon dioxide (CO2) is as a medicine. … When it comes to CO2 it is good to get it out of our heads the bad propaganda on CO2 as a waste product or warming gas. Linking of carbon dioxide levels moving from 0.028% to 0.04% of the atmosphere with global warming and/or ‘climate change’ is purely imaginary.”[i] Comment: When one chooses to open their mind up to the possibility of a grander ”bigger picture” that al ...   read more

A Life-Giving Alliance   9 y  
A present expression of my "Truth of Self". Keywords: farmers, chefs, food, nutrition, child development, high ideals, community, human design, culture, healing, ecology, transformation, arts, biodynamic, communication, consciousness, freedom, medicine, education, destiny, utopian, enlighten, self awareness, authenticity, personal growth
June 23, 2015 - One of the facets of my ”Truth of Self” is that I am an idealist. By finally accepting that as an integral part of my Human Design I’ve become more free to express my idealism in ways that are also harmonious with my truth. Recently I’ve discovered something awesomely harmonious and I’ve written about this at another Blog I have at CureZone called Cheeta. Since realizing that Cheeta is my ”High Ideal” (and more so - the harmonic convergence of my most high ideals) I’ve been re-energized to express this vision through greater/higher self alignment, certainty and devoti ...   read more

You Can Rehearse Your Freedom!   9 y  
Discovered Seneca (with the help of the universe), transformative insights (with the help of Jupiter) and the "Star of Bethlehem" (with the help of holy astrology ; ~ )!
Started my first research session with an astrological search that then considered a ”Toltec” perspective during which I stumbled across the idea of astrology as a science on the ”metabolism of the universe”. Then I switched my search terms and landed at: where I found: ”Rehearse death; rehearse his freedom. A person who has learned how to die has unlearned how to be a slave. He is beyond the reach of all political powers. – Seneca (4 BC – 65 AD). Letters from a Stoic” I’d add a exclamation mark after that quote! I continued to r ...   read more

Through the "Looking Glass" of Relationships   9 y  
Toward twelve perspectives in understanding the true dynamic of relationships.
June 18, 2015 - In 1982 this Blog-writer published a second issue of Transformations which featured an article by Dr. Chuck Spezzano: ”Relationships: Our Magic Mirror.” Now 30 years later he is happy to realize that ”The Human Design System” has a completely different perspective! Gene Keys author Richard Rudd in his Introduction to Human Design gives substance to the true nature of ”chemistry” in relationships.: ”... In a relationship we become someone else. The great revelation of Human Design is that chemistry isn’t personal. All difficulties in relationships are because people ...   read more

The Way of Serendipity   9 y  
Aligning with our higher purpose magnetizes the support from the universe!
Tonight my housemate and friend shared with me his intention to heal his body which naturally evoked my supportive spirit. His teeth are one area in need of some healing. I underscored the potential for remineralizing[1] the teeth given the proper mineral balance. He had just communicated to me the other day his interest to include grass-fed butter and I referred him to my number one favorite source at Grazin’ Acres. Tonight I added the importance of Cod Liver Oil[2] in this nutritional approach. I responded further with acknowledgement of his high purpose in the arena of inspirational ...   read more

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Some accounting of the process of awakening to the vital necessity for truth-telling (especially in ”self-talk”). more...

Last Activity: 23 d ago
728 Messages   Last message 5 mon ago
99 Comments   Last comment 23 d ago

viewed 4,529,560 times
Created: 19 y   Aug 07 2005


Comments (10 of 99):
Re: The Truth of L… appea… 23 d
Re: The Life of An… Chef-… 18 mon
Re: Ruling - Govt.… Chef-… 5 y
Re: Ruling - Govt.… snoop… 5 y
Re: The Anointing #223194 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… TimHo… 7 y
Re: Free DVD to Th… Chef … 7 y
Re: Proper Names W… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Organic La… Chef … 7 y
All Comments (99)

Blogs by Chef JeM (10):
Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doct…  11 mon  (424)
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth  11 mon  (310)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  3 mon  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  22 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  6 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  24 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
Evolving Nutritional Awarenes…  7 y  (20)
Original Truth of Self  15 y  (19)

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