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Superfood Formula by Dr. Schulze.


Dr. Richard SchulzeDr.Richar Shulze


Herbal Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition
Superfood Formula by Dr. Schulze.



This perfectly balanced blend of SUPERFOODS is specifically formulated to supply you with Natural Food Source Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids and Essential Trace Nutrients. These are Nature's Nutrients, not man-made synthetic vitamins. All ingredients are from the richest, whole food sources on the planet. This zero-fat formula will give you quick energy, and not slow you down, and it tastes great. It should be the foundation of any health program because it is nutrients that build your body and your health.

Spirulina Blue-Green Algae
Spirulina is one of the most concentrated, nutritious foods on this planet. It is the highest natural source of complete protein (75%). We use the only organically grown spirulina in the world, from Hawaii. The high amount of sunshine there makes this spirulina higher in Beta Carotene than any other. It is also a rich source of B-Vitamins, especially B-12. Grown using water pumped from 2000 feet deep in the ocean, this spirulina is one of the richest sources of minerals, also. One of the oldest types of algae, it has a soft cell wall for easy digestion and assimilation.





Chlorella is second only to Spirulina in nutritional content. Another of the algaes, it is an extremely concentrated source of nutrition and complements Spirulina well. The cell wall has been cracked to make the nutrients more available and increase its digestibility.

Chlorella cell(600 X Magnification)

Alfalfa, Barley and Wheat Grasses These are the Vitamin/Mineral herbs. They are mildly cleansing and the greatest sources of nutrition of any grasses. Grain grasses are more potent than the grains themselves, offering us a rich array of vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll.

Purple Dulse Seaweed Seaweeds are the richest source of assimilable minerals on the planet. They contain all the minerals and trace minerals that are found in the oceans and the earth's crust. We chose Purple Scandinavian Dulse because it has the highest mineral concentration but also tastes bland. Many seaweeds taste fishy and are offensive to vegetarians.

Beet Root and Spinach Leaf Beets and Spinach are some of the richest, most assimilable sources of organic iron. Beets, being a root vegetable and growing underground, change inorganic raw elements into plant minerals that are usable by us. Spinach is a rich source of calcium, iron and vitamin K. Both of these plants are famous for their blood-building ability.

Rose Hips. Orange and Lemon peels Revered as some of the best sources of vitamin C, these fruits are also a balanced Complex source. They contain bioflavonoids, rutin, hesperidin, calcium and all of the trace elements that are now known to be necessary to assimilate vitamin C. The citrus peels are also one of the highest sources of pectin which has been proven to remove heavy metals ( mercury, lead, etc. ) from the body, even remove radioactive contamination like strontium 90.

NON-Active Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nutritional Yeast This yeast is grown on beets and pure molasses. It is the second highest source of complete protein in nature, (50%), and the richest source of B Vitamins. It is also a rich source of iron and many other minerals. The yeast we choose is heated high enough to absolutely destroy any yeast activity, but not high enough to lessen the B Vitamin content. It is totally NON active and safe for patients with candida albicans or on yeast-free diets.

Two rounded tablespoons of the SuperFood, added to your favorite juice or blender drink, gives you 2 to 5 times the vitamins you need for the entire day. What's even better is that you can assimilate these foods so easily; the nutrients can enter your bloodstream going to work within 15 minutes.Four rounded tablespoons per day, has practically everybody noticing benefit immediately.

Common Sense Health and Healing
by Richard Schulze

 ISBN: 0967156750

Price: US$ 16.00

Available from  - Available from Barnes & Noble

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20 Simple, Easy and Powerful Steps to Create a New Healthy Life.
What if there was an option to Doctors, Drugs and Surgeries...that you could prevent and even heal diseases just by making simple changes in your daily routine?

After spending 20 years in clinical practice helping tens of thousands of patients heal themselves, Dr. Schulze discovered that there are certain basic health habits that can help anyone regain their health and even heal disease.

Inside this book are 20 very simple ideas, some so simple you will be shocked. Yet put into practice each and every one of them was powerful and effective enough to change his patients' lives, heal their diseases and create vibrant health.

Following these steps can change your life, too!

Dr. Richard Schulze Biorgaphy

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Where to obtain Herbs and more Information?

  • Dr. Richard Schulze's Shop: The American Botanical Pharmacy,  Phone: 1-800-HERB-DOC (1-800-4372-362) (1-800-TEACH-ME)  Website:
  • The School of Natural Healing.

  • Clarkia -Parasites Killing Tincture
  • Most of Christopher's tapes are available here:
  • Some of the tapes are only available while pursuing education through The School of Natural Healing.
  • One excellent video tape that has a lot of the tincture making info is the video:
  • Some of the tapes include 
    • HEALING CANCER NATURALLY (4 Audio Tape Series)
  • The videos
    • The Dr. Richard Schulze Story + Testimonials (2 hrs.)
    • Dr. Richard Schulze's Natural Healing Crusade (8 Video Series):
      • VOLUME NO. 1:
        • (1) The Natural Healing Revolution Begins! 
        • (2) Dr. Richard Schulze's Personal Healing Miracles. 
        • (3) What Natural Healing Is NOT!
      • VOLUME NO. 2: 
        • (1) The Difference Between Natural Healing and Medical Intervention. 
        • (2) What Determines Your Level of Health? 
        • (3) The Foundation of Natural Healing (Simplicity, Change and Responsibility. 
        • (4) Blockage: The Cause of ALL Disease!
      • VOLUME NO. 3: Elimination: The FIRST Step.
      • VOLUME NO. 4: Dr. Schulze's 3 Healing Food Programs.
      • VOLUME NO. 5: 
        • (1) Natural Child Birth, Natural Death, Dangers of Suppression, Diabetes and Enzymes.
        • (2) Dr. Schulze's 3 Healing Food Programs (Cont'd).
      • VOLUME NO. 6: 
        • Movement
        • Circulation
        • Hydrotherapy.
      • VOLUME NO. 7: The Healing Power of Your Mind and Emotions.
      • VOLUME NO. 8: 
        • (1) Immunization, A.I.D.S., SuperTonic, and the Snuff Experience. 
        • (2) Healing Testimonials, Healing Animals with Herbs and MORE on Natural Healing.

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