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Send Private Message To scsthrnbell Send Email To scsthrnbell Nothing much to tell. I am a stay-at-home, work-from-home mom of two great boys, ages 3 and 8. Staying at home is not as easy as everyone would like to think! I am also a student, which I do from home as well. I am online around 8 hours, give and take a few, every day. I am a TV's how I escape the chaos. I love music and art. I blog....A LOT! I am about as country as country can get, living on an old family farm in podunk South Carolina. I love to ride four wheelers, know how to change the oil and tires of my car and how to use a gun very well, and can do it all while not messing up my nails or hair. =) I believe in teaching children respect and they have no choice but to say yes ma'am or no sir. It's not a choice to teach your children proper manners, it's what you are supposed to do as a parent. I spank, which is why my children are just kids, not brats like most these days. I am extremely old fashioned. I am a Christian. God's way is the only way. If you disagree with me, I don't care, you're wrong and will know it one day. I am extremely opinionated. |
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