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Dr. Richard Schulze
Patient's Handbook 

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Biography of 
Dr. Richard Schulze


Dr. Shulze
Dr. Richard Schulze is one of the foremost authorities on natural healing and herbal medicines in the world. He operated natural cure clinics in New York, Southern California and Europe for almost 20 years up until 1994. He still teaches throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia and has for the past 17 years. He has designed natural therapy programs, which have assisted tens of thousands of people worldwide to create miracles and regain their health.

When he was 11, his father died in his arms of a massive heart attack. At 14, his mother died of a heart attack.  They were both only 55 years old. At 16 years of age, he was diagnosed with a genetic incurable heart deformity.  After curing himself of this so-called incurable disease through changes in his life-style, and NO surgery, he set out on a mission to help others. He continues this healing crusade today through his daily work to expose the  truth, to reveal the unlimited healing power of our being, to educate on the use of herbs and the fundamentals of natural healing, to help people to help themselves and to expose the medical, pharmaceutical and even herbal  industries. He is considered an innovator, a purist, and even an extremist by many of his colleagues, but to his patients he is considered " The man who has the guts to say and do what the others were afraid to". In the field  of natural healing, he dared to pioneer new techniques and therapies which went far beyond what most people  thought possible with Alternative Medicine. The outcome of his work has been the achievement of miraculous  and unprecedented results. His formulae and incurables program are used at clinics worldwide to help people heal  themselves from degenerative diseases such as Heart Disease, Cancer, Arthritis, Neuromuscular disease and  even A.I.D.S. These results have caused reverberations in both the Natural and Medical communities.

Dr Schulze apprenticed with the late Dr. John Christopher and taught with him at his prestigious School of Natural Healing in Springville, Utah. He continued to teach at the school after Dr. Christopher's death for another  12 years. He has been the Director of the College of Herbology and Natural Healing in the United Kingdom for 12
years and is also Co-Director of the Osho School for Herbalists and Natural Healers in France and founder of his  own School of Natural Healing in Southern California. He has taught and lectured at numerous universities
including Cambridge and Oxford Universities in England, Trinity Medical College in Ireland, Omega Institute in  New York, Cortijo Romero in Spain and other natural therapy and herbal institutes worldwide. He has been the
guest speaker on numerous radio and television shows in the United States and Europe. As a teacher, he is loved  for his intensity, passion, and dedication to students, sense of humor, creativity, and his exciting, enthusiastic  and evangelistic teaching style. He is most recognized for his unequaled understanding of Natural Healing.

In the 1970's, he was the creator of Professor Cayenne's Herbal Products and, today, the American Botanical
Pharmacies line of industrial strength pharmaceutical botanical extracts. He has manufactured these herbal
products in the United States and Europe for over 17 years and also designs herbal formulae for natural clinics
and natural product companies worldwide. His herbal formulas are famous for their strength and efficacy.

He served an internship with the famous natural healer Dr. Bernard Jensen. Besides having a Doctorate in
Herbology and a Doctorate in Natural Medicine, he also holds a degree in Herbal Pharmacy and three degrees in
Iridology. He is certified in eight different styles of Body Therapy and holds three Black Belts in the Martial Arts.
He has written many clinical research papers on the topics of Botanical Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology and the
making of Herbal Preparations.

He has written for Sam Biser's famous newsletter, has done many video and audio tapes and has co-authored
books in Europe.

Common Sense Health and Healing
by Richard Schulze

 ISBN: 0967156750

Price: US$ 16.00

Available from  - Available from Barnes & Noble

Check Availability from: Canada ... United Kingdom ... Deutchland ... France ... Japan


20 Simple, Easy and Powerful Steps to Create a New Healthy Life.
What if there was an option to Doctors, Drugs and Surgeries...that you could prevent and even heal diseases just by making simple changes in your daily routine?

After spending 20 years in clinical practice helping tens of thousands of patients heal themselves, Dr. Schulze discovered that there are certain basic health habits that can help anyone regain their health and even heal disease.

Inside this book are 20 very simple ideas, some so simple you will be shocked. Yet put into practice each and every one of them was powerful and effective enough to change his patients' lives, heal their diseases and create vibrant health.

Following these steps can change your life, too!

Dr. Richard Schulze Biorgaphy

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Where to obtain Herbs and more Information?

  • Dr. Richard Schulze's Shop: The American Botanical Pharmacy,  Phone: 1-800-HERB-DOC (1-800-4372-362) (1-800-TEACH-ME)  Website:
  • The School of Natural Healing.

  • Clarkia -Parasites Killing Tincture
  • Most of Christopher's tapes are available here:
  • Some of the tapes are only available while pursuing education through The School of Natural Healing.
  • One excellent video tape that has a lot of the tincture making info is the video:
  • Some of the tapes include 
    • HEALING CANCER NATURALLY (4 Audio Tape Series)
  • The videos
    • The Dr. Richard Schulze Story + Testimonials (2 hrs.)
    • Dr. Richard Schulze's Natural Healing Crusade (8 Video Series):
      • VOLUME NO. 1:
        • (1) The Natural Healing Revolution Begins! 
        • (2) Dr. Richard Schulze's Personal Healing Miracles. 
        • (3) What Natural Healing Is NOT!
      • VOLUME NO. 2: 
        • (1) The Difference Between Natural Healing and Medical Intervention. 
        • (2) What Determines Your Level of Health? 
        • (3) The Foundation of Natural Healing (Simplicity, Change and Responsibility. 
        • (4) Blockage: The Cause of ALL Disease!
      • VOLUME NO. 3: Elimination: The FIRST Step.
      • VOLUME NO. 4: Dr. Schulze's 3 Healing Food Programs.
      • VOLUME NO. 5: 
        • (1) Natural Child Birth, Natural Death, Dangers of Suppression, Diabetes and Enzymes.
        • (2) Dr. Schulze's 3 Healing Food Programs (Cont'd).
      • VOLUME NO. 6: 
        • Movement
        • Circulation
        • Hydrotherapy.
      • VOLUME NO. 7: The Healing Power of Your Mind and Emotions.
      • VOLUME NO. 8: 
        • (1) Immunization, A.I.D.S., SuperTonic, and the Snuff Experience. 
        • (2) Healing Testimonials, Healing Animals with Herbs and MORE on Natural Healing.

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