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32 yr old Female-Vegetarian + some dairy/eggs-Going Raw!
Massage Therapist, aspiring Naturopath
Interested in disease or dis-ease in the human body-interested in effects of environment,diet,lifestyle etc. on the human body-I love to ask questions and sometimes I get very detailed-I am not shy about functions of the body it's only natural. These forums and blogs are all new to me and I'm not even sure if I have enough time to participate in much but I will try.
I know a bit about anatomy, body systems and functions,effects of toxins on the body
I am also interested in Holistic healing, Aromatherapy, Herbal remedies, cleansing and many other related fields
I recently became interested in the history of the human diet and how it has changed and how the human body has evolved because of the change of our environment and diet
Did first 3 day fast in 2004 ended up bring IBS out to the surface. Suffered with that and a multitude of other health problems untill I did a 38 day MC fast in 2006 since then have done 1-3 day fasts here and there. Starting my second liver flush tomorrow. 

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