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![]() Send Private Message To krisml24 Send Email To krisml24 I am a 27 year old woman from Australia. I have suffered from a fish odor from the vaginal area(sweat glands) and in my urine for over 10 years. I had been tested for every possible cause of the odour, and every test that I have had has come back negative. I am currently trying to get the genetic testing for TMAU in the United States when I have the money. My mother and aunt also suffer from the same odor problem. In the future, I would also like to include other people's stories about their odour problems on my blog/website to help raise awareness of TMAU, Body Odour and Halitosis. I would especially like to have some personal stories from women who have TMAU, and only have an odour from the vaginal area like I do. Not a lot of doctors/people realise or believe that women that have a vaginal odour, and who have been tested for every other possible cause, could have TMAU, because they see it as a rare condition, and that you can't possibly have it, so they won't allow you to get tested for it. It doesn't help that the testing in Australia is inadequate either. Doctors don't believe you, and they tell you that they can't help you, and that you have to live with it. I want this to change, and I will make that happen by raising awareness. If I can get more support and evidence, I can show doctors that they need to be aware of this. There are so many people, especially women suffering from this, and they shouldn't have to. I have read Carry Wilson's book "The Foul Odor That Almost Killed Me" the stories from women in medical and body odour and halitosis forums, and I have also read anonymous questions on medical websites from women about their vaginal odour. They had been tested for everything that could be causing the odour, and the reply that they get from the doctor is that they can't help them, and that they have to live with it. This is not acceptable to me, and I don't want anyone else to have to suffer like I did with my fish odour. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or need some help. Kristen. |
My homepages and my Blogs: This is my blog. It is about my life, my career, and also about my history, symptoms, and diet. I started my blog in the hope that my story would help other women who suffer from the same condition as I do. |
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