Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM
Page 19 of 43

I'm Back (With A Link)!   11 y  
"The Son" is on "The Whey ..."
It’s technology that obviously makes it possible for me to blog here, including the functionality of my computer and my understanding of it. I had several ”warnings” appear in my computer a few months ago that I attempted to correct on my own by which I eventually saw the limits of my tech abilities. I can liken those technical limits to the limits one may encounter when coming to an edge of a cliff. I am not a cliff climber in either direction! When I repeatedly saw my computer telling me it had reached its limits on disk space, paging file and a couple other things and after I tried ever ...   read more

"Eternal Vigilance ... The Price Of Liberty"   11 y  
The truth of "The Republic" and our ongoing need for liberation!
July 29, 2018 - ”... With prayers that continue to be answered, often in the most unexpected ways, and with faith in justice and love and what is right, we continue to move forward and make gains every single day. We are doing this together, as a vast unincorporated team --- Team America. It doesn’t have one face or one color. It doesn’t have a political party. The Declaration of Independence is its only Mission Statement. ...”[1] - *** ”... Can Power be controlled? The framers of the Constitution believed that in establishing an independent Judicial Department to pass upon th ...   read more

The Awareness Beneath All Stories   11 y  
I Am, Therefore I Think by Gangaji
”Before we are storytellers or thinkers we are conscious beings. We are aware that I am. And that awareness is underneath all stories. ”: I found this based on my search for; ”I Am therefore I Think” which I realized during my sitting contemplation yesterday afternoon. Years ago I had a conversation with an author who insisted that we all have our stories and that our stories are virtually all that we have, know and/or can say of our life. I didn’t buy that and yet I was not able to articulate differently t ...   read more

"Budget Dilemma" or The Grand Deception?   11 y  
"United States Budget Dilemma"
I agree with the presenter here that there is a problem with sustaining the ”United States” budget and that it is headed for a financial disaster. However, (and I find this interesting) Hal Mason, the presenter, speaks of this in terms of ”the nation”. (That is a term that I had recently pointed out in a private communique regarding the Congressional Record on the financial disaster of the 1930’s.) Although this presentation is essentially true it is incomplete in terms of the understanding that is needed on what the ”United States” actually refers to as well as ”the nation”. Consciously o ...   read more

The Four Agreements   11 y  
Oprah hosts Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.
March 9, 2013 - Don Miguel and Oprah - A conversation in truth! I read the book some years ago and was really turned on to the truth of these four agreements! I then shared the book with others including family members. Several years ago in my continuation with and in the four agreements I made a declaration in my shared household that I am living by these four agreements not only for myself but in all my relations as well! (I have no idea whether or not anyone in my household took any notice.) There are religions, spiritual traditions, esoteric schools and the like that teach tha ...   read more

Uranus, Destiny and the United States of America   11 y  
The official founding of The U.S. of A and the discovery of Uranus
”... this planet would rather focus its gaze on a new world order. To that end, rebellion, revolution, dictators, an autonomous state and free will all fall under the aegis of this planet.”: That’s Uranus: ”Planet of Rebellion”, discovered in 1781 - which is the year that the United States of America first came into official existence when ”Maryland on March 1, 1781 became the thirteenth State to ratify the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777.”: (See the March 6th post of 2013.) ...   read more

Nanoparticles In Food   11 y  
"Pandora’s Boxes - Inside nanotechnology’s little universe of big unknowns" By Heather Millar
”... Nano–titanium dioxide, one of the most commonly used nanoparticles (Pop-Tarts, sunblock), has been shown to damage DNA in animals and prematurely corrode metals.”: See more at: “But what’s scary about nanoparticles is that we’re producing products with new nanomaterials far ahead of our ability to assess them.... If you’re looking for stink-free athletic socks, maybe this is a good thing. But could that same process someday turn out to have some sort of nasty biological effect? We just don’t know yet.”   read more

The Truth On "The Right To Keep And Bear Arms"   11 y  
”... the history of the controversy over the right to keep and bear arms. Utilizing the research capabilities (p.VIII) of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, the resources of the Library of Congress, and the assistance of constitutional scholars ... the subcommittee has managed to uncover information on the right to keep and bear arms which documents quite clearly its status as a major individual right of American citizens. ... We did not speculate as to the intent of the framers of the second amendment; we examined James Madison’s drafts for it, his handwritten outlines of speeches upon ...   read more

A New Reality Has Finally Arisen!   11 y  
Recalibrating to the New Earth by Patricia Cota-Robles
”Within the 5th Dimension Divine Love and the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for Life are the ONLY reality.”: The recent transfer/transition/transformation, AKA ”The Shift” etc. of December 21 and 22 made it possible for the planet to rise vibrationally and enter the 5th Dimension. I can’t speak for everyone else but my life has definitely changed and in many ways that I have been longing for since before the Harmonic Convergence of 25 years ago! However, I can say that it most certainly is not just me! I see th ...   read more

Antidepressants & Diet Are Implicated In School Shootings   11 y  
SSRI Stories - Antidepressant Nightmares, Index re: violence from SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) & SNRI antidepressants
February 26, 2018 - ”Diet and Drugs are The Problem, Not Guns” by Carolyn Dean MD ND, The Doctor of the Future® - ”...mainstream media continues to ignore the fact that every school shooter for the past several decades has been on psychiatric drugs. You can also read the horrific stories of 6,000 people on a website called SSRI Stories describing the mind-altering side effects of these powerful antidepressants. Antidepressants actually remove the apathy of depression that results in just enough motivation for someone to committee homicide or suicide, and the drug companies know this! ...   read more

Earthquakes!   11 y  
"2/8/2013 - Earthquake Update - ANOTHER 7.0 magnitude in Soloman Islands"
Today’s update: The ”Unrest Continues” with one in Columbia, South America on the East side of the Pacific. Activity expected any where around the ”ring of fire”. Have an Earthquake plan. Three, seven point 0 earthquakes in the last week plus why there are additional threats: In addition there were ”One 8.0M and THIRTEEN 6.0M+ quakes.” I am subscribed to this service and have been impressed with this reporting. You won’t get this information i ...   read more

Sheriffs Protecting Our Freedom!   11 y  
"229 Sheriffs Saying ‘NO’ to Obama Gun Control"
”I call on sheriffs all over this nation to add their voices to the growing numbers of faithful protectors of our freedom.” - Richard Mack Comments include: ”... our governor in Texas. Rick Perry has already made the statement that no order by the federal government to confiscate guns or to violate the rights guaranteed by the 2nd Ammendment will be obeyed.” The current governmental movement regarding gun control is a ”no brainer” for anyone who knows why the second amendment was included in the Constitution of September 17, 1787. If you have any doubts about the unconstitutional na ...   read more

The Need For Re­newal Of Medicine & The Support For Healing   11 y  
Rudolf Steiner by Vitold Kreutzer plus Flower Essence Society
”... When approached about the many disturbing health issues of that time, Steiner emphasized a need for a re­newal of medicine through an intimate understanding of the nature of the human being and the relationship of humanity with the cosmos.”: Then Anthroposophical Medicine was brought forth. Today there is still a need for a renewal in Medicine just as Steiner indicated. I think the New Medicine can support that renewal. I have blogged on the new medicine/ (German New Medicine) in this Truth Blog and on other blogs. I am ...   read more

Is The Thinking Behind Vegan Diets Distorted?   11 y  
Veganism and the "15 Styles of Distorted Thinking: Avoid Cognitive Distortions that May Skew Your Perception" By: McKay, Davis & Fanning
I was inspired to review the ”15 Styles of Distorted Thinking” in light of the so called vegan dietary persuasion. It appears to me that there are two styles of distorted thinking that may apply to the vegan line of thought. 1. Filtering: You take the negative details and magnify them, while filtering out all positive aspects of a situation. ”Filtering” may apply to the idea that eating meat is harmful to human health and the environment plus is inherently cruel to animals. A positive aspect for the earth re including animal products is that the manure is a great fertilizer to repl ...   read more

Some Alternatives For Anxiety   11 y  
"Drug Free Anxiety Therapy" from: "National Panic / Anxiety Disorder News"
Bach Flower Remedies ”Remedies are prescribed according to the individual and the cause and nature of the anxiety and identifying the exact feeling underlying the problem. Agrimony and aspen are useful for mild to moderate anxiety. For severe cases, use cherry plum or red chestnut. Anxiety for no apparent reason can be treated with aspen. Anxiety over the welfare of loved ones (such as worrying excessively about the well-being of others) can be treated with red chestnut; anxiety about inability to cope could be helped by taking elm or larch.”: ...   read more

The Right Target   11 y  
It’s Not Guns! See the Hidden RIGHT Target!
February 8, 2018 - ”World famous psychiatrist says: more psychiatric drug treatment means more mass shootings will happen”, - by Jon Rappoport: Listen to this man. You’d better listen. His name is Peter Breggin. He is a world famous psychiatrist. He has been called the conscience of his profession. Here is an excerpt from his bio: “Peter R. Breggin MD is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and former Consultant at NIMH [National Institute of Mental Health] who has been called ‘The Conscience of Psychiatry’ for his many decades of successful efforts to reform the mental health field. ...   read more

The Final Day of My "Third (Astrological) House"   11 y  
Some of what I have been learning through the astrological houses as well as though the house where I am domiciled.
”The Book of Houses” by Robert Cole and Paul Williams is virtually all that I have as a written reference regarding a personal connection to the astrological houses, at this time. However, I do not feel any lack for additional references, even though I know they exist. I have my hands full just keeping up with the suggestions offered in this one book. For instance today is the very last day of my third house and the book offers a few suggestions. One is that I tell my friends some of the things that I’ve learned about myself recently and tell them what I hope to accomplish in the coming ye ...   read more

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Some accounting of the process of awakening to the vital necessity for truth-telling (especially in ”self-talk”). more...

Last Activity: 23 d ago
728 Messages   Last message 5 mon ago
99 Comments   Last comment 23 d ago

viewed 4,529,605 times
Created: 19 y   Aug 07 2005


Comments (10 of 99):
Re: The Truth of L… appea… 23 d
Re: The Life of An… Chef-… 18 mon
Re: Ruling - Govt.… Chef-… 5 y
Re: Ruling - Govt.… snoop… 5 y
Re: The Anointing #223194 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… TimHo… 7 y
Re: Free DVD to Th… Chef … 7 y
Re: Proper Names W… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Organic La… Chef … 7 y
All Comments (99)

Blogs by Chef JeM (10):
Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doct…  11 mon  (424)
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth  11 mon  (310)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  3 mon  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  22 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  6 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  24 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
Evolving Nutritional Awarenes…  7 y  (20)
Original Truth of Self  15 y  (19)

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