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I have been blessed to be able to exercise various professions in this lifetime. I have been a Medical Social Worker (intern) at Cleveland Metropolitan Hospital early in my career. I graduated in 1983 from Cleveland State University with a B. A. in Social Work.

I continued studying in the educational field and obtained a M.A. in T.E.S.O.L (Teaching of English as a Second or Other Language). I have been an Elementary School Educator for 25 years. I have taught at the university level at Inter American University for over 10 years the basic English courses to adults.

I am an active church leader at San Isidro Labrador Church in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico where I have lived for the past 27 years of my life. Through all of these professions and civic life, I have seen the pain, suffering and misinformation people have about their outlook on life. I want to make a difference and help people know that their are still honest, hard working individuals who will give of their time to make a difference.

My products hopefully will make a difference in your life because, I address the three areas of the whole human being: body, mind and spirit. All of my merchandise will revolve around these areas to help you develop each area of your life.

I started selling with an E-bay store which I still have active on 2009 under the name jabay777. You can search my eBay Feedback Profile with this name to get a feel as to what kind of seller I am.

After becoming a legal merchant with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, merchant #04439350011 on May 1, 2010, I opened my Holistic Healing Store. The store is in its second year of operation working with reputable legal wholesalers that I have established a relationship with to bring you quality merchandise from around the world. Since I deal directly with the warehouses, (no middleman), I can bring you lower prices than most of the retailers on the internet or physically located stores. I actively research the web for the lowest price among my competitors. If you find a lower price, I’ll equal it or beat the price if possible.

Take care and look forward to meeting you.

Justo A. Sanchez, MA.Ed

Proprietor of Prof. Sanchez Holistic Healing Store
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