Patient HandBook by Dr. Richard Schulze
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Dr. Richard Schulze
Patient's Handbook 

CureZone > Dr.Schulze > Patient Handbook > Table of Contents   Herbal Formulae  Incurables Program  Index of Ailments

Prediction of the course and end of a disease, and the ESTIMATE of your chance for recovery.

    * The Missing Factor is that the doctor believes you are the Average American.  Lets take  a look at the average Americans lifestyle.

    They eat a low nutrition high fat and sugar food program.  A diet high in over processed nutritionally deplete food.  They consume 300 soft drinks a year, 170 pounds of white refined sugar, 400 candy bars, 500 doughnuts, and will eat over 12 entire 3,000 pound cows, 6 whole pigs, 3,000 chickens and other birds and another 3,000 assorted fish and sea creatures and over 30,000 quarts of milk and pass all of this through their digestive system and bloodstream.

    They will have an average of 2-4 bowel movements a week coming up 70,000 bowel movements short in their life time, definitely having diverticulosis and digestive/elimination problems.

    They will get very little exercise if any, be 25 pounds or more overweight, have hypercholesterolemia with a average level of 200 and have  high blood pressure

    They take over 30,000 aspirin and assorted other pain killers in their lifetime along with over 20,000 over the counter and prescription drugs and over 2,000 gallons of alcohol.

    The average American has a negative self image, and gets reoccurring bouts of depression and anxiety.  The Average American is physically, emotionally and spiritually sick, therefore the doctors prognosis of their disease is probably statistically correct.

    On The Contrary, if you live an above average lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle, doctors will know little or nothing about how your body will react and recover from disease or your healing potential.  You can expect to have medical miracles happy like Dr. Schulze's heart, hand, knee and all of his patients.

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Common Sense Health and Healing
by Richard Schulze

 ISBN: 0967156750

Price: US$ 16.00

Available from  - Available from Barnes & Noble

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20 Simple, Easy and Powerful Steps to Create a New Healthy Life.
What if there was an option to Doctors, Drugs and Surgeries...that you could prevent and even heal diseases just by making simple changes in your daily routine?

After spending 20 years in clinical practice helping tens of thousands of patients heal themselves, Dr. Schulze discovered that there are certain basic health habits that can help anyone regain their health and even heal disease.

Inside this book are 20 very simple ideas, some so simple you will be shocked. Yet put into practice each and every one of them was powerful and effective enough to change his patients' lives, heal their diseases and create vibrant health.

Following these steps can change your life, too!

Dr. Richard Schulze Biorgaphy

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Your donations helps continue providing health & education
services Free of charge and Free of advertising!

Where to obtain Herbs and more Information?

  • Dr. Richard Schulze's Shop: The American Botanical Pharmacy,  Phone: 1-800-HERB-DOC (1-800-4372-362) (1-800-TEACH-ME)  Website:
  • The School of Natural Healing.

  • Clarkia -Parasites Killing Tincture
  • Most of Christopher's tapes are available here:
  • Some of the tapes are only available while pursuing education through The School of Natural Healing.
  • One excellent video tape that has a lot of the tincture making info is the video:
  • Some of the tapes include 
    • HEALING CANCER NATURALLY (4 Audio Tape Series)
  • The videos
    • The Dr. Richard Schulze Story + Testimonials (2 hrs.)
    • Dr. Richard Schulze's Natural Healing Crusade (8 Video Series):
      • VOLUME NO. 1:
        • (1) The Natural Healing Revolution Begins! 
        • (2) Dr. Richard Schulze's Personal Healing Miracles. 
        • (3) What Natural Healing Is NOT!
      • VOLUME NO. 2: 
        • (1) The Difference Between Natural Healing and Medical Intervention. 
        • (2) What Determines Your Level of Health? 
        • (3) The Foundation of Natural Healing (Simplicity, Change and Responsibility. 
        • (4) Blockage: The Cause of ALL Disease!
      • VOLUME NO. 3: Elimination: The FIRST Step.
      • VOLUME NO. 4: Dr. Schulze's 3 Healing Food Programs.
      • VOLUME NO. 5: 
        • (1) Natural Child Birth, Natural Death, Dangers of Suppression, Diabetes and Enzymes.
        • (2) Dr. Schulze's 3 Healing Food Programs (Cont'd).
      • VOLUME NO. 6: 
        • Movement
        • Circulation
        • Hydrotherapy.
      • VOLUME NO. 7: The Healing Power of Your Mind and Emotions.
      • VOLUME NO. 8: 
        • (1) Immunization, A.I.D.S., SuperTonic, and the Snuff Experience. 
        • (2) Healing Testimonials, Healing Animals with Herbs and MORE on Natural Healing.

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