Alexa Website Ranking
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Alexa gives you global ranking for every site you visit.
The Alexa user base is only a sample of the Internet population, and sites with relatively low traffic will not be accurately ranked by Alexa due to the statistical limitations of the sample. Alexa's data come from a large sample of several million Alexa Toolbar users; however, this is not large enough to accurately determine the rankings of sites with fewer than roughly 1,000 total monthly visitors. Generally, Traffic Rankings of 100,000+ should be regarded as not reliable because the amount of data we receive is not statistically significant. Conversely, the more traffic a site receives (the closer it gets to the number 1 position), the more reliable its Traffic Ranking becomes.
How is traffic rank calculated?
The overall rank is based on three months of historical traffic data and is a
combined measure of "reach" and "pageviews." Reach is
determined by counting the number of Alexa Toolbar users who visit a site on any
given day. Pageviews is the total number of URL requests for a site by Alexa
users. However, multiple requests on the same day by the same user for the same
URL are counted as a single pageview.
Some Important Disclaimers
The traffic data is based on the set of Alexa users, which may not be a
representative sample of the global Internet population. Known biases include
(but are likely not limited to) the following:
- Our users are disproportionately likely to visit and, and traffic to these sites is substantially overcounted.
- The Alexa Toolbar works only with the Internet Explorer browser. Sites frequented mainly by users of other browsers will be undercounted. For example, the AOL/Netscape browser is not supported, which means that Alexa collects little data from AOL users, and our traffic to is likely lower than it would be for a more representative sample.
- The Alexa Toolbar works only on Windows operating systems. Traffic to sites which are disproportionately visited by users of other operating systems will be undercounted.
- The rate of adoption of Alexa software in different parts of the world may vary widely due to advertising locality, language, and other geographic and cultural factors. For example, Korean sites are prominent among our top-ranked sites, but it is unknown to what extent this reflects high rates of general Internet usage in Korea.
- In some cases traffic data may also be adversely affected by our
"site" definitions. With tens of millions of hosts on the
Internet, our automated procedures for determining which hosts are serving
the "same" content may be incorrect and/or out-of-date. Similarly,
the determinations of domains and home pages may not always be accurate.